The Good Incubus

Chapter 4 The Steps

Chapter 4

The Steps

Thinking it best to not disappoint Master Hao, Xie Jie started walking up the wide stone steps as quickly as possible, while trying to not think about what was going on in the village below.

It was a beautiful ascent, the wide solid black granite steps went straight up through the steep mountain of Snow Mist Peak.

Xie Jie was already above the tree line of the forest so he could see off to the sides, where lovely naturally bonzaied acers of golds and reds grew in the crevices, and goats grazed on grassy out crops. But the higher he went the steeper the mountain got and the deeper the steps were cut into it.

Now walking in a man made valley, he glance down at the village that looked like a toy in the distance and hoped everything was alright down there.

Xie Jie couldn’t understand why he was worried about the master cultivator, they had just met and Hao Kong had put a binding collar on him, but he found his thoughts continually wandering to the handsome man and hoping he was alright.

Looking up he couldn't see anything due to an unnatural mist that seemed to be hanging just above him.

The chain sticking out from his midsection kept making little movements, always upwards but just off to the left or right, like it was making sure he couldn't get lost on the one set of steps. Xie Jie diligently followed these little course adjustments.

After about 2 hours of walking as quickly as possible up the steps, Xie Jie looked back down and all he could see was the same unnatural mist below him. The feeling of the chain wrapped round his waist gave him an odd sense of comfort, he wasn't alone with the still unconscious Zhou Tu.

"I feel if we are going to spend this much time together I should give you a name."

There was no response from the chain, but Xie Jie felt better to be talking and not thinking about the eerie silence, "do you have a name?" Still no response, "can you respond to me?" the chain briefly turned its tip up towards him. Xie Jie was delighted and gave the chain a glowing smile.

"I guess it should be a name for both chain and collar, could go with bondage?" No response. "Are you as bashful as Master?" No response. "I guess you are my guide and protector, I could call you Dun for shield?" Again the tip briefly turned to him and Xie Jie gave the chain another radiant smile.

"Dun it is. Dun do you think master will be ok?" Brief turn again, this time the tip bent as if nodding to Xie Jie.

Relieved Xie Jie let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding and moved a little faster up the steps.

Sometime later Dun stopped Xie Jie from moving forward and unwrapped from his waist. In front of the young incubus, the chain made a complicated movement in the air. Suddenly the mist disappeared and for the first time Xie Jie could see above him.

The mountain opened into a huge unnatural plateau that was terraced up with beautiful gardens and large open areas, there were many small and large buildings nestled amongst the peak valleys and a beautiful bamboo forest swayed in the distance. The steps continued up through the middle, the entire place was enchanting.

Dun wrapped back around Xie Jie's waist and again pointed up the steps.

Xie Jie kept moving, while feeling confused he whispered, "Dun where is everyone?" No response.

After he took 10 steps, two men with spears appeared in front of him and pointed the elegant long weapons towards his heart. Xie Jie stopped in his tracks, Dun unwrapped and "looked" at the two men like a viper about to attack.

Fear showed on the guards faces, and their spear points shifted to Dun.

"How did you get through the mist?" Yelled one of the guards.

Speaking in a rush Xie Jie said, "Master Hao sent me, please lower your spears I have to get this man help."

The two guards eyes shifted to Zhou Tu's face and the guard to the right paled, "Is that disciple Zhou?"

"Yes, please I've come a long way to get him help, his heart beat is weak he needs healing."

The guard who had spoken dropped his spear down and went to see Zhou Tu, but the other guard put a hand out to block him.

"It could be a trick, look at his tail he is not human."

At the mention of his tail Xie Jie blushed and thought, 'damn you Hao Kong.’

The beautiful blush rising up Xie Jie's face made both guards stare disarmed.

"I really want nothing but to help, Master Hao bound me with this collar and chain, please I'm completely harmless right now."

The two guards didn't move, just stared.

"If your not going to stop me I'm going to go find help, Dun please can you lead me to the healers."

Dun flicked slightly and pointed past the guards.

Xie Jie moved slowly towards the guards, as he got closer the two men finally came back to their senses, the guard on the right blocked his colleague as Xie Jie came along side then walked with the young incubus up the steps. The other guard gave him a dark look but followed behind.

"What happened to disciple Zhou? He looks pretty roughed up."

"I don't know what attacked him first, but he got into a fight with a water nymph after he was injured, which is when I saved him." Said Xie Jie while feeling guilty about taking Zhou Tu’s sexual energy.

"Is this as fast as you can go?" Asked the guard.

"Yes, I'm sorry my powers are completely bound."

"Can I take disciple Zhou? I will be much faster."

Xie Jie looked at the guard who was around the same age as Zhou Tu, he had honest open eyes in a dark face, his emotions displayed quickly. Xie Jie thought, 'this man must find it hard to lie with his face giving him away.'

"Please take good care of him." Xie Jie gently passed Zhou Tu to the guard and slumped to the ground exhausted.

The guard took Zhou Tu and darted straight up the steps into the mountain. Xie Jie looked after him in wonder and thought, 'I must look like I'm walking through water to them.’

The second guard eyed Xie Jie suspiciously, "what are you going to do now?"

Xie Jie had no idea what to do, luckily Dun answered for him by pointing off up a mountain path to the left of the steps.

"I have very little choice but to follow, so I guess I'm going that way. Please may I sit for a moment Dun?"

The guard gave him a quizzical look, "who are you talking to?"

Xie Jie let out a light musical laugh, that was partly relieved after getting Zhou Tu help and partly embarrassed because he was talking to a not so inanimate object. While he scratch the back of his head with one hand and stroked the long hard chain with his other, he said, "I felt more comfortable being held captive by this wonderful collar and chain by giving it a name."

"You named an ancient artefact? And it accepted it?" the guard was shocked and Xie Jie was confused.

"Why can't I give it a name? I asked it’s opinion."

"I have never heard of an ancient artefact accepting a name before. Others have been killed by the artefacts just for looking at them wrong."

Xie Jie paled slightly for a second, then smiled and gave the chain another stroke.

"Dun I am greatly honoured by you." Xie Jie cupped his hands in front of him and bowed low over the chain, "please continue to look after me."

The end of the chain turned to look at him and briefly nodded, then stretched out up the mountain again. Xie Jie stood back up, smiled to the guard and started walking the indicated direction.

The guard was so confused by the whole interaction he just watched Xie Jie go, then went back to guarding the entrance, feeling it was best to leave the incubus to the ancient artefact.

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