The Good Incubus

Chapter 61 (NSFW) Old Love And New Love

Chapter 61

Old Love And New Love


Recap: Gong Qiu Yu>Luo Bai

Zhou Tu> Hao Kong 

Xie Jie > Chu Ling

Feeling weak, Xie Jie lay limply over Chu Ling’s broad back and breathed hard, as her body drew in the sexual energy from the surrounding area. Her softening penis gently slipped out from her big man’s hot drenched behind, and she gave out a soft sigh of contentment, Chu Ling’s energy held a wonderful loving sensation she could never get enough of. 

Luo Bai looked to Gong Qiu Yu and, with a tact understanding, they moved as one behind the young succubus. 

Letting out a deep moan of pleasure as he bent down and pushed on to his Scholar’s hard member, Luo Bai gently picked up Xie Jie’s slender form in his arms, his fierce features softening as he smiled lovingly down at her. 

Briefly kissing the young succubus, Luo Bai said, “Thank you for caring for our wonderful man, do you think he is ready to play with both of us?”

Looking down they got the joy of seeing their cute burly Healer blush bright red, as his dark eyes turned lusty at the idea of making love to them at the same time. 

The sight of Chu Ling’s sexy body slightly covering Hao Kong’s, while Zhou Tu tentatively thrust in and out of her husband was electrifying, Xie Jie’s little friend was straight back up.

With one last kiss of Hao Kong’s lips, Chu Ling stood up and with still wet lips he kissed Luo Bai deeply. 

While their tongues danced together, Chu Ling’s huge python rose up again and gently nudged his tall martial artist’s tanned abs. 

Luo Bai was slightly startled by the hot wet touch, but he didn’t stop kissing his man for a moment. The feel of his scholar gently thrusting into him from behind, and his Healer’s lips and muscular body at the front was making him heat up with desire for both his men. 

Held in Luo Bai’s arms, Xie Jie was sandwiched between these two stunning men, and breathing in their delicious scent, went rock hard once more. Reaching over Luo Bai’s shoulder, she lovingly caressed Gong Qiu Yu’s smiling face.

When the two Leaders pulled back from each other’s lips, she saw Hao Kong and Zhou Tu standing behind their big man, all of them with the same lusty eyes.

Sliding his arms under her legs and shoulders, Chu Ling lifted Xie Jie out of Luo Bai’s strong arms as if she was lighter than a feather. 

Still slightly concerned about his size, he asked shyly, “are you sure you want me in you?”

With as serious a look as she could muster while her heart almost stopped from his unbelievable cuteness, Xie Jie replied, “your body is amazing, I want all of you in me from now until the end of time, you are wonderful inside and out. I love you Chu Ling.”

Chu Ling almost dropped her in his surprise, his heart raced uncontrollably and a tear ran down his handsome face as he held her to his warm chest, “I love you too Xie Jie, I’m eternally happy that I met you.” Then with a sexy smile he added, “you can ride me as long as I can last.” 

Xie Jie kissed all over the broad brown chest in front of her as her desire for this sexy man rose even higher. 

With complete ease, Chu Ling moved his cute succubus in his arms and held her by the waist. Lifting her upright, he licked her lower lip then sealed their lips together and she sucked his tongue into her mouth caressing it with her own.

Possessively Xie Jie wrapped her tail around her big man’s waist, she was struggling to control her desire to mark him; she wanted this sexy, lovely, cute man, who cared for others, she wanted him with her whole being.

Feeling his succubus’s desire, Hao Kong’s heart beat quickened; his respect for Chu Ling was equal to his love for him, the same was true of all of the wonderful Leaders. He also wanted Chu Ling in his wife’s harem, however they both knew that marking him now was too quick, they had already been hasty with his mark, she had to resist.

Thinking it would be best to let the object of their desire know, Hao Kong said, “I want him too my love, but you have to resist, you can’t mark Chu Ling this soon.”

For half a heart beat Chu Ling froze, then deepened his kiss again, sucking Xie Jie’s tongue into his mouth, making her lips red with the power of his desire. 

Moving his hands Chu Ling held his lady under her bum with one large hand on each buttock. Gently he slid his large middle finger on his right hand into her valley, then on through her accepting ring; while at the same time he brought his left hand forward, slowly slipping his left middle finger in between her soft lips and up into her wet slit.

Pleasure surged up Xie Jie’s spine making her moan into her healer’s mouth, their tongues vibrating together as he thrust his dextrous fingers inside her. 

Chu Ling released her tongue and pulled back looking into her panting beautifully flushed face. He wanted her to mark him too, and with the power of that kiss she could feel it. 

Fighting hard against her instincts, Xie Jie said, “I want to mark you...” 

Chu Ling slid his forefingers in as well, moving all his fingers smoothly in and out of her hot tight holes, her words cut off with a moan of appreciation for his thrusts. 

Struggling for breath she continued, “...I want to mark you when your mind is clear from lust. I want you to have no doubt that you want to be with us, my dear Chu Ling.”

The love for their succubus in the men around her escalated, her honour and respect for her lovers was beyond endearing.

Chu Ling’s heart beat sounded deafening in his head, he wanted the two Leaders in front of him in a way that was comfortable and familiar, it was etched into the fibre of his very soul. Whereas the way he wanted the lady in his arms made him crazy, he wanted to do rash things to have her; he now understood why Hao Kong had accepted her mark so quickly, if he had the chance he would take her mark without hesitation. 

Stood in front of Xie Jie, seeing Chu Ling’s gaze full of love for the beautiful succubus, Luo Bai felt a moment of deep jealousy. But then Chu Ling looked up at him with infinite love in his dark eyes and his heart raced, there was no doubt that Chu Ling whole heartedly loved him. This gave him a second moment of jealousy, he wanted to be able to mark his man too, he wanted to tell the whole world that Chu Ling was his lover. 

A look of surprise flashed into Luo Bai’s face and he let out a deep sensual moan that mingled with Xie Jie’s high musical cries of pleasure. Gong Qiu Yu blushed deep red, his cock had grown considerably inside his martial artist at the loving look from Chu Ling.

Gong Qiu Yu had always known he loved Chu Ling as a friend, now he couldn’t believe he hadn’t realised before that he wanted both his men as lovers. He thanked all things holy for Xie Jie opening his eyes and his heart.

Blushing at the lusty looks he got from his fellow Leaders, Chu Ling said to his tall lover, “please can you make me yours again my love, I’m ready for you now.”

Luo Bai’s mouth went dry and he thought, ‘how did I not notice how sexy my men are? How did I not notice how in love with them I am? I have been a fool for so long.’

With one hand Luo Bai held Gong Qiu Yu’s thrusting bum behind him, and with the other he caressed Chu Ling’s cheek. 

The burly man closed his eyes and rubbed happily against Luo Bai’s rough calloused hand, a look of total adoration on his face.

Tenderly Luo Bai said, “you are already mine, as I am yours my beloved Chu Ling. I can think of nothing better than being between my two greatest friends, who are now my lovers.” Then looking down at Xie Jie he added, “Thank you for opening my heart, I wish I had met you centuries ago, then I wouldn’t have wasted so much time that I could have spent with my precious men.”

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