The Goddess Needs A Break!

Chapter 215 – Graduation (3)

The walk to school today was unusually tranquil and quiet without anything happening. Most students were already facing the pressure of their last day of school, so everyone was abnormally quiet and timid.

Although there were only a few students walking to school this early in the morning, the one thing they all had in common was their complicated expressions. As for Takei, he solved his whole problem about the future a few days ago.

"I wonder what meal we're going to have after the ceremony?" Takei asked.

Akari put a finger to her chin and thought for a moment. "What if I make us a hearty stew?"

"Sounds good to me!"

After taking their usual path, the two managed to reach the school in a shorter time than usual. This was mainly due to the fact that it was still pretty early in the morning and a while before the actual graduation ceremony.

"They should be here already... Oh, there they are!"

Takei pointed to the small gathering of students under a certain big tree. Of course, this group of students were no strangers. These people were some of Takei's most trusted friends after all.

The first one to spot the duo from a distance away was none other than Helena. "Takeichi and Akarin are finally here!"

When Helena loudly announced this, the rest of the group turned towards their direction and waved.

"Time to meet up at school one last time..." Takei murmured.

Akari smiled and lightly patted Takei's back. "Don't think about it too hard. We'll be seeing them a lot in the future as well, so don't be sad."

"Alright, I understand." Takei nodded and grabbed Akari's hand. "Let's go meet them."


Takei and Akari walked over to where the group was and gave their greetings to everyone. Everyone else here got to the school extra early because they couldn't handle just sitting home on such an eventful day.

"Glad to be able to graduate with you bud," Eiji chuckled as he slapped Takei's back. "Never thought I would be able to receive my diploma with the loner king himself."

"Oi, that's not nice. What does being a loner have to do with graduating?!" Takei sulked.

"He's not wrong though?" Ryuto laughed. "You weren't exactly motivated to do school work until a certain person entered your life...."


For the first half of his freshman year, Takei only did the very bare minimum of being in school. He did homework and did okay on tests, but there wasn't exactly a reason for him to give his all. At least, not until a certain goddess entered his life.

"I'm glad that all of us can be here to graduate together," Rikka smiled at the sight of her friends getting along. "I thought I was going to have to graduate with only my stupid brother."

"Hey..." Eiji annoyingly glared at Rikka.

"Hehe, you guys are like two peas in a pod!" Arisa pointed out.

""We are not!""

The both of them denied what Arisa had said, but it was evident to everyone else that they were close siblings.

"So so, Takeichi. What's your plan when you get out of high school?" Helena asked.

Takei had expected this question to be asked, so he prepared an answer beforehand. "I'm planning on going to college and getting a degree in computer science. After that, I hope to get an internship or join a tech startup."

He had already been a big fan of technology and computers from a young age due to his dad introducing him to them, so a major in tech was something he had always wanted to do. Coding was a hard thing to do, but was extremely rewarding given the time and effort.

Knowing that, Takei decided to give it his all and try to pursue a path of coding for the big leagues.

"I really want to work as hard as I can in the following years, so I can retire early and sleep all day."

"Ah, that's the Takei we all know and love," Rikka rolled her eyes.

The whole group including Takei laughed due to Rikka's remark. With everyone laughing, it sure didn't feel like a final goodbye at all. Rather, it just felt like a group of friends having good fun together.

"How about you, Akarin?" Helena pointed towards Akari. "What are your grand plans after high school?"

Akari pretended to think for a second before replying. "I think I'm going to become a housewife as soon as we graduate!"

Everyone looked at her as if they had expected that answer, but Akari wryly smiled and revealed what her real plans were. "Although I would love to be a housewife who stays at home to welcome her husband back from work, I don't think Takei would want me to do that to myself."

"You got that right," Takei interjected."

Takei knew that having a housewife that welcomed him back home from work was a luxury that every man wanted, but he refused to cripple Akari's future over his shallow feelings. Akari was a very talented woman who could do anything she put her mind to, so Takei wanted her to do something worthwhile with those talents.

"I've been very interested in art ever since I was a kid, so I might pursue an art major in college?" Akari answered.

There were a multitude of jobs that she could choose and select in, but being an artist was something that she wanted to passionately pursue. Just because she was good at everything didn't mean that she would just pursue a path willy-nilly. Akari had made sure to put in a lot of time to think about her choices and finally made one that she was happy with in the end.

"We'll support you on your journey then!" Arisa declared.

"Of course, we're going to be friends forever, aren't we?" Rikka asked.

When faced with such a heavy question that had no right answer, Akari replied and said...

"Yes! We're going to be friends forever!"

Graduation arc (3/5)

Try your best to stay in contact with your friends!

Serious-san: Especially your friends from middle school and high school

Sugar-chan: Don't let a friendship die!

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