The Guardian Chef

Vol. 3 – Chapter 37

Hi guys! Emperor 93 here!
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***(Cordelia's POV)***

The situation has become... strange.

After defeating the demon Arzined, Lilith sat at the table and with a smile proposed to spend time by having a chat. Surely there is a lot to talk about, but... after seeing the one-sided slaughter from earlier, all of us have grown the fear that if we were to say something wrong or too much, we could end up in mush. The explosions and noises we heard in the background certainly didn’t help.

The atmosphere wasn't heavy but certainly strange and Lilith had noticed it, so she wasn't saying a word waiting for all of us to get used to it.

“Ah! How about a tea...... although most of you might not drink it... forgive me. Ahaha!" she chuckled embarrassedly.

Most likely, she said it to try to lighten this strange atmosphere. Let's see if I can help you with your intent

“Unfortunately, the necessary tools are in the kitchen. Fufufu" I said with a chuckle "After all, your infusions are delicious."

"I’m flattered to hear that."

The conversation stopped there... and the strange atmosphere became awkward. Someone help us out! I screamed inside myself.

"E-excuse me."

Hearing his voice, I noticed that Acrisio had approached Lilith and with red cheeks pulled a hem of her skirt. Seeing him, Lilith turned to him

"Have something to say?" she asked softly

"T-thanks for defeating, t-the demon and saving... aunt Bassilla." he said, looking away

"Fufufu. You're welcome.” She giggled, stroking his head

"A-are those real?" Acrisio asked, looking up

Gasp! For some reason, that question worried us. What are you referring to Acrisio?!

"Huh? What do you mean?" Lilith asked surprised and then followed his gaze which was fixed on her horns “Aaah. Do you want to touch them?"

“C-can I?

"Of course... come closer."

When Acrisius approached, Lilith took him in her arms to make it easier for him to touch her horns. Acrisius was surprised as soon as he touches them and then a moonbeam hit the horns giving them a shade similar to the crystal of aragonite.

"Uaooo!" he exclaimed fascinated

"Fufufu. Do you like them?"

"Yup. They are smooth, warm, and shine like a colored crystal!"

"Thanks. It makes me happy to know."

When she gave that answer, she looked at my nephew affectionately and her lips formed a very sweet smile. It's beautiful... That kind expression made me do that thought, and out of the corner of my eye, I could see that all those present had been enchanted by that kind expression. With his face completely red, my nephew looked away and from the agitation, he continued to move his gaze between Lilith and the floor.

"C-can I stay in your arms a-a little longer?"

"Fufufu. As long as you want... you look tired after all."

“T-t-tired? N-no... I-I'm not..." in embarrassment, Acrisio leaned against Lilith's chest to hide his crimson face

“Ara ara. Ufufu."

How cute... this was my thought and you could read it on the expression of Lilith. What a young man who is my nephew. He just got his second crush.

Here we are
Riding the sky
Painting the night with sun


Burn the page for me
I cannot erase the time of sleep ♪
I cannot be loved so set me free ♪
I canot deliver your love ♪
or cares your soul so ♪
turn that page for me~


Almost cradling him, Lilith moved slowly and began to sing what looked like a lullaby. I didn’t recognize the words, but the song filled the greenhouse despite the terrifying noises of the background battle. Lilith's voice was sweet, crystalline, and affectionate... like her hand when stroking my nephew's hair.

With each note, I saw that Acrisio looked at her bewitched but little by little his eyelids struggled to stay open, and he abandoned himself to that sweet song and then fell asleep permanently, soon after even the song ended.

Smiling, Lilith stood up and entrusted Acrisio to Leila, amazed that she had managed to put her son to sleep so easily as he was usually too energetic.

"There we are~" she said in a low voice handing my nephew to his mother who had regained some of her mobility "Your son will become a good man."

"T-thanks." Leila answered surprised "Coming from the Demon Queen means a lot."

"I am no longer the Demon Queen." she began by returning to her seat "I'm just a woman who wishes to be a good wife and a mother." she admitted, massaging herself just under her belly

"Uh? Are you pregnant?!" asked Bassilla to that action

"Unfortunately not yet." she said whit a disappointed tone and shaking her head "We’ve been trying since we got married..."

"I'm sorry."

“Don't worry Lady Cordelia. As far as I know, we are the first human-demon couple to ever get married. Besides, we demons are not as prolific as humans."

There have been many precedents of married couples whose races are different and very often the cause is political marriages. Our nation is one of those since many nobles, mainly the ducal houses, have married a member of the elven or beastmen nobility to strengthen the ties between the various kingdoms. The descendants of these unions often have different physical or magical racial traits: for example, Ridel inherited the magic talent of the tris-grandmother who was a member of the elf race or her daughter Ella who was born with slightly pointed ears.

"Well, I wish you good luck... also because I'm sure your child will be lucky to have you as a mother." my mother added

"Ara. You flatter me, your majesty."

"No, no, no, I'm serious." the queen said smiling "That lullaby was loving and reassuring."

"Oh... thank you... but I have to confess something..." Lilith began "Graeval sang this song to me when I was still convalescing."

"Oh my..." my mother exclaimed surprised

"After my defeat by Jack, I had terrible nightmares for some time and when I woke up I always ended up losing control of my mana." She looked at her right hand with affection "Worried for me and after calming me down, Graeval would take my hand and start singing this lullaby. Every time he did that, I always had such beautiful dreams, I never wanted to wake up."

"Who would have thought that?"

"Fufu. But he kind of ruined it when I asked him to teach it to me."

"What do you mean?" Leila asked interested "I wouldn't mind learning it if it helps to make him fall asleep so quickly."

"He told me that the song is nothing more than a means to allow his powers to help calm down the turbulent memories that caused the nightmares I had."

"He destroyed the beauty of that lullaby."

“Ahaha. Right?" Lilith chuckled embarrassedly. “But I like the song and I was only interested in the lyrics. Then I was able to recreate the same ability described by Graeval using mana as well."

"Uh? And how did you do it?!" Atia asked interestedly

"Synchronization of mana."

To avoid too many tedious details, it seems that when she tried to learn that skill she found that based on the feelings you have, the flow of mana is also affected. To use this calming effect of the lullaby, three factors must be respected: physical contact, eye contact, and confidence with the target. If these three conditions are met, the user can synchronize his mana flow with that of the other, calming the flow and implementing an unconscious soporific action.

With this quick exchange started by a thank you from my nephew, the atmosphere lightened becoming very friendly. From there, we began to talk about a bit of everything but we never went into detail. Finally, sensing that the atmosphere was now suitable, I began to ask a serious question... the same one I wanted to ask her before

"Lady Lilith... Why?"

"Why... 'why' what lady Cordelia?" she asked, pretending to not understand

"Why did you confront that... monster? Why didn’t you let him do whatever he wanted?"

"...... I thought I said it aloud but... the minor reason is that he was the enemy of all women, but above all, it is because he made my long-awaited honeymoon end badly."


“*Sigh* Doesn't seem the answer you was expecting. All right, I'll be honest." she sighed and then looked at us all “I will not forgive you and I cannot forgive you for what you have done to my race. However, if I held on to my grudge and thirst for revenge, I would not be able to enjoy my married life. I got over it, but that doesn't mean I don't feel any resentment."

"...I understand." I stated after a short pause "So... the demon protected by Guardian... no, by Graeval that my husband tried to kill-"

"It was me." Lilith said dryly "And it's always thanks to me if you're not a widow now."

"...... Was he that mad?"

"Graeval... is very good at suppressing his feelings and also tried to end it peacefully by trying to trade the lives you and lady Sarity owe him for mine. He tried everything until the last. Unfortunately, the foolish sense of justice that has been instilled in your husband and your fellow wives has not led them to follow reason even after they have experienced firsthand what it means to face my husband. Added to the fact that they ruined the end of a wonderful evening to celebrate our wedding anniversary, Graeval was furious and has reduced my attackers to the brink of death.
I guess you understand why I stopped him from killing them... right?"

If she hadn’t, their lives could have been turned into hell because surely neither the kingdom nor the church would have been apart if they had realized that the party that seriously... hurt the Demon Queen, had suddenly disappeared.

They're putting up with a ruthless logic that allows them to live in peace... but most likely, they're trampling their true feelings in doing so. And all this, just to be able to be together... if we were in their situation, would Jack be able to do it? Would I be able to?

While I was doing that though, I felt a very powerful explosion, and afterward, the earth began to tremble as if there was a powerful earthquake going on that started to explode all the glass in the greenhouse and woke up Acrisio who had slept until now.

"Oh my!" Lilith said getting up worried "[Whirlwind]"

Once the spell was cast, a tornado gently picked up all my family and the guards still paralyzed and almost looked like a sedan, led us out of the greenhouse and onto the outer boundary wall.

"What happen?!" my father asked worriedly

"It looks like he went from a warm-up mode of earlier to light exercise mode," Lilith said pointing to the castle.

***(Sarity's POV)***

20 minutes before the start of the earthquake

It was going to be a fun and relaxing evening... up to a point at least. When I had completed my magical training, the education that was imposed on me made me aware that the parties and banquets held by the nobles are aimed at building relationships and ties so that they can be exploited for political purposes. Now, I’m a commoner and I’ve never been interested in these complicated things... though I should have.

Anyway, aside from all this hassle, it was a way to break up everyday life... to do something different and especially together as a family. My godchildren remained in the house we bought here in the capital and were entrusted to a nanny.

The party started well and continued smoothly despite the absence of Graeval left all of us in awe, but knowing his propensity to avoid the party if not out of duty, I kind of expected it. However...

“Jack! Move from there!"


by an inch, my husband avoided being struck by that monstrosity.

That "thing" just a while ago was a man... son of a famous noble patron, his name was Robert Patterver.

On a few occasions, I exchanged a few words of convenience because of my position, but it bothered me how his eyes always fell on my breasts. I'll be honest... I won't miss him, but this monstrous version of him is even more annoying than the original.

Thanks to the sacrifice of some royal guards, we were able to buy enough time to evacuate all the guests... or almost.

For some reason, the Queen of Yedal, Her Majesty Shael Qilana Leomyar u'Yedal, stood aside and watched us fight as if we were a mere attraction. The Elven envoy who had accompanied her, ambassador Folmer Torkian, tried over and over again to dissuade her from leaving but she made ears of merchants and said “I have never seen the hero and his wives fight, the party that managed to kill the Demon Lord."

Although in reality the Demon Lord is a woman and she is married to Graeval.

Although I wanted to make that clarification, I just kept it in my head and focused on the fight. It wasn’t difficult per se, but the skin of that mutant is absurdly hard, and both my husband and Emilyn are having trouble dealing damage. The only thing that works well is magic, but we can’t rely on it much because we’ll end up being targets for the monster.

Whenever Ridel or I used a magical attack on him, it seemed natural for him to come upon us forcing us to move to avoid getting hit.

"Damn! It's causing too much trouble!" Jack exclaimed seeing that despite the numerous injuries the mutant continued to move as if nothing had happened

"What is creating problems is you dear!" Emily exclaimed moving to his side "Why do you insist on not fighting him seriously!"

"He was still a man before-"

"Precisely Jack 'was'." Ridel stated as she prepared to cast another spell. “Robert Patterver is already dead. That is nothing more than a monster that has changed his body and has taken possession of it."

"Sarity... can he still be saved?"

"[Light Heal]" I said shaking my head

I understand my husband's intention to save as many lives as possible, but... 'sadly' Robert Patterver is dead.

What? I hate narcissistic womanizers like him. While it is true that there is some personal resentment, what I have said is true. Whatever happened to him, first it killed the narcissistic idiot and then changed the body into that monstrosity. I will be the Saint, but I cannot bring the dead back to life.

"Tsk. Okay then, I won't hold back!"



At the same time that he made that roar of pain, I saw that the monster's left arm had been severed, causing gushes of blood to flow from the wound, and subsequently, a red tail hit the mutant in the face making him retreat a few meters.

"How do you have a problem with this half-sock stupid student!"

"Teacher?! What are you doing here?"

"Do you believe that no one would not notice the mess of your fight?" she asked approaching us, "Damn it. After all that destruction you caused in the gardens, I thought you’d already killed him."

"Uh? What destruction are you talking about?" I asked confused "We have never moved from here."

“Haa?! What are you raving about?!" Ishgat asked slightly surprised. "While I was flying here, the garden was in a pitiful state amidst burns, craters, and collapsed walls. And you’re the only ones fighting."

"As I have already told you-"


The mutant had stood up and charged head down towards us. With his remaining arm, he punched Ishgat who blocked it with one hand as if nothing had happened.

"Later you will tell me how you managed to reduce the garden to that state, now let's finish this hassle."


We instinctively answered in chorus.

Lady Ishgat pushed the mutant away and taking advantage of the opening generated by that action, my husband and Emilyn took the opportunity to load

"[Purity Blade]" I recited

Jack and Emilyn sank the blades I had enchanted into the mutant's leg, penetrating with ease. As we thought. Magic-based attacks are very effective.

On its knees, Lady Ishgat cut off its other arm before the monster could even react.

"[Fire Lance]"

"[Holly Javelin]"

In unison, Ridel and I cast our offensive spells hitting the monster in the heart and stomach.



My husband didn’t let it scream in pain and cut off his head. The eyes wide open on the other parts of the body opened wide and then the light of life faded from their iris. It was over.

As we breathed a sigh of relief, I heard someone clapping in the background and when I turned to the place where that applause came from, I saw that it was her Majesty Shael approaching us with a satisfied expression, followed by lord Torkien who was watching her with an expression of renunciation

“Splendid. It was an exemplary fight."

"We do not deserve these words, your Majesty." Jack said with a slight bow

“No, no. You have been truly incredible. You restrained the beast by allowing everyone present to evacuate and now you have even defeated it. But remember... your hesitation could prove fatal someday."

Queen Shael was scolding Jack for continuing to delay the mutant’s execution. After all, as a human before he turned into a monster, Jack hoped to somehow 'heal' Robert Patterver.

"I will keep your advice in my heart, your majesty." he stated and then turned to the throne "Let us go to Cordelia and the others. I am worried."

We all nodded to that statement and lent ourselves to join the royal family that awaited us at the greenhouse.

"Wait for a minute young man." Ishgat stopped us "You still haven’t told me how you destroyed the garden."

"Teacher, we must go immediately, and above all, we didn't move from here."

"Huh? Are you serious?" she asked and then looked at the queen who nodded as if to confirm my husband's statement "But if it wasn't you, then-"


With that deafening explosion, the wall behind the throne exploded, throwing rubble everywhere and creating a huge cloud of dust. At the same time that there was that dust a figure appeared at high speed going to crash on one of the columns.

Alarmed, we were preparing for another possible confrontation, but when I looked at the figure that had stuck in the column, I was baffled: under the guise of Guardian, Graeval was there with the armor and the cloak full of blood.

"Ouch! That hurt. Hm?" he said with a metallic voice and then turned to us "Oh, good evening! How are you?"

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