The Goddess Needs A Break!

Chapter 202 – Movie Prices

"Should we go see that action-adventure movie?"

"I heard some mixed reviews about that one, how about this comedy one instead?"

"Eh? This romcom one looks way better than all of them!"

The group of five people were currently busy arguing over which movie to watch. A lot of movies had come out recently in a very short amount of time, so there was a large variety of movies to choose from.

Airi was watching the time pass by without a movie being chosen, so she decided to be forceful and move the conversation forward. "We're doing our original plan and watching the movie with the dude who turns into a big human. No ifs, ands, or buts. Got it?"

Seeing how forceful and determined Airi was being, everyone could do nothing but nod and agree. There was no use in wasting more time arguing over what movie to watch, so everyone was grateful for someone who could make a decisive choice.

Shizuku went to pay for her ticket since she was the first in line, but Haruto stopped her and shook his head. "It's okay, I'll pay for you."

"Why? I have enough money."

"I promised you that we would go out and see a movie together. Just accept it as my treat, okay?"

"O-Okay... Thank you."

Haruto went up to the ticket booth and purchased his and Shizuku's ticket to the movie, while Shizuku stood back and gently smiled at Haruto's reliable back.

"Just like always..." She whispered.

Takei observed the situation with a smile on his face that he couldn't seem to get rid of. "They're just like how we were."

"Perhaps their confession arc isn't as far as we think it is?" Akari laughed.

"I'll keep on rooting for them until then," Takei said. "Let's hurry up and get our tickets so we're not late."


Airi wanted to make an idiot couple comment during this situation, but she too was entering that stage. She didn't want to make a comment that she would soon regret, so Airi closed her mouth and bought a ticket as well.

Once they were in the movie theater, they encountered another extremely difficult obstacle.

"I forgot how expensive the snacks are..." Takei broke into a cold sweat as he read the costs of snacks and refreshments.

Haruto had a similar reaction. "Is this even legal?"

As the boys stared at the menu with expressions of disbelief, Shizuku had a prideful grin on her face as she unveiled what she was hiding. "Ta-daa! I snuck in a load of snacks! Why doesn't everyone praise the oh so great me?"

"Yeah yeah, good job. Thanks for planning ahead," Haruto said as he roughly rubbed Shizuku's head.

"Hey! You're messing up my hair!"

Takei, Akari, and Airi watched the situation unfold in front of them with half-clouded expressions.

"For the first time in forever, I finally remember why I hated couples and normies," Takei sighed.

Akari nodded to Takei's statement. "It feels different to be on the spectating side instead of the one flirting."

"You two are such..." Airi muttered as she rubbed her forehead from the frustration that was building up from watching both of those couples.

Since the snack situation was saved by Shizuku's smart thinking, the group headed to the theater room to get seated.

The seating situation inevitably ended up being the two couples sitting next to each other, while Airi sat next to them.

Why do I feel like the third wheel here? I should've brought Mahiro, Airi thought.

"Oo ooh! The movie is about to start! Haruto, do you see this?!" Shizuku excitedly pointed at the screen.

"I see. A question by the way, when was the last time that you saw a movie at the theater?"

"Uhh... I don't know?"

"Why did you respond with a question?!"

Haruto was dumbfounded at the fact that Shizuku had never been to the movies before. It was extremely odd that a girl in her teens had never been to a movie theater.

"Shhh, the movie's starting!"

At Airi's request, everyone quieted down as the movie began to play.

This movie was about a certain boy named "Airin" who lived inside a secluded nation. It was a peaceful nation putting aside the monsters that roamed outside, but that all changed one day. On that day, humanity received a grim reminder.

His entire town was overtaken by the monsters and his family was slaughtered leaving only him and his adopted sister behind. From that moment on, he swore to himself to destroy all of those monsters.

Takei had already read the manga and truly enjoyed the series, but he thought the ending was a bit lackluster. It was more of the execution of the ending, rather than the actual ending that made him a bit skeptical about how the author decided to end the series.

"Ah..." Akari murmured as she watched the scene of the main character losing his family.

It was a truly saddening scene, so her reaction was very justified.

"Hic... Hic... Why does it have to be this way?" Shizuku asked as she sobbed through an emotional moment.

"He had to die for them to survive..." Haruto grimly watched the events unfold.

"Why was there no tragedy tag for this movie?" Airi asked as she wiped her tears away

It seems like everyone's enjoying the movie so far.

Takei observed everyone's reaction as they watched the movie. They all had varying reactions, but it was evident that everyone was enjoying the movie.

Before anyone had noticed it, the movie reached the end and the credits began to roll.

"Waaaaa!" Shizuku cried as she violently shook Haruto's shoulder. "Why does the author want to make us feel this much pain?!"

"Oi, you're getting snot on me!" Haruto yelled as he tried to pull her off.

Takei glanced over to Akari and Airi who were both frozen in shock. It seems like they couldn't predict such an ending could happen.

Time to spoil Akari lots later to make her happy again~

Supreme Idiot Couple Meter: 70 -> 72%

Let's overthrow movie theaters and make them lower their prices!

Serious-san: I've been trying for the last couple years...

Sugar-chan: Only watching movies on streaming services doesn't count as you trying!

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