The Goddess Needs A Break!

Chapter 4 – Different Normal

The next day at school went as normal as possible. Takei went to all of his classes and went through his daily motions without a problem. Everything was right in the world... until the last period.

Last period was usually science, but some days were lab days that replaced the normal science days. Today just so happened to be one of those days.

Takei walked into his lab classroom and plonked down on a metal stool. He really didn't feel like going to the lab today since everyone would have to pair up to do an experiment together. As a matter of fact, Takei didn't have trouble making friends. He just didn't want to waste his energy trying to maintain the friendship.

As a result, Takei had no friends in class and would always have to be assigned a partner by the teacher because of this. He felt like today was going to be a repeat of all the past lab days where he had to partner up with someone unwillingly since the teacher would force them together.

During this internal discussion, the classroom doors opened and the teacher walked in.

"Alright, it's lab day. Everyone please choose a partner and pair up."

The entire classroom erupted at the sound of that statement and all of the students frantically scurried to different edges of the classroom to partner up.

"Looks like I'm alone as usual."

"Are you sure about that?"

Takei sighed in self deprecation until a sudden gentle yet soothing voice was heard behind him.

"What do you want?"

The person that appeared behind him was none other than the goddess herself, Akari Akazawa.

"I wanted to partner up with you... how mean~"

Akari started pouting in front of him as if she was severely hurt by his remark.

"Why would you want to partner up with such a gloomy person like me?"

"That's true, you are a bit gloomy..."


"However, that's not your only defining trait. I can tell that you're a brutally honest person. You're also someone that tends to be very wary of people, even more so to strangers. From my past experiences and encounters, my instinct is telling me that you're someone I should be friends with."

The goddess dropped a bombshell of a statement out of nowhere. Takei was very visibly shaken from this because it almost sounded like a confession. He had no excuse to pass on her good will though, so Takei gave up and accepted her proposal.

"Sure, let's partner up."


Akari looked happier than usual when she plopped down next to Takei for some reason.

"Why is the goddess sitting next to that person?"

"Why is she partnering with him?"

"How dare he try to get closer to the goddess."

There was a flurry of barely audible insults towards him mostly consisting of jealous boys that wanted to court the goddess.

After catching some of these comments, Akari turned around and gave the boys a smile worth a million dollars. It was a radiant smile comparable to the sun's rays, however there was a deep uneasiness hidden under that smile. In simple terms, there was a strong pressure that made the boys choke on their own words. None could hold a candle to the power that the goddess held.

Takei wasn't too concerned with the hateful remarks towards him, but Akari seemed extremely irritated to hear them belittle him. After a moment of silence, Akari turned back towards Takei and showed him a genuine smile that could kill thousands. This soft smile was a stark contrast to the intimidating smile that she showed the other boys.

There was no doubt in Takei's mind that this smile was a truly genuine one aimed at him. He didn't know if it would only last in the current moment, but he just wanted to savor the sliver of warmth he felt from that wonderful smile.

However, Takei might've been staring for too long because Akari started to panic.

"Do I have something on my face?"

"Ah... no. I just thought that smile was really cute."


Akari turned away from Takei as soon as he said that. Curiously enough, Takei had no idea why she did that quick motion. On a closer inspection however, he found the tips of her ears had turned bright red.

Not knowing what to do in this scenario, Takei kept quiet and silently observed the situation.

After several moments, Akari turned back and looked at him intently. It seemed that her embarrassment from a moment ago was all but gone. She kept staring at him as if telling him to start the conversation. Takei soon gave up after realizing that he couldn't beat the goddess in a war of attrition.

"What is it?"

"Umm, Takei..."


Akari leaned in and whispered into his ears, "Can I come over to your house after school?"


It was safe to say that Takei had not expected that question.


Akari's Affection Meter: 10 -> 13%

The surprise compliment really shook her up, didn't it?

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