The Guardian Chef

Vol. 5 – Chapter 57

Hi guys! Emperor93 here!
I wanted to warn you that in chapter 21 there is a new illustration!
And now without further ado, enjoy!

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***(Third's Person POV)***

The earthquake that struck the Lifeless Vault was also felt in the village of Ila Serine causing disturbance and fear among its inhabitants. When it stopped, very few had the opportunity to breathe a sigh of relief.

The news that the Lifeless Vault had suffered structural damage and that some nobles and a foreign princess with her bodyguard had disappeared due to the sagging floor of the tomb, caused enormous discomfort among the inhabitants of the town. While a messenger with this terrible news was sent to the capital, the garrison that was stationed there immediately mobilized and the inhabitants also tried to help as they could.

The students of the academy who had experienced the tragedy firsthand came out shaken. Alive, but shaken...

***(Ehrendil's POV)***

"Your Majesty! Calm down!"

"How can you ask me to calm down after what just happened?!" I exclaimed worriedly

I saw them fall. Arryn… Dessielle… I saw them both fall. I felt lost at that precise moment. The girls I love… disappear before my eyes for a bad joke of nature. How can I stay calm?

"Losing your mind won’t help them in any way." Filverel stated as he blocked my way “If you enter this state, you could be involved in some accident. The building is still unsafe."


"Along with Lady Lianelis, Lady Belmont, and Lady Torkian, there is Lady Rember. I strongly doubt that anything will happen to them."

Unfortunately and at the same time, fortunately, what he said is true. Even though the earthquake has passed, the fact remains that the tomb has suffered quite a lot of structural damage and could collapse on the heads of any unfortunate who just made a misstep. Right now, while I am stuck in a tent that serves as a temporary infirmary, many experts are monitoring the tomb danger and the damage it suffered, so that the rescue team can intervene without having to lose lives unnecessarily. However, they are taking their time.

It is also true that Ishgat is with them and therefore, there is no reason to worry about their safety.

I hope that everything goes for the best and above all, that they are safe.

***(Arryn's POV)***

The corridors are dark and humid. Although we had found some torches, the visibility was still poor and walking was difficult as the floor was uneven or there were piles of rubble. To orient ourselves we lit the various torches we had found so that we could understand if we had already passed there or not. On more than one occasion it had happened.

Unfortunately, we don't know how many floors we went down, but this was very different from the higher ones. To begin with, there were no frescoes or decorative elements, but bare rock and-

Clack! Swisss!


A large number of traps.

Ishgat stooped so low that her back was practically touching the ground when what appear to be circular saws, coming out of the sides of the wall, passed over her. Once inside the wall, she helped herself with her tail to be able to return to an upright position.

“I have to do something about these traps! I'm sick of dodging them!" she exclaimed, slapping the floor repeatedly with her tail

Despite her frustration, the triggers of these traps were tricky to find, they are always found where you least expected them: a stone on the floor or a brick in the wall, we were always afraid that anything would activate one of the many traps.

"It would be easier if you destroyed everything."

"We would end up becoming the next guests of this tomb, Ishgat."

"*Sigh* I don't need you to remind me that, Bassilla..." Ishgat said with a sigh "I was just thinking aloud to throw out some frustration."

I’d be surprised if you didn’t were. Since we’ve been exploring this plan, Ishgat has taken charge of our safety, and although most of the traps have been inadvertently activated by her, we do share a little bit of guilt too, and there were situations in which Ishgat had to suffer the blow directed to us, coming out with scratches or contusions. Fortunately, none of the traps were poisoned.

"*Sigh* If he were here, we'd probably be on the surface already." Bassilla sighed regretfully

"Fufufu. It is very likely." I said giggling "In the end, he always manages to make the impossible, possible."

"Remind me to thank him when we get out of here."

"Who are you referring to?"

I forgot she was with us too.

"To someone, we know well, Lady Torkian."

"Mou... why do you insist on not wanting to call me by name?" Dessielle asked, pouting

"No particular reason."

Like Bassilla, Dessielle also got involved in the fall trying to help me. I'm grateful for the attempt, but since we have been looking for an exit, her naivety has caused some of the many problems Ishgat is facing... Sometimes she looks like a child.

"Anyway, why should you thank him?" Bassilla asked slightly surprised

"...... For the hellish training, he put me through."

"Ahhhh... that..." I said giggling embarrassedly

We often happened to have a cup of tea in some isolated place. A moment in which we could be ourselves without having to take into account who was around us. Thanks to Graeval, this was possible and, each time, the location he chose was always different and always with a breathtaking view: flowery countryside fields with golden rivers of corn, white beaches lazily washed by the waves of the sea, green valleys crossed by rivers that seemed silvery for the sunlight. The only flaw was that he used those places to train Ishgat in an unorthodox way... or rather, lethal.

Around us, Graeval was always putting up a powerful golden barrier so we can stay safe, but seeing how Ishgat was being trained, it was somewhat pitiful and for some reason... satisfying? Now, let’s be clear, I'm not a sadist, but since that training also served as a punishment for Ishgat's attempt at night assault, part of me felt satisfaction in seeing her punished that way. The workouts varied but, from what Graeval implied, they aimed to sharpen Ishgat's instincts in cases of immediate and lethal danger. Explosions and even serious injuries were recurring consequences.

“What training? Aren't you already a mighty warrior?"

"?!!...... For your sake..." Ishgat began who had stopped for a moment noticing a shiver running down her spine "better if you don't investigate further, Lady Torkian."

As Dessielle looked at Ishgat with a questioning expression, Bassilla walked over to me

"I think those training caused her some trauma." she whispered in my ear

"I’d be surprised if she wasn’t, to be honest." I answered in a low voice scratching my cheek "She was on the verge of dying on several occasions."

That's right. Ishgat has had many pre-mortem experiences, surviving only through Graeval’s powers.

After this slight exchange, we continued to look for a way to go up, but time passed inexorably and we were increasingly tired, Ishgat in particular since she dealt with the 'disarmament' of traps.

"Shall we take a break?" I proposed


"I think we should." Ishgat stated, catching what appeared to be darts "These traps are exhausting me."

"Huh?! What is that?!"

Dessielle’s question made us turn to her, which pointed in one direction. Following her finger, we noticed a dim white light coming from a place about ten meters away from us. It looked like the entrance to a room.

"...Shall we take a look?" Bassilla asked in a slightly worried tone

"Stay behind me."

Ishgat went ahead and picked up some rocks that were nearby. Not far from the door, she threw the first stone. Other than the rumble, nothing seemed to have happened. She launched another one that took a slightly different trajectory from the one before, but even then, nothing. When she threw the third


A slab with several spikes rose to cover that entrance. On those iron spikes, there were bones, dried blood and

“What the...?! A goblin?"

What looked like a little green-skinned man was stuck to that slab along with all the other victims of that trap. It was not muscular, and it has a child-like stature with pointy ears, its expression was a mixture of shock and fear, while its wide, lifeless eyes were yellow and looked like a goat.



Both Dessielle and Bassilla threw up when they saw that dead monster and even I was close to doing so, but more than the mutilated corpse, the stench of decay.

"Truly a revolting sight." I stated

"Yeah... but it's strange..."

"Ugh... what Ishgat?" Bassilla asked

"The Goblins should have been exterminated long ago..." Ishgat began taking what looks like a rusty dagger from the goblin's belt "But this one, died recently..."

"How much recent?"

"By instinct... a week?" she stated with a questioning note.

"...... By instinct?" Bassilla asked

"Hey, I'm not a healer!"

Soon after, Ishgat struck the trap with her scaly tail destroying it, and with the rusty dagger in hand, she entered the room to see if it is safe.

We waited at the door, but my thoughts were turbulent due to Ishgat's statement. Even though it was not the most reliable and partly to be expected since it was never possible to reach levels beyond the third floor, the simple fact that that goblin had recently died was still a matter of concern. It could mean that there might be others or worse, in reality, the goblins may never have been completely eradicated from these ruins. But it would still be strange if not unnatural.

Goblins are very problematic monsters, whose cowardly, cunning, and above all cruel nature has always been a thorn in the civilization's side. When they still dwelt in this tomb, Ila Serine was under constant siege from those beings, and travel to neighboring areas was always dangerous since it was not uncommon to fall victim to goblin's ambushes. Those assaults, from what I know, were often aimed at looking for food and women who would be used to vent their carnal instincts and above all to generate more and more goblins since those beasts have an absurd reproductive capacity.

In conclusion, it can be said that the Goblins live for the day and the fact that they have never been spotted, is in itself unnatural. If there were still any, how could they have survived down here for over a century?

"Come inside..." I heard calling whit a bewildered voice

I put that thought aside. When we get out, better inform the local authorities. Just in case.

We passed the door and after a short antechamber, we found ourselves in a circular room divided into two areas by a canal where clear water flows and joined together by bridges of white stone. The inner area was a flower garden with a cherry tree that sheltered what looks like a sarcophagus while being flooded by what looked like sunlight. As soon as I stepped into what was the outer part of the room, I felt a shiver run down my spine.

“?! What the...?!" Dessielle exclaimed

"Did you feel it too?" I asked

"Feel what?" Bassilla asked worriedly

"I believe this room is protected by a magical barrier, but I can't understand how it works."

"A protective barrier...?" Dessielle doubtfully proposed "No. In that case, we would not have been able to enter either."

“I agree...” I said thoughtfully “but it could have particular properties. Better be careful anyway."

"Hey girls!" we were called and then turned to the origin of the voice “These cherries are fabulous *Yum*. You should try them too."

Isghat stood on the sarcophagus as she pulled down some of the fruit from the tree. Bassilla, Dessielle and I looked at each other, and then a chuckle escaped us. What can I say... as you would expect from Ishgat.

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