The Guardian

Chapter 239: Not Mine

Chapter 239: Not Mine

The monsters growled coming like a stampede from afar.

They had already left part of Constanta City behind and were now on the third line of defense several kilometers away.

In a few hours it would be New Year’s, but unlike how the world celebrated here there was a somber mood.



The snarling monsters were approaching the range of the firing range and the captain gave the orders to fire.


Edward, who was in this area, watched as the creatures were knocked down by the explosions.

B-Rank monsters were being ripped to shreds and not to mention those of lower ranks and even A-Ranks were having difficulty resisting the ‘Colossus’ tank’s cannons.

“An abomination is coming. skill users, it’s your turn!”

The captain shouted as he saw an abomination several meters tall.

It was a mass of different monsters forming something resembling a monkey, whose red eyes were still glowing with life.

Edward, as well as the various ability users, prepared his spell.


The creature roared as it revealed two wings on its back, and Edward’s expression did not change.



At the captain’s command, Edward cast his spell just like other ability users.

Lightning and water magic spells hit the creature in a combo that was extremely damaging, and then the monster was killed by a fire spell that caused the creature’s legs to explode.

Then the tanks slowly redirected the cannons and took aim.


The monster was accurately knocked down by the cannon shots that practically destroyed entire body parts and Edward, seeing that it was still moderately alive, cast a lightning spell to burn it completely.

Still, in the distance, he could see another group of monsters approaching breaking the ground and even further away he could see the ruins of Constanta City and the crack in the sky that was visible from his position.

“Be careful, they’re going to sweep the total area!” the captain reported in a raised voice.

The skill users retreated after going to put away the corpses and then the sound of planes passing by at high speed dropping ‘light’ bombs could be heard.


The explosions were minor in power, but that spread trails of light everywhere and led to monsters being injured or killed.

Allowing a respite for the defense group.

Edward watched those planes that camouflaged and disappeared into the distance without being seen.

That technology and power were not something Romania could have... No, it was not something simple to obtain.

Those were the Atlantean military forces that came from the sea to provide direct support.

The Cosmos Enterprise was hiding more weapons technology than ordinary people could imagine, and those planes were proof of that.

Even though they would not let other countries have that technology, they were using it in their military forces.

While other nations were just upgrading their military equipment with enchantments or magic runes, giving it some power through magic.

Edward sighed... Honestly, he couldn’t say anything in the face of the situation and those planes were incredible.

The military managed to hit the missiles and bombs with different elemental effects, and it was like mages casting high ranking spells.

Watching as the different skill users rested on the battle line, he tried to take a breath to relax and could not get it.

His gaze returned to the rift where the abyssal portal supposedly was.

How dangerous was it for a rift to go unrepaired?

The large armed groups and numerous skill users split around the area, evidenced concern about the rift.

Since he had arrived, the allied forces had been fighting in retreat, losing ground, until they could finally establish a line of defense and a resting point in the face of the monsters coming in like waves.

Of the two thousand soldiers who participated in the assault to capture the portal, about nine hundred ended up dying between the confrontation with the goblins and the subsequent retreat.

There were prepared protocols for this type of situation, but the Chaos swept everything in its path, causing many to die.

As for the S-Ranks, about thirty ended up dying without including those who possibly disappeared in the abyssal portal.

Even recovering the bodies was impossible because of the Chaos corrupting everything in its path.

If it wasn’t for Duke Kristoph who cast a spell allowing everyone to retreat, destroying part of Constanta City along with the corpses, then it was possible that the number of casualties would have risen.

Staring at that portal, Edward tried to control his emotions, even so, it was difficult.

Would she be all right?

That thought came to his mind, devouring him in worry.

That there was no news from the expedition was frightening and now made every hour tense in the worst way.

Why was there no news from the gods? Could they be communicating through them? Praying or performing a ritual? Or maybe they were, and those entities didn’t care?

It was funny to him that when he reached a stage of the situation, he always wondered about the gods, trying to trust them.

Before his thoughts drifted in a bad direction, his holographic clock chimed and Edward’s expression turned serious as he read his master’s message.

Heading to the back of the camp, he moved toward where the portal was installed in a vehicle and used it.

In just a moment he arrived at Mamaia-Sat City, where the main headquarters was located and where it was the closest area to Constanta City.

He could hear the sounds of battle and this place was where the biggest battle was taking place directly on the front lines.

Edward headed straight to where his master had warned him and soon found him.

“The meeting of the allied forces is about to begin. We will discuss several important issues,” Director Vincent said in a serious tone.

His gaze was directed at that rift that was now closer than before.

Edward nodded, and after waiting several minutes, they advanced to the main headquarters.

As he entered, Edward could notice those present.

Cardinal Najjar as representative of the Church of Time and Space, Cardinal Auguste of the Church of Order, and Duke Kristoph on behalf of the Falion Empire.

However, there was also General Cocis on behalf of the Romanian army and there was Alfredo Rivas, also known as the General of the Sea on behalf of the South American Empire, accompanied by a female figure hiding her face.

“I have managed to push back and purify part of the Black Sea that was corrupted by Chaos. Also, together with other mages, we have raised the land so that it was not easily contaminated and installed barriers, creating a defense to prevent the monsters from escaping,” the Sea General reported earnestly.

As a Grand Archmage of water magic, making the black sea water recede for several kilometers was something possible for someone of his ability and more so when that white-bearded man was known for stopping tsunamis happening off the Chilean coast.

How scary could it be for ‘Chaos’ to spread by the sea?

The fish could transform into grotesque monsters and they could head for the shores of the Black Sea, possibly reaching any beach and creating great destruction.

But also if the water became polluted it would cause great problems to the maritime environment.

It was worse than an oil tanker falling into the sea.

“That’s nice to hear.” Cardinal Najjar said with a pleasant nod.

“Still, this is the beginning. We have too many things to sort out and which one to take care of. The defense of Romania being the most important objective,” Cardinal Auguste said, getting General Cocis to nod and then looking at Cardinal Najjar, he specified. “The joint forces have surrounded Constanta City, but the criticism towards us is greater after what happened.”

Constanta City was surrounded by defense lines to prevent the monsters from being able to move away, causing terror to other areas.

Romanian forces accepted the dispatch of foreign troops and several teams from the European Union and Russia were present.

However, what happened with the abyssal portal caused the original allied forces to receive too much criticism.

Capturing the abyssal portal was no easy task, but when they were in the final stages of accomplishing the task, casualties on their side had been kept to a minimum.

It was when the rift happened and after the portal swallowed the group that was nearby, that everything turned into a disaster.

Chaos corrupted many individuals, corpses and giving rise to many monsters and abominations... Quite a few ended up dead from the attacks.

While no one expected it and it was a severe blow totally unexpected and the blame at the public level fell on the allied forces.

“The problem is not public opinion. The problem is that there are forces being wasted in the care of enemies who murdered many of our own,” Cardinal Auguste added, looking coldly at Cardinal Najjar.

“And we murdered many of theirs. What is your point?” Cardinal Najjar asked without losing her attitude.

Edward noticed the serious looks on both sides and knew what they were talking about.

The goblins... According to what he had heard, Cardinal Najjar managed to take the ‘civilians’ from the goblins and got their leader to surrender when he learned of that fact.

Although there was resistance, the remnants of the goblin forces that were depleted ended up being taken as prisoners of war.

Now the forces of the Church of Time and Space were taking them over by disposing of their paladins for the safety of the goblins.

That in the eyes of others was wasting manpower.

“We need to devote our forces to this matter. Now the Abyssal Portals became a minor problem. The rift is the worrying thing,” Cardinal Auguste said, and looking at those present, he remarked. “Also, don’t forget about the demons. They may appear to be quiet in the Middle East, but you never know.”

The Abyssal Portal diminished in importance, with the rift becoming the most important thing.

If they were talking about known dangers, it was that rift that could spread deep and attract all sorts of dangerous creatures that took the most concern.

When Chaos became dense enough, the abominations that would be born would not be S-ranks, but worse creatures.

Adding demons, the problem could escalate at any moment.

“Stop beating around the bush. Say what your point is,” Cardinal Najjar said with a cold expression.

Everyone looked at Cardinal Auguste, but he didn’t flinch and spoke.

“To use them. To fix the rift in the dimensional barrier, we need an Archmage of SSS rank of great knowledge or clear our path to the rift and perform a ritual to one of the Primordial Gods or the Earth Gods. Only they can fix it,” Cardinal Auguste replied, crossing his arms.

The place fell abruptly silent.

His first words did not give too much to understand, but ‘use’ had a very wide ambiguity... Being possible that he made it clear that he wanted to use them as ‘cannon fodder’.

It was true that it was complicated for average humans to fix the ‘dimensional barrier’ which they did not see, but it was possible for some capable individuals.

Some old archmages of Terra nova were terrifying entities even though they were ‘mortal’ and while Edward was not a player, he had heard the stories from his master.

Such individuals could fix or close that rift and, if that was not possible, he could always look to the gods.

The God of Time and Space or the Goddess of Order were two Primordial Gods who were present in this world and could respond.

The last option was his guardians... The Gods of Earth, who had protected this world for countless years by maintaining the dimensional barrier even though they were weakening with the passage of time.

However, to get to that point required being close to the place, slaying all the monsters that came out and ultimately protecting those who performed the ritual.

He had heard stories of demons that could cause a rift, but those rips could repair themselves over time, instead, this ‘rift’ there was no such possibility and for more difficulty it could widen even further.

Cardinal Najjar looked coldly at Cardinal Auguste.

That woman was the person who saved the ‘civilians’ hiding under the abyssal portal and she was also the woman who had gotten Zrag, the goblin leading the enemy force, to surrender.

She had used the civilian goblins to keep the battle from continuing and now she was being asked to use that same method to push the warrior goblins into battle.

“May I give a comment?” the Sea General asked politely.

He was not an official member of the allied forces and was just someone who had come to stop Chaos from spreading.

Everyone knew that Generals under Emperor Victor had a penchant for staying in their lands without giving intervention in outside affairs or even rendering aid.

However, no one could ignore Rivas, a Grand Archmage of SS Rank who could cause devastation in coastal areas.

That was why they nodded.

“All of His Majesty Victor’s vassals have been on the refusal to send reinforcements. This may seem like the end of the world, but we have already suffered an apocalypse alone. However, His Majesty has likewise decided to step forward by sending me to support, but especially by sending my escort,” General Rivas said, and giving a sign, the figure revealed her face and as everyone looked on stunned, he explained. “Eva Santos, the Queen of the North, regrets her past actions and has decided to participate in this battle on behalf of Emperor Victor.”

Expressions changed at the sight of Eva Santos, the one who unified the mafias of an entire continent under her power and was defeated in just one night by the two giants of the American continent.

The empire would not intervene because of little interest in rendering aid abroad when, in their time, their countries received no help.

“To pay for her crimes, she has decided to help humanity at this desperate time,” General Rivas announced earnestly and when the Queen of the North nodded with a smile, he commented. “I hope you will accept her into your forces.”

Some expressions changed strangely.

“Of course, I think I speak for everyone when I say it is important to have allies and I, for one, have seen her strength.” Director Vincent pointed out instantly and giving him a look. “But what are you trying to get at?”

Edward’s expression remained unperturbed, but he could notice changing expressions from those present.

From the two cardinals to the duke... His master made a comment right on cue and with no change of expression.

However, this all seemed like a political move on Emperor Victor’s part... One that came at the perfect time.

“My point is that we can leave the past behind as long as the same person sincerely seeks to change. That same thing can happen with the goblins,” General Rivas explained, with a serious tone.

Those words caused General Cocis and Cardinal Auguste to frown.

It was undeniable how much pain the goblins caused the humans in this war... The deaths suffered by both sides were unbearable for some.

But when compared to the Queen of the North, who was practically the person who had unified a mob, the crimes and deaths of this war seemed small.

Goblins killed in a war, the Queen of the North was in charge of drug sales, bribery, murder and dozens of other crimes, most likely many of them undiscovered until now.

The political trials that were taking place in the northern giant on the American continent were proof that her influence had spread across much of the country, including presidents of regions.

“I know you may come to distrust me, but if you so wish, I don’t mind making a promise to some god about me fighting alongside humanity to defeat Chaos during this period,” the Queen of the North said with a smile.

Clear and carefree words, seeming like a woman who did not hide anything and whose desire was to ‘pay back’ the damage done in her past.

However, during this ‘period’ she marked that it was going to be temporary her help and no one could say what would happen in the future.

How was it that Emperor Victor managed to get someone of such a high rank to become one of his vassals?

Was it charisma? Promises to live well? Or something darker?

In the end, it didn’t matter, now officially Emperor Victor had another SS rank under his command... Turning the South American Empire into an even more fearsome power than before.

“If so, we can accept you into our ranks,” Cardinal Najjar replied and when everyone looked at her, she mentioned. “As for the goblins, I will also talk to them about participating in the allied forces as a member of the forces. Right now we need to face Chaos, who does not distinguish between friend from foe.”

As ‘members of the allied forces’ meant that they were to be treated like any soldier and were not to be used as cannon fodder.

They were not to be given unfavorable missions or put in unfavorable places.

Cardinal Auguste let out a snort as General Cocis let out an annoyed expression, but that was all.

In the public eye, this was an alliance of humanity, but Edward right now was looking at a battle of interests and internal problems.

Was humanity united?

Edward realized that the answer to that question was simpler than the reporters would have everyone believe.

As two cardinals faced off against each other, an outside influence came and made a move in the middle to accomplish their goal, leaning in one direction to show support.

“Now the important thing. We need to talk about rescuing those who were swallowed by the portal. Check the abyssal portal and see if it is possible to send support to help and rescue them.” Duke Kristoph said earnestly.

Cardinal Auguste’s expression turned cold again.

“The Church of Order will not budge. To generate losses now to verify something we all know is too risky and dangerous,” Cardinal Auguste replied.

When the Romanian expedition entered the abyssal portal, it had self-sealed and now there was a possibility that it was the same way.

It was difficult to investigate because the Chaos in that area was very dense and twisted everything, making even drones stop working and not to mention those who could look into the distance, being corrupted was a possibility.

Still, the response was rather cold, as one of the individuals who had disappeared was Executors of Order member Theodore.

“We will not move either. The Romanian army is in a bad position and despite the fact that some of our national heroes went missing, we cannot risk losing troops or causing further danger,” General Cocis added in a clear refusal.

Adala the ‘Blue Tide’ and Dan ‘Swift Burst’ were two well-known national heroes, with the former having the greater popularity.

Now they were being named as Romanian ‘martyrs’ for having fought against the chaos... They were being used to unify opinions and further restrict the guilds, regardless of whether they were still alive.

Among those missing and near the abysmal portal was also Marius Posse, but the difference with everyone else was that his guild is being restricted and hit hard to bring it down.

At that level, the politicians were moving to regain the control that the guilds had and the army, being there as a representative, showed that it was regaining the power that was previously in the hands of the guilds.

Making a move now was unnecessary.

“If we look at it in the big picture, making a move now is too problematic. The chances of some mishap happening and causing major problems is too high. It is preferable to move once everything is ready to close the rift,” Director Vincent said.

His words managed to surprise Edward, but his master ignored him.

Squeezing his grip tightly, he tried to calm his emotions, but it was quite difficult.

“Still, it is important to move,” Duke Kristoph added and looking at those present, he declared. “And that is what the Falion Empire will do.”

Cardinal Auguste and General Cocis frowned at such direct words.

“We are the allied forces, and this is the Earth,” Cardinal Auguste warned.

As allied forces, they had to decide everything as a group or trouble would grow and everyone would do as they wished, bringing even more trouble.

Also this was Earth... Not Terra nova, where the Falion Empire was located.

“We know. However, the Falion Empire will not abandon the members of their force. This is beyond the will of the existence that brought us. It is a matter at the Imperial level,” Duke Kristoph revealed seriously and, giving an extremely cold look, he announced. “We advance together or we all retreat.”

His last words were a threat and showed how far they were willing to go.

They would let him reach his goal or the entire Falion Empire would retreat... Edward knew this was Cithrel’s move, however, he never thought she would go this far.

No matter how the Falion Empire tried to maintain its neutrality, it was not fragile and pushover.

It was true that their forces were diminished from when they first arrived and the fighting forces became Terranovian tourists, but they were still strong.

While only Duke Kristoph was active as a high-ranking individual on behalf of the Falion Empire and at the time, they had sent three ‘official’ calamities and the way the European-Demon war ended showed that the number was possibly higher.

Although their captains had disappeared, they were not weak and their military forces counted Terrans and not only those who came from Terra nova.

They cooperated with Greece and both were very close to each other, but the ones who had all the military power were the Falion Empire, which had always let itself be seen as a peaceful and quiet power.

“I agree with Duke Kristoph. As long as the forces used are personal and do not cause reduction in the force defending Romania, there is no need to deny their movements,” Cardinal Najjar intervened and with a serious tone added. “And more so when we can support them to check the whole place and avoid mishaps.”

Edward noted that they had spoken earlier and her intervention was perfect, getting Cardinal Auguste to give her a look before retreating.

No one wished to take the blame for the Imperial forces retreating... Forces that were very vital at this time on a military and knowledge level.

They were the ones who created the spell to stabilize the portal and even though the tearing was caused by an influence from the other side; it was certainly noticeable.

They all parted, and Edward walked away with his master.

“Why?” Edward asked with a serious tone.

He tried to keep his emotions as steady as possible, but the coldness came out of his voice.

He was angry that his master did not support Duke Kristoph in his move and was on Cardinal Auguste’s side.

Aurora and Alice were on the other side of the portal!

“Because if we look at the big picture, the best outcome is for us to close the rift and take control of the abyssal portal and then send in reinforcements,” Director Vincent replied and with a clear tone, he added. “We are now facing a rift... We are facing Chaos, one false move, and the whole Earth may face an apocalypse.”


No, Edward had read grimoires and Terra nova books that spoke of the divine energy known as Chaos.

Chaos could corrupt anything that got in the way and if the land or water was corrupted, then talk of apocalypse didn’t sound so strange.

To see the big picture was to see that possibility and act in response.

Now the Director of the Academy of Heroes, who had retired after the European-Demon War to focus on education, had stepped in again to confront the Chaos that could cause serious problems for the land.

Was he right?

No... For Edward, he was not right.

“That is your goal, master. Not mine,” Edward said coldly as he walked away.

She was there inside the portal... They had both disappeared, and she was inside the portal.

Big picture? He didn’t care about any of that.

He had been on the sidelines for a while and now that his acquaintances were in trouble, it was impossible to keep him from moving.

Now, even if he had to charge forward to get through Chaos... He would.

Finding Duke Kristoph, Edward approached his side.

“Do you have a place for someone else?” Edward asked the powerful vampire.

Even if he had to risk his life, he had to move on.

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