The Greatest Architect

Chapter 75

75 Us. triple circle (2)

‘What the hell. ’

Lloyd opens his eyes wide.

A new fourth option.

Circle shift.

It was a kind of bonus I had never thought about or anticipated.

Moreover, I was a little familiar with the description of the options.

“Rotations per minute”? One through six gears? ’

It was like describing a car transmission.

Like changing a car’s gears, it seemed to be able to control the rotation speed of the circle.

Even separately? You can control all three circles separately? ’

Biceps, biceps.

Lloyd’s chest reads the options again.

I had to.

It was really great.

‘It’s not a joke. ’

It was difficult to control the rotational force of the circle.

Moreover, it was more difficult to maintain the constant rotational force as much as he wanted.

Rotating the Mana Circle around the heart.

It was simply like turning a big ring on a finger.

Anyone can easily turn a ring on their hand.

The spinning speed may be controlled.

However, it is difficult to keep the rotation speed completely constant. No, it’s almost impossible.

‘Course, you can do it at the same speed, but you have to get the rotation right up to a tenth of a second without getting it wrong. It’s perfect. ’

But what about the new option, Circle Shift?

I was able to make it possible.

I was able to control even three circles at different speeds!

‘Crazy, this option. ’

Lloyd swallows his saliva.

A little while ago, he was the holder of the double circle.

So I knew how hard it was to rotate multiple circles at different speeds.

Circle two different circles.

It was harder than putting two rings on each hand and turning them at different speeds.

What about triple circles, that is, three circles?

‘With one ring in each hand, add one to your ankle. ’

Controlling each of the three circles separately.

It was already out of the skill category.

Almost as good as the circus.

That’s why Xaviel, who controls the circle freely, was a monster.

‘But now I can do that too. ’

Of course, it will be more cruel than Xaviel.

It will not be possible to control the rotational force in detail beyond step 6.

‘But still, where is this? ’

Gear adjustment via Circle Shift.

Control of rotational force with gear adjustment.

Thanks to this, you can use the wave without complex practice.

‘If you want to use a wave, you have to crash Mana Circle. ’

But there was a force between the circles, a force that pushed each other away.

You push each other away like magnets in the same polarity.

So it was very difficult to make contact.

To offset these forces:

I needed a super-speed rotation of Mana Circle.

Besides, it wasn’t just a quick spin.

‘You need to rotate both circles at the correct rate. Twice-three rounds, maybe. ’

Lloyd suddenly remembers something that happened not long ago.

The ratio of rotation of two to three.

It was the proportion that Xaviel showed me.

It was said to be the most ideal conflict condition.

Maybe he told me to take a look when I became a Triple Circle.

It was then.


Behind you. No, you hear a freak coming from above.

The startled Lloyd raises his head.

I looked up.

I couldn’t see the night sky.

Instead, you see the gigantic body of Gigatitan.

The meaning was clear.

Did you follow me here already? ’


Gigatitan’s front leg falls to the ground.

It was just five seconds ago when Podong crashed.

‘I really can’t do this anymore. ’

Lloyd swallows a dry saliva.

There was no time.

He grips one ear of Podong and shouts.


“Pow, pow! Hehehe!”

“You! You can get away without me! ”


“Yes! Come on! I’m gonna kick his ass! Hang in there, okay? ”

“Po, po, po! Heh heh heh! ”

Podong gasps and nods.

Lloyd slammed Podong’s back.


My body is in the air.

Podong’s chubby back quickly disappeared.

It was a very, slightly, slightly quicker back view because of the weight loss on this side.

And from behind, the column-like bridge of gigantitan draws swiftly.


“…… ugh! ”

Lloyd takes a breath.

I’m still falling, so I’m floating in the air.

The bridge of Gigatitan is rapidly approaching towards itself.

He was prepared for a shock.


You bump into the bridge of gigantitan like it hit a pillar.

At that moment, I opened my arms.

I hugged his leg.

A small protrusion on the surface of the leg shell was caught.

Thanks to this, I’m able to stay on his legs.

But my insides were a little upside down.


I was hit and hit.

I was so sick that I couldn’t breathe.

But Lloyd bites his teeth tightly.

This is not an action movie character on my watch list! ’

He reaches out, grudging his debt.

I grabbed a more upward spur.

I climbed as hard as a rock climber.

Luckily, the Triple Circle is giving you more stamina.

Tens of meters high to the trunk of that monster up there.

Moreover, the column-like legs move relentlessly.

Even in those conditions, he was able to move quickly like a cockroach climbing up the sink.

Faster! Quickly! ‘

There wasn’t much time.

Gigatitan was almost on the verge of catching up to Podong.

‘If I’m late, I’ll get Podong and Xaviel. ’

Lloyd finally climbs over Gigatitan’s armor.

I ran towards his head.

I even practiced firing with lightning bolts at the same time.

‘There won’t be many opportunities. Because you have to succeed at once. ’

Neither basketball, soccer dribbles, idol dancing, swimming, nor even walking required practice.

How much more of Asran’s finest technique, Wave, need I say?

I thought you said it was a two-to-three rotation. ’

He recalls Xaviel’s advice.

New circle shift options triggered.

[Aslahan Deep Jurisdiction Skill Option ④: Activates Circle Shift.]

Gears 1, 2 and 3 because it’s practice. ’

Gear set.

Three circles responded immediately.

[Alpha circle gear is set to stage 1. Fixed to RPM 1,000.]

[Beta Circle has two gears set. Fixed to RPM 2,000.]

[Gamma Circle’s gear is set to three. Fixed to RPM 3,000.]


The three circles return to their respective rotational forces.

Among them, the second beta circle and the third gamma circle had an unusual reaction.

I didn’t leave them on purpose, but I started getting close by myself.


Lloyd was furious and moved the first Alpha Circle.

The heart was quickly enveloped with an alpha circle of RPM 1,000.

The conflict occurred shortly after.


Beta circles and gamma circles collided around the heart.

“ ……! ”

Explosive pressure you’ve never experienced before.

A destructive force surges from within.

You punched the heart wrapped around the Alpha Circle.


Does it feel like this when I have a heart attack?

At that moment, Lloyd had to sit down, wrapped around his chest.

Then he quickly moved his arms.

I picked up the shovel that was on my back.

I took the floor.

At the same time, the destructive pressure from the collision of the circles was gushed out with a shovel.


The wave erupts through the flat shovel.

You punched Gigatitan in the back.

Lloyd’s body flew five meters up.


I almost fell out of Gigatitan’s back.

He lands on his back, nearly rebalanced.

Then I grabbed the shovel.

I got it. It worked. ’

The test wave was a quick success.

No, it wasn’t just a success.

‘I didn’t mean to crash the circle. I hit the golden ratio and the two circles collided on their own. ’

It meant one thing.

It was now possible to use emissions immediately whenever you wanted.

Let’s go!

Loyd has gained his confidence.

I ran along Gigatitan’s ridge.

You approached the 11th and 12th shelves, which should have weak spots.

From there, I had to perform a trick.

“Hook! Hook! ”

You crawl down the side of Gigattan’s back.

I’m stuck to my stomach.

This is not a showdown! ’

A wide, flat armor.

I grabbed a thorn that was like a protrusion there.

You grab the next thorn while hanging it. I moved like that.

Armor and thorns at the top.

The ground lies a few feet down.

‘Let’s not look down. ’

I felt dizzy when I saw it.

He shifted hard, keeping his gaze up.

You approach it secretly like a summer mosquito clinging to the human body to suck blood.

And I finally arrived at the weak spot.

‘That one.’

Connection between pack 11 and pack 12.

You see a hole made there.

It’s about 50 centimeters in diameter.

It was a hole dug at an angle toward Gigatitan’s head.

“Javier stabbed me in the foot. ’

Lloyd grabs the shovel.

You just have to stab here one more time.

I controlled my breathing. I aimed at the shovel head at the same angle as Xaviel’s stabbing wave.

‘At once. ’

It has to end.

I made a commitment to rotate Mana Circle.

The rotation speed was set with a circle shift.

‘Tiers 3, 4 and 6. ’


As soon as the shift was triggered, the circle reacted immediately.

RPM of 3,000, 4,000 and 6,000, respectively.

I turned into a much more ferocious force than before.

Lloyd wrapped the heart with an alpha circle of 3,000 RPM.

‘What’s left is a collision. ’

4,000 RPM beta circles and 6,000 RPM gamma circles.

As soon as two super-speed rotating circles collide, they pull the power out.

You open Mana’s path through your right arm.

The explosive force is ready to be sent to the shovel.


Beta Circle and Gamma Circle resonated. You get close enough. It seems to collide soon. I aim at the shovel and waited for that moment.

But it was then.


Gigatitan roars violently.

Suddenly, the charge stops.

I let go of Podong, who almost caught him.

Instead, I stabbed the ground with my front legs like clubs.

I asked him if he was stabbing me, and he just shrugged.

Broken rock on the front leg.

The debris was caught in the aura of the frontal leg. You shoot it up. It becomes dozens of pieces of critical debris.

And I pounded it like I bombed the 11th and 12th shells.


Lloyd’s eyes curl as he prepares to wave.

Did he realize the existence of this side that approached his weakness?

It seemed like it.

So all of a sudden, he smashed a rock and went this way….


“ ……! ”

Big impact on the side of the head.

Lloyd’s head shakes loudly.

The entire upper half bounced off.

A drop of blood spurted along his head, pushed to the side as he drew the arc.

‘Am I right? ’

Between the dazed rituals.

Somehow it feels slow.

In it, Lloyd’s eyes move.

The snow contains a boulder that is falling powerlessly near you.

A stone a little bigger than a fist.

There was blood on one side.

It was blood on his head.

‘If we fail here… we can’t.’ ’


I wanted to succeed.

I yelled at Xaviel.

However, I was relieved.

You miss the armpit you were holding with your left hand.

My whole body fell down.

It was the beginning of a crash.

‘I can’t…. ’

Lloyd’s eyes look up.

It’s still a slow flow of time.

Gigatitan’s armor slowly begins to drift away from it.

Somehow, in the meantime, only a hole in the weak spot looks clear.

‘Just once. ’

Stab it.

I don’t need it twice.

So just once.

Just once.

Stab me.

Rotate Mana Circle.

I’m good with circle shift options.

By keeping the ratio that Xaviel gave me.

‘Two…… 3. ’

You muttered unconsciously.

Ceremony blurred by concussion.

I only remembered one thing that came to my mind.


Two to three ratio of Mana Circle rotation.

Make sure to keep it in collision.

‘Two-three……. ’

Just before the blackout.

His determination triggered the circle shift.

There was no detail control.

Just two-on-three.

That’s all I could think about was controlling the gear instinctively.

Alpha circles were placed in two stages.

Beta and gamma circles are placed in three stages.

Spinning fiercely.


The rest of the circles revolved around the alpha circle.

Three circles resonated together at a two-to-three rotation ratio.

Resonant and rapidly approaching.

There was no circle to protect the heart.

All three circles collided.

At that moment, Lloyd, who was losing consciousness, reached out the steel shovel as he had engraved it on his body.


A violent explosion erupts with a bang.

You dug through the weaknesses of Gigatitan.

I shredded the muscle tissue and intestines that were protected in my belly.

Then I kept reaching out. Breached. Breached. I broke all the tissue in front of me. I pierced the back of his armor, too.

Like that, the tidal wave pierces Gigatitan’s torso from its belly to its back.


Lloyd’s determination and will created a miraculous blow.

It was the first triple blast in history.

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