The Goddess Needs A Break!

Chapter 71 – Let’s Cook Together

There were many realistic scenarios where the male in the relationship wasn't able to cook at all, while the female did all the cooking.

It was a very normal relationship that was widespread in many countries.

However, Takei would not be one of those people who were in a normal relationship like that.

Both Takei and Akari are able to cook, so they were already not like everyone else.

That meant that either of them could cook, whenever the other couldn't.

Even though Takei's cooking was inferior to Akari's cooking, she still enjoyed his food.

The level of skill didn't really matter in this scenario, since both sides loved each other's cooking.

This especially mattered today since everyone in the Tanaka household was busy and away, while Takei and Akari were left to their own devices for dinner.

Since Akari wanted to have fun with Takei, she proposed that they make dinner together.

After some convincing, he finally agreed on one condition.

That condition being that dinner had to be spaghetti tonight.

"We have some leftover noodles from the last time my mom made spaghetti, so we don't have to waste any time getting started."

After looking through his cabinet, Takei confirmed that they had everything that was needed for dinner.

"Umm, what about the spaghetti sauce and meatballs?"


He had confirmed that they had everything, except for the most important parts.

Takei almost began the cooking process, so it was good luck for Akari to remind him beforehand.

Since they were missing the meatballs and spaghetti sauce, they would have to go to the local grocery store and get it together.

"Grocery store?"

"Grocery store."

As if reading his mind, Akari suggested that they head out, to which Takei replied with an immediate affirmation.

They grabbed their coats and headed outside.

Takei suggested that they take his bike, since it would be faster to get there and back.

Akari cheerfully agreed and got on the back of his bike.

The bike was something he used to get to school with, until he became acquainted with Akari.

Takei got on the bike as well and began to cycle with Akari behind him.

The law didn't prohibit the action of two people riding on a single bicycle, so Takei was in the clear.

It was only seven in the evening, so the moon was visible in the not yet fully dark sky.

Looking at the moon, a tranquil feeling came over Takei.

"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"

However, the person interrupting that tranquil feeling was none other than Akari.

She had said something very heavy in such a casual tone.

(A/N: "The moon is beautiful, isn't it? = I love you).

Takei began to fidget nervously as the realization set in.

He turned and looked behind for a quick second, only to see a mischievous smirk on Akari's face.

She knows what she's doing...

It finally dawned on him that Akari was saying it on purpose with the nuance added in order to make sure that he would be embarrassed.

Slightly pouting, Takei turned back and focused on the road ahead.


Akari could be heard slightly chuckling at the annoyed yet equally bashful Takei.


What a sporadic person...


Eventually, they reached the grocery store in a short amount of time.

Since both of them shopped here very often, all of the employees remembered their faces.

They also bought a membership at this store, in order for their purchases to be cheaper all year long.

Walking in through the automatic doors, they both headed towards the vegetable section since Akari wanted to make the sauce instead of buying it.

They passed by a sampling station, and realized that an acquaintance was currently working there.

"If it isn't little Akari! How's your husband been?"

A kind old grandma was working at a small booth that gave away free samples of the newest product being introduced.

Due to the duo being here very often, the grandma would always notice them and strike up a conversation.

Somehow, there became a misunderstanding that both of them were married, but neither of them could find the heart to tell the old lady that they weren't.

"Ah, Takei's been doing fine. Why don't you say hi to him?"

Takei was busy observing a certain product that caught his eye, so the grandma didn't see him until now.

"Oh, it's the husband! I hope your married life has been going well so far."

"It has..."

Takei could only wryly smile as the grandma's misunderstanding only continued further.

They stood there and chatted for a while, before continuing onto their initial task.

Akari bought some tomatoes, while Takei went to go buy some meat in order for them to make some meatballs.

They reconvened at a predetermined spot and checked over their ingredients.

"I think that's everything."

"Yup, it should be."

Takei checked through everything on his list and was fully convinced that they now had everything. It made him more convinced now that he had the approval of the goddess.

With everything in hand, they began to go to the checkout area.

That was, until a delinquent looking teen appeared in front of them and blocked their path.

"What a pretty girl... Mind if we go for a dance?"

"Absolutely not."

Disabling the goddess facade, Akari turned on her ice queen persona and began to exude an air of annoyance in order to make the delinquent aware of her disinterest.

"Oh, come on. You would rather be with a boring guy like that?"

Surprised that Akari turned him down, the delinquent began to belittle Takei.

Akari was about to bring her full wrath onto the delinquent, but Takei beat her to the punch this time.

"Don't you dare try to control who she hangs out with. It's her choice and her choice alone." Takei stated. "Even if I am a boring guy, you're just a pitiful loser trying to hit on a girl at a grocery store."

At Takei's provocation, a vein popped up on the delinquent's forehead. He was truly pissed at Takei's remark.

"Why you..."

As he reached his hand out ready to grab Takei's collar, Takei whispered something into his ears.

"Dr. Ritsuko would love to hear about this, wouldn't she?"


The outstretched hand paused midair as the delinquent realized the true intent behind his question.

"You... how?"

"It's simple. She's one of my dad's co-workers."

Takei had met Dr. Ritsuko a couple of times when she came over to the Tanaka residence every once in a while to talk business with his father.

During a business talk, he had heard that Dr. Ritsuko was having trouble with her child becoming a delinquent.

Takei had only known this delinquent to be Dr. Ritsuko's son due to their similar facial features.

Assuming that he was her son was a big gamble that paid off.


The delinquent retracted his hand and walked off without saying another word.

It seemed that he didn't want his mom to hear about the events that transpired today.

That's fine. All's well that ends well.

Takei grabbed Akari's hand and immediately went to the cashier to pay for their items and leave.

As Takei left in a hurry, Akari looked at him with sparkling eyes.

In a hushed tone, Akari whispered something so low that even Takei wouldn't be able to hear.

"My hero..."


Akari's Final Affection Meter: 28 -> 30%

In Akari's eyes, Takei was her knight in shining armor.

Serious-san: There wasn't even any cooking in this chapter?!

Sugar-san: Does there need to be?

Serious-san: Yes! Look at the chapter name!

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