The Guardian Chef

Vol. 1 – Chapter 7

***(?????'s POV)***

“WHYYYYYY?!! Why did it turn out like this?!" Aphy yelled putting her hands in her hair "After all my hard work, where did that bitch come from?!"

When this is the case, she doesn't give a damn about looks... I sighed. Well, maybe she just does it with me. I thought while taking another sip of tea.

Hm? I? Right, I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Aphy's older sister, my name is-

“Daneas! Are you listening to me?!"

"Yes yes, I'm listening to you, little sister."

I was saying, my name is Daneas and I am a Goddess who is in charge of one of the many worlds inhabited by intelligent life forms. There are hundreds of them as well as the Gods who administer them. Mine is that of a planet that has reached a hyper-advanced technological level. A dangerous world because if I don't keep an eye on it, they could do something that could endanger the balance. And yes... this is the homeworld of my sister Aphy's beloved.

Hers being an underdeveloped world, Aphy can often afford to visit me and occasionally cast her eye on my world to ask questions or learn something... or just to have a chat with me. The problem happened recently. Whether due to evolution or the will of fate, the child known to you as Graeval was born on my world, a child as brilliant as it is dangerous given his incredible psychic potential. My sister Aphy noticed this and for some reason got a crush on him. Good luck understands her...

When she witnessed his death on one of his usual "business trips", she begged me to have him reincarnated in her world. Now, I was afraid my sister would try to do something stupid by reincarnating him in her world, but in the end, I gave in. I spoil her too much... yeah. But I set conditions: that I would decide the place and the family in which he would be reincarnated. I also wanted to take into consideration the feelings and remorse of the deceased. And so, Graeval was born.

If I have to say mine, the life he leads now seems to make him very happy. In the end, he is a good boy... he only lacked the affection of loved ones...

“Anyway, what did you expect if he never spoke to you? He hasn't even looked at you."

“But…” she begins “I tried in every way to get his attention! But every time he kept silent!"

You don't say... he was meditating. Do you think he can maintain that state if someone distracts him?!" Or at least that was what I wanted to tell her, but I refrained from doing it

“I thought that after little Sarity's rejection I would be able to step forward to console him. But it was him who refused her!!"

“Refuse her? What do you mean?"

"Well..." and she began to tell me "... finally she ran away in tears after telling her those things."

"Very mature of that boy."

"TOO MUCH!!!" Aphy yelled

I hadn't anticipated that he would keep most of the memories of his previous life. He still lost some of it, but not all of it. Could it be because of the will?

Let me explain. A psyker is, in simple terms, a kind of demi-god, and based on their willpower and respecting certain conditions, they can influence themselves and the objects around them. The stronger the psyker's will, the more powerful and immediate his powers will be.

My world was the only one that generated them and one could be born every 200 years maximum, but Graeval was the first to be so powerful. Now I don't know what his current strength is, but when he was still walking in my world he was nicknamed "God/Demon Psyker" and even, a few times I felt a thrill running down my spine when I saw him fight using his full power. However, the thing that makes Graeval incredible is his will, which can only be called adamantine.

"By the way..." I began trying to change the subject "did they kill the Demon Lord in the end?"

“Ah! Well, yeah… they killed him…” Aphy replied as she sweats clearly

"......... What have you done?" I asked worried

When she starts to sweat it means that she has combined another one of his. She's a diligent Goddess herself, but when she panics or is obsessed with something, she ends up doing some trouble... and then it's my turn to fix them.

"Well, my proteges... despite having elected a Saint as you advised, they had come to a standstill... so... I gave them a little help..."

"What kind of help?" I asked, taking another sip

"I borrowed a resident from another world."

"Pffffft!!!" I spat out the tea I had just drunk "WHAT DID YOU DO?!!!"

"Te-he!" she said hitting herself on the head

"IMBECILE!!!" I yelled at her throwing a punch in the head "DO YOU ACCOUNT THE CONSEQUENCES THAT THERE MAY BE?!!!"

Take a soul from another world and send it to one it doesn't belong to. It is well known by every deity that such action can have disastrous consequences.

Isn't that the same for Graeval?! It is completely different! There is a difference between summoning a live dweller and having a soul reincarnated.

Each world uses a reincarnation system where souls continue to be reborn and lose the memories of their previous life in the process. Of course, there are times when the system takes the souls of some deceased from another world whose births are declining or even creates new ones to prevent babies from being born already dead or in a vegetative state. Transferring a soul from one system to another happens quite often as some souls are selected to aid in the development of another world culture despite having forgotten who they were in their previous life. This is what happened for Graeval.

If, on the other hand, a soul in a living body is forcibly transferred to the system of another world, not only will the system report errors, but it could involve the calculation and execution of a procedure to restore balance and in some cases... these solutions could prove to be extreme. It has already happened once: a God summoned a person who possesses very advanced technological knowledge, to help the development of civilization since it was stagnating. Unfortunately, it did not give him any limitations on the knowledge he could bestow and this meant a huge leap forward; on the other hand, the inhabitants who benefited from it experienced a demographic surge, causing the system problems as it could not keep up with the creation or recycling of new souls. As a result, the system calculated a way to restore balance and created a disease that caused billions of deaths and persisted until it could match the birth rate with the addition of new souls.

After the incident, the Gods held a council and decided to prohibit the evocation of a living being from one world to another.

That solution was used by the system about ten years after the castaway arrived. Who has ever summoned this stupid!

"Could you..." I began staring into her eyes coldly "tell me who you would have summoned?"

“S-s-sure…” Aphy stammered in fear shaking like a leaf “I conjured up a cute, charismatic, martial arts student, kind-hearted and sensitive. Maybe he's a bit jealous and he's unconsciously a womanizer."

"Unconsciously a womanizer?"

"He manages to win the hearts of women even if it is not his intention."

"All right. However, it seems to me that he specializes mainly in combat and command."

"Exact. He comes from a more advanced world, but his technical knowledge is limited to simple things."

"Define simple..."

"Soap, four-year rotation, improved bureaucracy..."

"Yes yes... I understand."

I understand that it is best to prepare for the worst... even if these are minor things, the development of civilization will still get an improvement, but what worries me is how the system will react. After all, the Hero is like an atomic bomb in an underdeveloped world like the...

"Aphy... tell me something..."

"What, big sister?"

"How is the Hero sentimentally?"

"Huh?! What do my ears hear?! Are you curious about someone's sentimental life?!"


"*Sigh* He's married to the entire party that helped him kill the Demon Lord and the princess of the kingdom I sent him to *Sniff*"

Just what I hoped wouldn't happen has happened. With that marriage, they chained the Hero to that kingdom, and now they could safely use it as a deterrent to avoid being attacked or, in case the ruler was ambitious, use it to conquer neighboring countries. The victims will be very high and if the Hero gets his head, he could end up with the opposite effect to the first accident. Too many souls to reincarnate in a world that will suffer a decline in births. I can't imagine what could happen.

The system used for reincarnation is the equivalent of a computer whose purpose is to manage and maintain the balance of the reincarnation process. Since it is his job to maintain this balance, his solutions are as logical as they are ruthless. I don't know how it would react.

***(Graeval's POV)***

The sun had risen, there are 2 days to go before the Harvest Festival and I was slowly waking up. Recovering my senses, I realized that I felt a soft and warm weight on my right arm. Turning around I saw Lilith still sleeping peacefully as she used my arm as a pillow.

Her white hair was shot a little everywhere while the little sun that entered warmed her skin as if it looked like a pink pearl. I just can not get enough. I love my wife too much. Unable to restrain me, I gently stroked her soft cheek. Her skin is as smooth as a baby's.

Sensing my touch, Lilith opened her sleepy eyes and smiled at me

"Good morning honey." I said kissing her cheek

"Hello dear." she answered raising her head slightly to allow me to free my arm

Getting up, I sat down on the bed and looked around, smiling at the mess we had caused last night as we went to bed: our clothes were thrown in bulk as after exchanging a glance, we pounced on each other to give vent to one of the three needs of a living being. Thinking back it made me a bit perverse smile... a smile that disappeared as soon as I looked in front of me: I saw the cloak and the mask I wear when I go hunting bandits... I remembered the girls I had saved the day before yesterday.

After taking them out of the encampment, I opened a portal that connected to my home, where Lilith sat there in a chair embroidering, waiting for my return. When she saw me with the girls, she was surprised and immediately asked for an explanation. When I told her what I had seen, she could barely hold back her anger and the only reason she didn't go through the portal was that I told her about the torture that monster was continuing to suffer. Once her anger subsided, she told me that she would take care of the girls until I finished the hunt for bandits.

That night, neither she nor I could sleep because we were worried about those poor girls and we devoted every bit of our strength, me psychic and she magical, to try to heal them both physically and mentally. But as is well known, wounds always leave a scar.

However, we could not afford to be able to keep them with us at our home and by mutual agreement, we decided to entrust them to Tarkart and Tilly since they also have much more experience than us. When the girls woke up they still thought they were dreaming and after serving them a hearty breakfast, we took them to the inn, making sure Cordelia and Sarity were away. I didn't want to involve them that much.

The story I told them was half true: I told them that a hooded man had come to our door asking us to take care of those little girls who had suffered violence and torture. The spouses, after hearing the story, didn't feel like refusing my request.

“Mmmh… something wrong? *yawm*” Lilith asked yawning

I turned towards her and I could admire her naked body in all its beauty; but despite this beauty being able to lighten my heart, my soul felt heavy.

"I just remembered what I saw the night of 2 days ago." I replied looking in front of me again "Did I save them?"

I felt the touch of my wife's skin as she hugged me as well as her hills as they touched my back. Her chin resting on my right shoulder and the hardness of her horns on my temple. She sighed...

"Surely, you have taken the first step in getting them back to a normal life."

"Will that be enough?"

“You cannot take on a burden that is not yours. It is not your fault that you found them that way. You didn't even know what you were getting into when you went to sweep them away."

"I know... I know..." I said. But there is hesitation in my statement.

Noticing that insecurity, Lilith touched my cheek inviting me to look towards her. Her ruby eyes, touched by that little light, shone like the precious gems. I read in its sorrow, sweetness, and gratitude.

“I was the Demon Queen defeated by the human Hero and his group. When I thought I couldn't have a future, you took me with you and gave me one." she affirmed softly and then gave me a light kiss “You have already saved me. And I'm sure they think the same way too."

"Thanks, Lilith."

Returning the kiss that this time lasted much longer, I suddenly felt a hand take my friend

"Ara... it seems that after consoling you, now it's someone else's turn."

"Lilith..." I blushed

"I don't mind." she began guiding my hand over her breast "After all, I would love to conceive your child."

After that sentence and the advances, I practically threw myself on top of her and we joined again

"You mean..." I began whispering in her ear "our children."

“*Ahn* Graeval per-ver-t.”


After three morning rounds, we headed to the restaurant to open it. By now in the streets, various itinerant merchants or stalls of large companies had arrived from the neighboring regions after the news of the arrival and participation of two of the Hero's wives. It is always a good time to make money.

"Look dear... they're setting up the kitchen." Lilith told me pointing to a group that was setting up a cream-colored tent.

At my request, as it was starting to get cold and keep a warm kitchen, I requested that the kitchen be set up inside a cotton curtain as it is great for keeping warm and above all it is breathable. In this way, we will not have any problems with the vapors exhaled from the pots.

"Oh... they're getting busy huh!"

"Already. I'm sure it will be a success again this year."

“You can swear, also because I have something special in mind. Fufufu” I told her with a sinister chuckle

"Yeah, well, don't overdo it ok?" Lilith assured herself slightly frightened

Once in front of the door of the restaurant, I found someone who I never expected

"Arryn?" I called her surprised "What are you doing here?"

Seeing me arrive, the girl came up to us and stared at me. Shyly, she took a hem of my suit and then


This rumbling came from her stomach. Looking into each other's eyes, Lilith and I giggled and invited Arryn in.

I forgot, Arryn Enxina is the elven child who was being raped when I entered the bandit leader's tent. Since I rescued her, she has developed a strange attachment to Lilith and especially to me, even after leaving her in the care of Tarkart and Tilly every day she shows up at the restaurant door and waits for us. She is usually accompanied by Tarkart or Tilly because Arryn is still an elf, or rather a high elf making her a very coveted target mainly by slave traders and by those like the pig who violated her until two days ago. Especially after I treated her: since the bruises and lacerations on the body and face have been completely cured, her beauty was immediately noticed which, combined with her current shy and not very eloquent character, would have awakened the protective instinct of every self-respecting person. Her blonde hair is very long and almost reaches her heels, while her blue eyes are clear and when hit by the sunlight they look like sapphires. Despite being 30 years old, her body is that of a 6-year-old girl. She looks like a life-size doll.

We went into the restaurant and I immediately prepared a dish for her.

Whenever we are together in the restaurant, when we are not open Arryn does nothing but hang on to me and looks at me curiously while I prepare the various ingredients. Now and then I ask her if I have something on me and every time she turns away and goes to watch Lilith as she sets the tables. I'm glad she's okay though... I feel like I have a vulture on my shoulder.

Once the snack was finished, Arryn managed a slight smile. Usually, it is always at that moment that you can see her smile so to speak.

"... Thank you... for... snack."

She is probably not very familiar with the human language and consequently speaks that way. Also, from what Tilly told me, she seems to be talking mostly to me or Lilith.

"I am pleased that you like it." I said smiling “How are you? Are you happy with the old man?"

"Nh... be... well... Girls... friendly and... play... with me."

"I am happy to know it."

"Graeval... what... do you do?"

"Mm? I'm cutting some vegetables that I will use in the dishes I will serve today."

"Do you like it?"

"Very. It is funny." I said smiling at her

Silence fell again, or rather, you could only hear the sound of the knife I used to cut the ingredients or the broth boiling. But one thing I've only noticed now is how Arryn looked intently at the way I cut the vegetables... It's not that...

"Do you want to learn how to cook?"

"No... I can't..." she said panicking "Home... forbidden me... things not... suitable..."

"Things not suitable?"

"Taught... embroidery... reading... writing... etiquette..." she said looking into my eyes "Cooking... work... of the servants."

Well, that was to be expected. In elven society, high elves hold the offices of nobles and are educated accordingly. Unlike noble humans whose descendants could do whatever they want when they came of age, high elves fall into three groups: politicians, intellectuals, and the military. The name already says it all so I don't need to explain to you what each group does but know that they get along very well as they are aware that the kingdom needs all three groups to work together. The interesting thing is that the descendants of families must necessarily undertake family work: the son of a soldier will be a soldier, that of a politician, and that of an intellectual will be an intellectual. There have been very few particular exceptions since they recognize talent, but elven society works that way. Given the linguistic knowledge, she probably belongs to a lineage of the political group since they are trained to also act as ambassadors.

Be that as it may, her eyes speak for themselves

"Do you want to try now?"

"Home... forbidden me..."

“Then it will be our little secret. What do you say?" I asked, putting my index finger in front of my lips and winking

"My secret... and of... Graeval...?"

At first, she seemed dubious and later, for some reason, she took her face that had turned all red as she stirred. How cute Lilith's expression said. Once she calmed down she nodded vigorously.

"Alright... then go to the back and wash your hands."


Arryn got Lilith to help her get off the stool and ran to the back to do what I asked. Meanwhile, I pulled out lace and one of the spare aprons. They will be big, but I certainly hadn't thought that one day I would teach a child how to cook... or rather not in the immediate future... at that thought, I instinctively smiled

"Don't even think about it." Lilith said looking at me a little angry

"What shouldn't I think about?"

"... Even if polygamy is acnow-"

“Stop there!! Who did you take me for?! For a pedophile?!"

"Huh? I thought you noticed that-"

"Haa... how could I not notice it..." I sighed "But, I've already told you thousands of times... why do you always question my word?"

"...... I'm sorry," Lilith apologized. If she had a dog's ears right now, they would be below.

"It is not necessary. After all, if you get jealous it's as if you want to tell me that you love me with all your heart." I said smiling at her and taking her hand and then pulling her to me


she was all red. Then I touched her belly, just below the navel.

"I just thought... our baby might act like Arryn today, in the near future."

"She is not our daughter..." she said taking and holding my hand "but, I can't deny it if you put it like this." she affirmed softly kissing me.

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