The Grimoire’s Chosen (Worm AU/Celestial Grimoire)

Chapter 9: Punishment & Discipline

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Revelations are had in more ways than one.


“Got it!”

As Vicky takes her time straightening back up after grabbing her pen from the ground, Jason has an epiphany. Somehow, it is both. She’s trying to seduce him AND trying to learn from him at the same time. He’s honestly not sure why or how that works… there’s no way she could possibly be interested in him without ulterior motives.

But even if it doesn’t make sense to him, he has to do something. Vicky finally sits back down on the couch with pen in hand, her breasts jiggling in her skimpy top as she does so, only to pause at the intense look he’s giving her.

“… What? Did I do something wrong?”

Yeah, she was definitely asking for it. Letting out a sigh, Jason leans back in his chair and affixes his student with an unamused look.

“You’ve been acting in an inappropriate fashion all night long, Ms. Dallon.”

Vicky goes scarlet at that. It’s clear she didn’t expect him to just… call her out. But then, what did she expect him to do? Suddenly unable to be able to hold back his lust and act upon it by lunging at her or something? Either way, it didn’t matter in the end because Jason wasn’t going to put up with this shit.

“I… I’m not sure what you mean, sir.”

Jason scoffs.

“You know exactly what I mean, Victoria. You’ve been a distraction for both of us this entire evening. You’ve dressed down to show off your body, and clearly been making a concerted effort to seduce me, even as we’ve been working through these lessons.”

The buxom blonde bombshell only gets redder and redder as he continues to bluntly call her out. Sighing, Jason rubs the bridge of his nose.

“Now, I might not fully understand why you’re behaving in such a way…”

Here, Vicky turns incredulous.

“You don’t know why-?”

But Jason just talks over her, overriding her.

“However, it’s unacceptable all the same. I’m going to have to punish you.”

As he thought, that gets the blonde’s attention. Eyes wide, Vicky sits straight up in her seat, hands in her lap.

“P-Punish me, sir?”

Jason hums and nods, making sure to present the imperious, in control visage he’s going for even as he raises an eyebrow at her.

“I’m open to suggestions, Ms. Dallon.”

Truthfully, he has no clue where he’s going with this. He has zero ideas for properly punishing her. On the one hand, she’s literally Glory Girl. The classic Alexandria package of flight, invulnerability, and enhanced strength. On the other hand, he’s already admitted he won’t take this to her mother, no matter what. His ultimatum was still that he would just return the money to Crystal if Vicky didn’t let him tutor her, but that didn’t give much room for him to properly punish her.

He’s not about to let her know that though. Not and expose himself as a fraud after all. Oh, he’s no fraud when it comes to tutoring… but he’s definitely a fraud when it comes to the confident, in charge demeanor he’s decided to use around Vicky. Such a fucking fraud, truth be told. So at the end of the day-

“S-Spank me!”

Wait what? Jason blinks, even as Vicky’s blush intensifies due to the two words that just came out of her mouth. But the blonde doesn’t try to take them back. And that, if he’s being honest, kind of makes him angry.

“Do you take me for an idiot, Ms. Dallon? I know your powers. I’m not looking to sprain my hand trying to ‘punish’ you in a way that won’t have any effect on you.”

But Vicky is quick to shake her head.

“N-No! I…”

She hesitates for a moment, making Jason scowl some more. Hastily, Vicky explains.

“My invulnerability is actually an invisible forcefield a few millimeters away from my body! I can control it, just like I learned to control my aura… and I can suppress it if I want to so you can… well… p-punish me, sir.”

Jason stares owlishly at Vicky for a long moment. Did she really just tell him an integral part of how her powers work? Surely she must realize how… dumb that was. And yet, she’s telling the truth as far as he can tell. He doesn’t detect any deceit in her face or voice.

“Vicky… you should not have told me that. We’ve literally only known each other for two days.”

Vicky bites her lower lip… and then half-heartedly shrugs.

“I… I trust you. I mean, it’s kind of an open secret anyways, even among villains. It’s not like I go around advertising it, and the PHO admins are kind enough to keep the details off of the page that describes my powers so it’s not public knowledge or anything… but I’ve been operating in Brockton Bay as Glory Girl for years and there have been… well, incidents. It wouldn’t surprise me if every major gang knew about I wasn’t perfectly invincible like Alexandria. I always make sure to act like they might when I’m out on patrol, of course.”

Oh. Huh. Just as Jason is processing all of that, Vicky shrugs again, smiling wryly.

“Besides, you know secrets I care about way more than that. Like my plans for the end of the month, who my sponsor is going to be… or hell, even the fact that Amy and I are still talking. If my mom heard about any of that, she would be furious with me but also indebted to you. The fact that you aren’t going to tattle on me… well it proves you’re trustworthy, doesn’t it?”

… That’s fair, Jason supposes. After all, as far as Vicky is concerned, he’s just a normal human being with no powers whatsoever. Therefore, his knowing about her forcefield mattered a whole lot less than his knowing about her and Amelia as far as she was concerned.

“So! I’ve been naughty, sir? I think a bit of corporeal punishment is in order!”

Jason blinks as Vicky suddenly lays herself across his lap and the large armchair he’d been sat on. Arching her back like a cat, the beautiful blonde looks up at him and bats her eyelashes as she gives him a grin.

“… Its corporal, Vicky. Corporal Punishment.”

Vicky blinks and then pouts.

“Huh… really? I thought it was corporeal because corporeal means having a physical body, compared to incorporeal. So, you know… corporeal punishment, aka physical punishment.”

Jason shakes his head, momentarily distracted from the beautiful blonde bombshell stretched out across his lap.

“No, it’s corporal punishment because it’s derived from the Latin word for ‘body’… aka corpus.”

Vicky absorbs that for a moment before beaming at him again.

“You really do make a good teacher, sir.”

Jason’s breath catches as the distraction regarding the difference between corporal and corporeal comes to an end and he’s forced to acknowledge the situation he currently finds himself in. Victoria Dallon is currently draped over his lap and the arms of the chair he’s in, her belly pressed against the top of his legs and dangerously close to his crotch.

Fortunately he’s not erect right now, but at this rate he might be soon enough, and then he’d wind up poking Vicky in the belly button with his tented bulge. Swallowing thickly, he considers telling her to get off for a moment… and yet, he can’t take his eyes off of her ass, wiggling playfully back and forth in her shorts.

“Go ahead and spank me sir. Though if you want to check to make sure the forcefield is suppressed first, I don’t mind~”

This too is part of the aggressive seduction she’s currently trying to perform… but Jason decides then and there that he won’t let it get to him. He’s in charge here. He’s in control and maybe if he tells himself that enough times, it’ll even be true.

First, he takes Vicky up on her offer, whether she was serious or not. He brings his hand down upon her ass with only some force, not a proper spanking. He half-expects to encounter impenetrable flesh… but as far as he can tell, she’s telling the truth. Her backside is firmed up and quite toned, showcasing a very athletic young woman, but her flesh nevertheless yields to his fingers as he tests out just how pliant and pliable her ass really is…

… only to flush a little a moment later as Vicky lets out a soft moan and he realizes he’s not just ‘testing’ her butt, he’s literally massaging and kneading it. Yeah, that one was on him.

“… Alright then, Ms. Dallon. Since this is your punishment, how many spankings do you think you deserve?”

Looking back at him, Vicky hesitates for a moment before smiling brightly.

“At least ten sir~ And I should also count them out for you, so they have a greater impact and I remember them better.”

Well… alright then.

“Very well. Let us begin.”

Jason brings his hand up, hesitating for only a second. This could still be a trick or a trap. He was relying on Vicky to suppress her forcefield and if she chose to bring it back up, he might hurt himself on her perfectly sculpted behind. But… he didn’t think she would do that. Especially not if her goal was to seduce him. Still, he doesn’t go AS hard as he could with spanking her. He doesn’t want a broken hand, just in case.


“A-Ah! One, sir!”


“T-Two, sir!”


“Threeee, sir!”

As he spanks her and Vicky counts out the impacts, Jason gets the impression that she’s enjoying this so called ‘punishment’. Especially from the way she’s wiggling about on his lap. Which isn’t helping really, because her exposed belly button is pretty much constantly rubbing against his crotch now and leaving him with a perfectly natural reaction.

Still, he stays strong. He doesn’t let up either, continuing to spank her all the way to ten.


“Eight, s-sir!”


“Niiine, sir!”


“TEN, sir!”

Finally done, Jason pulls his hand back with a huff.

“Very good, Ms. Dallon. Return to your seat and let’s continue your tutoring.”

In his lap, Vicky freezes, looking up at him with wide eyes and a rapidly forming pout.

“Are… are you sure sir? I’ve been VERY naughty. If you felt like you needed to punish me further…”

“No, not at this time. Back to the couch, Victoria.”

“… yes sir.”


Way of Wrath – Destruction – 400 Points

Your combat style is ferocious. There’s no discipline or technique. The way you treat your weapon is no different from one who would treat a stick or a blunt weapon. This is for good reason, especially if you have no experience with true swordsmanship in the first place. Your instincts have been greatly supplemented through your experience. Most of what you do is unconscious and even if you make mistakes, you find that you unconsciously fixed it for the next time. Even during the heat of battle, your opponents who had the upper hand will slowly find that you’re getting better and better at overcoming them.

You now have 200 Points saved up!

Wha- oh damn. That was actually a good one. And here he was, too poor for it. It sounded so damn perfect for him too, given he had zero experience with weapons of any kind and this was basically offering him the ability to just have better and better fighting instincts the more he fought. And given he was a parahuman in Brockton Bay, the fighting was all but inevitable.

He hesitates to discard this one and instead of passing, he finds himself sort of… setting it aside for the moment? He’s sort of in the middle of something, after all. Vicky is just settling back into place on the couch and though she’s pouting even harder, the power pull had come at the perfect time for her not to notice him being distracted.

Putting it out of his mind, Jason focuses back on the lesson… and to his mild surprise, finds that after her spanking, Vicky is actually a lot more manageable. He’s still dealing with a massive hard-on of course, and she’s still wearing a skimpy top and shorts that show too much skin, but beyond glancing down at his crotch every once in a while, she’s not being nearly as disruptive as she was before. In fact, Jason would argue she’s downright subdued, at least by Vicky standards.

The rest of the tutoring session goes about as good as it can, until finally night has fallen and Jason has to go. He leaves Vicky’s apartment a little earlier this time and makes sure to be a bit smarter about the streets he takes to get home and being cognizant of his surroundings.

However, as a result he’s almost completely forgotten that he’s still sitting on a pull until he’s back at his own apartment. Only once he’s all alone there, thinking about everything that had happened that night and trying NOT to think too hard about how good Vicky’s ass had felt when he’d been massaging it, does Jason feel a tug on his senses and realize… the power is still there.

Jason furrows his brow, reading the description for Way of Wrath again. As far as he can tell, there’s nothing overly special about the power compared to all of the others. Nothing makes it stand out other than that it sounds like it’d be useful to have, especially if he’s going to wind up in more encounters like that mugging the other night.

And yet, he wouldn’t have expected it to stick around all this time. It’d been hours by this point and it was still there.

... You know, he'd wondered why he sometimes got ‘pulls’ that either had prerequisites or were way too expensive for him. You would think that if he didn’t have enough points or the proper prerequisite, then it wouldn’t show them to him to begin with. The reason he’d originally come up with was that it was basically taunting him… but did that really make sense when he truly thought about it?

Rather, wasn’t it more likely that there was a reason he could get powers that either had too high of a cost or prerequisites? Like for instance… he might be able to hold them in reserve until he could afford them?

No sooner has Jason thought the word ‘hold’ then he finds his suspicions confirmed. Way of Wrath seems to almost slip to the side of his awareness, not part of his actual repertoire but rather waiting in the wings… like his power is ‘holding onto it for him’. Jason’s breath catches as he uncovers this new aspect of his abilities. He didn’t always have to pass on something just because it was too expensive. Instead, it seemed he could hold onto it.

This knowledge comes with the additional intuitive caveat that he can only do so with one pull at a time. Which makes him wonder… does he really want to hold onto Way of Wrath until he can buy it? Or was it really not worth clinging to? It was certainly a power he’d like to have, but was it a power he truly needed? Was it worth the 400 points it would cost him?

The Vote:
[X] Continue holding onto Way of Wrath until he can afford it - 76%
[ ] Pass on Way of Wrath to keep his banked slot free - 24%


A/N: Will try to keep this up to date at the end of every chapter, get on me if I forget please. Though if it gets too out of hand, might have to change it at some point.

Jason's current banked points:

200 Celestial Points

Jason's current banked power:

  • Way of Wrath (400 Point Cost)

Jason's current powers:

  • Flash Air (Gained in Chapter 1)

  • Transformation Pendant (Gained in Chapter 4)

  • Keen Eye (Gained in Chapter 4)

  • Blood, Death, and Demons (Gained in Chapter 6)

  • Alchemical Prodigy (Gained in Chapter 8)

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