The Guardian Chef

Vol. 1 – Chapter 1

I never had any illusions.

I have always looked reality in the face and deal with it. A man who relies on hope or luck is nothing but a fool. Nothing is given to you for nothing. The words gave always end up being empty.

Do you think this is not the case? Then you will be disappointed to know that it has always been like this for me. And it is even now.

In front of me, there is an 18-year-old girl dressed in gaudy white clothes on which the sacred symbols of the faith of this world are embroidered. A well-proportioned body and abundant breasts, a perfect face with blue eyes and bright blond curls, with rosy lips. The embodiment of beauty... she has always been and even now awakens the innermost instincts of a man.

“I love someone else. I'm sorry, but I can't marry you."

You're sorry... huh. I had already foreseen it. After all, this girl is a childhood friend of mine chosen by Goddess Aphy as Saint. She left 6 years ago and now she's back just to tell me this.

Did I love her? Maybe. But I know one thing: I don't feel anything.

***(Graeval's POV)***

Let's go back in time.

My name is Graeval. As one of the many children of a peasant couple, I have no surname. After all, this world remained a feudal ideology. Anyway, I don't dislike it.

Ah... I will not do any twist on you because this is a rather common cliché: I am a person who has reincarnated in this world while keeping intact knowledge and experience from my previous life.

Japanese? No. Scandinavian? Neither. American?... I'll tell you straight and round. I will not reveal who I was in my previous life... also because I don't even remember it and I don't even remember if these places you mentioned exist.

Anyway, I became aware of myself at the age of 6. I had a horse fever and when I recovered, even what I was showed up as well as my powers.

In my previous life, I was a powerful psyker... no, everyone called me 'the' psyker, the most powerful of all. In my previous world, science was very advanced, to the point where it was possible to unlock human genetic potential; a routine operation that was performed shortly after birth. From what I remember, it wasn't needed on me: my potential was unlocked when I was born. On the other hand, my life was not the happiest, also because the only thing I had to do was to keep up the family honor... what a family.

I don't remember how or when I died, but I know that when I woke up in this world, I immediately realized that the old me no longer existed. The only thing I had brought with me, besides experience, was my latent psychic powers... which for some reason had become even more powerful.

So after that fever, I remembered. It took me a while to get used to the new family and the new world but to be honest, anyone who has reincarnated me in this body has my gratitude: a close, loving family and a simple lifestyle. Everything I've always desired. Every morning I helped my parents in the fields with my brothers and sisters, in the afternoon I played and loitered with my friends and at night I trained my powers and my body in the biggest secret. What was it for? This is a Medieval Fantasy world where it is not uncommon to encounter brigands, demonic beasts, and demons. For once, I've found a reason to use my powers: to protect this family that has welcomed me.

Now, you know the girl I described to you earlier? Her name is Sarity. Daughter of a couple of innkeepers, our parents have been friends for a long time and it wasn't uncommon for us to meet. Already when I saw her for the first time I noticed something strange about her, but I couldn't understand what.

Despite this, we got along very well and used to play together with the other children of the village, but there was a special bond between us, I would not exaggerate to say that maybe I liked her as a girl.

However, on her twelfth birthday, a delegation from the capital led by the Templars of the state religion arrived in the village and the deacon revealed that she had been elected by the Goddess Aphy as Saint. Her role would have been to accompany the Hero who will come to our rescue and would have brought to an end the ten years war against the Demon Lord.

I think she asked me for that promise... no "imposed" when she was about to leave but as I said, I didn't promise anything after all. No promises are to be made if you don't know if you can keep them.

Anyway, after she left, I asked her father to teach me how to cook. It may seem strange, but it was one of the few things that allowed me to get some joy in my previous life. Why lose the habit?

Tarkart, Sarity's father, was surprised. In just two years I had learned the various cooking techniques, to the point of entrusting it to me since I had largely overcome it. The pay was good and the recipes I brought back from my old world to this one drove customers crazy for how much they liked them. That dream life continued.

Now eighteen years old, I was in charge of the kitchen of the inn and many customers also came from neighboring countries just to taste the dishes I created. Of course, Tarkart was also helping with the preparation and had hired extra cooks and waiters as well. This increase in staff was a symbol of how prosperous the inn had become. But that is not all.

Just two months earlier, we had news that the Hero's party had defeated the Demon Lord, a cause for happiness. Especially for Tarkart and his wife as it meant Sarity's homecoming. Well, I was happy for them too... but it was when she got home that I was completely disappointed.


The village was full of life and liveliness. Everyone had something to do for Sarity's welcome back party. Some brought tables and benches, who the wood for the bonfire, who assembled the decorations, and who, like me, was bringing the necessary ingredients to the kitchen for tonight's menu.

“Hey, Graeval! What are you preparing for us this evening?!"

"No previews!" I answered laughing about it

Since Sarity's letter had arrived informing us of the date of her return, her parents have done nothing but brag it to everyone, and since the pride of the village was returning, they could not help but welcome her to the best of their ability: with a party.

Of course, it was my job to prepare food for at least a couple of hundred people.

I went into the tent that will serve as the kitchen and after putting down the ingredients, I rolled up my sleeves, washed my hands, and started cooking. Even if it's only mid-afternoon, a good chef always starts cooking a few hours before a restaurant opens. He has a lot of preparations to make.

My hands moved by themselves, by the touch I understood what I was handling: knives, ingredients, bowls... everything I touched was transformed.

Suddenly, I heard a commotion outside but I paid no attention. My concentration was all on the preparation of ingredients and dishes. In the distance... they sounded like footsteps... the smell of meat broth permeated my nostrils. I lifted the lid while holding a spoon in my hand. I tasted it... perfect. I took the pot off the heat and immediately put in another one. It was full of tomatoes. I closed the lid. My hand was on the knife again.


Someone called me and it was at that moment that my hand stopped and my concentration turned towards the source of that voice. It was her... Sarity.

"Oh! Who shows up after 6 years! Wait, now I'm coming." I said as I finished cutting the vegetables

Setting down the knife and washing my hands, I walked over to her. I didn't recognize her anymore: she was already very beautiful when she left, but now... I have no words to describe how beautiful she is.

“What have you done to become so… skinny? Eaten little?" I asked, joking about it

"Now don't be my mother," she answered calmly

“Ahahah! Sorry sorry." I apologized hugging her “Ahhh! How much time. So what's it like to be a Saint?"

"Challenging and sometimes exhausting."

At that moment, I heard a moan coming from Sarity's stomach

"Are you hungry? Really, but are you eating?"

"Stop that!" she said pushing me and blushing

"Wait here! It's not dinner time yet, but I think you can afford a small snack"

I went back to the kitchen and looked at what I had on hand... seeing the eggs. Unconsciously I smiled and took the ingredient. I separated the yolk from the white and began to cook. Beat the eggs, add cream and salt. Take the pan and pour the contents by closing the lid. Meanwhile, I cut the chives. Every movement was fluid.

***(Sarity's POV)***

When we arrived and I hadn't seen him with the others, I asked where he was; when they brought me to him and I saw him prepare that dish... I saw his smile. He enjoyed doing what he was doing... cooking. It was... mesmerizing.

***(Graeval's POV)***

On the plate, there was a small omelet with tomato sauce and chive gravy, which bounced like a pillow.

"Here you go, taste!" I said, giving her the plate with a spoon

"A spoon? Why not a fork"

“Break it and eat it. You will understand immediately."

She took the spoon and cut a piece by sinking into the souffle as if nothing had happened. That alone was enough to make her eyes widen. Then she put it in her mouth and her face was painted with surprise and pleasure.

“Mmmmh! It's delicious! How did you do? I felt like I was eating a cloud!"

"I'm sorry, but cooks have their secrets too."

She threw herself on that dish as if she were a wolf who had been fasting for days. A little bit and she would lick the plate, but she did not since she managed to recover in time. Looking up, she was slightly red and handed it to me a little embarrassed, but I laughed heartily.

At that moment, I perceived presences approaching, there were three people. When they arrived, I saw that it was a young man and two other girls.

One of the two girls wore simple but provocative clothes, with a pointed hat and a black cloak that fell off her shoulders, very pretty with purple eyes and auburn hair in a bob and large breasts to say the least; she looked like one that you wouldn't be surprised if she pulled something out of the neckline.

The other instead wore a knight's armor, brown hair gathered in a ponytail, and blue eyes, her body was slender and certainly powerful and despite the various scars on her face, she is very pretty.

The boy is good-looking with black hair and brown eyes, whose features are a mixture of Western and Oriental, probably one of the parents is Asian, he is tall and his muscles are toned.

In other words, the Hero, the sorceress, and the knight, with a tank role most likely. A classic party of fantasy stories.

Wait... but if the Hero is here...

"Hello! You must be Sarity's companions, the Hero, and his party." I greeted them as they approached “I am Graeval. A childhood friend of Sarity."

“Ara... how polite. I am Ridel Leame, court magician." the girl dressed as a sorceress showed up

“I'm Emlyn Carrel. A knight in the service of his majesty."

“I am Jack Lingxin. Nice to meet you” the boy introduced himself, holding out his hand

Instinctively I would have held it, but I pretended to be stupid and looked at him as if to ask what he was doing. That was how Sarity explained to me

"It's a greeting from his world"

I figured it... I thought. Most likely, this guy was summoned from another world and given the surname and features I had noticed, I no longer have any doubts about his ethnic origin. However, when I shook hands as was customary, his grip was firm... very firm. Hey, what do you want?

"I ask forgiveness, but I need my hand if you want to have dinner."

“Oh, I'm sorry. I can't control my strength well."

Liar. It was clear as sunshine that you wanted to show me your strength. Suddenly, the smell of cooking food caught my attention.

"Excuse me a moment." I said going to the kitchen at a brisk pace, and then stop “Since I'm here, would you like a snack? I just served Sarity one. Nothing heavy."

"I recommend it!" Sarity stated supporting me

"If you say so, then I accept." Jack said "You girls?"

"Why not? After all that movement I'm starving.” the sorceress said cheerfully as the knighted woman simply nodded.

"They arrive immediately!" I said, approaching the counter and pulling a bandage on my forehead.

After removing the affected pot from the heat, I made the same soufflé I had made for Sarity. When I handed it to them, everyone tasted

"Doesn't it feel like eating a cloud?"

"I agree!" Ridel exclaimed happily

The knight woman, on the other hand, did not speak, but it was clear as day that she wanted to gorge herself on that dish.

Personal satisfaction aside, I noticed that there was something in the air of the group in front of me. There was a strange atmosphere while they ate... very pink: Sarity was practically attached to Jack, the sorceress enjoyed the dish but at the same time tried to feed the boy while the woman knight... oh well, it was clear that this guy has built a Harem. A classic I would say. No, I'm not jealous. I mean, do you know how hard it is to have to maintain the happiness and balance of a group of women? If he succeeds, good for him. Anyway, I'm sure Sarity wanted to talk to me about this, but since I don't have time to waste, I'll have to get it out of her.

"I see there's a nice... sugary atmosphere between you." I began "Sarity, was there anything you wanted to tell me specifically?"


They got lost in their world. "Call me when you get back down to earth." I said turning on my heels and going back to my kitchen, taking the knife again and chopping the onion.

I had time to start stir-frying the vegetables, that the Harem was back among us. I started to cook the minced meat and I sensed that Sarity wanted to talk to me but I signaled her to be silent and when the meat got the color I was interested in, I poured the pot containing the tomatoes... or rather the tomato sauce. I gave it a quick stir and closed the lid.

"Are you back among us?" I asked as I approached them.

At that question, Sarity blushed as Ridel gave a forced chuckle as if she wanted to get rid of the embarrassment. The knight woman is hard to decipher in this case, but the boy... Why do you look at me with that pitiful expression as if I were jealous of you?

"I was asking... was there anything you wanted to tell me in particular?"

“Well…” Sarity began a little unsure, but when Jack put a hand on her shoulder she seemed to pass her “I love someone else. I'm sorry, but I can't marry you."


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