The Good Incubus

Chapter 40 Leader Luo Really Can Do Anything

Chapter 40

Leader Luo Really Can Do Anything


Leader Luo lifted Xie Jie up and turned him round so they were face to face, “Jiejing enchant me again, I think I know what to do now.”

Using his enchantment Xie Jie said, “Leader Luo pick me up, stand up, remove my clothes and lick my nipples.”

Leader Luo picked Xie Jie up, stood up and started to undo his robes, there was strain on his beautiful fierce face, but he still slowly dropped Xie Jie’s robes, then leaned down and gently ran his tongue over the Incubus’s little pink nipple. 

Moaning in delight Xie Jie released his power. 

A coy smile curved the corners of Leader Luo’s mouth as he stood up straight licking his lips, “I could feel how to beat you but I couldn’t do it. Again, something longer this time.”

Laughing Xie Jie said, “Leader Luo remove your clothes slowly in as sexy a way as you can, then remove Leader Chu’s clothes.”

With a smile and no power Xie Jie said, “Leader Chu out run Leader Luo by just a little and keep his naked butt in the field.”

Leader Luo slowly untied his belt and swung the end in a lazy loop, while looking down at the seated men and licked his lips. 

Turning away from the group with a flirtatious smile, he slid his robe off his right shoulder for a second as he swung his hips to the left. His long dark lashes fluttered as he winked over his shoulder at Leader Gong, and raised the cloth back up. 

Swinging his hips to the right, he dropped his robe off his left shoulder for another second and blew a kiss at Leader Chu, making the big man swallow hard. 

Turning away again, he slid the soft fabric sensually down to his waist, then he looked over his shoulder and swept his smouldering gaze over them all, while swinging his hips slowly back and forth. 

Every eye traced his sexy moves as he slid his robe under his toned bum and moved it gently the opposite way to his body, his perfectly defined back muscles rippled in the sun light with every move. Slowly stilling his body Leader Luo let his robe gently drop to the ground.

Leader Chu hadn’t moved from his spot, no one had, they had hardly breathed, every robe was pulled tight. 

As Leader Luo’s hand reached for Leader Chu’s robe, the big healer came back to his senses and was off at a speed only Leader Gong could see. 

The scholar watched his fellow Leaders race round the field with a doting smile on his serene face, whereas the others just saw the occasional bit of grass go flying as the pair changed directions too sharply. 

Looking to Leader Gong, Xie Jie asked, “how long should I hold the enchantment? I can’t see if he is breaking it or not.”

Leader Gong laughed, “Luo Bai broke it after the first three seconds of chasing Chu Ling, this is just him having fun.”

Hearing Leader Gong’s words, Leader Chu stopped dead and Leader Luo ran straight into his waiting arms. 

Picking up his naked man and hugging him to his chest, Leader Chu smiled, “Luo Bai you did it, your amazing.”

A little grumpy that his fun had been ruined, but loving the feel of his man’s big chest against his naked body, Leader Luo asked, “how much of your speed was that?”

Not sure if he should be proud or not, the big Healer said shyly, “about 60 percent.”

Leader Luo’s eyes went wide, “take me somewhere at 100 percent.”

The pair disappeared for a few seconds. 

Reappearing with a happy smile on his face, Leader Chu was sat with his man in his lap, his arms around his tall martial artist’s strong waist covering his lower half with his sleeves. 

Surprise was written across Leader Luo’s face, but he quickly adjusted and snuggled back into his man’s bulging chest, “Chu Ling that was amazing, you are amazing!”

The day of training continued, with Xie Jie enchanting everyone and Zhou Tu advising them how best to resist.

Xie Jie never took it further than kissing and caressing each others upper halves. He felt enchanting them to do anything else, when he now knew it would be their first time, would be wrong.

By mid afternoon Xie Jie was exhausted; all except Hao Kong had succeeded in resisting his enchantment a few times.

Panting on the ground, Leader Luo stubbornly said, “lets go again.”

Laying flat on his back Xie Jie replied, “one second I just need to catch my breath.”

Getting up from the ground, Leader Chu put his hand on Leader Luo’s back and said, “Luo Bai I think that is enough for today, especially after yesterday, we all need rest and unlike us, Jiejing can’t get energy from his surroundings.”

Looking around, Leader Luo saw that the others were all in different states of undress, mostly laying on the ground warn out. Zhou Tu, who was supposed to be resting to heal his injuries, was curled up asleep on the porch.

Getting up from the floor Hao Kong lifted Xie Jie up in his arms and put him gently down on the porch next to Zhou Tu, the Leaders joined them after straightening out their robes.

Tired and a little disheartened Leader Gong said, “I think we need more practice before we go after the love demon.”

As much as he didn’t want to wait, Leader Luo agreed, “your right Gong Qiu Yu, let’s meet up here again tomorrow and train more. Jiejing are you going to be OK, do you need more energy?”

A naughty smile lifted Xie Jie’s lips and he replied, “I always want some of your energy Leader Luo.”

The tall Leader was just leaning forwards to kiss their young incubus, when Leader Chu said, “let me, we need you at full strength for your fighting ability my dear Luo Bai.”

His heart racing Leader Luo nodded and moved aside.

Leader Chu leaned into Xie Jie’s lips and kissed a huge amount of loving energy into him.

With a slightly dreamy look on his face and hardly being able to contain his delight at the emotions he felt from the handsome healer, Xie Jie said, “thank you Leader Chu, meditate well, I have plans for you tomorrow.”  

Looking at the young incubus with adoration the big Healer replied, “Sleep well Jiejing, I hope you have sweet dreams.”

With a look to the sleeping man beside them, Leader Gong asked, “are you going to be ok looking after disciple Zhou?”

Smiling knowingly Xie Jie said, “rest at ease Leader Gong, I promise we will take excellent care of Zhou Tu.”

With a bow the Leaders left the field and headed back to cultivate.

Carefully Hao Kong carried Zhou Tu inside the hut and put him down on his sleeping mat to the right.

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