The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 48

Chapter 48 greatly awaited

“HBO spent 223 million to build the “Pacific War”, which will be launched soon!”

“Nine years after “The Brotherhood”, the “Pacific War” once again set off a frenzy of war-type works!”

“Hanks and Spielberg once again joined forces to create a cruel war story.”

“The production cycle lasts for three years, and the “Pacific War” will finally be officially premiered.”

“Beyond the classic expectations, the’Pacific War’ carries HBO’s ambitious ambition to break through.”

“‘Full of confidence’, from Steven Spielberg’s declaration.”

The day after the premiere came to an end, news about the “Pacific War” spread overwhelmingly. HBO added Tom and Steven’s signs, not to mention the “Brother Company” in front of Jewelry, “Pacific Ocean”. “War” has been attracting attention from the project stage. After the twists and turns of adapting the script in the early stage, the disputes in the mid-term funding preparation, and the difficulty of forming the cast company in the later stage, after more than three years of long preparations, the TV series is finally about to debut. It is no exaggeration to say that the expected value has indeed broken the table.

The grand occasion of the premiere last night has made people look forward to it.

“With inexperienced rookies as the leading role, can the’Pacific War’ reproduce the style of the’Brother Company’?”

“Renly-Hall: A freshman who appears in the cast of actors like a comet.”

“Tom Hanks: Lan Li is the central character in the whole series.”

In comparison, the attention focused on Lan Li is really limited. Referring to the experience of “Brothers”, in order to show the authenticity and balance of the crew, “Pacific War” also did not use big-name stars, so almost all the selection of actors are strange faces, and there is no essential difference between newcomers and seventh-line actors.

What’s more, “The Pacific War” was a group show on the one hand, and a TV show on the other. Even if Tom and Steven worked together to create and produce, the focus is destined to not stay on the actors.

Even Damien Lewis of “Brothers” did not trigger much discussion back then. In fact, after the broadcast of “Brothers”, no actor can immediately become popular, because the success of this series comes from the whole, not the individual.

This time, at least a few media outlets mentioned Lan Li’s name alone, and Sword Walk slantly tried to attract the audience’s attention from different angles. This is the benefit of Lan Li’s stunning performance at the premiere.

Undoubtedly, the major media have left a place for the “Pacific War” on important pages. The North American film market in the spring has been slightly depressed, and now there is finally a blockbuster film on the scene. People are naturally reluctant to take it lightly. Let it go.

On IMDB, the world’s largest online database site for movies, actors, and TV, the “Pacific War” has become a hot topic and has set off a wave of attention. Since the episode has not yet been broadcast, IMDB does not have an open scoring system or a discussion system, only the official trailer and detailed shooting information of HBO have been updated.

Nevertheless, this has not been able to stop the enthusiasm of netizens. In the list of the most anticipated works, “Pacific War” has soared to third place, only lagging behind the popular works “Toy Story 3” and “Toy Story 3” in this summer. Inception, “Iron Man 2”, “Twilight 3”, “Shrek 4” and other works are all left behind, showing an unimaginable appeal.

Just as “Shawshank’s Redemption” dominated IMDB’s best 250 film list for more than ten years, IMDB’s best 250 series list was dominated by the “Brother Company” for nearly ten years; what is even more incredible is that ” “Shawshank’s Redemption” dominates with a high score of 9.2, but the “Brother Company” scored as high as 9.5 among the ratings of more than 240,000 people. It can definitely be called a miracle among miracles. This shows that The series of “Brothers” has become a divine drama in the minds of the audience.

Now, the brother drama “Pacific War” of “Brothers” is about to be screened, and the audience’s enthusiasm for anticipation has completely exploded.

Not only IMDB, but also on the discussion board of the Yahoo community, the discussion about the “Pacific War” has broken the table. Thanks to the upcoming episode of the show, it has awakened the enthusiasm of countless “Brother Company” fans and has become The most popular episode in the 24-hour discussion board attracted more than 10,000 netizens to participate in the discussion.

As a TV series, the attention attracted by the “Pacific War” has been severely exploded. In the years since the broadcast of “Brothers”, it is estimated that only the grand finale of “Friends” can be compared, whether it is The topic of “Lost” and the stunning “Prison Break” in the United States are far from being comparable.

More interestingly, “The Pacific War” was broadcast on HBO, a wireless TV station—in other words, a paid channel, not every household in the United States has subscribed to HBO. In TVB, the ratings and the number of viewers are not what they care about. Professional reviews and subscriber feedback are the core competitiveness. But now, the “Pacific War” has erupted into an incredible viewing boom among the audience.

This is really a spectacle.

With all the anticipation, on the night of March 21st, the “Pacific War” finally officially started broadcasting!

William-Taylor (William-Taylor) is one of them. As a fan of “Brother Company”, the countdown started two weeks ago. One week ago, he specifically vacated the time on this Friday and did not arrange any other activities. Even his parents know about his “special plan” tonight-he is only 18 years old this year and will enter university in September.

“Billy, Billy.” Panting, a voice rushed in from the outside, Graham-Huges almost knocked open the door of the room, and there was still a greeting left in his mouth, “Mrs. Taylor , Mr. Taylor, good evening.”

But William didn’t care about the door panel that groaned/groaned. Instead, he put his finger on his lips and quickly beckoned, “Turn off the light at the door, and there are three minutes left.” Even the voice couldn’t help being lowered deliberately. , As if really in a movie theater, only to scare the other audiences.

Graham didn’t have time to wipe off his sweat. He sat down next to William, then took out the popcorn and Coke from his backpack, turned his head and glanced at William, both of them had similar smiles in their eyes. , Adjusting his sitting posture on the sofa, holding the popcorn in his arms, and looking at the TV screen.

is playing an advertisement at this time, but the two of them seem to be watching the best movie in the world, staring at the screen intently.

William’s mother walked to the door and looked at the appearance of the two people sitting upright, couldn’t help but shook their heads with a smile, “You’re too nervous, anyway, you’ll definitely get a DVD or Blu-ray disc…”

“Mom/Mrs. Taylor!” William and Graham yelled in unison, and their answer was the empathetic gesture of closing the door of the room, and the two looked at the TV screen together again.

“It’s getting started!” William’s voice was trembling, but Graham held his breath, his pupils seemed to spread.

Not only Taylor’s house, at this moment, on this Friday night, on this carnival night, on this night to welcome the weekend, countless families across the United States have chosen to stay at home, not because they are too old to be absent from night life. , It’s not because you’re too exhausted from work to give up going out, just to watch the “Pacific War”!

In addition, in order to be able to watch the live broadcast of the episode for the first time, some people choose to go to the home of a friend who has an HBO paid channel, bring a dozen beers, invite a group of friends, just like gathering together like a party, and enjoy This special night; what’s more, I went directly to the bar, the purpose is to open the bar’s HBO channel, I only hope to find like-minded strangers to watch together, just like watching football or the World Cup.

Such a grand occasion is being staged in all corners of the North American continent. Even if it is not empty, it is not far away.

Later, according to statistics, the ratings and number of viewers for the first broadcast of the “Pacific War” on this night both created new highs in the past two years, and easily broke the achievements of the “Brothers Company” that year.

Although the wireless TV network led by HBO does not care about ratings, they care about overall subscriber satisfaction, and only the part of the audience that pays for them is what they need to pay attention to; however, the frequent ratings records created are still eye-catching. .

The ratings of American TV series are divided into two data. One is the number of viewers and the other is the ratings. Both data have professional explanations and definitions, but to understand simply, the former represents the United States in the end. How many people watch it, the latter represents how many of the people watching it are 18 to 49 years old-the general view is that this is the backbone of consumption.

Prior to this, HBO’s ratings were maintained by the classic series “The Sopranos” in the 2007 finale, with 7.1 million viewers and an incredible 11.9. A simple horizontal reference and a cable TV series that relies on the ratings to eat, the ratings of more than three are enough to be spent, and more than five are rare.

Now, the viewership of “Pacific War” is as high as 5.9 million, and the viewership rate has reached an amazing 4.6. I spiked all the wireless network dramas that night and became the viewership champion! After the “Sopranos” that swept the US finale, HBO’s most impressive performance in the past two years!

It is worth mentioning that “The Pacific War” is a miniseries. The real profit of such a series is the sales of DVDs, video on demand, and competition for awards at the awards ceremony. But now, this miniseries has set off a frenzy when it first aired, and even HBO, who is not bad for money, is smiling.

All the signs indicate that the “Pacific War” has opened a good start, and the continuation of the glory of the “Brother Company” seems to be close at hand.

The screening of the first episode came to an end very quickly. It was less than an hour long that people could not feel the pause of time at all. Watching the subtitles on the TV screen slide up, William’s expression was a little strange, and Graham also cast it. He lost his puzzled gaze, and then William frowned and said uncertainly, “…why do you think that… is missing something.”

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