The Guardian

Chapter 257: Sister

Chapter 257: Sister

Aurora closed her eyes quietly, but without seeing, she could feel the heavy atmosphere.

No, it was not only heavy; it was an oppressive and extremely cold atmosphere that, at times, became sinister.

Such an atmosphere was generated by a presence at the limit of the S rank, which generated an instinctive terror, enhanced by an intense bloodlust.

Aurora finished telling her part of the story.

How it was that she fell off the cliff... More precisely, who was the individual who pushed her off the cliff killing Cedric and Dan.

That atmosphere lasted a second until it disappeared and that was the moment when Aurora opened her eyes, looking at her sister, who was expressionless.

Nearby were Urfin, Meden, Siba and Alros.

Right now, they were in the goblin camp underground after having communicated with Theodore to report what had happened.

“When I see him, I’m going to kill him,” Alice reported in a simple, empty tone.

She was reporting not to Urfin and the members of the Imperial team, but she was reporting it to her.

It wasn’t words coming out of an angry person, it was simply the warning of someone who had planned the way she would move.

She seemed calm now, but that calmness came from the fact that she had made her decision.

“I’m going to slit his throat and watch him bleed out,” Alice said, with a smile as she noticed that she was looking at her.

Aurora didn’t avert her gaze, even though her sister’s smile seemed too disturbing and sinister when combined with her words.

She could tell Siba was giving a serious look, noticing what kind of person Alice was.

Was Alice trying to scare her?

Aurora knew those words were meant for her... Her sister was trying to make it clear to her what she would do and to what level her anger was at.

She was furious, and in her eyes Marius had crossed the boundaries.

Marius had tried to murder her, and that led to Alice being angry enough to drive her not only past her usual indifference, but to the point where the two could clash.

Alice could save people she didn’t know, become someone who helped people and even be a nice savior, but in the end she didn’t do it for the sake of it, she worked to help her.

However, she also had her limits, and this was the case.

Her sister had tried to assassinate Xu Long some time ago during the international tournament and only because he had said some words that displeased her.

Alice was a lovely young girl who liked chips. She had very different principles and ways of looking at things than Aurora... To the point that they were both in two different positions.

Aurora would eliminate anyone for her goal if necessary, but Alice would murder anyone if she had enough motivation to do so.

Let alone murder someone out of anger, the line was easier to cross than it seemed.

“Theodore, Adala, and even Amanda won’t allow it. They have noticed your seriousness and won’t let you murder him,” Urfin said and meeting Alice’s gaze, his expression quivered, but he added. “Besides, a healer is necessary. Not all of us are fast or resilient.”

If Theodore seemed like someone who was driven by his goals and beliefs, that meant he might object if it went against what he thought or wanted.

Amanda was unknown, and they didn’t know how she would react, but as a paladin of a church, it wasn’t unreasonable to assume she would go for the side of justice.

On the other hand, Adala was a heroine... No doubt she would support the law and seek to see that Marius was punished fairly.

Above all, there was the bigger picture to think about.

Aurora understood it better than anyone else.

She had been hurt, even though in some ways she was a fighter.

Even though she had had a large supply of potions and scrolls, a healer was needed... The healer allowed that in case of an emergency, someone could be taken care of immediately, solving problems that would be difficult to solve with scrolls and potions.

When one looked at the big picture, Marius was vital to survival.


However, Alice simply gave Urfin a dismissive smile.

Alice had certain concerns and the most important one was related to her innate ability, Aurora knew that... Just as she understood that once a situation exceeded its limits, everything else ceased to matter.

Big picture?

To Alice, it didn’t matter too much as long as they both stayed well.

Law and morality?

The only law Alice had was that her chips were sacred and, as for her morality, her indifference to life was extremely high.

That was why, even though she might have some appreciation for Urfin, it could disappear when she wanted to move.

It would be great if they did not intervene, otherwise her marker would change to ‘enemy’ very quickly.

The only reason Alice kept a modicum of calm was because she shared their goals and, in a way, kept hiding her limits, because she didn’t want to show it.

Aurora, who had spent most of her life at her gluttonous sister’s side, knew that Alice did not like to reveal her own interests or beliefs because she did not wish to frighten her or cause her to separate.

People would walk away from someone who could murder with ease, having no remorse, no worry and then being able to rest easy... That was Alice.

But Aurora gave her a look without caring about all that.

“I agree with Urfin,” Aurora said, surprising not only Urfin, but the other Imperial members and then giving a look at her sister, she pointed out. “I plan to rescue the goblins and take us with us through the portal. They have a way to stabilize it and we can use it while we rescue them, for that Marius is needed until they are safe.”

Selfish and treacherous... Anyone who heard her words and could think of such statements.

It was to such an extent that Urfin and the others noticed themselves surprised, believing that she would respond otherwise, being the most affected person.

Aurora could be taken as someone who looked at the big picture and whose values would not allow her to murder Marius who tried to murder her or they could see her as a selfish person who only cared about what she wanted.

Aurora didn’t care what the others thought, she simply watched her sister, who nodded without letting any of those emotions show.

Alice wasn’t angry at her words and she didn’t feel betrayed either, that’s because just as Aurora understood her gluttonous sister, her sister managed to understand her... Along with the hidden intention in her words.

“For me, there are only important people and those who are not... The latter are expendable. Goblins and everyone else are expendable,” Alice revealed earnestly.

Again Alice displayed a supposed coolness of extreme indifference, one that was not entirely as she appeared.

Alice was not a murderous, emotionless machine.

When she became close to someone for a long time, she managed to connect with that person and it was possible for such people to become important individuals to her.

That importance varied, but it was present, very different from how it appeared now.

Perhaps Alice didn’t realize it, or maybe she did and ignored it and walked away, but Aurora simply nodded.

Her sister didn’t care about the goblins or saving them, just as she didn’t care about most of the group that came to this place... Such a thought was a given.

That was why she could now say....

“I will murder him,” Alice announced and looking at those present, she declared. “And all those who try to stop me will be my enemies.”

Alice’s detachment now allowed her to speak those words that were a clear warning to the imperial group.

Aurora met Urfin’s gaze.

The captain of the imperial group wanted her to stop Alice and, in a way, she was the only one who could say anything.

But how could Aurora say anything understanding her sister?

Aurora was angry because she almost died because of Marius and also upset about the end of Dan, who had nothing to do with the conflict Cedric had, but she understood the big picture and could not ignore it and more so when she wanted to accomplish her goals.

So the only answer she could give was....

“I understand,” Aurora replied, nodding without giving it too much thought.

She understood because if she was on the other side and her sister was in her same situation, she would feel the same emotions.

Emotions that would exceed her limits and would be to such an extreme that it would lead her to surpass her own values and ideals.

Urfin shook his head and walked away, taking his group with him.

He knew that now he could say nothing. That was why he went to prepare to see how to leave this place.

They left Aurora alone with her sister, whose gaze became complex.

What they had just done was an unspoken arrangement.

Once the goblins were safe as well as them, Marius could die.

That was what Aurora was saying and when that time came... Alice had a free path to move.

Alice’s complex expression came from the fact that, because of her actions, she was pressuring her to accept that future action, which was likely to cause trouble for both of them.

Aurora knew better than anyone, but....

“Come, I want a hug from my sister,” Aurora said, opening her arms.

Alice’s expression quivered as she heard the warm tone of her voice and she slowly walked over and halfway there, Aurora stepped forward and gave her sister a hug.

Although Aurora sometimes called Alice, friend, she was actually her dear sister... She was her family.

So, holding her close, she hugged that glutton tightly, feeling her sister tense up.

“No matter what you do and what you become... You will always be my sister,” Aurora murmured, hugging Alice, who looked like an emotionless doll and moving closer to her ear, she whispered. “And no matter what anyone else says, we will always be family.”

Alice trembled subtly at her words and after a moment, she relaxed and then gave a sigh as she returned the hug.

No matter what others said about Alice or what she herself tried to let on, to Aurora she would be her friend, sister and family.

To some, it might be wrong to have that confidence when one thought of the actions a person who had no interest in another’s life might do, but Aurora would not change.

No... She would change, because if it was necessary, she didn’t mind following her sister’s actions and even supporting her directly.

Would it be a change for the worse?


Because it didn’t matter if they both fell into the abyss, at least they would be accompanied, and that was pleasant enough to ignore everything else.


Theodore surveyed the surroundings with a serious expression.

Adala was biting her nails, letting it be seen that her nerves were slowly pushing their limits.

It was normal because of what had happened.

One member of their group ended up killing two members and almost eliminating a third.

They were in a life and death situation, but it came to this point where one of them betrayed the others.

As if that wasn’t enough, they also learned that a large SS-ranked creature, known as the ‘Great Worm’ was present in this area.

The only good thing was that at least there was a method to stabilize the portal... And that was doubtful for Theodore, since it came from some dirty goblins.

“When Alice comes, you guys need to protect me. What are you going to do without a healer?”

A voice sounded from behind him, and Theodore turned around to look at the person who had just spoken.

They were now in the safe zone, underground, outside the tent, waiting for the returning group.

Amanda was outside helping by using her god’s powers to see if she could speed up the trip, and now it was just the three of them.

Theodore, Adala and Marius.

“Shut up. You deserve the worst,” Adala spat, gritting her teeth.

Theodore could tell Adala was quite angry, and that was because of Marius’ calmness, even though his group had already been informed of what he did and they all knew the truth.

“That may be, but that has to be seen through to justice,” Marius said with a serious expression that came across as fake and looking at Adala, he added. “Now, what is clear is that you need a healer... Without me, if a situation should happen where you require advanced treatment, a potion or parchment will not help you.”

With his first words, he was trying to prioritize himself through respecting the laws that humans usually gave importance to and more so for people like Adala who was a heroine.

Terranovans and a few individuals thought differently.

As for his final comment, it was true.

A potion would heal by aiding regeneration, a scroll would also solve important problems, but only a healer... Someone specialized in studying and treating the body meticulously, would be the ultimate salvation.

His multiplicity of spells in healing magic increased that need.

Theodore watched as Adala’s expression became difficult.

Faced with the fear of death and the guarantee of survival in the event of danger compared to revenge... It was clear which people would normally lean towards and more so when they were not the ones affected.

However, that ‘normal’ did not agree with Alice.

She had made it clear what she was going to do if something had happened to Aurora and it was Marius’ fault.

Theodore knew that such an individual seemed to have no boundaries.

“I will accept my crimes and face justice, but you need me now.” Marius said earnestly.

The man was trying to point to the sense of respect for laws and the idealization of justice, trying to save himself by that means and for those who could see through him, it was a stupid joke.

Romania, where the abysmal portal was located, was a corrupt nation and while some were trying to change that, the truth was that laws and justice were less than a joke.

Marius was an S rank and had both prestige and authority and as if that wasn’t enough, there was no law to punish murder committed on another plane or world.

So justice was tied to the nation, and it was doubtful that Romania would do anything.

Even if some wanted to punish Marius, using the dungeon murder law, the time for justice to be done would last years, if he didn’t escape first.

Theodore understood all that and that was why he ignored it, just as he paid no attention to that young heroine.

In the big picture, a healer was necessary, that much was clear from the beginning.

Having a healer was vital for any high-ranking expedition or dungeon raid and having one in this kind of situation was lucky.

Time passed slowly until there was a noise from above, and then Amanda descended with Urfin.

They were followed by Meden, Alros, Siba and at the end came Aurora, accompanied by Alice.

The coldness with which that young woman gave her look made even Marius become serious and slightly pale, hiding his trembling hand in fear of what might happen.

However, nothing happened... Alice just gave Marius a look and ignored him, while Aurora also did the same.

Had Urfin arranged it with them beforehand?

That was the highest possibility for Theodore... That the captain would settle this conflict to look at the common goal was not so strange.

As he was about to stop looking, he noticed a goblin accompanying the group.

“We need to get ready. We need to move to the portal. The Great Worm is likely to pursue us. We are talking about a SS rank beast,” Urfin said and looking at the elder goblin, he introduced. “Zorkas has the tools to stabilize the portal for us.”

What was the price of tranquility?

That question was answered immediately as Theodore watched as Alice shadowed several goblins in the vicinity.

Maybe those goblins were the reason why Aurora wasn’t so upset and Alice was calm... Because rescuing goblins made it simpler to let what Marius did go, at least for now.

“As for what happened... We’ll sort it out in due time.” Urfin said and giving Marius a cold look, he ordered. “However, if you do not obey orders, I will hasten that time.”

Marius only raised his hand in a nod, but that his lips quivered as he got his way gave a glimpse of some happiness.

It was clear that everyone was going to keep an eye on him to make sure he didn’t do anything shady again, but Theodore could feel another strange sensation.

It wasn’t only because of the indifference of Alice and Aurora, who were practically the victim, it was also because of the smile of that human from the fire lands and the look of the other imperial members.

It was as if they knew there was more to it than they thought.

Still, for Theodore, it didn’t matter as long as he could get out of this place safely.

“As for the SS rank creature. We have some hidden cards,” Urfin said earnestly, looking especially at Adala for reassurance.

What were those methods?

They were hard to tell, but it was clear that, like any Terranovans, they were never simple.

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