The Goddess Needs A Break!

Chapter 47 – Memories are Forever

There's a mainstream idea that memories are a temporary fixture in our long lives. The main deterrents being old age, amnesia, or disease. All of those are capable of stealing memories or locking them up for good. If so, why is there such a big emphasis on memories then?

Well, "memories" may be temporary, but memories are forever. Confusing, right?

Let me explain...

"Memories" are lingering events that you still remember in your head, while memories are events that are ingrained into your very being. See? There's a clear difference.

Memories are something that the heart remembers, even if the mind forgets.

Sometimes amnesiac people have been observed to have similar habits due to muscle memory or just by random chance. The brain may not be a muscle, but surely the same phenomena is bound to happen.

By that theory, the memory is carved into the very fiber of your being. Something indomitable and unrelenting is the very essence of your soul.

Memories are forever, but "memories" are temporary.

Just a little bit of food for thought...

Totally nothing relevant to the story at all.


"Haaah, I nominate myself for a break," Takei complained.

"Be a man! We're almost there!" Akari retorted.

For some odd reason, the goddess had decided to take them on a small hiking trip before it was time for dinner. They stopped at their respective houses and quickly dropped their bags off before they headed up the nearby hill that was located a decent distance away.

Akari told Takei that she had something important to show him at the top of the hill, but she didn't reveal what exactly it was yet.

As a result of a slightly steep hill and change of incline, Takei was already tuckered out and ready to call it quits before they even reached the top. Too bad the goddess wouldn't let him have his way though.

Akari grabbed Takei's hand and kept on moving forward with him in tow. The dominant position that she usually held in the relationship brought up an interesting line of thought for Takei.

Maybe being a stay-at-home husband wouldn't be too bad? I could let my wife do all the hard work, and just do the simple stuff at home to make her life better...

As abruptly as the train of thought started, it ended the same way.

...Yeah, let's scratch that idea. I sound like a no-good loser who wants to be spoiled all the time.

Without even noticing it due to Takei's internal conflict, they had finally made it to the top of the hill.

"So, what did you want me to see?" Takei impatiently asked.

Akari pointed to the small bench near the cliffside of the hill that also just so happened to overlook the area that they lived in.

He sat down as instructed, and Akari did the same after a few moments passed.

A sense of foreboding washed over him. Takei didn't know what the cause of the feeling was, just that it wasn't good.

Therefore, a question rose inside of him. Was the sense of apprehension that he was feeling, coming from a higher entity or the grim face that the goddess wore?

Spoiler alert, it was the latter.

Seeing as how she was trying to collect her thoughts, Takei decided to give her some time and glanced over the beautiful area that they both lived in.

Perfectly trimmed trees, clean streets, and kind people. It was truly a great place to live in.

Takei admired the town for being simple and monotonous enough to his liking. There was no better way to ensure peace and quiet than a town where change doesn't happen often.

Recently however, there had been more change than he would've liked.

Too many things were moving forward too fast.

Soon, he would have to confront his greatest fear and overcome it completely.

That's why it was nice to take a breather every once in a while. Taking a look at the big picture can really calm down a person's mind.

Takei looked over the town and noticed everyone doing their best in their own way.

In a town that supposedly never changed, there was a constantly changing atmosphere that was enveloping everyone.

While Takei was going over some of his thoughts, Akari seemed to have finally mustered up her resolve to tell him what she wanted to say.

She turned to Takei, and slowly began to explain the significance of this place. "I was taken to this small hill by my parents when I was little. This was one of the few memories I actually had of bonding with them before Dad's business started to blow up and I was left alone as a result..."

Trailing off for a second, Akari continued on after catching her breath.

"...That's not the point though. I wanted to show you this because I wanted it to be a special memory between us."

Akari grasped Takei's hand tightly and refused to let go.

"You see, the memories of me spending time with my parents in the past are slowly fading as time goes on. Realizing that, I got scared the same thing would happen with us... I didn't want the same thing to happen to us..."

Trembling slightly, Akari began to elaborate on what her selfish wish was.

"That's why... I wanted to make a memory between us that could never be forgotten."

Leaning forward closer to Takei, Akari planted her enchantingly plump red lips on his cheek.

Even with the denseness factored in, there's no way Takei could've thought this was anything other than an affectionate kiss given to him by the goddess.

Takei blushed slightly, but looking at Akari cleared all of his thoughts.

She was blushing just like him, but she was also crying as well.

There were tears rolling down her face that revealed how much pain she had been in.

It was at that point that Takei realized. The kiss was not a hundred percent genuine.

Akari had done it as a necessary measure so that this event would become an important memory that couldn't be forgotten by the both of them.

Frowning slightly at this realization, Takei pulled Akari closer to his chest.

Akari had tears welling up in her eyes, as she looked up to Takei.

"I feel as if I'm going to disappear... Can you hold me tighter?"

There was no way Takei could refuse such a request from a beloved partner of his.

He pulled her in tighter and wrapped his arms around Akari's back.

"I'll hold you whenever you want."

Surprised to hear such a manly statement from Takei, Akari nodded and asked for one more selfish request.

"May I borrow your chest then?"

"Of course."

Akari leaned into Takei's chest and nuzzled her head against it.

Soft sobs could be heard as she let out the fear and anxiety that she had been holding in.

As she was letting out her inner feelings, Takei gently rubbed her back in a slow motion.

Moments passed, and the soft crying had stopped.

Replaced by the calm tranquility of nature, the sobbing was no more.

Akari lifted her face from his chest and gave Takei a sheepish smile.

"Thank you for lending me your chest..."

Takei gave her a wry grin. "It's no problem."

Akari looked displeased about Takei acting so nonchalantly about this certain event.

"Even so, I'll never forget this. I am sure I will remember this day many years into the future. I'll never forget, I swear."

Stating that declaration, Akari looked at Takei with a fire burning in her heart. Takei smiled and nodded as a response, which ended up soothing her temporary displeased state.

Deciding to enjoy the situation when she can, Akari asked Takei a simple question. "Can I borrow your lap as well?"

"Haaah, fine. Go ahead, spoiled princess," Takei sighed.

"Fufufu, I don't mind being the spoiled princess if you're the one spoiling me..."

Akari laid down on Takei's lap and enjoyed the warmth that was being transmitted to her body. The same also went for Takei who was also benefiting from the current situation.

Incidentally, the two would remain in that position without a care in the world for quite some time.

Reasonably so, this night would be a night that they would always remember for the rest of their lives.


Akari's True Affection Meter: 73 -> 78%

That was a lot of stuff that Akari got off her chest. The seriousness was finally offset by the sweetness at the end. Don't worry, your regularly scheduled fluff and diabetes will return tomorrow.

Sugar-san: I thought I was a goner.

Serious-san: Don't be dramatic...

A/N: I tried to write something philosophical and meaningful for once, until I realized that fluff was the ultimate content.

This chapter was supposed to address the insecurities that Akari had in her heart about the fleeting moments in our "long" lives.

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