The Guardian Chef

Vol. 1 – Chapter 9

Hi guys! Emperor93 here!
I thank YXXREM for the illustration he has drawn for this chapter. To see more of his works click on his name.

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***(?????'s POV)***

"Did you find out what happened to the idiots who arrived on the scene a few days ago?"

"Yes, my lady." he said giving me a document "They were exterminated by a hooded person"

"Huh?! What do you mean exterminated?!"

"W-we don't know the details but he seems to be a wizard."

"It seems?"

"Our observer kept an eye on the situation and claimed to have seen him use magical powers, but..."

"But what?!"

“T-there was no rush of mana. Those attacks didn't even contain a drop. "

This report is absurd. A wizard who uses magic without the use of mana? Bullshit.

“If it was the same person who slaughtered the bandits we drove there, then it would explain why we lost contact with them. But how does he know when new ones have arrived? "

"We do not know." my subordinate said sorry "However, it seems that he can't find them if they are out of the forest."

"So the forest is the key to how he find them?"

"It's possible, but we don't know for sure."

"Tch. How much hassle... well? Who is this magician? "

"We do not know. After he exterminated the bandits and took care of the corpses, we lost track of him in the village of Fago."

"A resident?"

"We asked around, but no one has ever heard of a man or woman in similar clothes."

"I understand..." I said while rubbing my chin "we will have to change the action plan."

“We have already prepared a change. We would like your approval."

I was offered another document with the details of the changes inside... and it wasn't a bad idea at all.

"There are some things I would like to refine but... approved." I got up from my chair and said to everyone present “It is not long before the day we will act. For the glory of Thirus! "

"For the glory of Thirus!"

***(Graeval's POV)***

"We have two more pizzas, a fillet of beef, and two honey-caramelized pork shanks to make!"

"I'll take care of the pork shanks, you take care of the rest!"

""Yessir!"" My assistant cooks answered

It was the night of the party and these were the last orders. As I thought, the increase in participants at the Harvest Festival pushed us to various challenges and it was difficult to meet customer requests. Changing the menu slightly and reducing it further saved me from many headaches by keeping a fast service, but it is also thanks to Lilith and the work done by those who brought the dishes to the tables that the feast became a success.

Anyway, today was the end of the world. In the morning, some groups of mercenaries and another noble had arrived. This sudden increase in customers has further unbalanced the portions and dishes to offer, but... everything went well.

After serving the last few orders, I congratulated all the members of the kitchen and whoever served the tables, only to cook us something and finally put something in the stomach. Although, Lilith and I had other plans. I had prepared our dinner while I was finishing my last orders and I cooked something hot, but that could still be eaten on a picnic.

I don't know if I've told you before, but I've never been a party guy. I come, say hello, and expand my knowledge, but I've never been there for more than an hour maybe. Apparently, despite being the Demon Queen, Lilith didn't like such worldly events either, and she and participated in it only if she was obliged......... Ah, didn't I tell you?

So, demons are not as they are usually told in the usual stories. Yes, they have a rather strong sadistic and superior side, but they are very similar to humans in terms of feelings, culture, and physical appearance. They too have developed the arts and crafts, and recently united the various tribes that distinguish them based on race, creating a governmental society similar to that of the parliamentary monarchy with a constitution and consequently a noble caste; in the beginning, they too entered into various diplomatic relations with various nations. However, religion has always put its beak into human politics and in fact, the anti-demon alliance was born from an initiative of the church for fear that the demons could destroy them. Now, I don't know what Aphy thought or if it was her will as the priests claim (although I very much doubt it), but the alliance has launched a preemptive assault on the demon realm by rejecting any kind of diplomacy. If it hadn't been for Jack Lingxin's arrival, by now the alliance would have capitulated and accepted a ceasefire if it went well or an armistice with harsh peace terms if it went wrong.

This little parenthesis was to make you understand that even in my wife's old castle there were parties and banquets.

When I put everything in the wicker basket, I took a bottle of wine that I had kept aside in a cool and well-hidden place, adding it to the rest. At that moment I felt a pleasant weight on my back

"Great job honey." Lilith said softly as she hugged me "Are we ready?"

"Lilth... I didn't believe you so bold." I said, moving my gaze towards her, seeing her face red but smiling

"Today I allow myself an exception... even if it is still embarrassing." she said giving me a kiss

She and I had intended to go to a secluded place not far from the village, but still pleasant, by the stream that passes by.

Lilith had also offered me to say our regards to at least Cordelia (yes, she is still cautious with Sarity) but I dissuaded her by telling her that she is still an important character and that she was certainly surrounded by many people including the bodyguards. In the end, she didn't even insist too much as she was looking forward to our little party.

Arriving on the spot, we spread a tablecloth on the floor and slowly began to eat, drinking the red wine I had kept aside, laughing at what my drunken fellow villagers were up to during the service, talking and imagining our future as a couple and parents... yes, well, we've been getting into it for quite a while but at the moment we haven't had any luck yet.

“Ugh! Do you listen to me honey?! *hic*"

"As usual, you're not very resistant when it comes to alcohol, huh?"

"Alcohol? I'm not drunk if that's what you're asking me. *hic*” No, obviously you are! "Wow... is there nothing between you and the Saint?"

"Still with this story?!"

“I mean *hic* since she got back she's been coming to the restaurant. *hic* Are you sure you're not cheating me? *hic*"

Said the demon with horns… “Good heavens. Don't let go of the bone, huh? " I sighed.

Author: To understand the joke, in Italy to say that a loved one is cheating on us, we usually say "Mi stai facendo le corna?" which translated literally into English is "You're making me horns?" which I made Lilith say in the original version.

Taking a last sip of wine and placing my glass on the floor, I took her firmly on the shoulder, forcing her to look into my eyes. The face already reddish from alcohol became as red as a tomato. She won't let go, but I can't get enough of these cute reactions of her.



“It doesn't matter how many times you ask me. The answer will always and only be this: I LOVE YOU AND ONLY YOU!" I told her expressing all my determination "I told you two years ago, I swore it on the altar and here and forever I will declare to you that there is only you in my heart."

Lilith had turned even redder... I could have almost sworn to see smoke coming out of her ears.

“Sarity is just a childhood friend who wanted to reconcile with me. She is nothing more than a friend and she is already married."

"Really? *hic* Won't you abandon me? *hic*"

“I don't care if you are a demon or the Demon Queen. You are Lilith Stilno, my one, and only wife. I want to stay by your side. I want to build a family with you..." I pulled her to me making her even closer to my face "I want to raise our children together with you. I don't want anyone else."

She made another couple of sobs and then kissed me intensely pushing me to the ground. Standing on top of me, her left breast was uncovered and my hand was accompanied to it. Her heart was beating wildly and I don't know if the alcohol made her braver or not, but as she kissed me again, she brought her hand to my friend freeing him.

“Let's do it...*hic* I want the ultimate proof of our union. *hic*"

“Hey… we're outdoors! What if they saw us?"

"Let them...*hic* they'll see how much we love each other."

"My goodness." I sighed again before kissing her again

By now we were on the home straight to get into the fullness of our nocturnal activities. I wanted these nights filled with peace and love to last forever


A chilling scream interrupted our activity and followed by that I heard others and the sound of iron colliding. Lilith became sober too thanks to that hustle and bustle and the smell that came from the party place... pungent, iron, sticking to your nostrils and tormenting you... the smell of blood. Something serious must have happened.

"This smell... these sounds... these screams..." Lilith's grip tightened on my hand "a battle."

I got up and then channeled my powers down my left arm and then opened a portal that connected inside my house. I grabbed the worn cloak I usually use when I go to fight and the iron mask.

“Lilith… go home and wait for me. I'll sort it out in no time and then I'll come back to you."

"And leave you all the fun?" I looked into her eyes when she said it. They were full of determination “I have already lost a house because of the Hero. Now I'm not going to lose this too. Besides, I'm worried about Arryn, Yume, and Dai." she finished smiling

"When you smile like that..." I can't say no to you "I'm worried about those three too... but above all for my fellow citizens..." I picked her up as if she were a princess.

I expanded my consciousness around me, gathered all kinds of wind around me, and concentrated them around my legs. When I started running, a cloud of dust rose behind me and after a few steps, I jumped to reach the roof of a house that was close to the party venue. Manipulating the same winds, I gently landed on it and then let Lilith down. Without being seen, we peeked at what was happening on the other side.

A massacre. Men dressed like mercenaries were messing with the party, killing, raping, and stripping the corpses of their belongings. Many men armed themselves as best they could and tried to fight back, but being half drunk they didn't have much hope. Cordelia's guard and Sarity's Templar were also doing their best and managing to kill some of them... but they wouldn't last long. They were perhaps ten and most likely, the mercenaries... no, the bandits exceeded them by at least 10 to 1.

However, I couldn't find the two celebrities... Did they evacuate them?

“I don't know how they managed to evade my perception. But I'll make sure not even one of them will be left alive."

I started to put on the mask when Lilith took my arm and looked me in the eye.

“I will look for the girls and try to help as many people as possible in the meantime. When I come back, I expect you to leave me some." her grip tightened "I have a little bit of pent-up anger to vent."

Smiling, I nodded and then kissed her on the face.

"[Black Armor]" pronounced my wife and her body was clad in full armor made entirely of darkness." I will still keep the items that allow me to hide my appearance, but it is better to have some extra protection."

As one would expect from the ex-Demon Queen. She is a master in the use of magic, of which she uses 5 out of 6 elements. Her greatest affinity is with the element of darkness and she can use it without reciting long spells. As if that were not enough, she is also a skilled hand-to-hand fighter. We've exchanged some blows sometimes and trust me, she fights well.

"Pay attention."

"You too."

The moment she answered me, she slipped towards the side of the building opposite the place of the fight.

I put on the mask. Rising to my feet, I again gathered the winds around my legs. I jumped as high as I could and then used one of the winds blowing above me as a foothold so I could launch into the middle of the square. My intention... was to get noticed.


With a deafening noise, everything that was two meters from me was thrown in every direction - tables, stools, cutlery, blades, corpses, bandits.

Everything stopped in that instant, causing silence to fall. Everyone was looking at me in disbelief, but I didn't care. I stood up and amplifying my voice through my powers, I asserted

"I don't know who you are or how you got past my guard... and I don't care."

Some bandits surrounded me while others were recovering from the impact. I reached out my hand to the two in front of me

"For daring to attack this town... all of you will be punished with death."



Those to whom I had addressed were pierced by my psionic lightning while behind me and at my sides, there was the sound of blades cutting flesh.

The blades of the dead and the cutlery used for eating levitated and gathered around me. The fresh blood of those I had just killed and of those who had died gathered towards me and formed two huge eagle wings behind my back, while my hands and forearms glowed incandescent as if they were made of lava.

"Pray Aphy to have mercy of you..."

Giving me momentum with the wings, I punched the nearest bandit through him as the blades around me dug into his nearby companions.

"Gaaack!" threw up the bandit I hit

"Because... I won't have any."

At the same time, I said it, there was nothing left of that man but ashes.

***(?????'s POV)***

A hooded man, whose cream cloak with the red interior is worn, torn, and punctured in several places. Under that hood, he wore an iron mask.

His metallic voice that seemed to come from the dark bowels of hell penetrated your head, instilling a sense of terror in you.

Brilliant bolts shot from his hands, piercing the unfortunate victims.

The blood, whether it was from the victims he reaped or from the innocents who had died before his arrival, gathered behind him forming his huge angelic wings.

The blades of the dead and all that was sharp gathered around him and then pierced those who had attacked that village.

His arms glowed hot and those he hit were reduced to ashes.

Some thought he was a demon, others believed him an angel of Aphy, others a powerful wizard... opinions were different, but they all got along on one thing: the Angel of Death had descended.

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