The Goddess Needs A Break!

Chapter 209 – Summer Festival (6)

Takei wasn't exactly sure on what to say or do in response to a little girl clinging on him and refusing to let go. He was used to handling children from babysitting other kids, but this little girl was not listening to anything he was saying.

"Please listen to me. I'm not old enough to be a dad yet!" Takei tried his best to explain to the young girl.


Instead of understanding, the girl continued to hug Takei's lower waist and call him papa. At this point, Takei had basically given up and turned to Akari for help.

"Help. Me. Please."

"Fufufu, alright. I was having fun watching you have trouble though..."


Akari giggled as she watched Takei have trouble handling a little girl. After having her fill of fun, Akari went over to the little girl and crouched to meet her at eye level.

"Are you mistaking us as your papa and mama?"

"You are papa and mama though?"

"Ah, that must be it."

Akari nodded in response to the little girl's answer as if she had understood everything about the situation.

"We must look similar to her parents."

Takei looked like a fairly average male, so there was a good chance he had a doppelganger that had a family already. The only odd thing being that the doppelganger was also married to a blonde-haired and blue-eyed beauty.

"What are the chances?" Takei sighed as he scratched his hair. "Do you want to go look for your parents?"


"Yeah, your real parents must be looking for you somewhere close by," Akari added. "We're just people who look like your parents."

The little girl seemed to finally understand the meaning of the words that Takei and Akari were trying to explain to her. She hesitantly nodded and let go of Takei's yukata finally.

"What's your name?" Takei asked the little girl.

"Suzu..." She shyly said.

A lax grin appeared on Takei's face as he realized that the little girl was finally opening up to them.

"Well, hello Suzu. I'm Takei and that older sister over there is Akari. We're going to help you find your parents, okay?"

"O-Okay... Suzu will follow big brother Takei and big sister Akari."


Hearing himself being referred to as big brother made Takei extremely happy. He then petted Suzu's hair with an expression of pure joy.


Akari said one word and shut down Takei immediately.

"I'm sorry for losing myself, ma'am."

"Yes yes, now let's go help Suzu here for her parents."

Takei was afraid of Suzu getting lost in the large crowds of the festival, so he offered her his hand. "Please hold onto me so you don't get lost."

"Mhm, okay." Suzu grabbed Takei's hand. "Can I hold big sister Akari's hand as well?"

"Sure!" Akari responded immediately with a happy look even though she had just scolded Takei for losing himself just a few moments ago.

With Suzu holding both of their hands in-between them, Takei and Akari walked around the festival to try and find a couple who looked similar to them.

After a few minutes of walking and scanning the crowds, they had no leads at all. There were a lot of men who had similar features to Takei, but none of them were accompanied by a blonde-haired beauty.

"Hehe, big sis Akari is so funny!"

Even though they couldn't find Suzu's parents yet, Suzu was the least bit daunted about that fact. She seemed to be having a grand time walking around the festival with Takei and Akari.

"Ah! There's cosplayers over there! Suzu, do you want to see B*tman?!"

"Yes! Big bro Takei, let's go!"

"Did you two forget the original objective?" Akari facepalmed.

They continued to walk around the festival trying different attractions and snacks. It was a joyous time for all three of them, but the night was nearing its end.

"The fireworks are starting soon and we still haven't found her parents..." Takei mumbled.

Takei was scared that they might not be able to find her parents. He didn't want to just drop her off at a police station and leave her alone.

"Suzu?! Papa and mama are here! Where are you, Suzu?"


Luckily for him, there was a loud voice that was able to pierce the loudness of the large crowds. That voice belonged to none other than Suzu's dad.

Since Suzu was too short to be spotted easily, Takei stood up on his tiptoes and waved his hand. "Right here, sir! Suzu's here!"

Suzu's father seemed to see Takei waving his hand and went over to him. Behind her father was an older woman with blonde-hair and beautiful features that were getting better with age.

Once they arrived, Suzu let go of Takei and Akari's hand and leaped into her father's embrace. "Papa!"

With the older couple standing next to each other, Takei couldn't help but notice how eerily similar they looked to him and Akari.

It was as if a different version of them from a different timeline had come to visit this world. Of course that couldn't happen though, this wasn't a world with magic or time travel.

"Thanks for keeping watch of our daughter."

"You two are good souls."

The father and mother bowed and thanked the both of them for helping. Even Suzu joined in on the bowing, although she didn't quite know what she was doing.

"Bye bye, big sis and big bro! Thanks for helping me!" Suzu waved to the two of them as she began to leave with her parents. "See you soon!"

"Have fun and be safe!"

"Make sure to stay with your parents."

Takei and Akari both waved goodbye to the family as they left the premises. The fireworks were starting very soon, so there was a good chance that the family was heading to that.

"Alright, it's time to-"

"Two kids."


"I want two kids. A boy and a girl."

Akari said such a thing with a neutral expression as if it had already been cemented in stone. There was absolutely no arguing with the way she looked at him.

"Two kids it is..." Takei laughed as he linked arms with Akari and headed towards the fireworks which were the grand finale of the summer festival.

Supreme Idiot Couple Meter: 93 -> 96%

She wants two kids...

Takei: I have it written down in my notebook

Serious-san: Oh wow!

Sugar-chan: Such a diligent boyfriend

Note: Next chapter will be the last chapter of this volume and will be the end of this arc. I think it's a pretty good chapter, so please look out for it!

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