The Guardian

Chapter 242: They Are Unstoppable

Chapter 242: They Are Unstoppable

Akira, Oscar the shapeshifter and Archmage Edward were in a large room.

Also present was Rupert and next to him was Cesar, with his ‘official tamer’, Charlotte Cuvillier.

Then there was the Crown Princess of the Empire Falion Cithrel and her bodyguard Venali.

Liam looked at everyone present... Every one of them was S-Rank and he was also included in the group.

Then there was Duke Kristoph, Cardinal Najjar and Eva Santos, also known as the Queen of the North.

“First let me reconfirm, Eva, you will also be participating in this mission? This mission is personal, independent of the allied forces,” Cardinal Najjar said, looking at Eva Santos.

Liam felt no distrust in Cardinal Najjar’s tone and it was very likely that they had heard Eva praying on behalf of her god, to emphasize her stance.

No matter how much they said she wanted to pay for her sins and all that official and public affirmation that was given... That woman was the Queen of the North, the one who led and unified the mafia in America.

A powerful SS Rank archer with a very dark past.

“Yes. His Majesty Victor emphasized that I do my best to take part in matters related to Aurora and Alice Campbell,” Eva reported with a serious tone and with a sigh, she added. “According to what he told me, he lost a bet with his student.”

Liam looked at her for a moment, but that was all.

He had heard from Nicole that she had won a bet with Emperor Victor and was surprised and wary of such an individual’s acceptance, but that didn’t matter much anymore.

Now all that mattered was to confirm the status of the abyssal portal and whether it was possible to send reinforcements.

The disappearance of Aurora and Alice Campbell for Zerzura was a big shock, and many were agitated.

Perhaps the city had grown enough to be independent, but the importance of both sisters was no joke.

From Colonel Makeba to the Orisha Oko or the Apicius Enterprise itself... Everyone was paying attention to this group.

“Perfect. Any help will be accepted,” Cithrel said, taking command and looking at the group, she reported. “The purpose of our incursion is to check the status of the abyssal portal and verify if we can send reinforcements. We will try our best to avoid battles.”

Radars and satellites, even their own drones, had verified that it was very difficult to approach around the rift and the abyssal portal because of the Chaos.

That divine energy was intangible, but in large quantities, it could affect the body, leading to mutations of all kinds.

In a way, it was like radiation, but more instantaneous and powerful because it also affected the mind and soul.

Trying to fight against that energy was complicated and, since it generated monsters, initiating a battle and stirring up that energy would be problematic.

While no one controlled Chaos, stirring it up could be like throwing a stone into a lake... It would attract the attention of all the monsters and could lead to a complicated situation.

“Duke Kristoph will make sure to keep the abyssal portal stable in case of conflict. Eva Santos will provide long distance support and Cardinal Najjar will keep us safe from Chaos,” Cithrel reported, and looking at the group, she mentioned. “The number of participants is high because, if the situation becomes complex, we will have to pave our way out.”

Everyone had already been briefed on how they would move.

Magic would be used to hide and enter as stealthily as possible, but depending on the situation near the abyssal portal and considering the worst possibility, they would have to start a conflict against the monsters to escape.

The idea to keep in mind was to get out and get in as stealthily as possible.

“I myself will participate to scan the abyssal portal together with Duke Kristoph,” Cithrel revealed, getting that vampire duke’s expression to become more solemn and seeing that it was a tense atmosphere, she added. “And if there is a possibility of sending reinforcements, the Falion Empire will move.”

Those last words carried great confidence and made many expressions relax, including Liam’s own.

There was no doubt in her voice and that Duke Kristoph nodded with a loyal expression, made it clear that she wasn’t joking.

Would it be because of Urfin and his team? Liam was sure that the only reason Cithrel was moving were Aurora and Alice.

As they were now simply confirming the details, she distanced herself with Duke Kristoph and Venali by going into a private room.

Cardinal Najjar and Eva Santos walked away talking amongst themselves as they left the group present at the scene.

“Charlotte, you don’t need to participate. You have no responsibilities to Aurora or Alice,” Cesar said quietly.

This room was large and was set up so that individuals such as Rupert and Cesar could be present, although the former was three meters less than the latter, despite being of the same rank.

“It’s okay. I know they are important to you,” Charlotte replied quietly and without changing her expression, she added. “Besides, I’m your partner. I should be by your side.”

Rupert laughed at those words tapping Cesar’s shoulder, who gave a low growl, but folded his arms after nodding.

Liam looked at Akira, who was also nervous, and Oscar, who was whispering to her in the corner to calm her down.

Akira was the one who was most connected to Aurora and Alice and was the person who managed to get close to the two sisters.

Looking at the situation, Liam checked his drones for the third time and didn’t deny that he was slightly anxious.

He was unable to contact Aurora and Alice’s parents, and Cardinal Brousseau was the same way, which made this situation difficult.

In Zerzura, those on standby to send reinforcements should the Abyssal Portal allow it were ready.

The Apicius Enterprise was a bit calmer thanks to the dominance of their CEO, James, but they were also noticeably on the move.

Cardinal Brousseau was at the church to act using other, more ‘divine’ means, trying to check on the safety of the Protectors of Zerzura.

To the world, Aurora and Alice Campbell were part of the missing in the abyssal portal, one of many in the group, but in the eyes of many people in Africa, they were of great importance.

It was the same for him.

While he had confidence in both sisters, he was not as high as Cesar and Rupert, who seemed not to doubt Aurora and Alice’s strength.

Even if he knew both sisters better than many present, he was still concerned.

Liam had met both sisters years ago, and it had all started as a job, however, he was currently running many projects with Aurora.

And he had lived for years with both of them... It was impossible not to be worried about them.

“Liam, can you come?” Venali asked with a professional tone.

He obeyed and followed her, leaving his thoughts aside.

Leaving the room, he walked down the hallway and then entered a private room where there were two altars.

On one was a thick pile of notes and on the other were gems that glittered radiantly.

That altar, which had the stack of notes, had a statue of an open book and the second altar, with the glowing gems, had a statue of a translucent spirit holding a moon that generated darkness.

The first was directed to the Goddess of Knowledge and the second to the Moon Goddess of Terra nova.

Cithrel was in the middle praying and at the sight of Liam, the notes fluttered of their own accord and were devoured by the statue in the book that seemed to have acquired realism.

As for the glowing gems, they lost their beauty and luminosity, managing to look like charcoal.

Liam was stunned to see that the rituals had just worked.

“It’s funny, don’t you think? The gods might like research notes or some glowing gems... It seems mundane,” Cithrel said, as she stood up and, seeing Liam somewhat concerned, she explained. “Don’t worry, my words will bother none of them.”

Arranging her clothes and putting on various artifacts as if they were simple jewelry, she checked her equipment.

“The Goddess of Knowledge is the official goddess of the Falion Empire and the Moon Goddess is the same in the Lunar Empire... I will be the ruler of the Falion Empire and my mother is the Empress of the Lunar Empire,” Cithrel explained calmly and giving a serious look, she stated. “Although their power is limited in this world, on Terra nova, they are both very powerful goddesses.”

Liam’s expression did not change as he realized that Cithrel seemed to have more importance than he had imagined.

He didn’t understand the complexity of the gods and how they were treated on Terra nova and if he was honest; it wasn’t something he would like to know.

“Unfortunately, both goddesses cannot assure the status of Aurora or Alice because they have no connection to them,” Cithrel said, giving a sigh and checking her wand, she added. “However, they will lend us support today to avoid any mishaps.”

If Aurora or Alice prayed to those two goddesses, the connection that came about as a believer would allow them to now they could know the status of both of them... At least that was what Liam had learned from theology.

“Thank you for your help,” Liam said sincerely and, giving a look, he reported. “I’ve already managed to get the contact of someone who can help you with your quest.”

Aurora, before leaving, had informed him what Cithrel was looking for and even though he did not know the princess’s end goal, the person she was interested in was a high ranking U.S. government official who had died years ago.

That person’s records were on the level of being a ghost... It was not simply classified, but several records had been erased, even though the person was someone public.

Cithrel nodded without giving it a thoughtful nod and gave him a serious look.

“I called you on an important matter. Depending on what the situation looks like, there will be different responsibilities in the future,” Cithrel pointed out, and seeing his expression change, she commented. “Akira and her group will be in charge of keeping an eye on Clémentine and the others. In your case, it would be good for you to monitor Andrés. Try not to let their concern push them to act recklessly.”

Liam watched her seriously.

Those words were an obvious concern, but there was something hidden.

“Do you think our situation will end with a bad outcome?” Liam asked seriously.

That was what he could sense.

Her manner of trying to sort out the problems around Aurora, who wasn’t present, was remarkable, and it generated an ominous feeling.

“Who do you think formed the abyssal portals? There are two Primordial Gods paying attention to the Earth, but neither has said a word. Do you think they don’t know what’s going on?” Cithrel asked and, ignoring her gaze, hesitated. “Is this a test, a punishment, or a teaching?”

That question got Liam to shudder unconsciously at the possibilities.

“In the end, it doesn’t matter. Aurora and Alice are in the middle of it all. And regardless of the outcome, you have to look forward and prepare for the worst,” Cithrel added, and giving a long sigh, announced. “I may not be able to carry their ideals, but I can at least try to look out for those close to them.”

Liam was silent, and although he did not wish for the worst outcome, he agreed with her.


In the middle of the night, a group flew over the coast of Constanta City.

Rupert, Cesar and Venali were ahead, making way as the close combat vanguard.

In the middle were Cithrel, Charlotte and Edward himself, watching everything.

On the sides were Cardinal Najjar and Duke Kristoph, leaving a little behind them the Queen of the North, Oscar and Akira with Liam.

The group was advancing through the black sea and in the distance they could see the old port of Constanta City.

It was all slightly blurred not only by the darkness, but by the changed atmosphere of Chaos that corroded the buildings and polluted the environment.

Constanta City had been razed by a spell of Duke Kristoph that destroyed most of the city, but the harbor still had some buildings where monsters inhabited.

However, now there was no water in the harbor and the water had receded to a great distance, where there was a great barrier that prevented the Chaos from seeping in, corrupting the sea and that barrier also prevented the sea from returning to its position.

The tide had been pulled back and at the same time the coastline had been widened, all to prevent Chaos from contaminating the sea water and living creatures.

Monsters that tried to approach the barrier were attacked by water mages who used the sea water to exterminate all monsters that approached.

The land had also been raised to allow the defense to work carefully in case it was necessary for others to intervene.

“We’ll leave you here,” Cithrel said, looking at Eve and when she nodded, she looked at the others and remembered. “We’re just infiltrating. Don’t move recklessly.”

Eva was an archer and could offer support from a great distance and Liam was similar, though what he excelled at was the number of drones he could use.

Seeing that everyone nodded, the final preparations began.

Cithrel, using her wand, prepared a spell by waving it in the air and muttering silently.

No one heard the muttering, but the surroundings became clearer to Edward.

His mind managed to get clearer and at the same time quicker to think, as the knowledge he had read floated into his mind, solving some magical problems he had encountered.

Words began to appear around Cithrel’s wand as a deity moved to favor it... It was the Goddess of Knowledge who caused those words to infuse the wand.

Then, when Cithrel cast her spell, everyone’s presence disappeared completely and put them in a very high level state of concealment.

They had been informed that Cithrel had performed rituals for the Goddess of Knowledge, but honestly, the response of that deity surprised them.

The goddess had taken that princess’s spell casting to a higher level than they could have imagined.

“My turn...” Cardinal Najjar muttered, waving her hand.

Everyone’s view changed, distorting between real and unreal, and moments later they were back to normal.

She had used the power of her god directly to cut them off from material ‘space’ and created a thin line dividing them from reality.

“Now the Chaos will not affect you fully, even if you look directly, the effect will be less, though I do not recommend looking too much. I have also emphasized concealment. Still, you must be careful,” Cardinal Najjar warned.

The group with Cithrel in command moved and Edward could notice the speed of flight increasing and as he got closer he realized that time was slower around them.

Cardinal Najjar had disconnected them from ‘space’ and sped up time around them, allowing her to act faster.

This was perfect for the Queen of the North, who had been left protecting their backs, as she could fire swiftly and at a greater distance.

While they could react with greater speed.

Approaching the port, trying to go to the abyssal portal from the rear area, Edward noticed that large crack in the sky and that darkness twisting around as if it was some kind of veil.

“It’s not the element darkness, and it’s not Chaos either. It is the air that has been corrupted. Breathing it can contaminate the physical body and if you are not purified, your organs can become a monster or you can become one,” Cardinal Najjar explained.

The expression of the group became serious.

Chaos was difficult to explain, and while it was sometimes easy to understand when treated as energy, when Chaos took material form, the situation changed, let alone when one viewed it as a concept.

It was not uncommon for this to happen when Chaos was a Divine energy, which meant that mortals could not fully understand it and the one thing that all scholars agreed on was that Chaos in any form was dangerous.

By simply understanding that it could corrupt something as abstract as the soul, it was understood that it could corrupt practically everything.

A normal human being could turn into a grotesque creature with high strength, a plant into a creepy monster, and a corpse could take the form of an abomination.

Now they were watching the monsters as they flew.

Some buildings that had been left standing had black walls and even stabbing veins that perhaps came from plants or animals that had been corrupted inside.

It was nighttime and while they had drunk a concoction to see in the dark, they still continued to have their vision blurred as they entered that veil of darkness.

In what would be the destroyed city, they could notice more grotesque roots like veins that were all over the ground pulsing slowly and steadily.

“In the void outside, there is not only Chaos. There may also be creatures and entities of great power roaming the void,” Cithrel muttered as he stopped.

They had flown hidden, heading to where the rift was, in which below would be the portal, but as they entered the veil and saw clearly, everyone’s expression changed.

The place that Duke Kristoph had destroyed and the surroundings where the portal would be, there were present those thick roots that throbbed being alive.

It gave the impression that something was moving inside.

“This appears to be signs of a creature devouring vitality from the ground,” Cithrel pointed carefully and, looking up at the sky where the rift was, she muttered. “At least this time it’s not something trying to get in.”

The crack high above was a tear in reality and beyond it could be seen pure darkness that occasionally twisted and let in grotesque creatures.

“However, it means that it is already on this side. Your Highness, it is best from now on to increase the guard,” Duke Kristoph advised in a serious tone.

Both Terranovians did not seem at all worried and it was the same for Cardinal Najjar, who seemed calm.

However, everyone else wore a cold and subtly pale expression.

Edward was one of them... His hair stood on end and not only did he feel disgust, but sometimes just looking at the rift brought up an ominous feeling.

Worse, the words of those Terranovians worried him.

Even though Cithrel was young, it didn’t mean she wasn’t knowledgeable and even more so when she came from a magical empire such as the Falion Empire... She probably knew secrets of all kinds.

The dead ground made it evident that the vitality was being devoured by those thick, wide roots, which meant that the creature was inside.

Flying carefully, being ignored by all sorts of monsters, the group approached where the crevice was located, the surrounding of which was covered by thick roots.

“Freedom... Oh, sweet freedom...”

Then a voice rang out... Their group heard a strange, half-human, half-distorted voice.

The monsters and abominations heard it too, but they did not advance towards the noise, but, on the contrary, moved away.

The group looked at each other and continued with increased caution.

Passing by a thick, throbbing, blackish-colored root, everyone’s expressions changed.

“Freedom... Oh, sweet freedom.”

The voice came from a man... No; it was impossible to call him that anymore.

He was a strange creature, from the waist down he was a grotesque mass of roots covering his body and devouring the vitality of the earth in his wake.

Its S rank aura was on the fine line of the boundary of an SS rank.

The roots were part of his body created by his own skin that had mutated in the most hideous and grotesque way possible.

The upper part remained slightly human, but had protrusions on his stomach and face while the eyes were lost in madness.

He was alive.

That man was alive after being corrupted by Chaos, that distorted his mind and corrupted his body, transforming him into an aberrant creature.

That monster was in front of the portal where, from time to time, it trembled and creatures came out.

“Freedom... Sweet freedom!” the monster shouted, dragging itself along with the roots without being able to go too far.

The looks on the group’s faces became weird, and Cithrel held up his hand for them to stop.

—Keep calm and don’t attack. Let me handle it. —Cithrel commanded through mind magic.

The group calmed down, and she took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

“Great Mistress of Spirits, Mother of the Night, Great Moon that lights our paths, please lead everyone to your realm of rest and allow me to complete my goal.” Cithrel prayed aloud.

Her voice was not heard by the barrier that covered them, but her light blue hair began to glow and then a gentle breeze blew, while in the sky the moon was revealed, spreading its glow calmly.

She had just prayed to the Moon Goddess of Terra nova and even though that goddess was not of this world, she had responded by waving her powers and extending her ‘authority’.

Light shone around and everyone had a hint of drowsiness that Cardinal Najjar dispelled by waving her hand.

Slowly, silence arose as the authority of the ‘Night’ took effect, managing to drive the monsters and every living creature into slumber.

That powerful entity was the Goddess of Spirits, Night and Moon, by which she was fully known, and her ‘authority’ of ‘Night’ to a lesser extent comprised ‘sleep’ and ‘rest’, managing to bring the creatures to silence.


The creature’s halting voice rang out before it went still, falling into a slumber.

“Stay here and do not make any attacks. They are in a slumber, but any change may awaken them,” Cithrel warned, looking up at the moon, which had a bluish tint to it.

Her hair was also glowing, making her blue become stronger and Edward felt her presence begin to increase.

With Duke Kristoph at her side, they both advanced to the abyssal portal with total calm and stood in front of that portal, performing several analysis spells.

They were still covered by the concealment spell, so they could not be detected.

However, Edward, who was watching from afar, could see Cithrel’s expression turn solemn.

After making several checks together with Duke Kristoph, the latter shook his head and before he could speak, the abyssal portal shook and a monster came out again.

The monster could not see them, but Cithrel waved her hand, creating a sphere of air covering the creature in its entirety and threw it into the portal.


Then the group’s expression changed completely as they saw that halfway through, when the creature was going inside, it was further corrupted by Chaos, before disappearing.

It was no longer like the first time the expedition traveled where the members just walked right in, but in the middle of their journey, they were completely corrupted.

Cithrel gave a glance at the abysmal portal and then retreated with Duke Kristoph at her back.

While that young princess wore a solemn expression that hid all her emotions and seemed unconcerned, Duke Kristoph stood at her back like a protector watching over that abomination.

As she approached, Cithrel perceived the gaze of all present.

“It is impossible to travel and send reinforcements. On our side it’s stable, but on the other side... That’s where there are serious problems,” Cithrel reported, and with a grave expression, she explained. “Monsters can arrive because they are monsters, but if someone travels, Chaos can corrupt them in the middle of their journey and arrive as a monster.”

“We don’t know the cause, but it’s possible it’s because of some circumstances where the abyssal portal is directed,” Duke Kristoph added seriously.


Everyone was silent, and expressions changed in multiple ways.

The meaning was clear... They couldn’t send reinforcements and they couldn’t find out Aurora and Alice’s situation along with the others.

Akira bit her lips, clenching her fist, and Oscar took her hand to try to comfort her, which made her lower her head.

Rupert let out a low growl and Cesar twisted his neck as if he wanted to let out all his emotions in a battle.

For his part, Edward looked up at the rift above.

He felt like a useless... Weak... And helpless.

He couldn’t even say that he had approached the person he admired and before he had the chance, she had disappeared because of an abyssal portal.

Why did an abysmal portal appear in this place?

Was it a play of those powerful entities known as gods?

Were humans treated as children or simply as toys for their amusement?

And most of all... Aurora was no longer there because of them.

That wasn’t a question, it was a fact.

Staring into that deep darkness of the void that seemed to writhe, Edward’s thoughts slowly began to change.

His anger turned to fury, and that fury was fueled by unbridled spite directed at those entities that played with them... Then it turned to those who believed in them and finally to the people who in the end were simply praying hoping that others would solve their problems for them.

His rancor turned to his personal thoughts, from the urban heroes who only played in the cities to those in the heroes guild who only wanted to maintain a status quo.

“Edward, take a deep breath.”

Before his anger could explode, he heard a voice beside him and when he realized his group had surrounded him.

Rupert and Cesar were looking at him seriously, ready to restrain him, but Cardinal Najjar was in front of him, giving him a look.

“Relax your mind and look away from the rift,” Cithrel commanded in a calm voice as she used mental magic.

Edward could feel that, but seeing that the sky was getting dark from his emotions changing the weather, he accepted the mental influence.

Averting his gaze, his mind entered a state of calm, and the sky returned to normal.

“Chaos can corrupt the mind, empowering specific dislikes and emotions. Sometimes leading to madness and sometimes leading people down an unpleasant path. Everyone is in turmoil right now. It is better to go back now and stay away from this place. Your mental states are not suitable for dealing with Chaos,” Cardinal Najjar warned.

Edward looked at her and, seeing the others nodding, realized what they were doing.

Why did they have to come when Cithrel could summon S-ranks under her command?

They were not needed, as more skilled Terranovian could take their place and even paladins of greater power.

Now they were simply brought in to take them away from this place.

Edward watched Cithrel, who ignored him as he took flight with the group.

That princess was trying to keep them away from facing the abyssal portal and the battle that was sure to come in the future, because she wished there would be no complications.

With their mental state, they could cause mistakes and those mistakes could cost them their lives... Something that would make Aurora depressed when she returned.

Maybe they didn’t know if that duo was okay, but what she was sure of was....

“They are still alive,” Cesar said in a thick voice and, as his fur began to burn, he announced. “They are unstoppable.”

They were just now emerging from that veil of darkness as the creatures slowly woke up again.

They did not make an all out attack, as this was not what was planned with the allied forces and their objective was another.

Cesar’s words conveyed a lot of confidence.

“Obviously. have you ever seen Alice lose? Or Aurora give up? I’ve never seen it myself.” Rupert replied as if it were obvious.

Rupert’s companion was Elder Kernen, and he had not accompanied him, as he was an A-Rank and on this mission S-ranks or with the strength of such a rank were accepted. And now he showed confidence for the two sisters.

They both showed confidence clearly and while some might say that the two gorillas were simple-minded, nevertheless they had met the sisters before most.

And that confidence was not to give hope, but was a natural confidence backed by the strength of both sisters.

“They are more capable and experienced than many of us combined,” Liam said, giving a subtle smile.

Both Aurora and Alice were S-ranks and had been for a long time at a very young age.

Even before Edward reached that rank, the two of them were S-ranks... Two S-ranks are capable enough to be involved in complex situations.

Edward could not deny it.

While those words were meant to encourage each other and not lose hope, they came out so naturally that it revealed complete confidence.

The group continued, and Edward watched Cithrel.

Cithrel had only recently met the two sisters, and she had managed to understand Aurora more than he did and at this moment, instead of needlessly hesitating, she was moving to care for those close to her friend.

Unlike him, who blamed himself and felt weak, the others were moving... They were still trying to move forward each in their own way.

They were clear about their goals and their priorities, very different from him who was lost.

What could he do at this point to move forward?

Edward knew... He would at least try to reduce some of the weight she was carrying, either with the relationships of her colleagues or with her goals.

If only a little, just so that when she returned or when they found a way to send help, Aurora could relax for a moment.

“Now we also bring information to prepare for the full assault and close the rift... Once we deliver the information to the allied forces, they will determine how to move and when to move. I don’t know how long it will take to make preparations for the rituals, but I don’t think it will be too long,” Cithrel said and looking at the group, she reported. “Once that happens, that will be the time when we can take over the abyssal portal and move to verify its safety.”

Her words carried confidence and a great clarity in the way she would move.

This was a personal move, so even though the creatures were ‘asleep’ by divine intervention of the Moon Goddess, they did not act rashly.

They had seen the monster’s first hand, and it was great information for when the full assault would take place where they would have to perform a ritual to close the rift.

“The safety of the portal...” Cardinal Najjar muttered, stopping short.

They were already close to the line of defense, but her manner of stopping brought the entire group to an instant halt.

When they looked at her, the group’s expressions changed as they saw that Cardinal Najjar’s eyes were completely white.

“The missing are alive on the other side,” Cardinal Najjar announced as space twisted around her and after her eyes returned to normal, she announced. “I was just told so by my Lord.”

Everyone was shocked to hear those words.

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