The Grimm Prince (RWBY)

Chapter 30: A Conversation

As he makes eye contact with the Queen of the Grimm, Salem looks back at him passively, not a hint of judgment in her face. That doesn’t stop Jaune from offering her a crooked smile and a tilt of his head, however.
“Here to tell me ‘I told you so’?”
Wordlessly, Salem tilts her own head at that, even as she raises an eyebrow in response. Jaune sighs, looking around at the devastation he’d wrought in the past little while. The Grimm themselves dissipate as they’re ‘killed’, leaving behind little in the way of ‘remains’. But the ground has become a complete crater, utterly destroyed by his hands. Pursing his lips together tightly, he looks back to Salem and shakes his head.
“I’m beginning to think you might have been right. Maybe humanity isn’t worth it after all.”
At that, Salem finally approaches. Bringing up a hand, she caresses his cheek for a moment before smiling fondly.
“No you’re not.”
Her simple denial of his words sends a jolt through Jaune’s spine and he looks at her incredulously. That gets a laugh from the Queen of the Grimm.
“Oh, don’t get me wrong. I’m still not sure there’s anything truly redeemable about humanity as a whole. But I would have to be blind and a fool to not see that you still care for them, even now. After these two long years together, I should like to think I have had my eyes opened that much at least.”
Her hand remains on his cheek, while the other trails down his chest in a tender, loving, and sensual manner. Of course, it becomes quite a bit lewder when it reaches his navel and keeps going. As Salem slips her hand down his pants and begins stroking his cock, Jaune grunts, staring at her while she giggles.
“You are my King, and I have been very lonely…”
After a moment, Jaune nods his head in understanding, letting Salem do as she will. For the moment, that just means stroking him off, even as she forms her next words.
“… Humanity is inherently greedy, stupid, and selfish, Jaune. It has always been this way, for as long as I have lived on this world. Even back when I was human myself, Queen alongside Ozma as King… humans were like this. They are, at their core, always looking out for number one. No matter how much you try to do good, you will never fully understand the repercussions of your actions if you do not take that into account.”
Jaune frowns at that, considering the Grimm Queen’s words. On the one hand, he had examples that made him want to agree with her. Raven Branwen and her Branwen Tribe were the most obvious. They believed in the survival of the fittest above all else, and they were, each and every one of them, undeniably and ultimately unashamedly selfish creatures.
To a lesser extent, Pyrrha’s platoon were also selfish. Oh, Jaune imagined that they would argue up and down all day long that everything they did was for Pyrrha’s sake. Maybe even one or two of them could convince themselves to believe it. But the truth was obvious, at least to Jaune. They were, all of them, jealous of Jaune’s involvement with their Lieutenant. Their so-called concern came purely from a place of selfishness.
On the other hand, you had Pyrrha herself. And her mother. Pyrrha, it could be said, had acted selfishly in going after what she wanted from him after a certain point. But before then she had made her decision to take him into custody out of concern for others. And she had damn near died to Raven in defense of the villagers of Shion.
Boudicca, meanwhile, had fought hard to try and save her daughter from his clutches. She had been led afoul by Pyrrha’s troops, but even still, she had even stood against him alone, just to keep casualties at a minimum.
And then there was Glynda. Glynda Goodwitch, who had been all but brainwashed into a faithful, selfless, sacrificial lamb by Ozma. Was she inherently selfish? Was it a matter of nature versus nurture?
Before him, Salem sinks to her knees, taking his cock from its confines and pulling down the top of her dress at the same time. Her red eyes remain fixed on his face, even as she wraps her busty chest around his throbbing member, beginning to give him a titjob right then and there in the cratered battlefield. Jaune grunts as his shaft is ensconced in soft, warm breastflesh, staring right back down at her in turn as he considers her words. Until finally…
“I think you’re wrong. There are selfish humans, yes. And maybe selfishness is inherent in every human’s nature. But there are those that rise above it as well. There are those who prove themselves better than their base nature. They… no, we are, all of us, capable of great works.”
Salem lets out a breathless sigh at that, looking both amused and besotted with him. Her red eyes twinkle as she smiles a crooked smile.
“If anyone is capable of great works, tis you my King. And indeed, your great works are all around us.”
Jaune can’t help but scoff in amusement of his own at that. Not only are such heavy, complimentary words rather funny coming from Salem when she’s on her knees with her tits wrapped around his cock, but also… well, there’s the simple matter that he has done nothing but fail, of late.
“Great works, hm? What great works would those be? My complete failure to stay incognito for more than a couple weeks in Mistral? My inadvertent conquest of a bandit tribe? My incidental though not accidental kidnapping of a Mistralian Lieutenant? Or my also incidental kidnapping of her mother, a Mistralian General? I must confess, my Queen… I see not these great works you say I have achieved.”
For a moment, Salem pauses. Then, she shakes her head, her eyes flashing with irritation. A surprise to be sure, he can’t remember the last time she was irritated with him, or at least, the last time she showed she was irritated with him.
“If you have one failing, my King, it is that you are blind to your own successes. Tell me, Jaune… did you ever suss out what my plan was? When I made you, I was so very lonely. But making you did not change my designs upon Remnant. I still wished to end it all.”
Jaune jolts at that, looking down at Salem wordlessly as she works up the courage to tell him more. After a moment, she continues.
“My plan was simple. Assemble the power of the Four Maidens, the foolish girls that Ozma gave his power to so long ago. Use them to open the vaults and collect the four Relics. Then, I would summon the Brother Gods back to this world and have them pass judgment on us all. Their choice would have been swift, I have no doubt of that. They would have wiped Remnant clean of all life, be it me or humanity. Everything would have ended. THAT is what I wanted.”
There’s a small fervor in Salem’s voice as she explains this all to him… with her tits still wrapped around his cock. When she’s done, she looks down at his member, as if just remembering what they were doing, and blushes prettily, looking embarrassed at getting worked up in such a position. But then resolve crosses the Grimm Queen’s face, and she lets out a sigh.
“You’ve brought me one of the Four Maidens as a result of your latest trip to Mistral. All we would need is the other three to enact my original plan.”
For a moment, Jaune is frozen. Surely that’s not what Salem meant by his ‘great works’. But no… no.
“And yet, I could care less for that. I do not have any designs on Raven Branwen’s power. I am content to leave the Spring Maiden in your capable hands. Because I know you will do with her what you have done with me. What you have done with Summer Rose, and Cinder Fall, and Glynda Goodwitch.”
She smiles a beatific smile up at him, even as Jaune stills for a moment before quietly asking for clarification.
“… And what is that?”
Letting out a tinkling laugh, Salem shakes her head.
“You have saved us from ourselves, my King. You have given us, all of us, purpose beyond our reckoning. Broken women are your specialty, my King. And you have made great works of each and every one of us.”
He opens his mouth to deny it but finds that he can’t. His teeth click shut again, as Salem, smug in rendering him speechless, returns to her titjob quite happily. Her breasts slide up and down his cock enthusiastically, and she even adds some tongue and lips to it, moving her head down so she can take just the tip of his dick into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it as she goes.
… Could she be right? Salem had made him. Quite literally. But within the span of their first meeting, he had turned the tables on her most… vigorously. He had taken her and made her his woman instead of him being her man. She had called him Prince originally, only to reverently name him King after he had dominated her.
He supposed, in Salem’s case at the very least, he might have had a positive effect on her in the long run. But the others?
… Okay, so Summer was a special case. It was less that he’d made Summer great, and more that he’d saved her from Salem’s sick predations. The Grimm Queen had done some truly horrifying things to Summer Rose. Jaune privately felt that Summer’s recovery, and the strong independent woman she was today, had more to do with her own personal strength, rather than his actions. Yes, he’d played a part… but had he truly done all that much?
Glynda, meanwhile, was simply a case of right place, right time. She was indoctrinated by Ozma and deserved every possible chance to get out from under his thumb. Jaune had been happy to help her… and happier still to show her some of what she’d been missing with Summer’s help. Glynda Goodwitch deserved her happiness, but even then, he hadn’t done THAT much… had he?
And Cinder… Jaune winces at the thought of Cinder and looks down at Salem with a frown.
“… We haven’t been very fair to Cinder, have we?”
The Grimm Queen blinks at that, before letting out a soft laugh.
“Ah, my King… is that what you took from my words? That Cinder Fall hasn’t acted up a single time in these past two years is a fear in and of itself. My protégé was always an ambitious sort. Only your efforts have tamed her and squelched those ambitions.”
Jaune’s frown grows at that.
“I’m not sure it’s my place to squelch anyone’s ambitions.”
Snorting derisively, Salem shakes her head in amusement.
“When they are harmful to those you would claim to care for, yes, it is your place my King. Cinder was a dangerous girl… and I fully intended to make use of her. Not only that, but she also knew how I intended to make use of her. She knew my plans, my designs upon the Maidens and the Relics. Sure, she might not have known my ultimate goal was to end it all, but she had to have known it wasn’t anything good. I am, after all, the Queen of the Grimm. I am not nice by any stretch of the imagination. Cinder worked for me willingly. Keep that in mind.”
That was… fair. Alright, so maybe he’d done what was necessary with Cinder. And maybe, just maybe, Salem was right. Maybe he was good at helping people. Maybe he needed to stop looking at the big picture and focus on the smaller things. Maybe… maybe he needed to stop holding back, because his Queen was starting to look rather frustrated with him.
Giving Salem an apologetic smile, Jaune lets his cock throb and pulse in between her breasts. His member begins to jump and leap in the soft, tight, warm confines of her breasts, his balls churning. Gasping excitedly, the Grimm Queen leans forward and suctions her lips around his cockhead once more, taking the tip of his big fat dick into her mouth.
She sucks hard and brings him over the edge a moment later. Jaune groans as he begins to cum, his seed flowing out of his cock and into her mouth. In turn, Salem gulps and gulps, swallowing every last drop… or at least, she tries to. It HAS been a while since they saw each other, after all. Sure, he’s had some fun with some human women in that time, and Jaune knows Salem doesn’t begrudge him any of that. But there’s just something about the Grimmified woman that really gets him going.
In the end, he cums buckets, and the Grimm Queen can’t swallow all of it. She ends up pushed back by the overflow, even as his seed ends up exploding out of her mouth, dribbling down her chin, and ultimately paints her breasts even whiter than they already are. The creamy, sticky finish on her pale Grimm flesh looks absolutely glorious, and Jaune can’t help the cheeky grin he gives her as he shakes out the last droplets of cum onto her panting, heaving body.
“Now that’s a great work if I’ve ever seen one.”
Salem pouts at him for that, having clearly wanted to drink down his entire load, only to fail at the finish line. Still, her pout lasts all of a moment before she’s looking ravenously hungry, licking her cum-coated lips suggestively and grabbing at her cum-soaked tits. Giving him a coy smile, she rubs her tits for his viewing pleasure, tilting her head back and thrusting out her chest.
“How will you have me, my King? You know the true nature of me now. The lengths I was willing to go. The transgressions I was willing to partake in. Will you punish me for my desire to end the world? Will you take me right here and right now, and teach me a lesson I will never forget?”
Right here and right now? The idea was certainly tantalizing. But just as tantalizing was the thought of taking Salem inside for a bath and being a bit more sensual about things.
She would probably enjoy either, admittedly. She was that kind of woman, after all.

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