The Grimm Prince (RWBY)

Chapter 9: Glynda Goodwitch Pt. 2

“… Summer. We’ll send Summer.”
Despite using ‘we’ to describe the decision, they both know its his choice. Salem makes this abundantly clear by not even giving him a verbal reply. Instead, the Grimm Queen just bobs up and down on his cock all the more enthusiastically, showing an affection that just can’t be beat. Letting out a sigh, Jaune brings a hand down atop Salem’s white hair, his fingers sliding through her locks as he doesn’t quite take control, but simply holds her while she throats his member.
At the same time, he calls out to one of the servitor Grimm floating nearby and sends it with a message to one of the two human servants they have. Jaune is quite confident Summer will show up quickly enough, but in the meantime, he’ll settle for enjoying his Queen’s mouth to the fullest. Salem still has quite a lot to make up for regarding her latest mistake, after all.
In fact… after a moment, Jaune tightens up his grip on Salem’s hair and DOES take control of the apologetic oral sex, forcing her up and down his length faster and harder, fucking her throat himself rather than letting her do all the work. The sudden change of pace makes it impossible for Salem to continue doing what she was before… that is, repressing her gag reflex by continuously swallowing down his cock meat, something that she could only manage because she was controlling the pace.
“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”
Now that he’s thrusting away into her esophagus and driving her back and forth along his Grimmified length, Salem is choking and gagging, gurgling on his dick most enjoyably. While Jaune doesn’t think of himself as a sadist, there’s too many fucking Grimm in him for him to not enjoy dominating his woman. And Salem, Queen of the Grimm, is most decidedly HIS woman.
It’s this… discipline that Summer Rose walks into, the human still as blind as the day Jaune met her. And yet… it doesn’t hold her back anymore. Not like it used to. With two years to recover, Summer Rose looks great as she steps into the room, a clean black blindfold over her eyes and a soft smile on her pretty lips. Her smile only grows when the sounds of Salem’s gurgling reach her ears, prompting her to turn and walk over to the two of them with a precision born of aura-training.
It wasn’t something Jaune had figured out or developed, nor something Salem had known how to do. As far as the Grimm Queen had been aware, the only way to return Summer’s sight to her had been to make her Grimm. Jaune had decided against that, but had still been unsure of how exactly to go about making things better for her beyond making her comfortable. There’d been a lot of nursing her back to health in the first few months after he’d made the decision to pull the Grimm back silently and leave the humans to grow and expand.
It was during that time that… well, in a fit of passion, Summer had called upon her aura for the first time since becoming Salem’s captive. Given her use of aura had been punished most severely back when she’d been Salem’s prisoner, before he’d come along, it was a major breakthrough to say the least. More than that though, Summer had not failed to impress.
She could use her aura as a sort of… detector, a radar in a way. For a certain space around her, she could push out her aura and map out her surroundings, ‘seeing’ without eyes what was all around her. It actually made her better at fighting, once she’d gotten used to it and recovered enough for light sparring.
The first few times Summer and Cinder had fought, the younger woman had wiped the floor with the older. However, at a certain point that had stopped being true, and Jaune was fairly certain Cinder hadn’t won a spar against Summer in over a year at this point. A point of serious contention between the two humans, from what he understood.
All of this was to say, combined with her enhanced hearing and sense of smell, Summer’s aura-sensing allowed her to almost ‘see’ as well as her actual eyes would have. As the blind-folded older woman arrives in front of Jaune and Salem, she ‘looks’ at him with unerring precision, bowing at the waist as Jaune feels her aura brushing against his.
“Your Grace~”
Jaune smiles softly and drives Salem down his cock, forcing her to hold him in her throat as he converses with Summer.
“You don’t need to call me that, Summer. Never you. You can call me Jaune, you know.”
“Of course, your Grace. I’m well aware, your Grace.”
Flushing just a bit, Jaune can’t help but squirm. Still, he’s truly happy that this is what their relationship has become. At the start, Summer had clung to him like her only lifeline in a world out to get her. She’d needed him so badly, and he’d been unable to be anything but what she needed. However, as her recovery had progressed, parts of what he assumed were her old personality asserted themselves.
Hence, Summer Rose was the quirky and always teasing older mature woman in his life. Considering Salem’s lifespan, perhaps that should have been her role, but when you considered Salem’s emotional maturity was more akin to someone his age after spending centuries all alone. She’d been so used to getting her way, but also so ready to give it up the moment someone like him came along. These past two years had been as much about personal growth for Salem as they were for Jaune, both of them coming to understand their new places in the world.
It was the same for Summer too of course, but ultimately the blind older woman had apparently decided her place was at Jaune’s side, to mother him and to tease him, to keep him from getting too big of a head by constantly reminding him of his duties and responsibilities.
Of course, there were limits to Summer’s aura-sensing ‘sight’.
“What did you need, Your Grace?”
Which meant she couldn’t see the monitor currently showing a lone Glynda Goodwitch making her way through the woods, deeper into the Land of Darkness. Sighing, Jaune releases his hold on Salem, letting her pull back and breathe as he focuses his attention on Summer. The Grimm Queen keeps on sucking his cock, but at a more sedate pace as he talks with their human ‘servant’.
“Tell me, Summer… what do you know about Glynda Goodwitch?”
Summer cocks her head to the side and hums for a second.
“Well, we went to school together. She was a year younger than me, if I recall. Bit of a teacher’s pet… followed Ozpin around like a lost puppy. I wasn’t surprised when she ended up joining Beacon’s faculty upon his request.”
Jaune slowly nods. As Summer had… recovered, he’d gotten more and more of her own background from her. She too had been one of Ozpin’s tools, one of his agents. At this point, it wasn’t inaccurate to say that Summer had come to blame Ozpin almost as much for what had happened to her as Salem. Certainly, after two years spent in her company, Summer had had more opportunity to forgive Salem for what she’d done then to forgive Ozpin for effectively sending her on what he must have known was a suicide mission.
That all said… Jaune tilts his head to the side and purses his lips together.
“Do you think you could handle Glynda Goodwitch with a gentle touch, Summer? Or would your distaste of Ozpin get in the way?”
Smiling a beatific smile, Summer shakes her head back and forth.
“I don’t blame dear Glynda for Ozpin sending me to my death. But why do you ask?”
“Because she’s currently heading towards the castle on foot. And I’m deciding on who to send out to meet her. My hope is that you can go out there and… feel her out, so to speak. See if she’s willing to be reasonable, turn her away if you can… or bring her here in as good a mood as possible if you can’t.”
The knowledge that Glynda is coming certainly sends a jolt through Summer, her back straightening for a moment, her lips parting in surprise. Then, they curl up into a truly wicked smile as the blindfolded woman bows her head.
“It would be my pleasure, Your Grace.”
The teasing lilt to her voice as she says ‘Your Grace’ makes Jaune chuckle softly, even as he waves a hand through the air.
“Then I will leave her in your capable hands. The Grimm will guide you, but will not let her see them once you’re in range. Do whatever it takes to find out her intentions and send her on her way, Summer.”
She’s been traveling for about half a day without seeing a single soul when the monotony is abruptly broken up by the presence of someone knew. Truth be told, when the other woman first steps out of the trees and into her path, Glynda isn’t sure she believes it at first. She can’t be seeing what she thinks she’s seeing… can she?
“Hello, Glynda.”
Mouth agape, the Beacon Professor and fully trained Huntress finds herself suddenly back in time about twenty-five years, to when she was still a student at Beacon herself. She’d been a nerdy little thing, and a teacher’s pet of sorts. Having been saved by Ozpin the Hunter, she had been so very eager to impress Ozpin the Headmaster. Doing everything in her power to make him notice her, she’d excelled as best she could, even as she alienated herself from her Team in the process.
But just because Glynda had thrown herself into her studies above all else… did not mean she was asexual by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, there’d been one girl who caught her eye at the time she’d attended Beacon. An upperclassman, quirky and sexy… and involved in a somewhat scandalous but also incredibly hot three-way relationship with two of her team members.
If it wasn’t for the fact that the fourth member of Team SPQR was the brother of one of Summer Rose’s two lovers, Glynda always suspected that the silver-eyed girl would have made a four-way of it. She was positively insatiable, from what Glynda remembered… and so very attractive.
Of course, then they’d all grown up. Team SPQR had gone on to become some of the best hunters Vale had ever seen, until they’d lost the R in their team name and Taiyang and Summer suddenly had a pair of children to raise. With Taiyang taking a teaching position at Signal, it had fallen to Summer and Qrow to keep on taking missions for Ozpin, to keep up the good fight above all else.
Glynda, meanwhile, had never allowed herself to act on her feelings towards Summer Rose. She’d pushed them deep, deep down and refused to acknowledge them. After all, the quirky silver-eyed woman already had two lovers. She didn’t need nerdy Goodwitch clinging to her as well.
Still, to come across Summer now, out here in the Land of Darkness… it was mind-boggling. Then again, maybe it shouldn’t have been. Summer was… As Ozpin’s right-hand woman, Glynda was well aware of how Summer had gone missing, almost two and a half years ago. She’d been on a mission for the Immortal Headmaster, a mission that had ultimately resulted in a failure… and two little girls losing their mother.
To see her here now, it was more than just Glynda’s own personal feelings that mattered. This was…
Smiling softly, tilting her head to the side, Summer nods.
“Hello, Glynda.”
Walking forward, the Huntress appears unarmed… as well as blinded. The blindfold she wears over her eyes doesn’t quite hide the faded scarring around the edges. It’s obvious what was done to her, but not quite obvious how she’s somehow looking right at Glynda now. Until she feels it, of course. Finally looking for it, Glynda notes as Summer’s aura brushes against her own, as the brilliant huntress uses some sort of extrasensory ability to map out not just Glynda’s position, but every contour of her body.
“It’s so good to see you again… after a fashion.”
“Summer… we thought you were dead. You’ve been missing for over two years. You-!”
As Summer reaches her, the blinded huntress lifts a hand and presses a finger to Glynda’s lips, making the bespectacled blonde go absolutely still. The soft knowing smile on Summer’s face makes Glynda feel like she’s sixteen again, rather than the full grown woman she’s supposed to be. A tremble goes through her, even as Summer tilts her head to the side.
“Hush, Glynda. It’s fine. I’m fine… well, I still live in any case.”
Truly baffled, and honestly struck by a strange sort of weakness that no other person showing up before her could have provoked, Glynda shudders as Summer’s finger trails down off her lips to her neck, tracing across her collarbone.
“I… I don’t understand…”
“Did you think I never noticed you, Glynda? Just because you were a year younger? Just because you were quiet and bookish? I had my hands full with Taiyang and Raven, there’s no denying that, and it kept me from… approaching you. But I was always aware of you and your feelings for me. My eyes were always sharper than most, back when I still had them. I knew when you were looking. I knew when you were… admiring.”
She knew. All this time, Glynda had thought… no, she’d been foolish to think she could just… but still, she KNEW? Truth be told, Glynda Goodwitch didn’t even know HOW to begin responding to that declaration. Luckily for her, though perhaps not so luckily, she doesn’t have to figure out how. The next thing she knows, Summer is kissing her.
Grabbing Glynda by the shoulder, the blindfolded woman pulls her in and squarely plants her lips upon Glynda’s mouth, kissing her right then and there as the blonde blushes beautiful. It’s her every sexual fantasy from back when she was a teenager coming to life. But… they aren’t teenagers anymore. This isn’t Beacon.
They’re standing out in the open in the middle of the Land of Darkness, in the middle of the Grimm Lands… and Glynda is letting Summer kiss the ever-living daylights out of her when she KNOWS she should be getting answers instead.
God, why does she have to be so weak? Why does she have to hesitate? She should be pushing away, should be demanding Summer talk to her instead of make out with her… but making out with Summer Rose has been one of Glynda’s desires for longer than she can fathom…
It didn’t help that Summer’s aura was pressing in all around her. Not just an extra-sensory ability, but something more. The light of Summer’s soul was pushing, gently but firmly. It was like she was giving Glynda a full body massage, massaging Glynda’s own aura, her own soul, at the same time that they were physically kissing.
Surely… s-surely it couldn’t hurt to indulge just this once, right?

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