The Good Incubus

Chapter 17 Recharge (NSFWish)

Chapter 17



There was a cough on the outside of the shield, the ever impatient Leader Luo asked, “are you going to come out of there at any point?”

Leader Chu who was supporting Leader Gong added, “everyone has been released, its safe now.”

Hao Kong blushed bright red, he knew everyone had seen and heard everything he had done with Xie Jie, he thought he would die from embarrassment. Yet he had other feelings he was not ready to understand.

Knowing he couldn’t hide, Hao Kong made a simple hand gesture dropping the shield. Opening his legs he released Xie Jie’s soft member, then pulled both of their robes straight again. Breathing hard the young incubus sagged against his chest, completely defenceless.

“Thank you both, that was very unorthodox but good thinking.” Praised Leader Gong.

Four guards came in, two help the exhausted young couple out of the hall, while the other two stood waiting for further instructions.

“Honoured Leaders I need to take Jiejing away from people so he can safely feed. He gave up all of that energy to save everyone.” Said Hao Kong while clutching Xie Jie tightly to his chest, worry written across his face.

Leader Luo turned to the guards, “clear this area, take everyone over to the youngster’s practice hall.”

“Yes Leader Luo!”

The Leaders conferred silently with their eyes and with a nod agreed, they would stay and find out all they could.

Leader Chu helped Leader Gong sit on the floor and tended to his injuries, while Hao Kong sat down with Xie Jie in his lap supporting him. Resting his head on Hao Kong’s left shoulder Xie Jie wrapped his tail around his waist, as he tightened his tail it pulled his robe up at the back so he was sitting directly on Hao Kong’s robes.

Still trying to calm down, Hao Kong felt the fabric rub the sensitive end of his shaft, it reacted instantly pushing his robes up against his incubus’s soft round buttocks.

Even the thrilling thought of being one thin piece of clothing away from Hao Kong’s great man hood couldn’t keep Xie Jie awake, he closed his eyes with a happy smile.

Hao Kong felt the young incubus fall asleep and held him tightly in his arms while trying desperately to think pure thoughts.

“What happened? Why couldn’t he feed?” asked Leader Chu.

Hao Kong’s eyes were shining with adoration, “Jiejing has very strong morals and if he had fed just then he would have killed that young couple.”

“He is a most unusual incubus, I’ve heard tale of them taking the powerful life’s essence of 40 to 50 people by the time they reach full adult hood.” Said Leader Gong while stroking his chin in thought.

Leader Luo who was less interested in the unusual nature of Xie Jie said, “Did that kill the love demon?”

Everyone looked at the unconscious incubus then to Hao Kong. “I have no idea, I guess not, taking away a demon’s food is unlikely to kill the demon.”

“The area is clear, it would be a good plan to wake him up and find out what he knows.” Said Leader Luo.

Leader Chu said in a low voice, “Have you no heart, let the young man sleep.”

“Actually I think Leader Luo is right, giving Jiejing energy would be the best plan, he’s almost completely drained.” Said Hao Kong, he picked up Dun’s chain and speaking in his ancient language said, “oh great one please can you release Xie Jie so I can feed him”

The deep ancient voice replied in Hao Kong’s mind, “it is done. Hao Kong you need to help Xie Jie progress.”


“You know how. You are good enough for my Xie Jie, you have shown it with your actions today, as I would expect of my servant.”

Hao Kong was shocked, that was the nicest thing the ancient collar and chain had said to him in the 100 years he had served it.

Rubbing his fingers through his hair Hao Kong replied, “Thank you oh great one, I will do my best to help Xie Jie in all ways. Does this mean I can use your new name?”

The deep voice seemed to smile at Hao Kong, “you know when you may use my name.”

Blushing again Hao Kong laid the chain back on Xie Jie’s chest, to his surprise Dun shrank back his links, till only one hung from the collar.

‘The old chain really has left him to me.’ Hao Kong thought, then gently stroked the soft pale cheek of the man he was falling in love with.

“Jiejing you need to wake up.”

The gentle stroke woke Xie Jie but he was so tired he didn’t want to open his eyes.

Hao Kong kissed his cheek and his eyes sprang open, “Is everyone safe?” He cried with his first breath.

Hao Kong smiled and hugged him tighter, he never wanted to let this wonderful young man go.

“They are all fine, thanks to you.”

Giving Hao Kong a saucy smile, Xie Jie said, “you had a hand in my success.”

The three Leaders all started coughing and they were as red as Hao Kong.

They all thought the same thing, ‘he is definitely an incubus.’

Leader Luo recovered first and got straight to the point, “did that kill the Love Demon?”

The others were thankful for the change in topic.

“No you have to kill its body.” Replied Xie Jie seriously.

“Do you know where it is?” pressed Leader Luo

“I don’t know its exact location but it would likely be not too far away and they like to hide underground with no distractions.”

“How far is not far away?” asked Leader Gong, he liked specifics in all things.

“I’m not sure, it would depend on its strength. The amount of people here was nothing to an old strong Love demon, if it was truly old it could have many times that under its control. However if that was the extent of it’s power, it would be a young demon so not far away.”

While the Leaders thought deeply, Hao Kong took advantage of their distraction to turn Xie Jie’s head towards him and give him a deep kiss full of power. Xie Jie’s eyes went wide then softened and closed with happiness as he caressed Hao Kong’s tongue.

The power was extreme, but it was the emotions he felt with it that made him giddy. Desire for the young incubus laced every part of Hao Kong’s power.

His heart a flutter, Xie Jie began to hope that this was the feeling of love not just lust.

Putting his hands on Hao Kong’s chest, Xie Jie wanted to slide them into his robes and down to his man hood that had strengthened under his rump. However he could almost see the shade of red Hao Kong would go, so restrained himself for the time being, not knowing his man’s thoughts were in line with his. Hao Kong wanted to push his cock up through his robes into his man, completely claiming this gorgeous incubus on his lap, but he would restrain himself for now.

‘Don’t think about it! Don’t think about going into his tight wet hole…’ Hao Kong’s mind was not helping.

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