The Guardian

Chapter 274: Investigation

Chapter 274: Investigation

In a meeting room, Liam projected several reports from his information network.

“We have investigated the missing persons, and the number is higher than we had expected. The causers remain unknown because of the low influence of our information network in the area, which does not allow us to find out more. Still, we have managed to discover several things,” Liam reported and then began his explanation.

The information network in Douala where these disappearances were happening was weak and that meant that they could not conduct a deeper investigation.

The budget that had been given was to cover quite a few networks all over Africa and it was already remarkable that it came to one city, so no one judged it and they paid attention to the information.

Although it was not discovered who were the ones causing such disappearances, it came to be seen that they were humans and not magical beasts, as the rumors said.

An organization or group of people abducted and kidnapped local people.

Their targets were those who ‘didn’t matter’, villagers from the surrounding area, vagrants and people in difficult and complicated circumstances.

The leader of Duala City was an S rank and while they did not have a bad relationship with him, such an individual only ‘ruled’ and ‘collected taxes’ by dedicating himself to the protection of the city.

Such a thing meant that he would not care about the disappearances of insignificant people who could disappear for various causes.

The circumstances of the disappeared were multiple. Some disappeared when they went to work, never to be seen again, and others fell for false promises.

The latter was what managed to give them away and reveal that those who carried out such acts were human.

While the person in question could get away with it, further investigation and follow-up with the suspect revealed that it was not the first time they had done it.

As much as Aurora disliked it, such situations were frequent on this great continent and most were difficult to avoid because of the lack of authorities.

That was why it was now planned to move.

“Their stealth capabilities are high and some decent level of strength is anticipated,” Liam reported earnestly.

No matter how hard they tried to hide, when the number of missing people increased, it would reach a point where it would be impossible to hide.

Liam’s analysis was given following those little pieces that his information network managed to uncover.

“We are already investigating newcomers, guilds, mercenary groups, heroes and militiamen. The Warlord is more focused on ruling the area and currently his attention is on the magical beasts and their internal affairs,” Liam added calmly.

There were warlords ruling their own areas and cities. Such an event was normal on the west side of Africa.

Not all warlords could be eliminated because they somewhat maintained a balance in the area.

Zerzura could bring in immigrants from abroad and invited them to welcome them with open arms, but they could not expand and take over other cities in distant areas.

That was why, instead of ruling Kenya, they supported the Warlord of Mombasa to raise a country.

As long as those people are stuck to their rules, they would turn a blind eye on some issues that could be overlooked.

No one said anything about the performance of this warlord.

Duala City was close to the magic forest and while the resources that could be earned were huge, having magical beasts as neighbors was a huge problem and more so when these beasts could get angry.

“The magical beasts that are in charge of the western defense during this time are the ‘Goliathus’. That’s why tensions are getting higher and higher,” Colonel Makeba reported.

He had come on behalf of the army when they learned of the future mission his group was about to take.

The other person present was High Priestess Xaali who had been silently listening.

Aurora’s expression turned slightly serious upon hearing such information.

They were allied with the Queen of the Forest and much of the magical forest. That meant they shared quite a bit of information with various magical beasts and even cooperated.

If they needed help clearing a dungeon, eliminating a group of aggressive magical beasts, or needed some equipment, Zerzura provided it.

The biggest relationship they had was with the Apicius Company because of the deals on plants, fruits or magical materials that could be obtained in the forest and provided by the beasts in exchange for many things.

However, among all the magical beasts with intelligence and could be considered as ‘tribes’ among them, the ‘Goliathus’ was one of the most troublesome.

That magical insect had high intelligence and its advantage was centered on defense, with a great affinity to earth magic.

Such creatures were quite aggressive against humans because they were hunted with emphasis due to their shells that could be transformed into excellent protective equipment.

Shields or armor obtained great defense when created by the body of those magical beasts.

It was normal for them to become aggressive towards humans, and even more so when considering their rancor.

Of course, they were part of the ‘magical forest’ and were under the ‘Queen of the Forest’ that was why they were dedicated to her protection.

Moreover, among them was said to be a SS rank.

“Still, we need to cooperate with them,” Aurora said and rubbing her temple, she pointed out. “Cooperation is vital to stop the magical beast hunters, and if possible, we should also help them do other tasks. We need to get closer to our allies.”

They were allies and to cement that alliance, cooperation was needed to achieve their common goals.

While relationships depended on the different magical beasts, it was normal to seek to increase their understanding and the best way was to lend support for tasks they could not accomplish or had difficulties with.

“So, will this mission be official?” High Priestess Xaali asked.

“Yes. We will provide support to our allies and in this way allow us to eliminate the hunters should the need arise. As for the missing, there are always ways to intervene by going as ‘Zerzura’,” Aurora replied, after thinking about it.

Right now it was hard not to move in an ‘official’ way because the title of ‘Protector of Zerzura’ was tied to the city itself and every step she took was like a movement of the city.

And while she disliked her title, she couldn’t deny that the advantages in diplomacy were high, though limitations were also present.

“We will organize those who will attend. High Priestess Xaali expected to accompany us. We need someone focused on criminology to find those responsible for the missing and even use it in other areas,” Aurora said and seeing the priestess nod, she looked at Colonel Makeba and hesitated. “As for your proposal...”

She fell silent.

She had asked High Priestess Xaali to assist, and it was going to come in handy if she ran into some trouble.

Her response rate with her god was sky high, which meant that priestess could borrow her god’s powers to a rather greater degree.

Seeing the past would allow her to find the culprits in case Liam’s information network was ineffective.

However, the matter was changing with regard to Colonel Makeba.

He had attended upon hearing that he was preparing a mission for a separate objective.

“I understand the circumstance of the mission and the possible outcome. Even so, it is necessary to nurture those with potential and relate it to the commanding authorities, to demonstrate the unity of Zerzura City,” Colonel Makeba expressed.

It was a clear speech prepared in advance.

The difficulty of the mission was uncertain.

Depending on the magical beast hunters and how they moved, would be the way she would respond.

It was possible that it would end in a pitched battle where it would be difficult to try to suppress and capture, which made the possibility of assassination high.

However, for the missing persons, it was another matter and the possibility of the situation ending in a bloody event was high.

After all, the perpetrators could be slavers, cultists or demonic cults looking for sacrificial material.

Colonel Makeba, with his speech, circumvented that issue and gave his aim in participating today.

He had asked for a group of soldiers to accompany them and among them were the rookies who had the most potential and were being nurtured to serve Zerzura.

It had not been long since Zerzura City had been founded, but they had a high sense of unity due to the hardships they had gone through, which was why quite a few young people were signing up for the army.

Adding that immigrants kept arriving due to the different missions that were carried out to bring them in, it was common for talents to arrive.

But having them come to her was what was tricky, as many of such individuals did not know her and when combined with them being of a similar age, then it became tedious.

It wasn’t her forte to babysit young people and more so when she was completely unaware of their character; it was why, to her former hero academy students, she chose it personally.

“It’s also a good way to show the younger ones how Zerzura moves and those who work quietly.” Added High Priestess Xaali agreeing and giving a glance, she stated. “If I may, I would like to bring in talented apprentices.”

She was usually serious and silent, being quite strict and also not one to ask for too much, so now Aurora could only sigh.

“I understand. I will allow it. However, you will only fulfill some missions and depending on the circumstances, you will not participate fully,” Aurora replied and after thinking about it, she added. “If the group is number. I would expect them to send someone known to them as a leader.”

She had thought about moving herself, her friend and High Priestess Xaali leaving Liam for support, but now her plan changed completely.

She understood that nurturing new talent was important to Zerzura, as it was possible that one of them would manage to become an S rank and serve as support.

As for if they were to become even stronger in the future, that would be great, as Zerzura would have another pillar and no longer solely General McLean would be burdened with being the only SS rank.

“The date has been selected, but before that we need to see what other way we can help when we move,” Aurora added earnestly.

She wished to leave in February if nothing happened to advance her trip.

That time was quite soon to come and that meant that the expedition to the abyssal portals was about to depart.

While waiting for the results or reports from that place, she didn’t want to be doing nothing, so this was the best way to ‘distract’ herself.

Moving to do something useful.

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