The Grimm Prince (RWBY)

Chapter 41: Winter Schnee

She’s standing in front of the King of the Grimm with her top removed and only her bra between him and her breasts. A shiver runs down Winter’s spine that has nothing to do with the cold as his red eyes move up and down her torso. The Atlesian Specialist is confident that he’ll say yes and take her up on her offer… but instead of immediately moving to unlock the cell door so he can ravish her, he tilts his head to the side.
“… And why are you suddenly offering me your body, Winter Schnee? Where exactly does this sudden… proposal come from?”
Winter tries to hold it back, but she knows she fails when she feels the heat spreading across her face, signaling the blush forming across her features. Unable to help herself, she finds herself thinking back to the conversation she’d had only a half hour prior to his return.
“You’re not going to get anywhere by hiding from your true feelings you know.”
Stiffening, Winter had looked up through the bars of her cell as Salem, Queen of the Grimm, came to a stop just outside. She wouldn’t soon forget how the monstrous Grimm woman had completely torn her and her team apart. Not that Winter’s ‘team’ was much of one anyways, but even if she’d had the full Ace Operatives Team at her back, she imagined they wouldn’t have fared any better.
General Ironwood must have agreed with her on that, Winter figured. Else he never would have relied on such an insane plan in the first place.
“I don’t… I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Smiling thinly, Salem tilted her head to the side before shaking it.
“You cling to your past loyalties even now. Even after Ozma and his pet General have so thoroughly betrayed you. Did you ever wonder why?”
Winter couldn’t help but blush at that. She didn’t have to wonder why, not truly. But before she can think up a response, Salem overrides her.
“Ah. You already know. Think on that. Do not let your feelings cloud your judgment. Ozma’s pet General deserves neither your respect… nor your unrequited affections.”
Stiffening, Winter had shaken her head back and forth rapidly.
“I-I don’t… I never expected my affections to be turned! General Ironwood is not that sort of man!”
The Grimm Queen had just scoffed in response.
“No, I imagine not. But then… is he truly the type of man you thought he was either?”
And then, with her piece said, the Queen of the Grimm had turned and walked away, leaving Winter to her thoughts.
It wasn’t… the greatest pep talk that Winter had ever received. And yet, Salem’s words had given her a lot to think about. Even if it was almost blindingly obvious how heavy-handed the Grimm Queen was being, there was something almost refreshing in her actions. Salem was blunt and did not suffer fools lightly. Winter could admire that aspect of the woman’s personality.
Frankly, she could also admire Salem’s willingness to let them all live. However… deep down inside, the Atlesian Specialist knew that Salem had spared their lives for one reason and one reason only. Not because she had a conscience. Not because Winter had offered her the SDC on a silver platter. No, the Queen of the Grimm had spared them solely because of her King. Because it was what Jaune would have wanted.
Salem, much like Winter, wore her allegiance on her sleeve. However, unlike Winter… Salem clearly had not had any cause to doubt the worthiness of the man she’d put her loyalty into.
In the face of Jaune’s questioning tone, Winter’s bared shoulders slump and the half-undressed Schnee woman sits back down on her cot, head bowed. After a moment of the Grimm King staring at her, waiting patiently for a response, Winter begins to find the words to say what she wants to say.
“I have… always had a thing for strong men. Not the type of man who has to say he’s strong, but the type of man who IS strong… effortlessly. I believe it goes back to my father… specifically, it goes back to the type of man he could NEVER be. Jacques Schnee is the sort of man who says he’s strong. He’s the sort of man who makes others constantly remind him of how strong he is, even.”
Looking at her hands, Winter clenches them into fists.
“He’s the type of person that I’ve come to hate with every fiber of my being, not just because he lacks the strength he claims to have, but because he does not acknowledge the people who actually prop him up. If you asked my father how he got to where he is, he would launch into a tale about how he managed it all with his own two hands. How he joined the SDC as practically a nobody and climbed his way up the ladder to eventually marry my mother and become the CEO of the SDC after my grandfather’s death.”
Winter scoffs at that.
“Never mind that he married into the family. Never mind that he spent more time courting my grandfather than my actual mother. Never mind the way he supported my grandfather’s deplorable practices and cruelty towards faunus workers. Jacques Schnee is no true man. He’s a rich, spoiled brat who’s made his fortune off the backs of the masses while whipping them bloody and raw. I fear he’ll turn my little brother into a carbon copy of himself. I fear he’ll drive my mother into an early, wine-filled grave.”
She’s about to continue on but stops herself. Jaune hasn’t interrupted her through this monologue. Not a single time. She lifts her gaze, half-expecting to find he’s left because she bored him. Or at least, she’s expecting to see he’s exasperated with her and impatiently waiting for her to get to the point.
… But no. He looks at her with those same piercing red eyes of his, and in that moment she feels heard for the first time in longer than she can comprehend. He’s listening to her carefully, hearing every word she has to say. It’s… a strange feeling, to be sure. Still, she decides of her own accord that it’s past time to stop talking about her father. Far past time for her to get to the damn point, really.
“… General Ironwood was supposed to be different. I always thought he was everything my father was not. I threw myself into serving him because I saw him as the strong man who did not need to call himself strong. Who did not treat people like resources, and who would not ask anyone to fight a battle that he would not fight himself.”
Letting out a shuddering breath, Winter maintains eye contact with Jaune, very aware of her topless state at this point. Her bra might still be in the way, but other than that, her flesh was bared to him.
“I had… feelings for the General. Feelings that were never reciprocated. I didn’t ever tell him outright, of course. It wouldn’t be appropriate. But I knew he didn’t feel the way for me that I did for him. I was okay with that. I was content to serve him to the best of my abilities. I was happy, being a useful tool in a good man’s arsenal.”
Here, Winter drops her gaze back to her hands once more. Her knuckles are white from how hard she’s clenching her fists.
“And then my General sent me to die. If it were just that, I would have gone happily, knowing that I died for his cause. But… he sent me to die with a girl turned into a living bomb, and an aura-enabled android who had barely been born. All to kill your Queen. Maybe to kill you too, I don’t know. They didn’t mention you. I’m not sure they even know you exist.”
She’s rambling, but the Grimm King is just letting her. Continuing to watch her. Letting her speak her mind. Winter sucks in a sharp breath as she’s once again confronted with the truth she’d been forced to accept back when he first came down here and then took Ruby and Yang away. The King of the Grimm, for all that his status as a human is certainly up for debate… is nevertheless a good man.
“I don’t think I can be loyal to my General anymore after that. I don’t think I can go back and serve under him again, not after what he and Headmaster Ozpin almost made me complicit in. But you… you represent a new path.”
Winter lifts her eyes again, and this time when she makes eye contact with Jaune, she promises herself she won’t look away. Not one single time more.
“I believe you when you say you took Ruby and Yang to see their mother. And if I believe that… if I believe Summer Rose is alive, then I have to also believe you are a good man. A strong man. A man who… unlike all the other men in my life, fights his own battles and doesn’t spend people like… like resources.”
Jaw clenching, Winter’s eyes blaze as she confesses her true thoughts to the Grimm King. As she bares his soul to him, Jaune takes everything in… and then smiles at her.
“So you offer yourself to me. Not just to save Penny Polendina… but because you want to give me your service. Even if that just means giving me access to your body.”
Winter blushes… but nods, staying true to herself as she refuses to avert her gaze again. She keeps looking Jaune right in the eye, even as the Grimm King chuckles darkly.
“Ah… but you understand what you just confessed, don’t you Winter Schnee?”
“You just confessed that you WANT me to fuck you. That you want nothing more than for me to pin you down to that bed and ravish you, right here and right now.”
A-Ah. W-Well… Winter’s blush intensifies, but she still does not look away. Finally, the eye contact proves to be too much and though she maintains it, she also chokes out an honest answer to his words.
“… Y-Yes…”
Jaune’s grin is like that of the devil, and she’s not just saying that because of monstrous, inhuman, Grimm-like visage. Stepping up to the cells of her bar, he tilts his head to the side.
“Ah, but then what reason do I have to make a deal with you? You offer me your body if I’ll go and kidnap Penny Polendina’s creator so that he can repair her. But you’re not truly offering me anything… that you yourself do not want. The entire deal is lopsided in your favor. You want me to fuck you… so by offering to let me, where is the sacrifice?”
Winter’s eyes widen at that as she realizes she’s talked herself into a corner. Suddenly, Jaune opens the door to her cell and steps inside. Winter stiffens as he stops a few feet short of her.
“Tell me, Winter Schnee. Do you want me to fuck you? No trade. No deal. Just me… walking over there… and having my way with you. Do you want that?”
Winter’s mouth is incredibly dry as her eyes drift up and down Jaune’s chiseled frame. The Grimm King isn’t just handsome, he’s built. He’s not just strong, he’s immensely powerful. She hasn’t even gotten the chance to see him fight, but she’s fought his Queen and Salem… Salem clearly submits herself to this fine male specimen each and every night, every single chance she gets.
Shivering, Winter finally drops her gaze, feeling shame and humiliation well up inside of her as she hesitantly nods. The truth is… she does. She wants him to fuck her regardless of whether he agrees to help her with Penny or not. She wants him to make love to her, to make her his woman right here and right now.
When his fingers touch her jaw and Jaune forces Winter to lift her head once more so he can look into her eyes, he’s smiling a kinder smile. A smile that’s really quite nice in fact.
“Honesty will get you everywhere with me, Winter. Tell me, is the android worth it? Is she worth the headache?”
Winter bites her lower lip… and in the end has to shrug.
“I don’t… I don’t know, s-sir. She wasn’t given a chance to truly live. My hope… my hope is that her creator can remove General Ironwood’s programming before bringing her back online. So that she can live again, free of such burdens. I can tell you this much… she was Ruby and Yang’s friend. They only knew her for a single bullhead ride, and she counted them as her dearest friends.”
Jaune takes this in… and then nods as he steps back and begins removing his own clothes. Winter shivers… and then jolts to her feet, starting to strip down for him right there on the spot. In the midst of this however, Jaune’s voice reaches her ears once more.
“Is there anything else you want from me Winter? You’ve certainly given me quite the list. You want me to ravish you. You want me to save your mother from your father. You want me to spare your brother in the hopes he can become better than your father. You want me to bring Penny Polendina back to life. Anything else? Anyone else you want me to save?”
Winter freezes in the process of bending over to remove her pants. Slowly, she kicks them off her feet and stands up, turning to look at Jaune while wearing nothing but her bra and panties. The way he’d listed everything out like that… her first instinct is to say she hadn’t asked for all of THAT. But in hindsight… she kind of had, hadn’t she? And while she was going to say no, that that was it…
The moment Jaune mentions ‘anyone else’ that she’d want him to save, Winter realizes there is. There’s someone out there, likely fighting in Mistral right now, who she wants the Grimm King of all people to rescue.
“I-I have a sister. She’s with the Atlesian Military… and probably taking part in their invasion of Mistral right this moment. I want… I need her to be safe.”
Jaune smirks at that, the Grimmified man chuckling as he plants his hands on his hips.
“And you think your darling sister will be safer with me than with the Atlesian Military?”
Winter’s jaw sets as she thinks on how she got here. On what Ironwood and Ozpin might try next, once they decide she and her team have been killed in action. In the end, she barely even has to think about it at all.
“I know she will… sir.”
Chuckling, Jaune just nods and gestures to her.
“Very well. Consider it done. Now… come.”
Winter blushes… and then begins to approach the very dangerous, very handsome monster of a man she’s just all but pledged herself to. She’s followed the Grimm Queen’s advice and laid herself bare to the King of the Grimm. Now it was time to find out if that was a mistake or not.

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