The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 81

Chapter 81 2 hard to choose

Scarlett’s small eyes are always filled with a shallow halo, which can be picked or slanted, staring or aiming. The moments of style between movement and stillness are always unforgettable.

Looking at Scarlett’s flirty eyes, looking up and down with the lazy eyes like a Persian cat, Lan Li’s smile changed from shallow to deep. Not only did he not panic, but he also tilted slightly to the side. Leaning on the brick wall at the door, his body became more relaxed and casual; his right hand was still playing with the cigarette case, but he was silent.

Scarlett raised her eyebrows lightly, somewhat unexpectedly Lan Li’s posture, unruly and unruly, she had a lot of freedom in her gestures.

This is just the first time Scarlett and Lan Li have met. She doesn’t know who Lan Li is, but from the impression of appearance and the brief confrontation just now, Lan Li is more like a gentleman with an introverted edge. Elegance and wisdom can often control the initiative unknowingly.

But the current Lan Li looks arrogant and arrogant. The arrogance and scorn lingering in the steam make people think of James-Dean (James-Dean). This kind of subtle contrast makes people a little unpredictable.

“I know you have a good hand, but I also know you are bluffing people now.” Scarlett’s pupils shrank slightly, as if the cat saw the prey, either he would not move easily, or he would kill him with a single blow. The murderous intent hidden in the blur faintly showed its edge.

Lan Li’s mouth pulled down, as if it was entertaining because of Scarlett’s words, his eyes were quite playful, “What do you say?”

“You know, there are such people who always think they are special and unique, but…” Scarlett prolonged the end sound, her eyes shone with mischievous light, her rosy lips pressed into a line. Then he sketched it out suddenly, “But in fact, they are just unknown people, nobody has heard of them.”

“Oh.” Lan Li yelled in pain. In response, the smile on his face deepened, “Then this should be a good thing. It seems that you are sure that Ryan can definitely get the role?”

Lan Li’s reaction made Scarlett a little uncertain. The white teeth bit the tip of his tongue lightly, and his eyes rolled around. “You don’t look like a loser who will disarm and surrender.” Lan Li chose. To stay, obviously not just standing here stupidly, then, what is he seeking?

Lan Li still smiled, “Should I take this as a compliment?”

This non-leakage gesture made Scarlett make a decision. She shrugged her shoulders and showed a completely indifferent appearance, “Who cares, you can take it as a compliment, this is your freedom. As for Ryan in the end. Whether the audition is successful or not is his business, not something I should worry about.”

Lan Li showed a surprised expression, “I thought you came here with Ryan on a special trip today, just holding a certain posture, husband and wife, this is a good story in Hollywood.”

Scarlett’s left eye blinked slightly, her lower lip was bitten by her teeth like a shell, and a sly smile was outlined. Seeing the smile getting bigger and bigger, the soft lips gradually slipped from the gap between her teeth. In the end it turned into a graceful arc, “Have you never heard of the pose? In the invisible corner, the booked paparazzi is pressing the shutter.”

“Shooting the scandal between the two of us?” Lan Li’s smile added a touch of ridicule, and the scale of light and swaying words was properly grasped. Not only does it not make people offensive, but it makes people’s cheeks slightly hot.

“Heh.” Scarlett smiled completely, chuckled, and walked away from the door, facing away from the direction of the lobby, facing Lan Li, and stepped back, “Sir, you overestimate yourself. “The subtext is that with Lan Li’s current reputation and popularity, he is not qualified to have **** with her.

Lan Li spread his hands, expressing his innocence.

Scarlett noticed a small detail. Lan Li’s body left the brick wall and stood up straight again. It can be understood as just wanting to talk more easily. After all, Scarlett is constantly backing away, and the distance between the two is pulling. Big; but it can also be understood as—

Scarlett looked back, and she happened to see Rodriguez’s gaze. At this moment, Ryan was talking endlessly, but Rodriguez looked out the window, and the direction he could see was… Scarlett turned her head again, Lanly Hall.

The footsteps stopped, and the smile closed a little, but then it bloomed again. Scarlett took a serious look at the blue gift, “This gentleman, although I don’t know what magic you are doing, I’m very To be sure, I have no interest in participating. If I remember correctly, I belong to the Reynolds team.”

Her abacus was spotted, Lan Li’s heart was slightly squeezed, but the surface was not leaking, “I think you have enough trust in Ryan’s absolute strength.”

This sentence made Scarlett laugh unscrupulously, “This joke is really good.” Ryan can be said to be a good actor, but it is still far from the adjective “absolute strength”, Scarlett is bold. Even Ryan could not avoid the direct complaint.

Scarlett turned around and walked into the lobby again with graceful steps, her back disappearing behind the heavy glass door. The courtyard became quiet again, leaving Lan Li alone.

Rodriguez’s attention is not very concentrated. Ryan is still expressing his views on the script. His focus is on the rhythm control of the story. For thriller and horror movies, similar to most popcorn movies, the control of climax and the creation of atmosphere are crucial, but to Rodriguez’s ears, these are nonsense.

Regardless of the rhythm or the atmosphere, these are the work of the director, not the actors. Ryan’s understanding of the role obviously still stays in the “first part”, focusing on how to hold the audience’s tension firmly in his hands, and how to drive the audience’s emotions with invisible fear like Alfred Hitchcock… …But Ryan has no opinion about the understanding of the character itself and the sublimation of the connotation of the script.

This disappointed Rodrigue.

There is no gap if there is no contrast. After watching Lan Li’s performance, Ryan’s performance appeared simple and straightforward. Indeed, Ryan can accurately express emotions such as panic, fear, and despair, which coincides with Rodrigue’s original setting in his mind. There is no doubt that Ryan can complete the task excellently; but Ryan’s performance lacks level. It lacks depth and does not contribute to the refining of the story.

“Buried alive” has the potential to be excellent, but now it has been seen as a good work, no different from other horror movies and thriller movies.

Involuntarily, Rodriguez raised his head and glanced out the window, and then he saw Lan Li and Scarlett who were talking. After the entire courtyard, Rodrigue couldn’t hear their conversation, but he could perceive the subtle difference in Lan Li-he looked even more…unruly, rough and free, and that kind of wind. The posture of /// made the line of sight stop involuntarily.

Rodriguez didn’t have time to study the true personality of Lan Li. He couldn’t help but resurfaced the image of Paul in his mind. It was not Paul trapped in the coffin, but Paul before he came to Iraq.

The humorous and handsome Paul can always win the hearts of girls. He was a member of the school basketball team in high school. He was a man of action on campus. He always enjoyed life to the fullest and always swayed his youth arbitrarily until he met him. Arrived Linda-later became his wife.

Marriage is always happy and beautiful at the beginning. They have their first child, they have their own house in the suburbs, and their lives have gradually stabilized. However, the real estate bubble in 2008 caused a financial tsunami. They bank All of his savings disappeared, and life suddenly fell into trouble, so the quarrel began, they began to become alienated and unfamiliar, and life became difficult and struggling.

Choosing to go to Iraq is a helpless choice forced by life, and it is also a choice to give this marriage some space.

Before being kidnapped, Paul and Linda had an argument The dissatisfaction and anger accumulated in the past few months all broke out. The pressure of mortgage, the urging of the bank, the hardship of distance, the education of children… …Questions one after another, the two wanted to tear each other through the phone line, and finally put down their cruel words, and hung up the phone severely.

Rodriguez saw Paul’s life in Renly, vivid and concrete, three-dimensional and image. The plot fragments in the script are beginning to become real. Even though the “buried alive” story is confined to a coffin, the world outside the coffin begins to extend infinitely, and the whole story begins to become full and deep.

Rodriguez’s inner excitement began to jump up little by little, almost uncontrollable. He had an urge to immediately carry the camera and record Lan Li’s every move, and even immediately plunged into the filming of the movie. The enthusiasm for creation continued to blow out like a volcanic eruption, and every cell began to scream.

“Rodrigo?” Ryan’s call made Roderick come back to his senses, “What do you think? If we can, we can revise the script and re-plan these scenes, and then we can start shooting. Now. I will have enough schedule for the next month to complete this work.” Ryan showed a big smile on his face, ready to go to work at any time.

Rodriguez looked at Ryan in front of him seriously. He did not forget that Ryan was his first choice, and he also wrote the invitation letter in his own hand; he did not forget that Ryan’s current reputation is extremely precious to “Buried alive”. Yes, all aspects of subsequent release, promotion, and screening will be helpful; he also has not forgotten that Ryan personally rushed to New York from Los Angeles. This sincerity and devotion demonstrated his enthusiasm.

There is a decision in his mind.

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