The Guardian

Chapter 21: Remember to Arrive Early

Chapter 21: Remember to Arrive Early

Leslie, using a shotgun, confronted a wild boar.

That boar would be just like any other of its kind if it weren’t for its third eye in the middle of its forehead.

Because of the corruption of chaos, the creature ‘mutated’, and a third eye appeared on its forehead... Or should one say ‘corrupted’?

Although it had not gained strange powers, that B-Rank boar had surprising strength and agility.


Leslie fired with her shotgun, but the boar not only charged forward but dodged, using its agility to its advantage.

The shot hit the ground, and Leslie clicked her tongue but didn’t flinch.

Pointing her hand to where the boar would be headed, from her wristband, a small disc shot out.

Then another and another, covering the entire path and...

“Grahhh!” the boar growled in desperation and madness as the discs vibrated with electrical energy.

As if it were a complex electrical grid, electricity jumped from one disc to another, covering the entire area.

The boar could only retreat, looking at Leslie with a desire to kill her.

She simply used a small box on her waist, next to her ammunition, and by touching a few buttons, she made the small box start to collapse into pieces.

Those pieces quickly joined with the shotgun, and the weapon changed into an assault rifle.



*Bang* *Bang*

Leslie fired with precision, and the boar could only take the shots because the electrical grid momentarily paralyzed it.

The shots continued, and after a stiff resistance, the monster was defeated.

At that moment, Leslie was covered by a glow, and in the next instant, she was in the training room.

“That was a great fight. Congratulations Leslie Haillet, you can now officially call yourself a B-Rank,” stated Professor Miller nodding casually.

Aurora noticed how Leslie was smiling, she had seen her battle on the screen, and it was natural for her to be happy.

The truth was, Leslie wasn’t the only one who moved up in rank; most of the students officially became B-Rank.

During the previous week, they used the summoning students as much as possible and increased their experience in actual combat to the point where they had what they needed to move up in rank.

Sure, they were already close enough to advance in rank and just lacked more experience, but it was still a remarkable accomplishment.

“I ask you to thank the students of Merlin Academy. They have taken great pains to summon creatures for you,” Professor Miller reminded in a severe tone.

“There is no need. My students have also learned from the heroes and gained experience by practicing.” Interjected Archmage Cécile.

The summoner students nodded with solemn expressions.

Leslie was the last bout of the week before the Merlin Academy students returned home.

Aurora could understand Cécile’s words.

The students had not only summoned normal creatures, but monsters born of chaos.

Having that practical experience of summoning was valuable, as there were cases where the summoning went wrong, and instead of summoning normal creatures under their control, they summoned terrifying monsters.

Having had such an experience could save their lives in the future.

Of course, they also gained experience by seeing what kind of summoning was more skillful against different opponents.

When the teachers finished their talk, the students of the two academies greeted each other, thanking each other for their support.

A few other students chatted with their fellow Merlin Academy students, with the mages being the ones who talked to their colleagues with the most enthusiasm.

Aurora hadn’t interacted with the Merlin Academy students; that’s why she stayed by Alice’s side... That and why her gluttonous friend was now in a staring contest with an S-Rank Archmage.

“...” Cecile and Alice stared at each other.

They both had different emotions, but Aurora was the one in the middle of that stare, so she was slightly embarrassed for her friend, who after a week was still holding her grudge over the lost chips.

Aurora gently nudged Alice, and when she’s eyes lowered in submission, Archmage Cecile came over.

“I’m quite grateful that Professor Miller has changed the program to a more advanced one,” Cecile said with a smile, trying to make conversation.

As Alice just ate her chips, ignoring her, Aurora coughed and commented. “Yes, it has helped many students advance through the ranks more quickly.”

That was the truth.

To summon needed materials and also the preparation of the spell, so quite a bit of money would have been spent, but the result was quite nice to see.

Many B-Rank heroes with minimal experience to be able to go out into the real world.

“Yes, I agree...” Cécile said with a soft smile, slightly grateful that Aurora had responded; she looked at Alice and asked. “Have you thought about joining Merlin Academy?”

Before Alice could answer, Cécile added. “I will take you on as my apprentice and help you improve. Merlin Academy has important mages as its students and teachers. It also has many grimoires. I think I could help you develop your skills and become an S-Rank.”

“No,” Alice answered immediately, and when she received Aurora’s steady gaze, she added. “Thank you.”

Aurora sighed; Cecile’s offer was quite splendid, and only someone with enough confidence to achieve solo improvement could turn it down.

Alice was confident, but she was also quite spiteful.

Her chips were sacred... Aurora knew that very well.

Cecile’s expression changed for a moment, without understanding the young woman in front of her.

In the end, she sighed and pulled out a business card.

“It’s good to work and earn money being a mercenary, but if you manage to become an S-Rank, everything could change. If you change your mind, just call me,” Cécile announced with a smile and passed her the business card.

Alice received it out of pure respect, but quickly put it in her pocket and continued eating her chips.

Not knowing how to react to this young woman who was angry about her chips, Cécile took her to leave, and the students followed her.

“That’s a shame,” Alice murmured, and Aurora looked at her carefully.

If she didn’t know her. She would think she was regretting missing out on a great opportunity because she was a loyal mercenary and a hardworking person who wouldn’t abandon her friend and co-worker.

But no matter how much she imagined the situation, the reality was very different.

“I wish she would have given me chips as an apology,” Alice commented and, seeing that Aurora was looking at her, gave a small smile. “You know, like upperclassmen.”

Aurora’s lips quivered.

What should she say?

She couldn’t think that an S-Rank Archmage is bribing-consoling a student with a bag of chips.

Aurora sighed and patted her dear friend’s shoulders as if comforting her.

“Let’s go order a snack from the dining hall before we go to history class,” Aurora said, looking for a more direct way to cheer her friend up.

Alice nodded more encouragingly.

Aurora had no doubt that if Cecile had invited her over for a a substantial meal, Alice would indeed have agreed to be her apprentice, even if she couldn’t learn anything.


“Are you excited?” Professor Villacrés asked.

Although her question was directed at the students, Aurora noticed that the professor herself was pretty excited.

“We are about to travel to Greece!” Professor Villacrés exclaimed, and among the group, some nodded excitedly.

Of course, the difference in excitement of the students compared to that of Professor Villacrés was enormous... The latter being the winner.

Aurora had visited Greece, but it was just a quick trip, so she was slightly excited, but there was someone just as enthusiastic as Professor Villacrés.

“Food... I’ve already planned the tour of all the major restaurants for both Greek food and Terra nova food. The delicacies of the dwarves, the delicacies of the elves, the exotic food of the demon race,” Alice murmured with a touch of excitement and longing.

Demons were frowned upon nowadays, but Alice was not one to discriminate, especially when that race had as impeccable a food culture as any other race.

Aurora was thankful that no one heard her murmur because of the animosity towards demons, but she was undoubtedly just as excited as Alice.

The two had been together for as long as Aurora could remember and were inseparable; that was the reason she enjoyed eating as well.

“Remember that for you, this trip is not only sightseeing, but you have a task to perform,” Professor Villacrés reminded and with a severe tone, she warned. “I expect you to be respectful. You may have a different way of thinking, and your opinions may be very different, but you must be respectful to your interviewees.”

Their task was to interview the Greek citizens to find out their opinion on the Falion Empire before deciding to stay with them.

While they might think differently, respect had to be their first priority.

“...” There were some slight glances in opposition, but in the end, everyone nodded.

Professor Villacrés smiled, and with a tone full of emotion, commented. “I understand that some of you must not have had time to settle your personal affairs because of your combat classes; it is for that reason that we will end class early today.”

With those words, Professor Villacrés left quickly, appearing to be the one who had important matters to attend to before traveling.

The students were glad to have to leave early, and before they could go, their holographic clocks vibrated.

It was a message from the teacher pointing out where they were to meet and the schedule.

“Remember to arrive early.” -EricaTheIceMage.

Both Aurora and Alice got the message from Erica, and the duo was excited about their first ‘school’ trip.

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