The Goddess Needs A Break!

Chapter 20 – Christmas

December 25. Christmas. It is often known as a day for exchanging gifts, but to a certain demographic of people, it is known as a day for lovers to spend time with each other.




Takei woke up to the sound of his sister banging on his door.


“Hey slothful older brother of mine, wake up! Akari is coming soon and you’re not dressed at all!”


Airi’s voice sounded distant from him although she was just on the other side of the door. Perhaps it was due to the fact that he was incredibly sleep deprived from pulling an all-nighter to play the new expansion pack for his favorite MMORPG game. Rather than perhaps, that was exactly what happened.


“I’m getting up, so calm down please.” Takei replied while trying to stifle a yawn.


Airi responded in a displeased tone. “Breakfast is on the table, hurry up or it’s going to get cold.”


“Yeah yeah, I’m coming.”


Utilizing as much of his willpower as he possibly can, Takei managed to get up from his bed and make his way to the bathroom.


As he was brushing his teeth, Takei realized some important piece of information was missing from his memory.


“Why is Akari coming over today?”




After freshening up in the bathroom and putting on some casual clothes, Takei walked out into his living room to find a note on the table. It seemed to be addressed to him.


Mother, father, and Airi have left on some important matters. Have fun tonight! We’re looking forward to the grandchildren~ 




Ignoring the last part of the note, Takei sighed as he finished reading the letter. His whole family was definitely up to no good again. He was pretty sure there were no important events today for them. Which meant that they had left the house to ensure Akari and Takei would be alone together.


“Such troublesome parents…”


Takei was very exasperated at the thought of them planning out this idea, but he shoved those thoughts away as he tried his best to think of why Akari was coming over today.


Moments later, a shining lightbulb could be seen above his head.


“Oh, that’s why…”


He remembered the event that had happened last week. While he was on the phone with Akari, he began to have an anxiety attack. Luckily, Akari was there to calm him down. Therefore, he wanted to thank her so he invited her over on Christmas as a way of showing his gratitude.


Takei clapped his hands and got into a working mindset. “Alright, let’s put the plan in motion!”


He began to clean every inch of the house which resulted in the extinction of all dust in a large radius.


Then, the bookshelves and cabinets were cleaned and rearranged thoroughly.


The dishes and utensils were spotless as well thanks to the efforts of a cleaning maniac.


Takei’s room didn’t need to be cleaned since it was always in a nice state, but he decided to give it a light cleaning anyways.


An hour later, everything was spotless and the house was ready to be used as a venue to welcome the goddess.


Precisely an hour and a half after he woke up, the doorbell to the front entrance began to ring loudly.


Takei smiled as he realized who the person on the other side of the door was.


“Looks like it’s showtime.”




Easily the shortest chapter I’ve written so far. The .5 chapter before this was double the length of this chapter surprisingly. The next three-ish or so chapters will be reasonably short, so please hold out until this arc finishes. There will be more consistent longer chapters once this arc concludes, so please stay tuned. 

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