The Grimm Prince (RWBY)

Chapter 32: Boudicca & Pyrrha Nikos

“… You want to run that by me again?”
“I-I believe I was q-quite clear. I’m challenging you to a d-duel, Grimm King! I-If I win, you will not only release Pyrrha and I, b-but do everything in your power t-to see us back to h-human civilization!”
Slowly blinking, Jaune stares at the Mistralian General he’d ended up accidentally kidnapping during his trip in Mistral. And he mourns. He mourns the loss of Boudicca’s nerve, because he’s not sure why else she’s standing in front of him as she is now, pointing that sword of hers in his direction with both hands… while it shakes quite violently. In fact, Boudicca herself is shaking damn near uncontrollably as she stares at him expectantly.
For a moment, he wonders if he should have ever let her daughter grab her sword before they went on their way, but if it wasn’t Boudicca’s sword, it would have just been another. They certainly had enough options here at the Palace. A full armory, in fact. So at the end of the day, letting Boudicca keep her sword was… well, it didn’t really matter.
Speaking of Pyrrha, Jaune’s eyes slide over to the younger Nikos woman for a moment. Pyrrha looks concerned at first glance… but looking beneath the surface of her emotions, Jaune thinks he sees a tinge of excitement. She’s eager to see her mother fight him again. She’s eager to see her mother LOSE to him again. Sheesh Pyrrha, so much for familial loyalty he supposed.
Sweeping his gaze back to the trembling General in front of him, Jaune tries to see any trace of the Queen of Victory he’d heard so much about in the moments before their first meeting. He tries to see any trace of the woman he’d seen fight on behalf of her soldiers, willing to die for them even. He’s… struggling. Boudicca looks like a stiff breeze would knock her over. What was going on here? Surely his true nature as a Grimm had not completely destroyed Boudicca’s courage, had it?
She was still trying to pick a fight, after all. If she were actually as terrified of him as she now seemed, she wouldn’t be challenging him to another pointless duel where her strength would be deemed impotent once more. Unless one took into account her daughter. A mother’s love for a child might be enough to see her through what would otherwise be overwhelming fear. And yet… Jaune still felt like he was missing something here.
“… We’ve already fought before, General. It didn’t go well for you then. It won’t go well for you now.”
Boudicca twitches, as if remembering how easily he beat her back in Mistral, how he stopped her blade dead in its tracks and grabbed her by the throat before she could so much as react. And yet… the memory of that moment does not dissuade her.
“That was t-then. T-This is now. I know y-you’re true nature, G-Grimm King. I won’t b-be caught off guard t-this time!”
She sounds paradoxically confident and afraid at the same time. A façade, perhaps? But then was there nothing more than a coward lying underneath? That didn’t make sense. Nothing about Boudicca Nikos had seemed cowardly before today. Eyes narrowing, lips thinning out, Jaune finally lets out a sigh.
“Very well. A duel then. If you win, I do everything in my power to get you and Pyrrha back to civilization.”
Simple enough, really. He could just have Raven open a portal to whatever close loved ones she had left that weren’t here in the Land of Darkness. He hadn’t promised to get the Nikos women back to Mistral after all, only civilization. At the same time…
“And if I win? What do I get?”
He more says it for the sake of fairness if nothing else to be clear. He’s not expecting much of anything. Which is why he’s taken aback for a moment when he gets the answer to all of this for a response.
“M-Me. You get… m-me.”
“And me!”
Pyrrha chimes in and Boudicca immediately whips her head to her daughter for a moment before looking back at him.
“No! She’s not a part of this!”
But before Jaune can respond, Pyrrha scoffs and answers for him.
“Oh yes I am, Mother! You’re the one who’s made us a package deal. If you win, Jaune is obligated to get us BOTH back to civilization. If you lose… he should be allowed to have BOTH of us for your failure.”
Now Jaune understands. He probably should have figured it out earlier, truth be told. Boudicca wasn’t afraid of him. She was afraid of herself. The poor woman was at war with herself. Now that he’s looking for it, he smells it. It’d gotten lost in the mix because Pyrrha was in the room as well and Pyrrha was… well, Pyrrha. But now Jaune focuses on Boudicca alone and smells the older red head’s desperate arousal.
She wants to lose to him again, he belatedly realizes. She wants to submit to him, even. The only man to ever beat her, even if he WASN’T actually a man. She had a thing for that, didn’t she? And deep down, she wanted to experience what her daughter had experienced at his hands.
But her honor refused to allow her to simply ask for it. Jaune understood entirely what was going on here now… and truth be told, it irritated him. Honor. Bah! What use did any of them have for honor now?
“Very well then. A duel it is. Your and your daughter’s freedom… or your and your daughter’s service.”
Jaune overrides Boudicca’s attempt to back out of the duel, beyond exasperated and unwilling to let her simply back off and try to find another way to get her needs taken care of. She didn’t want to include her daughter? Well that was too bad, because Pyrrha was already included. Smirking as Boudicca stares at him open-mouthed, Jaune gestures to the armed swordswoman.
“Come. I’ll be generous and give you the first move. I suggest you hit me with everything you’ve got.”
To her credit, now that her daughter’s nonexistent chastity is on the line, the trembling bleeds right out of the General. Her expression turns from one at war with itself to something raw and determined. Her resolve becomes thick in the air as her stance firms up and she grips her sword with both hands much more assuredly.
Jaune watches all of this without making a move. And he continues to remain still even as the Mistralian General finally lunges forward, putting all of her power, all of her strength, and all of her aura behind one single sword strike.
But Jaune only promised to give her the first move. He made no promises about letting her finish her attack, nor about letting it connect. And while he technically could have and trusted in his indestructible, insanely dense skeleton to see him through, he had no desire to let her carve through his chest until she hit his ribs.
And so Jaune’s hands snap out as Boudicca brings her blade in. Faster than most eyes would be capable of tracking, her swing is nevertheless child’s play for Jaune to reach out and catch between his palms. He stops her in her tracks, and watches as her own reflexes catch up with him a moment later. Her eyes widen as they meet her own. She belatedly tries to jerk her sword backwards to no avail. Jaune, meanwhile… twists.
He doesn’t know if the sword was important or not. Perhaps it was, given the way Pyrrha made sure that it got all the way here with them. Jaune finds he does not care. He breaks it, snapping the blade in two with his immense Grimm strength, and watches Boudicca’s expression fall right along with the upper half of the sword as it clatters to the ground.
The General is left holding a hilt with about a foot and a half of shattered blade left behind. She technically could have kept coming at him, but instead she collapses to her knees, looking first to her destroyed sword and then up at him in disbelief… and slowly building relief.
“I-I lost… I have failed… I… submit.”
A heartbeat later, her daughter gracefully descends to her knees before him as well, taking up a place right next to Boudicca. Lieutenant Pyrrha Nikos grins up at him rather lecherously and very much expectantly, her green eyes twinkling with excitement as she follows up.
“WE submit… Master~”
Boudicca flushes at her daughter’s choice of words but keeps her head down in embarrassment and shame. She’s also fidgeting like she wants to do something more though. Perhaps strip naked and offer herself to him on the spot, or something.
… What was with him and ending up with sexually repressed women hounding his every step? Honestly, it was starting to get ridiculous. And quite frankly, Jaune found he wasn’t in the mood to cater to their desires. Not if they were going to hide their true wants behind all of this… rigmarole. It takes him only a moment to decide what he’s going to do with them.
“Excellent. I’ll have Summer get you some uniforms. We’ve been in need of some maids around here for quite some time. You can both start immediately.”
Not entirely true. They didn’t need maids, not when they had Grimm to keep everything clean and dust-free. Still…
Pyrrha chokes on her own spit, and for that alone Jaune feels rather good about himself. Both her and Boudicca are staring up at him in disbelief now, even as he gives them both a knowing smirk.
“That was the deal, was it not? If you won, I helped you return to civilization. If I won, you both were in my service. Well, now that you’re in my service, I’ll be putting you two to work. What did you think was going to happen? If you’re no longer to be my guests, then you are going to have to start making yourselves useful.”
At hearing his explanation, Boudicca… blushes a deep, profuse red and hangs her head in humiliated silence. She knows she doesn’t have a leg to stand on. If she wants it, she’ll have to ask for it outright… and the disgraced General can’t bring herself to do that, it would seem. Instead, she kneels there silently, accepting her fate… and if the smell of arousal growing stronger is any indication, taking a sort of perverse unspoken delight in being turned into a maid as well.
He supposed if his estimation of her was correct, she would be turned on by such a thing. So long as it was him, the man who defeated her not once but twice, who was forcing her to do things like be a maid and clean up after him… yes, she would get off on that, wouldn’t she? How shameful. But then, that was rather the point.
Pyrrha on the other hand… the young Lieutenant hops up to her feet, startling her mother as she quickly moves over to him, standing at his side and murmuring into his ear.
“Please, Jaune… please don’t tease us like this…”
She looks at him imploringly, but Jaune is unmoved by her puppy dog eyes. He just lifts an eyebrow in response, not bothering to lower his voice in the slightest, much to Pyrrha’s consternation.
“Tease you like what?”
As Boudicca squirms at hearing his side of the conversation he’s having with her daughter, Pyrrha blushes and scowls rather cutely. Still, she gets his point. Moving back to her mother, kneeling beside her… the younger red head reaches over and grabs the front of Boudicca’s top, yanking it down her front.
Not expecting it, Boudicca squeaks and squawks, even as Pyrrha roughly tears the shirt to Boudicca’s waist, letting her mother’s large, pale tits bounce free of their confines. Boudicca scrambles to cover herself up, only for her own daughter to grab her wrists and forcibly yank her hands away. In the end, Boudicca kneels there with her tits out and her hands clasped on her knees, eyes averted all the while as she freezes like a stone statue.
Meanwhile, Pyrrha herself pulls out her own tits as well, so that mother and daughter are a matched set. Kneeling side by side with her mother, their breasts on display for him, Pyrrha clears her throat.
“We want you to fuck us, Grimm King. Both of us. We want to be your consorts. Your concubines. My mother and I aren’t just offering our services… we’re offering you our bodies, for you to slake your unnatural and beastly desires upon whenever you like.”
Boudicca had flinched at the word ‘fuck’ and hunched in on herself a fraction of an inch further with every word her daughter said afterwards. Jaune can only stare in amusement at the two women. The younger is so very sure of what she wants and how to get it. The older is a lot less sure and struggling with her misplaced ‘honor’.
Jaune slowly nods to show he’s heard Pyrrha’s words… and then shakes his head.
“A nice sentiment Pyrrha… but until I hear it from your mother’s lips, I’m not sure I-!”
“P-Please! Please… lay with us.”
Jaune can’t help but be surprised. He had thought it would take a lot more persuasion from Pyrrha to convince her mother to speak up at long last and admit what she wanted. He had even been prepared for Boudicca to clam up entirely, at which point he truly would have gotten them both maid uniforms and put them to work for the sake of sticking to his guns.
But instead, it seems he overestimated her resolve… or underestimated her neediness, he supposed. Looking at her somewhat shocked, Jaune watches as Boudicca squirms, doing interesting things to her naked tits in the process.
“I-I beg of you… even if you must also use us as maids to justify keeping us around… I and my daughter… w-would like to have sex with you.”
Pyrrha beams at her mother, and then up at him. The younger Nikos woman looks hopeful and expectant. She also has her tits out just like her mother does, and Jaune has to admit, they make for a very compelling image.
Alright, so he’s not going to leave them high and dry. They’ve come together and admitted to him what they both want now, defying his expectations. It wouldn’t be right not to plow them silly after all that he just put them through, he supposed…

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