The Goddess Needs A Break!

Chapter 58.5 – An Inconspicuous Person’s Past

Once upon a time, there was a little boy who was naïve in the ways of the world.

Throughout his life, he grew up without any hardships.

The boy had a happy family of four and zero financial hardships.

In essence, the little boy was just a baby chick that was taking its first steps in an unknown world.

He wholeheartedly believed that everyone around him was his friend.

That little boy shone like no other, which ended up currying some antagonistic feelings from other people.

One day at school, he met a radiant girl who was perfect in his eyes.

Academics, athletics, beauty, she had everything down to a tee.

That was why the little boy admired her so much.

Eventually one day, the boy went up to her and asked to become friends.

Surprised by his proposal, the girl accepted the proposal and became friends with the boy.

Soon, a fast three years of many adventures passed by.

They did everything that would entail for a perfect childhood.

It was a truly satisfying and fun three years.

Eventually, or rather inevitably, the boy grew feelings for the girl.

He didn't know what these feelings truly were, but it made him want to be with this girl no matter what.

Therefore, it was only only obvious for him to confess to her.

Checking the weather forecast for the day, the boy confirmed that there was a ninety nine percent chance of sunny weather.

It was prime time for a confession.

The boy texted the girl to meet him at the back of the school once all the classes were over.

They didn't end up in any classes together this year, which helped out on this day since he didn't want to face her until the scheduled time.

As the day passed, the boy steeled his nerves and went to the meeting place.

After waiting a couple minutes, his beloved friend finally showed up.

Just as beautiful and dazzling as the first day he met her, the boy was instantly mesmerized.

After breaking out of his trance, the boy bowed forward and confessed his "feelings" to her.

Looking up after pouring his feelings out, the boy examined the girl's face.

Instead of the gentle smile that usually was on her face, there was an expression of disgust instead.

"Are you kidding me?"

A cruel and cold voice entered his ears.

For the three years that he had known her, there was not a single time where he had ever heard her speak this cruelly.

"I pretend to act kind for three years, and this is what I get?"

The girl began to laugh coldly at herself, as if she was the one being wronged.

"Don't be serious, why did you think I would accept your confession?"

She was becoming increasingly angrier by the second.

The girl was repeatedly mocking the young boy who had poured out all of his feelings to her.

"I only followed you around because you seemed like an interesting toy to play with."

Even then, she would not stop the outpour of insults towards him.

"You are a disgusting, vile person who is undeserving of any warmth or love. Please leave my sight."

That was the line she decided to end on. A try and through punchline.

It was at that moment the boy realized that his feelings were not of love, they were of codependency.

Looking back at all the time spent together, the boy realized that she was pushing him around most of the time.

Initially, the boy would make the plans, but the girl would eventually take control of them.

As a result, the boy would follow her everywhere and listen to all of her conditions.

In the end, that was simply just codependency, not love.

The boy never truly had his own will, he was just simply following around the girl like a lost puppy.

His whole life revolved around that girl, she decided everything for him.

The mistaken emotion of love ended up being the last straw.

It was at the moment that the boy realized love and codependency were two completely different things.

However, it took too long for the boy to realize that.

As a result, he had been hurt to an incalculable degree.

The best friend that he thought he had, ended up being a different person than he had envisioned.

She had berated him and put him down.

Of course, it was also somewhat his fault, but the girl was obviously a wolf in sheep's clothing.

The girl had only been friends with him because she was interested in messing with him.

A toy was all he was to her.

She never even liked him from the start, it was purely a facade.

It was now evident that her true opinion of him was of disgust and revulsion.

With a grim expression on his face, the boy returned home without any complaints.

However, that was not where his troubles would end.

Going to school the next day, he was assailed by many stares and glances.

It was almost as if he became an overnight sensation.

Going through the daily motions of life, the boy found it increasingly hard to do everything he usually did because of the hard stares aimed at him.

Eventually, he found out why.

There were rumors of a boy confessing to the most beautiful girl in the school. Usually this wouldn't be discussed since it happened often, but this time some other rumors were circulating.

Apparently, that same boy had tried to force himself onto the girl and tried to make her accept his confession.

Of course, these rumors weren't true. However, they were treated as true since it was being created and spread by the "victim" herself.

Unluckily for the boy in question, the rumors became reality once the name of the perpetrator was spread around.

The young boy was ridiculed and bullied as a result of the lies.

The young boy had no one to believe in him.

The young boy was lost.

Everything points to a bad end for this boy, but surprisingly this was not the end for him.

The story of his life would not end here.

This was not a tragic story, nor was it a story of redemption or revenge.

It was a story of new beginnings...

...and this was only the prologue.


???: It was a bad time for me... However, I met someone a lot better now.

Serious-san: Who are you?! This is my stage!!!

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