The Goddess Needs A Break!

Chapter 217 – Graduation (5)

Once Akari's speech was finished and all the diplomas were given out, there really wasn't much more to do at all. The graduation ceremony had concluded when the final diploma was given out, so everyone had free time and were discussing about some afterparties that were happening.

For Takei, he wasn't really interested in the afterparties as much as everyone else because he wasn't close to anyone else other than his circle of friends. A nice and quiet afterparty consisting of Akari, his friend group, and his family would be the best scenario that Takei could wish for.

All the talk about what to do next was boring him, so he left the main auditorium and went to a secluded area behind the school. Takei would often go to this spot to calm down and think about the intricacies of life, and today would be no different.

When he got to the location, there already seemed to be someone there waiting for him.

[Took you long enough.]

"What are you doing here?"

The singular boy who was waiting there for Takei slowly turned around and revealed himself to be someone that Takei knew very well.


"I kind of expected it already," Takei shrugged.

It wasn't anyone that he had met already, rather it was someone he knew his whole life. Yes, the person standing in front of Takei was a younger version of him from his early middle school days. Although this seemed quite impossible since stuff like ghosts and time travel weren't real, the little boy in front of him was most definitely his younger self.

[I'm just a past memory of your younger self, so don't worry about the technicalities.]

"Oh wow, thanks. It's good to know that I'm seeing ghosts of the past now. Totally cool."

Takei rolled his eyes back in annoyance, but he still continued to talk to the other person nonetheless. He was a bit interested to see what the ghost of his past wanted to tell him, so Takei was planning to stick around for a while to see.

"What did you want to talk about?"

[About your past.]

(From this point forward, young Takei will be referred to as Ghost)

Takei grimaced once he heard about what the contents of the discussion was going to be, but he gritted his teeth and endured. Even if his past was dark and painful, he promised himself to not look away anymore.

"Then, let's talk about it."

[That's the spirit.]

Although Ghost was speaking in a monotone and solemn voice, he was a bit amused that Takei had grown so much. They were once the same person, so seeing a large difference between them was a very fascinating experience.

[So, how does it feel to be top dog now? Instead of the gloomy loner with no friends that you once were, you're now a popular and attractive dude with a girlfriend and a bunch of friends. Do you like it? How is it? Isn't it thrilling?]

Ghost tried his best to keep his voice level and stable, but some of his anger evidently leaked through.

"I feel very happy now, but it isn't what you think. I'm not denying my past."

[Really? Because it doesn't really look like it. You keep on moving forward without taking a look at the past, isn't that cruel? Aren't I the reason that you became the person that you are today?!]

Ghost erupted into a fit of rage and grabbed Takei's tie. He pulled down to bring Takei to his eye level and angrily stared into his eyes.

[Do you not remember what we went through?! That embarrassment, rage, and anger that we felt about being abandoned... Didn't you feel lonely about being betrayed by that girl? Didn't you feel lonely when your parents kept on leaving? Didn't you feel lonely when you sat in your room crying all day with no one to hug you?]

"I did, but..."

[All that pain... You just act like it never happened! The current you is only happy smiles and cheerful laughs, so where is the pain that you kept inside? Don't tell me you just pushed it aside and forgot about it just because you're happy now!"

"I'M NOT PUSHING IT ASIDE!" Takei yelled back at the younger version of himself before realizing that yelling wasn't going to do anything. "It's just that... I'm really happy with what I have right now. I remember the pain of the past as if it were yesterday, but the people around me are helping me move forward."

Back then, Takei didn't really have many people to rely on. His parents were out on business trips often and his sister was busy with her own schooling. Even the girl that he thought he could trust was actually a backstabbing devil.

The pain of loneliness was getting to the point of being unbearable for Takei, but he was luckily saved when he met a certain goddess.

"I'll never forget the pain of being alone and being betrayed. I carry that burden around with me everyday, but there are people close to me who want to share that burden with me. They want to see me smile, so I'll do exactly that."

[So you're going to remember the past while walking forward?]

"That's right," Takei nodded in affirmation. "The past is already done and said, but I'll gratefully carry it around with me. That way, I can keep walking down this bright path with my family and friends, while also remembering the path that I took to get here. It's a win win, don't you think?"

[Indeed, you've grown a lot since the last time I saw you.]

For the first time so far, Ghost's static facial expression finally cracked to reveal a warm and gentle smile. He was no longer sad and angry, rather he was pretty happy with the outcome.

[Looks like my worries were for naught. You won't ever see me again, so have a nice life. Goodbye.]

"I'm glad that I was able to meet you," Takei grinned. "It's not everyday that you get to reflect on the past with your younger self."

[What a jokester.]

With those final words, Ghost finally disappeared with a satisfied smile on his face.

Now that Takei was alone again, he lightly slapped his cheeks to get ready for the uncertain future ahead of him.

"Let's give it my all!"

Graduation arc (5/5)

Not a supernatural event* Just self-reflection!

Sugar-chan: Aww, I think Ghost-chan is jealous of older Takei~

Serious-san: Why?

Sugar-chan: He doesn't have a cute girlfriend yet~

A/N: 8 chapters left

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