The Guardian Chef

Vol. 3 – Chapter 30

Hi guys! Emperor93 here!
And with this chapter, we are on par with those I wrote in Italian. From here, The Guardian Chef will be released every week (because I need time to imagine, perfect and write the chapter). I already warn you that Chapter 31 is at 1/4 of the work because I spent a lot of time translating my chapters from Italian to English, dedicating little time to the continuation of the story. So, I'm not promising anything, but it should be out for the weekend.
Now without delay, enjoy the chapter!

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***(Graeval's POV)***

Eventually, we went back to the palace... the only thing I didn't want to do, but given the incident with the idiot who hit on Lilith, I didn't have much choice if I wanted to close the matter quickly.

Once we changed our clothes, or at least as far as I'm concerned, we entered the palace through the main door again while being escorted by Ishgat. Luckily for me, she maintained a professional attitude with the guards when they asked for my identity. I mean, I met many of them a few days ago and I don't think they forgot about a suspicious guy who wore a mask and had written authorization from the sovereign himself. And it's natural for them to stay on alert. In the end, it was their job.

Instead of the office, the king received me together with the archbishop in the throne room. Of course, he had preemptively ordered anyone who wasn't a member of the royal family to leave the place. Even if the royal guard was reluctant to the idea, they could not ignore the order of their king.

"Great job of finding him, Ishgat."

"Thank you, Your Excellency."

The archbishop was not what I had imagined. I thought of him as a power-hungry middle-aged man, but the fact that he's a harmless old man surprised me. Maybe I should stop with the prejudices about the churchmen.

Hm? Well, even in my native world there was a religion but given the enormous technological level, it didn't have who knows what influence, and therefore this prejudice of mine was born from the various stories that I had read as a pastime, but it must also be said that religion always had a very negative influence on history. Here it is not very different, only that Aphy is known here and therefore the clerics have a good dose of influence in some royal courts such as that of Thirus but fortunately for the kingdom, as influential as the church was, the rulers of Thirus had always the head on their shoulders.

However, there was one thing that troubled me

"A question lady Rember-"

"Call me Ishgat!" she interrupted me by banging his tail violently on the ground

"...... Lady-"

"Only Ishgat!"

"*Sigh*" Holy patience I thought, sighing heavily "...... Ishgat, how did you find us?"

"Oh! You do not know?" she asked surprised. If I'm asking you... "We Dragonkin have a very developed sense of smell and since I have memorized your scent, finding you was a breeze."

“This here is a perverted dog in heat!”… Imagine if I mean it…."I see"

“Hey! You just thought something offensive right?!"

Ignoring that last question, I turned to the king

“La-ahem!… Ishgat told me that both you and the archbishop wished to confer with me. I can understand the archbishop, however, I thought that two days ago I was clear about my position towards the kingdom."

"No... you were very exhaustive about it." the king began rising from the throne "The reason why I wanted to meet you again, is because you didn't give me the time to thank you."

Having finished that sentence, the King bowed slightly. Not only him, but also the queen, the prince, Jack, and his wives... the whole royal family bowed.

"*Sigh* I thought I told you that I did it also for my interests..." I began with a heavy sigh "but I accept your thanks as the family of the patient and not as rulers."

"In fact, as a father, I don't know how to thank you." resumed the King "You have freed my daughter from the disease that affects her-"

"Stop there!" I stopped him abruptly "What do you mean sickness?!" I asked looking in Sarity's direction

My dear childhood friend gave a start and turned her face pretending to whistle. Exasperated, I grabbed my forehead and sighed again. That girl...

"Since her holiness hasn't told you..." I began turning to the king again "it will be up to me to tell you the truth about the illness."


"Your daughter has never been sick. She was under the influence of a curse... and particularly powerful on top of that."

"""""WHAT?!""""" Apart from Sarity, everyone exclaimed in surprise

"That's right." I began "You must praise your daughter for resisting such a thing all this time."

"Who could ever do such a thing?" asked the queen

"I have no idea and I can't care less." I stated confidently "But I can tell you that it was caused by a dark spirit, so I don't think it will be easy for you to trace the culprit."

There are two types of magic in this world: the classic one which is based on the use of one's mana and the spirit one which finds its raison d'etre on the use of spirits which, according to researchers and scholars, have the task of maintaining the balance between the six elements in this world.

Unlike the first case where you need constant training and study to use it, as well as a suitable amount of mana, spirit magic is a little easier since you use the mana of spirits, and to do so, you need to form a contract with them. This last type of magic can be used by practically anyone, only not everyone can see the spirits and it certainly is not something that anyone flaunts at all. As easy as it may be, the difficulty lies in finding who is akin to it.

"Really. You are a constant surprise, lord Guardian." stated the archbishop

"Avoid the lord or similar..." I began looking at him "I don't have a social status that I can afford to be called that way."

"Ho ho ho. You are very humble to be an angel of Aphy."

"............ And where this come from?"

“Come on, you don't need to play dumb. After all, Ishgat told me that you know our revered Goddess personally."

At that statement, the royal family looked at me with eyes wide with surprise.

Probably, the archbishop must have only listened to what interested him and since he had, so to speak, "mistaken" me for the Angel of that overgrown kid, Ishgat must have told him that she came to our house.

“The fact that I know her doesn't mean I have anything to do with her. After all, you know her too, don't you?"

"Huh? I?"

“I mean, you profess her teachings. This means that even you know her..." I said with a sigh "however, I don't know you, mister archbishop."

"Oh! Where did my manners go? My name is Tarquin Virral, I am the archbishop with the task of overseeing the Churches of Thirus."

"Nice to meet you."

“Oh no. The pleasure is all mine” he said as he approached me “To be in front of someone who has received the love and blessings from our Goddess. ”


"Only a being particularly loved by the mighty Aphy can compete with someone like the Hero or a member of the revered Dragonkin race, you..."

The old archbishop had started with a rather long monologue about how I can even be a demi-god... which I am not. Really... what a waste of time. He doesn't seem like an evil person to me, but Tarquin is a fanatic and a politician... perhaps more the former than the latter. Looking at those present, I saw them with a tired and compassionate look especially Jack. A clear reference to the fact that he too has been there in such a predicament. Maybe he will calm down, even if it doesn't seem to be right away.

"... Oh the mighty Aphy must have blessed the land of Fago."

"Now I think you're exaggerating-"

"GRAEEEVAAAAL~!!!" a female voice yelled

“Tsk! She found us." I said in a low voice, clicking my tongue

Entering from one of the windows of the throne room and surrounded by white light, Aphy walked into that place, with tearful eyes and a happy expression. Uh? Wait up! How did she call me?! As that thought crossed my mind, I saw Aphy running towards me and then jumping on me at the last with a smile that went from ear to ear.

"You don't know how much I missed you- gehfu!"



Instead of catching her as one would expect, I caught her with an Iron Claw and slammed her to the ground with tremendous force creating a small crater in the floor.

“Ouch! Ouch! Why do you always have to be so violent with me!"

"Because it seems that this is the only way for you to get a little salt in that pumpkin of yours!"

"What did I do wrong this time?!"

"Are you asking?" asked Lilith who was beside us as she put a hand to her forehead

When I left her face, Aphy sat down rubbing behind her head, and then looked around. Like me, she noticed that everyone present was wide-eyed in surprise as Jack and his wives, except Cordelia, were looking away with an embarrassed and hopeless expression.

"We are in Cuding... this is the royal palace... and I...- AH!" as she gathered her thoughts, Aphy understood her mistake and immediately prostrated herself in front of me "I AM SORRY!!!"

"*Sigh* Really, what should I do with you?" I asked looking at her in exasperation

Noticing other presences, I saw that at the entrance to the throne room there were Bassilla and another woman, who looked at us as if they had seen something unreal. Well, not that they were wrong. After all, it is not an everyday thing to talk to a Goddess and see the aforementioned Goddess thrown to the ground while the culprit of the violent act lectured her.


The voice was from Bassilla. Followed by the woman and a child who stared at me warily, she advanced looking at me incredulously... and happy at the same time. I sighed again... now that I think about it, it has become my favorite activity lately. Oh well... the damage is done so...

"Your majesty. Can I ask you to let all the guards out again?"

"...I see." stating that, he nodded and all the guards left.

Once I made sure the doors were closed and there was no one else inside the throne room, I concentrated and imagining the flowery plain where I usually took Lilith for picnics during the first year of our engagement, I opened a portal below everyone's feet taking us to that flowered corner of ours, located in a southwestern region of Thirus.

Yes, well, when I trained my psychic powers in the evening, I wasn't just relying on meditation but also on using them. When I found a home long ago, I took advantage of the following days when I didn't have any kind of work commitment and I used my powers to fly throughout Thirus, memorizing the most beautiful places... and this is one of the few that I remember and that have remained immaculate.

In general amazement, I lowered the hood and removed the mask showing myself to the others.

"Let me introduce myself..." I began looking at the king again "My name is Graeval."

***(Bassilla's POV)***

After the guards left and the doors closed, the floor beneath my feet began to glow with a blinding blue light.

"What the-?!"

My brother only had time to make that exclamation that soon we found ourselves outdoors, in a field full of wildflowers, a green meadow with trees here and there, and in the clear sky, the clouds were traveling lazily. Although we were outdoors, it wasn't that cold. Even before when I was in the palace garden, I wore warm clothes because it was cold, but here... it was a lukewarm temperature.

The man took off his mask revealing the face I had seen in my dreams. Even though the irises weren't gold, I had no doubt it was him. The man who helped me recover from the curse.

“Let me introduce myself. My name is Graeval."

When he spoke that name... I no longer had any doubts. It's not a name I can forget. My heart began to go crazy and I began to move to go towards him.

"And she..." he said pointing to the hooded person next to him "is my wife Lilith."

The statement took away the excitement I had a moment ago. The figure lowered its hood and at the same time, I slowed down and see her: she was beautiful. The light created silver highlights on her long platinum blonde hair and her green eyes looked like emeralds, her face looks very young. She elegantly bowed before the king

"Pleased to meet you, your majesty." she stated in a clear and confident voice

When lady Sarity returned from her mission with her husband, they told me that she was the one who stood out most of all. When she is in front of me and I had the opportunity to see her the first time, I understand why. She possesses a sensual beauty. But Lilith... the mere bow was enough to understand why she attracted me... she was the representation of elegance, a beauty so simple as it was refined.

"Ve-very pleased." my father said, fascinated

"Anyway, why did you take them to our secret place?" Lilith asked looking at her husband

"Precisely because it's secret I brought them here."

In other words, he wanted his identity and his face to be known only to us and since the throne room is not a place that can be said to be reserved, this choice of his was rather obvious. However...

"How did you do?" I asked him

"I used my powers, simple isn't it?" he said shrugging "However, we are still within the national borders of Thirus, to be precise in a certain southwestern region."

"I don't think that's the problem." Lilith sighed "Anyway, how long are you still going to kiss the earth Aphy?"


Aphy...?! Didn't I heard wrong did I?! It was one surprise after another now and our entire family was wide-eyed, including the archbishop.

The woman prostrate next to Graeval timidly raised her face and despite being dirty with earth, her beauty could be noticed everywhere.

"Will you forgive me Graeval?" she asked timidly and with a note of fear in his voice

"*Sigh*" Graeval sighed extending his hand "Come on, get up Aphy."

Once she stood up, Graeval took a piece of cloth from his pocket and began to wipe her face... It looks like a scene of a father taking care of his daughter.

“Hey! Graeval is not my father!!"

"But you force me to be it..."


"Also, what did I tell you about reading other people's thoughts?"

“It is rudeness. I apologize."

"Good girl." he complimented, stroking her head and then turning to me "I see you are recovering well lady Bassilla."

"... I owe it only to you Lord Graeval."

“Ahaha! You can just drop the lord, after all, I'm not a noble." then he turned to Aphy "Come on, you have to introduce yourself."

“I know~” after making that statement she turned to us all and surrounded by a golden light spoke “Nice to meet you~. I am Aphy, the Goddess you all love~ "

"Don't count me in." Graeval said looking at her with an exasperated expression

"Cruel!" Aphy exclaimed turning to him

"Puh-ahahah!" "Fufufufu"

Both Graeval and Lilith began to laugh when Aphy made that exclamation and the Goddess with an expression that looked like that of an angry child began to hit Graeval with her fists.

"Why do you have to be so mean?!"

"Because your reactions are too funny aren't they?!" Lilith exclaimed

"Hearing it from you doesn't make me happy at all!"

It was a strange scene... after all, nobody would expect such behavior from a Goddess and towards a Goddess above all. To say that the archbishop was open-mouthed was an understatement.

He first looked in lady Sarity's direction as if to seek confirmation of the alleged Goddess's claim, but when she nodded with a... grave expression, his body began to tremble with excitement. With tentative steps, he approached and then prostrated himself in front of Aphy

"What an honor to be able to meet my lady!" he said excitedly

"Oh!... Ok... but you don't need to prostrate yourself like that," said Aphy a little frightened

"You are too kind." he said looking up and then turned to Graeval “Mister Graeval! Why did you lie? Why didn't you tell us that you know the divinity?"

"Because I didn't find it necessary and then you would have believed me if I had told you?"

He's not wrong at all. Being able to interact with the Goddess Aphy is not something that happens every day and the few who do it, are always looked upon with doubt. The church always prepares for a prophecy if this is likely, but they always take the words of those who claim to have met the divinity with a grain of salt. After all, there is nothing that proves that to be the truth. The only difference is the Saint, who can communicate with her practically always.

"I understand, but now I would like to know... what is your relationship with the divinity."

"She is-"

"His future wife!"

""Completely wrong!"" Graeval and Lilith reacted in sync, hitting her on the head

Even if their reaction, especially that of Graeval, denied the affirmation of the Goddess Aphy, the archbishop was once again stuck.

But I... I felt bad for some reason. This discomfort had already begun when he introduced his wife, but now that the Goddess Aphy has made that statement, the pain in my heart made itself felt again. What is this feeling? Even during the time, I was suffering from the curse it hadn't happened to me.

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