The Goddess Needs A Break!

SS – Fantasy

Greenhorn School of Magic was a prestigious institute that taught only the finest young magicians who wanted to explore the abyss that was known as sorcery.

Sorcery was the term for anything related to magic or mana. Sorcerer and sorceress were the respective terms for male and female users of magic.

To be called one of those titles, one must graduate from an institute of magic to be officially deemed a sorcerer/sorceress.

The entrance exam would be hosted in the school today and would be spilt into two categories; practical and writing.

Out of the tens of thousands of students who come to the entrance exam, only a thousand students would be allowed to enter the school. The cap on the amount of students was largely the reason why it was so difficult to enter this school.

"Number 1151! Please walk to the marked spot and do as the instructor says."

Many students were getting called up to the podium to do their practical exam. The exam itself wasn't too hard, it only consisted of hitting a stationary target using any type of magic spell.

Easy, right? Wrong.

At the ripe age of 15 years old, most people's mana circuits weren't developed enough to even conjure up a spell. Even if they were developed enough, it still depended on the talent of the user. That was the main reason why magicians were so widely appreciated, not everyone could become one and it was extremely difficult to become a good one.

The journey to becoming a strong user of magic was a long and tedious one, but the peak of the summit was well worth it. There can only be one person that stands at the peak of the summit, and that person is known as the Sorcerer King.

"Number 1152! Please walk to the marked spot and do as the instructor says."

It's my time to shine.

There was a lone black-haired boy who had no discernable external traits and no presence at all. Many people walked past him without even knowing he was there, which only attested to his surprisingly strong stealth skill.

Takei Tanaka was here to take the entrance exam for the Greenhorn School of Magic, and he eventually wanted to hold the title of Sorcerer King.

I'll get revenge with my own hands...

Takei walked up to the podium since his number was called and got prepared to listen to the instructions.

"Please use your strongest form of magic and try to hit the target. Attack potency and accuracy will be measured. Begin."

The previous contestant, number 1151, was a blonde girl with impeccable looks and ability. She was the strongest student that Takei had seen yet, but she was still far from his level.

"Arcane Flame: [Inferno]"

A large wave of fire engulfed the courtyard of the school and swallowed the training dummy that so many people had failed to hit. Even though the fire was all over the place, it didn't harm anyone.

The fire was controlled to such a meticulous degree that most people could only feel a light wave of heat hit them.


"That amount of magic power has never been seen before..."

"Is this the rise of a new prodigy?"

Many people were discussing about the odd strength of the unknown student. Some were scared of him, some were excited to see a strong magic user, and some were indifferent.

After the wave of fire cleared up, the training dummy was nothing more than a pile of ash.

"N-Number 1152, you've passed!"

Takei nonchalantly nodded as if he had expected this beforehand and walked away as if nothing impressive had happened. The writing test would be on another day, so his exams were done for the day.

He managed to get a good distance away from all the commotion, but there seemed to be one person that followed him from the exam.

"What do you want?"

Takei annoyingly turned around and glared at the girl that followed him.

It's number 1151. Akari Akazawa, I presume? I think that's the name of a noble household.

"Who are you?" she asked. "That strength can't possibly be from someone who looks like he turned 15 yesterday."

"I'm sorry for looking young," Takei shrugged. "I'm just a little good at magic, I guess."

"You guess?"


The girl suspiciously stared at him as if she was begging for an answer to her question, but Takei refused to budge. She seemed like a nice enough girl, but she was too nosy.

"Being too nosy can result in an early death, so I advise you not to stick your nose into places where it doesn't belong."

Takei glared at her and tried his best to make her understand how dangerous curiosity was.

"You're unexpectedly nice..."


The girl made such an odd comment that even Takei was dumbfounded at what she said.

"How did you comprehend my warning as niceness?"

"I'm not sure, but I can tell you're a kind person. That's a pretty rare thing among magicians, which is why you're interesting," she explained. "A strong and kind magician, what an oddity you are..."


Takei turned away from the girl and continued walking to his destination like he originally planned, but she continued to follow him no matter how much time was spent.

"What do you want from me?!"

He had enough of her silently following him, so Takei turned around and confronted her. There shouldn't be any reason why a young girl should be following a shady guy everywhere, so why was she following him?

"Please teach me magic!"

The girl bowed down and clearly professed her intention to learn from him. He could tell from her expression that she was being entirely sincere.

"Why me? Why would you ask me to teach you of all people?"

"Because you're strong. I can tell from the way that you carry yourself that you are unimaginably strong."

"That's it? Just my strength? There are definitely stronger people than me."

Takei wasn't lying when he said that there were stronger people than him, but he never said that he would lose.

"Although you're so strong, you are also kind. No matter how far and wide you search, it is extremely rare to find a strong and kind magician. The terms "strong" and "kindness" are like oil and water, they just don't mix."

After Akari went into more depth on why she wanted him to teach her, Takei mulled over the idea for a moment.

The academy is just a stepping stone on my path to revenge, but being a tutor could be a good cover story for my alibi.

"Okay, I'll do it."


The girl was extremely happy that Takei had agreed to her selfish proposal, so she bowed down once again and thanked him.

"Please take care of me from now on..."

Her way of pleading and begging really reminds me of that girl...


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