The Guardian Chef

Vol. 3 – Chapter 33

Hi guys! Emperor 93 here!
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Now, without further ado, enjoy the reading!

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***(Daneas's POV)***


As I did that though, there was a projection in front of me. From there I could witness Graeval's statements and imprecation.

When I turned around, I saw my little sister lying on her back crying. In all likelihood, she had watched Graeval’s rash and rage and reduced her to this state...... and I don't know how to console her because the faults that the boy has placed on Aphy are legitimate and above all true.

Even in my world things like this happened and for a balance to be maintained, I had to 'lead' and/or 'manipulate' some inhabitants of that world so that there were no very dangerous consequences.

Aphy began only a few thousand years ago to perform this task and although her administrative work was well done, she had not yet understood that the task of us Gods is to make sure that the world entrusted to us maintains a certain balance... balance that can be maintained in various ways: to instigate or stop wars, spread or cure diseases, provide ideas for new technologies or destroy dangerous ones.

Fortunately for us, many of the natives of the various worlds unconsciously manage to maintain this balance without us having to intervene directly, but the discourse changes with the war that broke out a few years ago in my little sister's world.

Even if it is not my world, sometimes my sister asked me for some advice or opinion on certain matters. Although it is much less common now, I could learn a few little things about her world.

"Has she been like this since she saw his outburst?" I asked one of her subordinates

“No my lady. It happened after seeing it."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

“Well… Lady Aphy has been researching that war and the races that inhabit her world. And these are the results." he began by presenting me a packet of documents "After reading it... she ended up in that state."

Taking the documents, I began to read them one by one and... Oh, holy shit...!

Now... let's start from the basics: the universe must maintain a certain balance marked by a continuous cycle of birth, destruction, and rebirth. We divinities live in symbiosis with this cycle as we must make sure that it is always respected and when this does not happen... we get to implement drastic solutions, to say the least, a bit as I told you long ago about that planet that has suffered a dizzying increase in births and the reincarnation system couldn't keep up.

Every planet is kind of alive. It has no will of its own but we can say that those suitable for hosting life always develop three types of vital forms: the animal, the intelligent, and the vegetable. Now there are exceptions wherein some planets and inorganic life such as golems and the like has developed, but the point is another. To 'make sure' this balance is respected, the habitable world usually creates these three types of races so that they can live in symbiosis or conflict with each other and the characteristics of these beings are usually dictated by an external influence such as an element which emits particular emissions or radiation.

In the case of Aphy's world, in the beginning, the only intelligent life was the humans and they were unable to use magic because they did not possess what is called mana. When a meteorite crashed on the planet, it greatly disrupted the ecosystem and fractured the various lands that emerged... a bit as it happened on Earth. But unlike the dinosaurs, mankind survived and due to special radiation emanating from the meteorite, they began to develop the ability to manipulate mana or see the spirits responsible for maintaining the essential elements for life. But those mutations didn't end there.

While some human beings did not have striking changes, elves and demons were born from that branch of mankind that has remained very much in contact with spirits and therefore enter into symbiosis with them, guaranteeing characteristics such as an incredible affinity with magic and increased physical performance for demons, while the elves in addition to magical affinity have also become longer-lived. Beastmans, on the other hand, are a particular evolution of land or marine mammals that have been heavily influenced by the radiation of that meteor, and the same is true for the Dragonkins who were born from reptiles affected by that radiation.

Now why am I telling you this, you are wondering... well, quite simply, the race of demons and especially the Demon Lord/Queen, are existences necessary to prevent other races from being too much influenced by that radiation.

It may seem strange, but demons can unconsciously channel such propagations and obtain physical benefits... which other races are unable to do. In some ways, we may venture to call them the lead walls of a room containing highly radioactive materials, and the Demon Lord or the Demon Queen are the ones who absorb the most of them; it is not by chance that they have always been the most powerful elements of their race.

At first, I only knew about the genesis of the various species but when Aphy made this discovery, I understood that she let herself go and risked subverting the balance that she should have kept: the meteorite's radiations are still... 'active' for so to speak and they retain some influence; not surprisingly, the magical beasts continue to be born. Now, this is mere speculation, but the other races have no longer been affected by the radiation because the demons have subconsciously taken on the task of keeping them at bay.

If that war had continued and had resulted in the complete extermination of the demon race, it is not certain that the other races would not have encountered problems... or at least, problems no more serious than those they might encounter in the coming centuries if the number of demons was to remain so small.

These radiations cause unpredictable mutations and clear examples are the magical beasts that change or evolve every few years becoming more and more dangerous. I thought with a sigh

"Aphy... how about you-"

"I'm an idiot *hic*... Graeval is right *sob*" she began interrupting me "I'm just an overgrown brat *sob*"


"I wanted to be like you *sigh*" she continued sobbing "All the Gods noticed me only for my beauty *sob*... but I wanted to be like you *hic*... an exemplary Goddess who is recognized for her achievements *sob*... and now, I find that I was going to destroy everything because of my selfishness *sigh*."

I approached her and squeezed her to me, offering her my shoulder to cry. I said nothing.

Although I already knew that I was the source of her admiration, hearing her say it now and in this way doesn’t make me particularly happy... I mean, I would have preferred that she had told me in another context but... oh well, patience

"Shhh... don't worry, nothing irreparable has happened yet..."

"I ruined my world *sob*... I almost let a race vital for the survival of the other *hic* die out... I enraged Graeval and caused the suffering of many *sob*... I am not fit for the role of Goddess."

“Come on don't say that. You know it's not true."

“Instead it is so *sob*…” she looked at me with tears still running down her cheeks “I’m just a selfish person who puts her work on others and does nothing but flee from my responsibilities *sob*. It’s only natural that I become a source of hatred on Graeval’s part."

In the end, she always goes to him even if she has understood the hint “Nobody is born prepared Aphy. I know it and I'm sure he knows it too."

"*Sob* But.."

“Now there's no use pitying you. You must commit yourself not to make this mistake again and above all find a way to fix it."

"*Hic*... will I be able to?"

"You can count on my help if you wish."

Aphy looked at me in disbelief for a moment, but then she wiped away her tears and stood up. She went to a desk full of documents and sat down. She looked at me and I saw a fire in her eyes, full of determination.

“This is a trouble that I have caused and I have to fix it… Daneas. Sister... thank you." having said that, she bent over those documents.

Sigh... it took a disaster, a few months, and the emotional outburst of her beloved to make her grow so much. I thought with a sigh, and pleasantly surprised. She still has a long way to go, but at least she has taken another step... and all thanks to the crush she got.

***(Cordelia's POV)***

Today is the day of the banquet.

Since the day Graeval offered us lunch and received the invitation, my sister Bassilla always seemed agitated, impatient and we did not understand the reason... at least until recently when she asked me to help her choose the dress, jewelry, and hairdressing. She seemed undecided about what could be better for her and practically emptied closets and jewelry boxes only to find an answer to her doubts.

When by mistake I heard her say aloud to herself “Will he be there? I'm sure so." from behind the divider which is usually used by us ladies to change clothes I immediately understood the reason for her agitation: she had a crush on Graeval. Most likely, she hoped that he would attend the banquet and that she could show off there to be noticed by him... too bad it is not guaranteed that he will be there tonight. After all, he told our father not to count on his presence... but it is also true that it was not a dry refusal since he accepted the invitation and all this can be interpreted as an "I'll think about it".

"I'm ready." stated my sister coming out from behind the partition

She wore a beautiful light blue dress with a wide skirt and decorated with diamonds that recall floral motifs, while the bodice is water green and the shoulders are covered with a shawl made with what looks like white silk. She wears various types of jewelry and a tiara with gemstones, mainly rubies, and her wavy hair is gathered in a side ponytail.

"Oh dear... surely you will make heartbreak again tonight."

"Y-you think so?" she asked me slightly flushed "So he too..."

"Uh? Did you say something?"

"N-no! Nothing... ahaha!" she said, giggling slightly

"......All right. So do we want to go?" I asked her pointing to the door "The banquet cannot begin without the person to whom it is dedicated."


At that answer, we left the room and headed to the throne room which had been prepared so that it could be used as a dining and dance room. I joined my husband, while Bassilla joined my parents who were awaiting the arrival of the guests in a separate room. As organizers, it is tradition and etiquette that they received guests as a sign of appreciation and gratitude.

Usually, when a family holds a banquet, a party, or even a simple tea party it must always receive the guests, especially if of higher rank as it is considered an honor to receive the visit of a member of a noble family of higher position, as well as having a modest influence in the political context as it is as if they stated: "We have their support". Not surprisingly, the royal family is always invited to similar events, but it is incredibly rare for them to agree to attend and must always be wary of the organizer as it could inadvertently cause political imbalances. Of course, some exceptions are pure formalities such as when the sovereign is traveling to inspect the various possessions or congratulate on the investiture of some heirs of ancient houses or nobles of medium-high rank, to name a few.

Slowly as the guests entered, the room came to life and we were approached by many nobles who wished to confer with my husband or one of his wives. When no one else came, the chamberlain announced the entry into the room of my family and all present bowed as soon as they crossed the threshold.

"Look!" "The Crystal Wisteria itself?!" "Then the rumors were true!" "How beautiful..."

These were the comments that I could hear in my vicinity and I naturally smiled. After all, my little sisters have always been a source of pride for me.

When my parents sat on the throne, my sister was sitting in the center as she was the Lady of the Hour, while my brother Valerio and Leila were on my father's left.

The chamberlain began to call the guests, starting with a person I never expected to see here Her Highness the Queen of Yedal, Shael Qilana Leomyar u'Yedal. It was a surprise that caused an uproar, but in a sense, it also made sense since she too had tried to cure... I mean, break the curse that afflicted my little sister. However, her presence also caused a certain hostility in the faces of the interventionist nobles. The presence of a member of Yedal's royal family at an event of lesser importance to another nation meant that the Kingdom held on to its ancient alliance with Thirus. As a result, it also had a bond-strengthening effect between the two Kingdoms.

After her Majesty Leomyar, all those present were announced and after exchanging the various pleasantries, the main activities of the banquet were launched, namely food, dances, and socialization.

According to tradition, it was up to the Lady of the Hour to open the dance with her date, but since my sister is not yet engaged and entered the room with our parents, the role of partner could not be taken by the first person who passed and then, danced with our brother.


With glasses in hand, I went to a corner of the room where various sofas were gathered, usually used by us noblewomen when we can no longer stand up because of our shoes. Bassilla was there intent on looking out the window into the distance with a sad and at the same time disappointed look. I already guess the reason...

"Disappointed because he didn't come?"

"*Sigh* yes... I was hoping he would come too."

"He who?"

“Well-!” She broke off with a start. “Big Sister! Don't give me a heart attack!" she scolded me slightly red

"Sorry." I said handing her one of the glasses and sitting next to her "But who is it that you regret didn't come to the banquet?"

"II don't know what you're talking about..."

Redder than before, she looked away and took a sip. It was as clear as the sun that she expected the arrival of Graeval. I have to admit it's the first time I've seen her like this... it's her first crush.

"I guess so~"

“R-really! S-stop making fun of me!" she said slightly panicked. How pretty!

“Ara~! I see that you sisters are closer than ever." spoke the third person

Turning both of us towards that female voice we found ourselves in front of a mature woman with a slender body wearing a long dark green evening dress with a crewneck made of what appeared to be white fur. Her emerald-blond hair was finely styled, her gentle eyes a warm brown almost amber, and her pointed ears typical of the elven race.

""Your Majesty Leomyar!"" My sister and I called her in unison, getting up and making a slight bow

“Fufufu! It is a pleasure to see you healthy Belmont sisters."

"We thank you for your kind thought." I thanked her raising my head

"Oh, I'm serious about it, especially with you Lady Bassilla Belmont."

“They told me that my family also turned to you to recover from my illness. I am grateful for your efforts."

"No, it's not necessary." Lady Shael smiled sweetly "Our nations have been allies for several centuries, so it is natural to respond to your request for help."

Even if putting it this way is a correct statement, if we turn the medal the story changes completely: my father was originally willing to do anything to cure my sister, so he turned to the revered queen of Yadel. For the Allied nation it was a golden opportunity as, if they could cure Bassilla, the Thirus royal family would have a debt that could heavily influence a possible internal and external policy or even an event.

This type of tactic is very famous and widely used especially by the Maritime Republic of Canada which uses it to be able to unscrupulously acquire trade routes, resources that would not be obtainable through conventional methods, or the protection or financing of powerful nations.

Fortunately and unfortunately for us, queen Shael failed in the feat, saving my family or even the kingdom from a debt that could have been extremely heavy. However, in order not to break the relationships, as a consolation prize, my father granted a discount on the export of iron ore valid for one year, but the elven royal family responded by sending some of their most illustrious spiritual magicians and healers as compensation for that discount. A way of saying that no one has won anything and no one owes anyone.

However, if what plagued my sister was a curse caused by a spirit... why did Lady Shael not notice it. After all, she is a very powerful spirit sorceress...

"May I ask you a question, Your Majesty?"

"What is it about?"

“Lately, I've been interested in spirit magic and done some research on my own...” I began attracting her attention “And I have found that it is possible to cast powerful curses with the help of spirits. But I have not found any reference to understand how to break them or recognize them. Given your experience, don't you have any advice you can give us?"

"Hmm, that's a... complex question." the queen began reflecting

She does not answer directly. Since their magical technology, especially the military one, is mainly based on the use of spirit magic, it cannot respond so casually as it may unintentionally reveal information that may be top secret.

"Well... as for how to break them I can tell you that each curse has a particular condition to be able to neutralize them: if they are basic curses, such as those that cause effects on the physical condition of the target, usually it is enough to treat them with simple healing spells. If it is medium level, it is easier to remove them with exorcism spells but if it is high-level curses... usually there is not much you can do but hope that the caster will dissolve it or find someone who knows exorcism spells of the highest level."

It seems that curses are a very sensitive subject. And unwelcome by the Queen. As she gave me that explanation, I could see a note of annoyance in her tone of voice. After all, even when studied as part of the magic, curses are regarded as treacherous attacks and therefore dishonorable.

"Recognizing them, on the other hand, can be both extremely easy as in the case of those launched on the battlefield as they are simple and do not need particularly long spells... while the more difficult ones are the high-level ones as they are not distinguished by particular signs, like marks or changes in some parts of the body or mana flow and if you're not sure if the target hasn't been cursed then it can pass as-!"

Suddenly, queen Shael froze and appeared to be thoughtful. She probably understood why I asked her that question.

Anyway, I got my question answered. If indeed a high-level curse is impossible to identify unless you are certain that it has been cast, it can easily pass for a disease... or at least that's what I think she meant. So it's no surprise that she didn't notice.

"Something wrong Your Majesty?" my sister asked seeing the Queen thoughtfully

"Hm? Oh... nothing I was just thinking about one thing." she stated returning from her thoughts "Anyway, I thought I would also meet the advocate of your healing, Lady Bassilla."

"Oh! He..." exclaimed my sister, covering her lips to hide the smile that came spontaneously "he received the invitation, but he never confirmed his presence."

"......Seriously?" the queen asked surprised and at the same time annoyed "He has the courage not to answer to the royal family."

"Ah-ahaha... we can put it like this." I chuckled nervously. I certainly can't tell her he's reincarnated with enough power to easily defeat my husband and lady Ishgat... *Brr*!

For some reason, I shivered when I had that thought. When I then turned back to the queen, I saw completely black and a soft touch on my eyes

"Who am I~?" commanded a very young female voice behind me

"Atia." I said sure

Accompanied by quick footsteps and a cheerful laugh, my second sister appeared in front of me.

"Happy to see you, big sister!" Atia exclaimed jumping into my lap

“Oof! Hey, you're not 5 anymore, and look what you weigh now!"

"Buuu ~ what a spoilsport!"

My sister Atia is very energetic as well as a talented sorceress, able to use three elements including that of light; because of this talent, she moved to the dormitory of the magical academy of Camrac where she is studying. This year she turned 12 and started her studies only 4 years ago and every time it is always a surprise as she has managed to master a variety of spells and magical theories that can compete with the court wizards. The only reason she doesn't come back... is because she still lacks the discipline needed for a noblewoman and since the Camrac academy also provides etiquette lessons, she stayed there to complete her studies.

Slightly taller than the others of her age, her face is still very childish with the hair typical of our family, but darker and two purple eyes like those of Bassilla and my father, but much more expressive. Unfortunately, I’ve spoiled her a lot... even more than I’ve spoiled Bassilla, and so she has this childish behavior... that I can’t deny she can afford given her age... but just a little.

*Author note: Cordelia (who at the moment shows the scene from her point of view) is the second-born of the royal family, Valerio is the first-born and crown prince, Bassilla is the third-born while Atia is the fourth-born and last member of the royal family.
I apologize for this unelegant way of remembering the royal family members presented so far, but until I have updated the character cards I ask you to endure it.

“Atia! You can't behave like this!"

"Okay~ Bassilla!" she said lengthening her words and then sitting next to me "I'm happy you're healed big sister!" she said with a toothy smile, facing Bassilla


"I'm sorry for her behavior, your Majesty," I said in apology

"Fufufu. Do not worry. I guess you sisters haven't seen each other for a long time."

"3 years to be precise~!" Atia said cheerfully



While Bassilla and I looked at our sister with a tired expression, queen Shael chuckled instead. I love my little sisters, but Atia is very difficult to manage... especially since she’s used to being spoiled by me. It’s better if we have a chat afterward. Or at least that’s what I was going to tell her

“Oh~! What a privilege! To be able to admire the most beautiful women in the kingdom... please grant me an audience."

When I turned my gaze to the source of the all too familiar voice, the former exhaustion turned into exasperation.

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