The Guardian

Chapter 14: Invitation

Chapter 14: Invitation

In one classroom, the teacher was speaking as the students listened.

“Now Europe is not known as it was dozens of years ago, where countries were divided among themselves. Now it is a true European Union, not only of cooperation, but a close union of strong ties that now seems inseparable. Although the different countries still exist, it is common for Europe to be known as the ‘European Union’ or the ‘United Europe’, but to achieve this, quite a few challenges were gone through,” said Professor Villacrés, a woman in her late forties, with a slim and very well-groomed figure.

She had several images appear on the classroom blackboard.

Some images about destruction, newsreels reporting terrorism, old magazines with racist and discriminatory content not only for different nationalities but against ability users or against humans without abilities.

“At that time, humanity was facing a big dilemma, about how to control and manage ability users, and the latter wondered why they should be controlled by normal people. It is in that kind of scenario that a psionic supported by different agencies, guilds, mercenaries, and other institutions ran for president of Germany with ideas centered on ability users,” Professor Villacrés commented, then passed an image where it said ‘confidential’ and stated. “But before this individual and his group could rise to power, a report on how they encouraged terrorism to generate the environment they wanted and the crimes they had committed all that time was released to the world. A short and bloody battle against these individuals who sought to take power by force, but the European governments won and formed the new European Union. Out of discord came a powerful union.”

“You may wonder why I am telling you this?” the Professor asked with an exciting tone.

Among her students, who didn’t seem to be paying too much attention, some nodded, and some didn’t.

Aurora nodded out of respect, but she wasn’t really paying attention to the class, as that was known information.

Professor Villacrés’ smile quivered, but in the end, she explained. “Because after Europe united. In the middle east, an ancient guild of players known as ‘The Eternal Guards’ and their leader, an adventurer of SSS Rank, started a chaos of great magnitude.”

Her expression turned serious, as if the following was significant.

“With a powerful, forbidden spell, he made the city of Jerusalem disappear, and after conquering the Middle East, he declared war on the world with the goal of conquering it. Then began a confrontation that caused adventurers, mages, and other powerful individuals to join both sides, creating great destruction. The European Union, which was very united to face this disaster, led the allied forces. But that man was mad, and in Ankara Capital of Turkey, the first portal to another world, a demonic world, was opened,” Professor Villacrés stated, and seeing that her narration bore the students, she finished. “But the denouement is what is most impressive. After the demons entered this world taking or destroying cities in their path, the war ended.”

“It was not because of the forces of heroes, adventurers, or powerful mercenaries. Nor by the European Union standing up to a great enemy, but it was simply by divine intervention... And perhaps it could be called Dimensional,” joked the teacher, amused by her own words.

“...” No one laughed at her joke, so Professor Villacrés coughed and continued. “The Falion Empire from the world of Terra nova came to this world through a portal created by the God of Time and Space, then they stayed in Greece joining with them and stopping both the Middle Eastern war and the demons, fulfilling the duty they had come for... That happened about five years ago.”

Seeing the students more animated since it was about to end, Professor Villacres smiled and added with a joke. “So remember, if you see anyone of the elven, dwarven, or other race other than human, it is most likely someone from Terra nova, an alien from this world.”

“Professor, couldn’t they be called ‘occupiers’ or ‘invaders’? Although they coexist with Greece, rumors say that Greece is only a satellite state of the Falion Empire,” said a student with an inquisitive tone.

An Empire that came from another world thanks to the intervention of a god. Stayed in this world and settled in Athens after the acceptance of both the Greek government and the Greek people.

They may have helped the war and stopped the demons that were running wild, but as a Mega-Empire and the most powerful Empire in the world known as ‘Terra nova’ was always a matter of concern.

After all, unlike the Earthlings who had two decades of assimilating magical energy, they had hundreds of thousands of years.

Technologically, they were less strong, but magically they surpassed humanity, let alone the strong beings that inhabited that magical world.

“It may seem that way, but if one goes to Greece, then they will understand how both cultures came together and made both Greece and the Falion Empire very connected to each other,” Professor Villacres commented, and as if recalling good time, she added. “I have seen those foreigners adore Greek culture and history.”

As if her words lit a small light bulb in her mind, Professor Villacrés clapped her hands and declared. “You have to see it for yourselves to understand this issue. That’s why I want you to conduct an interview with Greek citizens.”

Oblivious to the stunned students, the professor opened her holographic clock and quickly set up an event that caused all the students’ orographic clocks to be informed via the academy’s app.

“We will travel to Greece so you can see for yourselves the situation and interview the Greek citizens. Go prepare a group you are comfortable with and your travel clothes,” announced the Professor, and the next moment the bell rang.

While the students were stunned, she left more cheerful than all the students for the trip.

The students only sighed; Professor Villacrés was too spontaneous and changeable woman.

One moment she talked about ancient history, and the next moment she got distracted and started talking about recent history.

Of course, no one minded, since this class was one of the easiest.

Usually, heroes had to select at least two regular classes, a specialization class, and the basic skill theories class.

It was common for students to select most of the classes, as they were entering to become ‘heroes.’

Although the academy seemed not to be heavy, in reality, that option was there for the students themselves to strive and choose the classes that suited them best based on what they wanted to become.

If the students showed their effort, it was then that the academy would recommend which class they should attend and which one they should switch to based on their results that were being analyzed at every moment.

For many students, entering the academy was not only a matter of pride but an opportunity that would open a path to the future.

Although they had the easy path open before them, the students rarely took it because entering here was not mandatory; it was their own decision as an adult, and they would have to deal with the responsibility that came with studying.

Then there were Aurora and Alice, who would take the hero academy as a vacation.

Only by selecting their combat class, theology class, history, and skill theories, they had completed the minimum, and neither had the goal of adding another class.

Aurora and Alice stood in their classroom looking at the day of the event the teacher had marked.

Since most of the activities were scheduled on the academy’s app, the day they had selected worked for everyone... Unless one had a personal commitment.

“I guess traveling to Greece will be fun,” commented Alice, munching on her chips.

“Are you thinking about what you could eat?” Aurora asked, knowing her friend very well.

Alice looked at the nothingness with a hungry smile and mumbled. “I like Terra nova food. They use rare and magical spices. It whets your appetite... It’s a delight.”

Aurora’s lips trembled, but she couldn’t deny it.

Greece was connected to the Falion Empire of the world known as Terra nova, and while only they could travel between worlds, trade between the two was commonplace because of that.

Weapons, armor, grimoires, alchemical ingredients, and food... Many things from Terra nova that the ancient players loved could be found in Greece.

As usual, Alice only cared about the food.

As the two were about to go to the dining room for their typical daily lunch, a group approached.

Erica, Joslyn and Andrés.

“Do you want to be in our group?” Erica asked Alice directly, and seeing that it was too abrupt, commented. “I’ve been to Greece before, and I think I can serve as a guide, and we can enjoy it together.”

“...” Alice blinked in surprise.

She didn’t know her...

Instead of agreeing, Alice looked at Aurora and asked. “What shall we do?”

“Go. Didn’t you want to try the food?” Aurora asked without being bothered by Erica’s attitude.

They had cooperated in the same group, but Erica, instead of asking, Aurora, turned to Alice.

Aurora could tell that she was still looking down on her because of her abandoning them... Of course, it was that, and she didn’t do much in her classes.

Aurora would undoubtedly be the lazy student of the course who didn’t seem to care about anything or anyone, but it wasn’t her fault... She had to train and keep practicing her combat aura, so she rarely had too much time off.

Although her image as a ‘scaredy-cat’ had diminished due to her combat class training, having abandoned her group was something that wasn’t easy to forget.

“I had only invited you,” Erica muttered in a shallow tone that only she could have heard... In normal situations.

Alice’s eyebrows twitched, but Aurora could give her a warning look before she did anything, and her gluttonous friend could only stay quiet, like an obedient puppy.

Erica, unaware that her personal muttering had been overheard, she walked away after registering everyone’s information.

“Sorry.” Said Joslyn, Aurora’s psionic partner in the test; she looked to where Erica had gone and explained softly. “Erica is still angry about what happened. She has a genuine desire to become a heroine and takes the matter too seriously.”

With those words of apology, Joslyn followed Erica after seeing Aurora nod unconcernedly.

Aurora didn’t care what they thought of her, but she found Joslyn’s words understandable.

Heroes were too susceptible to their own sense of justice and stubborn in some circumstances, but to Aurora, that was admirable. After all, she preferred them to reckless adventurers, greedy mercenaries, or false ‘heroes.’

Of course, her admiration also stemmed from the fact that Aurora was much like heroes in many ways, including some of the stubbornness.

“It’s like Joslyn says. Erica isn’t as ‘bad’ as she seems,” Andrés said with a half sigh, and looking at Aurora, he commented. “As for the test, don’t worry. The truth is that anyone can be scared.”

Hearing those words Aurora asked. “Why do you say that?”

Her words were not comforting, but seemed to carry a slight hint of compression.

“Well... Because I was the same way.” Andrés confessed honestly.

Aurora looked at him, slightly surprised, but not believing him.

Andrés was the first to take over the security cameras and reveal what was going on, then he created a group and helped lead it, as did Clémentine.

His confession only seemed like empty words of comfort... But it wasn’t that way.

“When it all started, I hid, and as I was nervous, the first thing I did was to try to see what was going on. I got control of the security cameras and could understand a little more of the situation, which lowered my fear and nervousness, giving me the confidence to help,” explained Andrés, giving a faint smile, and with a slightly more playful smile, he added. “That’s why I joined the combat class. The academy is for learning and improving.”

With those words, his holographic watch beeped, and he said. “I have classes. See you, thanks for the other day. I could get some amazing stuff.”

With those words, he quickly left, as did many students starting their following classes.

“He seems like a nice person,” Aurora commented honestly.

She had given him a recommendation the other day, but her intention was simply to help him in the same way she would like to receive help if she were in trouble.

It was simply that, but for Andrés to come and come clean by commenting that he had been afraid at the beginning of the test comforting her, but encouraging her, was proof that Andrés returned gratitude with gratitude.

After all, those words expressed by one of the leaders whose performance was excellent might have helped a fearful young woman like everyone thought she was.

Alice nodded as she ate chips and commented. “I’ve seen the video of the test, and his participation was exceptional, being very helpful to his teammates and not affecting his allies.”

Although they had stayed at the academy as a ‘vacation,’ Aurora had not forgotten her principal goal in staying.

To look for capable students and hire them to reduce her work... As for Alice, she had also taken this job. After all, she was here to accompany her.

“However, we would have to evaluate him more before deciding what to do with him and if it is acceptable to take him to Liam. Whether to take him on as an apprentice or teach him,” Alice stated without revealing too much interest.

Liam was her co-worker who always complained that they, as his ‘superiors,’ gave him too much work and never found him an assistant to help him.

“Well, but in the end, it’s up to him if he wants to take it,” Aurora added as they headed for the dining room.

Alice nodded indifferently.

It’s not like they could tell Liam to take an apprentice or teach a stranger everything he knew just because they were both his superiors.

They judged only the students’ character, and in cases like Andrés, it was difficult to judge his ability, so that was up to her partner, who was an expert in that area.

When they arrived at the dining room, Alice, as always, began to order their meals before sitting down and looking directly at the kitchen as a loyal dog watched the door where her owner was leaving, waiting for the arrival.

Aurora, for her part, just shook her head and ignored her buying some drinks.

While Alice was waiting for her food, Clémentine entered the dining room and noticing them approached.

After a quick greeting, Clémentine sat down next to her and asked. “Do they have groups yet?”

“Groups?” They both asked without understanding, and Alice specified. “For the history trip?”


This time it was Clémentine who asked without understanding and noticing that she had gotten off to a terrible start in their conversation she asked. “Have you seen the combat class program?”

They both looked at the app in unison and read the combat class syllabus.

[Training -in progress. Experience -fighting summoned creatures-. Practice-enter dungeons and clear them. Real practice -joining a group of adventurers, heroes, or mercenaries for actual practice].

They both looked at each other in surprise at the school activities that were far from ordinary.

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