The Good Incubus

Chapter 9 (NSFW) A Beautiful Way To Awaken

Chapter 9

A Beautiful Way To Awaken


The sun was drifting into the small hut when Xie Jie next opened his eyes, he felt unbelievably refreshed. Then he remembered the night before and his heart sank, Hao Kong had rejected him.

Looking down he saw Dun curled on his clean pale chest, 'was it all a dream? how am I clean again?' he thought.

Warm air touched his right cheek, and Xie Jie turned his head to see Hao Kong’s silver hair shining in the morning light mere inches from his nose.

Xie Jie’s mind was a muddle, hadn't he been rejected? Then why was Hao Kong sleeping so close?

His heart starting to race, Xie Jie thought, ‘I must of got it wrong, Hao Kong must really be a man of honour who didn’t want to take advantage of his captive. Have I found my one in a thousand? Can Hao Kong be mine?’

Xie Jie really hoped so, Hao Kong was handsome, cute and rushed towards danger to save people, oh and his sexy physique! He was like a dream.

Hao Kong's sleeping face was so close he could feel his warm breath on his lips. Those soft lips were right there, Xie Jie wanted to capture them again. His eyes drifted down and he had a long look at Hao Kong's body, he fervently wished the handsome cultivator slept naked like himself.

Still, even covered he enjoyed looking at that long neck and broad chest. Xie Jie could feel himself heating up again, as his eyes travelled down to Hao Kong's strong abdomen, lower still and his eyes stopped dead.

Oh! Hao Kong must be having a good dream for his robe was pulled tight into a tent. Xie Jie's mouth watered it looked huge and the girth! He wanted it all to himself.

Driven by heat heightened instincts Xie Jie reached out his hand, he wanted to unwrap that snake and look at it in the flesh. But as he got near Dun slapped his hand lightly bringing him back to his senses.

Shame flooded Xie Jie's mind, he had to get control of his hormones, being in heat was making him crazy, "Thank you Dun, I'm sorry."

There was a deep rumbling laugh next to him, and Xie Jie looked up Hao Kong's body to see him watching.

"He did that to me last night too when I wanted to clean you." Seeing what Xie Jie had been reaching for Hao Kong went bright red and put his hands over his swollen member.

Xie Jie pouted and thought, 'am I not even allowed to look at it?'

Seeing the lovely man's pout Hao Kong didn't know what to do, he wanted to please this cute young incubus but he was so embarrassed.

All of Hao Kong’s dreams had been about Xie Jie and now he was caught fully erect by the subject of his desire. He closed his eyes and slowly moved his trembling hands, trying to look natural but failing miserably.

Xie Jie's happy eyes fixed on Hao Kong's tent, his mouth going from watering to dry, then he registered what Hao Kong had said and asked, "You cleaned me?"

Blushing even more, and going harder still at the thought of holding Xie Jie's naked body, Hao Kong opened his eyes and replied, “Yes, I didn't think sleeping in that state would be good, I hope that is OK?"

Xie Jie, who didn't miss a bit of Hao Kong's movement, was silent for a second thinking with wonder, 'it gets even bigger! This has to be one of the biggest I've ever seen.'

Completely misinterpreting Xie Jie's silence as him being unhappy, Hao Kong went slightly soft with worry and said sadly, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't of touched you, I knew I had no right after running out on you last night, but I just wanted you to sleep comfortably."

Xie Jie's distraction with Hao Kong's member was broken by his words, he looked up into the cultivator’s sad dark eyes.

"I will always be happy any time you touch me, I shouldn't have put that much pressure on you last night. I'm sorry, I had no right to ask that of you so suddenly."

Hao Kong's heart soared then fell, in his mind Xie Jie had nothing to apologise for.

Grabbing the lovely incubus’s pale shoulders he turned him so they were face to face. "I failed you when you needed me, I'm sorry, but I didn’t want to take advantage of you being in heat."

Xie Jie's heart threatened to burst through his chest. Was this what it was like to be cared for by a partner, did he dare to dream, by a lover? Xie Jie became instantly greedy, he wanted more, more of Hao Kong's emotions, more of his body.

He shuffled forward into Hao Kong's embrace pushing their bodies together, and to his delight Hao Kong opened his arms to accept him.

A smile bloomed on Hao Kong's rugged face, he had thought it would take days before Xie Jie would trust him again.

Hao Kong put his arms around Xie Jie's shoulders trying to keep his breathing calm, but the man in his arms smelt so good, and felt even better. As Xie Jie’s soft supple body moved closer in to his strong muscular one, they both felt Hao Kong's little friend reach his full height.

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