The Grimm Prince (RWBY)

Chapter 4: The Prisoner Pt. 2


Despite keeping his tone gentle and quiet, Jaune isn’t at all surprised when the blind woman Salem has been keeping locked up in her tower freezes and then begins to tremble. In fact, he’s expecting it. That’s why he immediately takes ahold of her, pulling her hands away from his cock and leaning forward to press a chaste kiss to her forehead.
She immediately goes still for him, not seeming to know what to make of this development. Pulling her in close for a hug, Jaune just… holds her for a moment, trapping her arms at her sides so she can’t just go back to groping and stroking his cock all willy nilly.
“M-Master? H-Has this one displeased you?”
She sounds confused, and a glance at Salem shows that the Queen of the Grimm looks confused by his behavior as well. Truly, these are two of the most broken women that Jaune has ever seen… and it’s up to him to try and begin fixing them, isn’t it?
“You haven’t done anything wrong.”
He almost goes on to elaborate again, to once more explain that she’s not their slave and he’s not her Master and Salem isn’t her Mistress. But something tells him that will only make things worse, at the moment. The damage that has been done to her psyche… he needs to handle this carefully. And so, turning the blind woman around in his arms, he sits down in the tub and pulls her back into his lap.
His cock ends up nestled between her thighs, but she’s so flabbergasted by how gently he’s treating her that she doesn’t even seem to notice. Trying to keep it that way, Jaune begins to run his hands up and down her shapely, feminine figure. He gets hints of muscle as he touches her and feels her up, but not much of it. Salem has had her long enough that whatever kind of warrior this woman once was, she’s grown soft in the Grimm Queen’s care.
“Salem… did she have a name? Before you got your hands on her?”
Cocking her head to the side, Salem makes a noise in the back of her throat, before letting out a sigh.
“Yes, my beloved. I believe she was once called Summer Rose.”
The reaction from the woman in his lap is immediate and intense.
“N-No! No, Slave is Slave! Slave promises, Slave has no name!”
It takes a while to soothe her and calm her down, Jaune hushing her and petting her gently until she stops thrashing. When he throws Salem a frown, the Grimm Queen has the good grace to at least look abashed by his reaction.
“I… may have discouraged the use of her original name… my Master.”
Shaking his head, Jaune lets out a low sigh. But hey, at least he knows her name now. Summer Rose. It’s a nice name. A good name. A beautiful name for a beautiful woman. Although, on top of her muscles softening she’s also a little boney in some places, clearly having begun to reach the bad side of malnourished in recent times.
 Perhaps Salem had begun to grow bored with her, or perhaps she’d gotten too focused with him. Yes, that latter option was probably it. Salem had forgotten all about her prisoner in favor of hyper-focusing on the project that had resulted in his birth, hadn’t she?
when was the last time our guest ate?”
The Grimm Queen blinks at that, even as Jaune keeps the woman in his lap occupied by slowly caressing her sizable breasts, barely kneading them, gently massaging the soapy, sudsy water of the bath into them. She’s whimpering and mewling now, arching her back and pressing her ass into his crotch as she gasps and moans from the attention.
“I… do not know, my King.”
“Get her food, and water.”
He doesn’t say please, doesn’t observe any of the manners that his father and mother worked so hard to instill in him. It’s on purpose though, as is his hard tone. He doesn’t regret it, except for the fact that it makes the blind woman in his lap stiffen up a bit, even if his words weren’t directed at her. Salem stiffens too, before relaxing with a small submissive smile on her face, as if she’s happy to be ordered around by him. Knowing what he knew, she probably is.
“Of course, Master~”
Bowing low at the waist, the Queen of the Grimm straightens up a moment later and turns and leaves the room. Jaune watches her go for a moment, his mouth dry at the way her ass sways as she sashays her way through the door. He’s still a teenage boy, under millions of Grimm memories. To think that that sort of woman calls herself his slave and has named him as some sort of King… it boggles the mind and leaves Jaune staring after her even once she’s out of sight.
He keeps staring until the other voluptuous woman, the one in his lap, senses his erection and begins to wiggle in his lap, mewling as she rubs her pillowy thighs back and forth along his shaft. A groan leaves Jaune’s lips, even as he’s brought back to what he was doing. Letting out a low growl directed more at himself than anything, he nevertheless causes her to go still again, even as he slides a hand down from her chest along her belly, all the way to between her thighs, right before his cock.
“None of that now. I don’t want you to focus on my pleasure. I want you to focus on yours.”
“M-Mine, Master?”
Finding her pussy lips, Jaune presses his fingers against her slit. Given they’re both submerged in the bath, it’s impossible to tell if she’s wet or aroused or what, but Jaune does his best to help her out, drawing his fingers along her entrance and running them back and forth.
“Yes. I want you to cum for me. I want to make you feel good.”
“I-I… I…”
Summer doesn’t know what to say to that. Which is very fair, all things considered. Jaune lets her fall silent, and then focuses on making good on his claim, of making her feel good above all else. Luckily, he has some immediate brand-new experience with Salem to work off of, because technically he was a virgin before he woke up in this new form.
Of course, he could have fallen back onto his instincts… but his instincts were rather nasty, a combination of human lust and Grimm darkness that made him very, very… bestial in a way. Salem might have liked it, but Jaune suspected that Summer needed a softer touch, at least for the time being.
Speaking of the woman in his lap, she suddenly speaks up, only to fall silent again as she wiggles and squirms under his touch. Cocking his head to the side, Jaune prompts her.
“Would I what? It’s alright, you can tell me. I’m here to help you. I want to help you.”
“I-Inside… I want… I want it inside.”
She sounds embarrassed, admitting her desires to him. This woman who looks almost old enough to be his old self’s mother now that he gets a good long look at her, is acting like a virgin maiden as she asks for him to insert himself inside of her. Given that he’s already pushed a couple of fingers into her down below the water, Jaune can guess what ‘it’ is. He’s just a little worried that she’s not ready for it. But… he doesn’t want to deny her, not as she is now, not when she’s so fragile.
“Alright. We’ll take it slow, okay? You tell me if you want to stop at any point, or if you need to slow down. I want you to tell me, do you understand?”
“Y-Yes, sir…”
Well, that was better than ‘Master’, Jaune supposed. Slowly lifting Summer up off of his lap, Jaune uses his Grimm strength to hold her aloft with one hand while fitting his cock against her entrance from below with the other. Then, grasping her by her hips, he slowly pulls her down his member, groaning at the hot, wet feel of her tight grasping insides gripping at his shaft. He stops after a couple inches and is rewarded with a moaning mewl from Summer herself as she wiggles atop him.
“Does that feel good?”
“Y-Yes! More, please!”
He suspects that Salem trained her in some way, perhaps conditioning her to want to please, to in turn be pleasured by service. Jaune is careful not to make it all about him, even though it feels amazing, having her wrapped around his cock. Slowly, he continues to slide Summer down his shaft. Her pussy spreads wide rather quickly for his length, until he’s over halfway inside of her.
It's at that point that Salem walks back in with a platter of foods carried in her arms, blinking at the sight of Summer very clearly impaled on his dick rather than merely sitting on his lap like she was previously. A wide smile spreads across her face and the Queen of the Grimm sways her way over, setting the food platter on the edge of the bath as she gives Jaune an eager grin.
“Is our… ‘guest’ to your liking, Master?”
Jaune throws Salem a look at that, frowning slightly, even as he glances down at the food. Well… he did want to make this all about Summer, didn’t he?
“Summer, there’s food here for you.”
The blind woman freezes up at her name, but the mention of food keeps her from throwing a fit. Her nostrils twitch and her head swivels in the direction of the platter.
Picking up a bread roll, Jaune brings it to Summer’s lips.
“Eat. Don’t worry, there’s plenty for you. Take your time, enjoy yourself.”
Slowly, tentatively, Summer begins to nibble on the bread roll. Jaune just smiles, contenting himself with feeding her by hand. Meanwhile, his cock continues to throb and pulse down below inside of her, filling Summer with his meat as she bounces lightly up and down on his dick. It’s still only about half of his length inside of her, but Jaune wanted to go at Summer’s speed, and that’s what they’re doing. She rides him, using the natural buoyancy of the bath water to keep from sinking down his length any further, and he in turn feeds her.
Salem, of course, can’t help but interject and after a moment, is feeding HIM by hand. Jaune hadn’t realized how hungry he was until now, so in the end he lets her do it, and they make for a properly ridiculous sight, the Grimm male feeding the human woman bouncing on his dick, while the Grimm female feeds the Grimm male.
Still, it all goes quite well. Summer even clenches up on his cock at least twice in a way that Jaune thinks means an orgasm. She also manages to eat a quarter of the food platter, with him consuming the other three quarters at Salem’s urging. Probably for the best, they didn’t want to make Summer sick with too much food too fast.
“Hasn’t our Master made you feel good? Hasn’t he done well, to feed you and pleasure you? How do we give thanks to our Master, pet?”
But of course, Salem can’t help but butt into things, being who and what she is. Before Jaune can interject and countermand her words, Summer is nodding her blindfolded head, and sinking further down his cock.
“Y-Yes Mistress! T-Thank you, Master!”
She bounces up and down on his dick faster than before, and in moments Jaune is groaning as he feels his release rising within him. His hands fall to her hips, intending to pull her back off of his cock, but before he can do so, she’s riding him like there’s no tomorrow and his hands just end up resting there, not removing her, merely rubbing soothing circles into her flesh with his thumbs.
Finally, he cums inside of her, filling Summer’s womb with his seed. Her answering orgasm is much more pronounced then the last two, a moaning squeal as she shakes and shudders upon his cock before ultimately falling back onto his chest, exhausted and tuckered out.
Still, even if he’s ended up creampieing her… he’s succeeded in his goal of cleaning her up. All of that grime, all of that blood and dirt and more, it’s washed away by this point, leaving a beautiful, if blinded woman in its wake. All that’s left is… well.
“Salem, get me a fresh bandage for her eyes.”
“Yes, Master.”
Summer freezes as he reaches for her face but doesn’t stop him from pulling away the dirtied bandages acting as a blindfold over her eyes. Any remaining arousal that Jaune might have been feeling is washed away by the sight of her ruined sockets, as if someone with Grimm strength had plucked her eyes themselves from her skull. Given what Jaune knew, that was precisely what had happened.
He’s exceedingly tender as he lightly wipes away at her face with a cloth, doing his best to clean up the ruined flesh. Most of it has healed by this point, leaving masses of scar tissue behind, but some of the wound still weeps bodily fluids. He gets all of it by the time Salem returns, and then he gently but firmly wraps the new bandages back around Summer’s head, covering her upper face once more.
After seeing what the Grimm Queen had done to her prisoner up close and personal, Jaune can’t help but want to heal Summer. None of the millions of memories of Grimm speak of a way to do so, nor does his limited memories as a human either. But maybe Salem might know something? Slowly rising from the bath, he cradles Summer in his arms, holding her bridal style as he begins to walk her back to the master bedroom with Salem at his side.
“Salem… is there a way to heal this woman? To return her eyesight to her?”
Salem freezes up at that, eyes widening in panic.
“No, n-not that I know of! And besides, she is a Silver-Eyed Warrior, my King! The damage those eyes of hers could do to me, to you… she could kill you!”
Would it be any less than either of them deserved? But no, Jaune wasn’t ready to die yet. And he wasn’t ready to condemn Salem to death either. Grimacing, Jaune shakes his head.
“So, there’s no way then? No way whatsoever for her to see again?”
When Salem doesn’t immediately answer, Jaune looks over to see the Grimm Queen grimacing, like she sucked on a particularly tart lemon. Stopping in the middle of the hallway, holding an almost slumbering Summer in his arms, he glares at the other Grimmified humanoid.
His tone is warning and command all in one, and he’s gratified by the way she straightens up. He’s not so gratified by how she starts moving towards the bedroom on her own again, but he does follow her after a moment. Only once they’re inside does she speak in a soft, quiet tone.
“There… might be a way. There is no way, that I know of, to restore her sight. I plucked her eyeballs from her skull and crushed them in my hand myself, after all. B-But… but there might be a way for her to regain her sight. If… if we made her like us.”
Blinking at the thought, Jaune gapes.
“I-Is that possible?”
Looking at him, Salem gives a half-shrug.
“Before I made you? I would have thought not. I believed myself to be the only one of my kind for thousands of years. But I’ve made breakthroughs that allowed me to create you. I can create more of our kind now, with the proper materials. Human materials, to be exact.”
That was… that was a solution, Jaune supposed. However, was it the correct solution? Was the only way to give Summer her sight back to make her into a monster, like him and Salem? What sort of life would she lead, if they did such a thing to her? What sort of life would she lead if they didn’t? It was a big decision for a young man to be making. A big decision, even, for a would-be Grimm King to be making as well…
But he had to make it, didn’t he? He had to make a life-changing choice for this beautiful, maimed woman who his Queen ruined and broke.

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