The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 86

Chapter 86 Pure and simple

Lan Li is telling the truth, he really doesn’t care about Thor. In the previous life, Sol’s role was originally in the hands of Chris; moreover, he decided to reject the script of “Thor” early on. If Chris asked, he didn’t mind sharing the script at all.

It was Chris who really disappointed Lan Li. He thought they were friends.

may not be a good friend, but at least it should be an ordinary friend. They didn’t get along as roommates for a long time, but the two people got along very well. They had never had any conflicts. They had discussions about the division of labor and cooperation in their daily lives. In other words, they were more familiar with them than ordinary friends. After all, they were living. A roommate under the same roof, and a roommate who has the same dream of an actor. At least, it should not be a stranger.

Although he has been a human for two lives, he has not much experience in being a human being.

In the last life, the first half of the life was focused on the mother’s schedule, and even the time to go to the toilet was planned, let alone meeting new friends; the second half of life was spent in the hospital bed, the only chance to meet friends was The patient in the next hospital bed then watched them come and go, and he was the only one who remained in place.

Friend is not an unfamiliar vocabulary for Lan Li, but it always has a sense of freshness. Perhaps, compared to the heat of love and the purity of family, friendship seems to be more polite and alienated, but friendship is an eternal haven, accompany everyone through different stages of life, from birth to death, not far away. Watching the distance close, but never leaving.

He thought he and Chris were friends, but obviously, he was wrong.

Maybe, in Vanity Fair, friendship is different after all.

After leaving home, Lan Li originally planned to go to the supermarket to find a corner to sit in, but then he realized that what he needed now was not a quiet moment belonging to one person. So, he went all the way to Mount Sinai Hospital.

Many people don’t like hospitals. In fact, Lan Li doesn’t like hospitals either. But in fact, after getting used to the ups and downs of life and death in hospitals, you can feel the peace that belongs here, because this is a place where miracles occur.

Indeed, there is always life coming to an end here, but at the same time a new life is born; indeed, there is always hope coming to an end here, but hope is also born here. Compared with the darkness, Lan Li always likes the sunshine in the hospital. It is thin but warm. It can make people thank you that you are still healthy, you can be thankful that you have escaped the sickle of death, and you can continue to hope for tomorrow. .

Only when I walked into the inpatient building, the roaring noises whizzed past. A group of little guys whispered and ran towards the backyard, “Lan Li!”, “Hey, man”, “Big Handsome guy”…The children greeted Lan Li who hadn’t had time to come in.

“Catherine!” “George!” “Oh, isn’t this Stephanie?” “Eric, you look taller!” “Alex, slow down, slow down, don’t run too fast.”

Lan Li squatted down and raised his hands high. When the children passed by, they would automatically hit his palms. Lan Li could accurately call out each child’s name and greet everyone with a smile. He couldn’t help but climbed up to the corner of his mouth, “Hey, look at who this is? A stranger?” When he saw the newly appeared face, Lan Li still greeted with a smile, his brisk tone jumping for joy in the setting sun gradually sinking. With.

“Anita? What’s the matter?” Behind the children, the head nurse Anita Tunisa also took small steps to follow the team, Lan Li quickly stopped her and asked.

Anita grabbed Lan Li’s arm and beckoned him to go together, “Let’s go out together today, let’s go outside today.” Anita smiled brightly on her face, “You came just in time. I’ll leave the guitar to you. We were still worried just now. Kelly is not the best candidate.”

Lan Li’s footsteps followed subconsciously, and after hearing the explanation, he pointed to the direction of the elevator, “You go first, I will go upstairs to visit Heather, and then I will join you.”

Mount Sinai is a children’s hospital. The children will be gathered together every once in a while, or to celebrate festivals, or to play in groups, or to outdoor activities, to bring laughter to the children as much as possible. I hope that the disease will not even They were also deprived of their childhood.

However, there are still some children who cannot participate in these activities. In addition to those who need to live in the aggravated ward, there are also many children who are not physically allowed like Heather Cross. In this case, after consulting the doctor’s consent, parents will use their wheelchairs to push their children to join everyone.

Lan Li is not sure about Heather’s current situation and whether he is willing to go downstairs to join the event, so he needs to go upstairs to confirm.

“The Crosses are here, they just pushed Heather to the backyard.” Anita explained briefly and quickly, Lan Li suddenly realized that she didn’t continue to refuse, and walked out together with the children.

The setting sun on the horizon is still burning, and the entire courtyard is reflected in a bright orange red. The children’s laughter and laughter travel through the air, pure and simple, without any disguise, without any calculations, and without any burden. , Just simply, cheerfully, and wantonly smiling.

Inner melancholy and disappointment were instantly thrown aside, Lan Li joined the ranks of the children with the guitar on his back, enjoying the moment, enjoying the music and childhood.

“Len Li,’Hey, Soul-Sister’, hurry up, come on to a song of’Life Girl’.” The crowd shouted cheerfully, following the voice, it was Alex. -The little guy Ricky yelled profusely, his ruddy face seemed a little abnormal, the nurse standing next to him stepped forward and took Alex’s arm, “Little guy, you Can’t be so excited anymore.”

Lanli lifted his chin toward Alex and signaled, “Man, which girl do you want to confess to? Tell me, I’ll help you finish it.”

“Hey, Girl of Life” is the title song of the new album premiere released by the alternative rock band Train in the second half of last year. This single combines folk and rock styles. It tells the mood of a man confessing to his beloved girl. When it was first released, the single did not show up, but after more than half a year of hitting songs, it became very popular, and its ranking on the bulletin board was rising. Just last week, it reached an incredible number three. Name, create new highs.

It can be said that this song has been one of the hottest singles on major radio stations recently. Don’t look at Alex’s young age. Obviously, the radio hasn’t listened less.

The ridicule made the children laugh, but Alex was not at all restrained, and said loudly, “Kelly, I want to confess to Kelly!”

Kelly-Patton, the new nurse who came to the hospital this year, is only 24 years old. She was originally the guitarist who was in charge of the collective chorus today, but after Lan Li came, the important role of the guitar was changed, and Kelly was in charge of taking care of the children.

Hearing such a high-profile confession, Kelly wrinkled her nose at Alex, as if expressing her dissatisfaction, but before she could speak, the strings of the guitar next to her had already sounded, and Lan Li outlined the strings. Singing loudly, “Hey…hey yeah yeah…” All the children sang loudly to the catchy melody, and Kylie glanced at Lan Li helplessly.

Lan Li shrugged with a bright smile, and turned around to greet the children. All the children followed Lan Li in a hurry, forming a long line like a train. I saw Lan Li playing the guitar while walking around Kelly. Soon Kelly was surrounded by the children. Alex chased him up and followed Lan Li. He raised his head and sang loudly, “Hey, girl in my life, I don’t want to miss anything you do, just tonight.”

The atmosphere is so lively.

Seeing everyone booing, Kelly finally gave up the resistance, took the initiative to walk to Alex, sent an invitation, and then the two danced in the middle. The nurse’s white uniform floated lightly, and Alex’s red face showed the happiest smile in the world.

Now, the children became even more excited. They clapped their hands and beat the rhythm, singing hoarsely, so that the songs began to go out of tune, like a scorched vinyl record that deformed The tone reverberated in the sunlight, but Lan Li didn’t care. The smile on his face followed the children’s dance steps and his body began to beat the beat involuntarily, joining the ranks of everyone’s dancing.

“Okay, okay, today’s event should be over.” After singing the song “Hey, Life Girl”, although Anita was reluctant, she still had to step up to interrupt everyone’s carnival. We applaud Kelly and Alex!”

Lan Li was the first one to raise his hands and cheer, and the other children followed suit and cheered loudly, “Oh yeah!”

Alex turned his head and cast his gaze, Lan Li’s eyes flashed slightly, and he nodded secretly to give affirmation, and then saw Alex solemnly perform a noble knightly ceremony, expressing respect.

Kelly opened her mouth quite unexpectedly, but couldn’t help but chuckled softly, and then she also pinched the hem of her uniform, and politely stepped back and slightly bent her knees in return.

Everyone booed together, and Alex felt ashamed. Then he ran to Lan Li’s side. Lan Li squatted down and raised his right hand. Alex jumped directly and hit Lan hard. Li’s right palm, then screamed excitedly, and ran toward the hospital inpatient building.

stood up straight again, Lan Li wiped the sweat from his forehead, and the 30-minute collective chorus was even more exhausting than a 60-minute performance in Pioneer Village. A light breeze blew, and it was immediately cooler, and then Lan Li saw the kite in the sky, flying freely under the bright sky, hula la, hula la, dragging her long tail and embracing the wind of freedom .

That is a butterfly kite, the kite that Lan Li left in Heather’s ward.

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