The Guardian

Chapter 283: The Best Gift

Chapter 283: The Best Gift

Nuur Amadayo contemplated the small lake in front of him.

In that place were some animals drinking water calmly, as if they didn’t know they were being watched.

Right now he had hidden himself by using his nature magic to surround himself with roots.

If anyone tried to detect anything, they would feel some vitality coming from the roots and would not notice that he was inside.

Right now he was waiting for his targets to come to this place and he wasn’t going to deny that he was excited.

Zerzura Academy had not been open for a long time, but Zerzura supported education in its entirety.

The authorities sought to train those individuals with talents and while they were not required to repay kindness, Amadayo as well as those who entered sought to do so.

Amadayo as a former refugee, knew how difficult it was to live in Africa and understood the difficulty of fighting for something that seemed lost.

He was young, but that didn’t mean he didn’t understand the complexity of creating a city and helping refugees.

He turned his gaze to the depths of the lake where the two people who were highly familiar were hiding.

For some reason, images of them were not allowed to be seen, but when talking about Zerzura, the ‘Protectors of Zerzura’ were always brought into the conversation.

Whether it was the stories in which they were portrayed as the first to step forward to found the city, the stories of how they guided refugees and brought them from different areas or the way they saved and mainly protected the city when needed.

They faced monsters, creatures, magical beasts, warlords and all kinds of situations, engraving their names on every event related to Zerzura.

Still, Amadayo when he saw them felt... That it was exaggerated.

His thought in part was guided by the youth of both of them and how unreal everything seemed to his eyes and also the idea that they seemed to be worshipped to the point that it was impossible to define whether it was fanaticism or unquestioning loyalty and both cases were excessive and exaggerated.

Such a feeling was not so high in the Zerzura Academy because some of the teachers were foreigners and did not even know the history of Zerzura, but when one entered the army, everything changed.

In the army, the ‘Protector of Zerzura’ was a title equal to General McLean... A former ‘Great Warlord’ and SS rank.

The title ‘Protector of Zerzura’ and all the reputation they both had gave the impression that she was taking all the prestige from the support others had given and downplaying the efforts of those who went unnoticed.

Amadayo, as a former refugee helped by another group’s expedition, had mixed feelings.

Those who literally risked their lives to help others passed into oblivion... All the while padding that title.

—Be ready, I am informed that they are on the move.—Aurora said through telepathy.

Amadayo prepared his wand, leaving his thoughts aside.

He was an S rank and so were the two of them, but they were not the only ones.

Captain Sadiya, who was a swordsman and High Priestess Xaali was also present along with her companions Chayambaso and Okello.

Bringing up the rear was the healer Vanessa and her companion Joslyn, providing support.

As if that wasn’t enough, Pilirani and several Goliathus beetles were prepared for the ambush. Everything was ready, and all that remained was to wait.

Amadayo watched with great attention and then he saw how space distorted as a group passed by.

They were two saber-wielding swordsmen, an archer, a sniper and a water mage, led by an S-rank space mage.

Aside from the space mage, all the others were A-ranked and fully equipped, making it clear that they were the hunters.

—High Priestess Xaali will give the signal. —Aurora warned earnestly.

Space stabilized, and the group of hunters observed the surroundings.

Then the signal came, as space became distorted by the surroundings, preventing long distance travel of space magic.

High Priestess Xaali had moved using her lord’s ‘space’ power and the next moment, the battle began.

“Ambush!” shouted the leader immediately.


Who attacked first was a five meter tall black creature that came out of the lake, hitting the space mage’s barrier.

The group of hunters had reacted like professionals at their best, raising a magical barrier to protect themselves.

Although they could protect themselves from that attack, it was only temporary.


Aurora was ejected from the back of that black creature and slashed with her sword at the barrier, shattering it to pieces.

While her target could dodge the slash, it gave her time for them to move.

Amadayo cast his nature magic spell, sending out from all the trees leaves that began to cut everything in their path.

Simple blades gained the edge of swords when thrown by an S-rank mage.

He launched his attack directly at the center of the group to get his enemies to split up to dodge, and such a situation did not happen.

“[Aquatic Explosion]”


The water mage waved his wand, leading to the lake exploding, showing the reason why they had come to this place.

They were professional individuals who had selected a lake in case they were suddenly attacked by their enemies... Now their caution showed its effectiveness.

Still, such an action was all they could do.


Like a terrible monster, the large creature extended dozens of tentacles from its body, causing everyone to flee in terror.

Such an attack allowed it to separate, leading to their team dealing with them individually.

Okello chased a swordsman in his lycanthrope form into a dangerous battle and, on the other hand, Chayambaso and Captain Sadiya went after the other swordsman.

Leaving High Priestess Xaali preventing long distance space magic from being used.

All while Alice and Aurora took care of the space mage who let on how terrifying he was.

Distorting space, he made the black tentacles become black masses and, using spells at close range to move, he avoided Aurora’s red slashes.

Amadayo, who had been watching as he prepared his next attack, moved.

“There are too many of them!”

The enemy team’s sniper shouted as roots started coming out of the ground, trying to chase him.

The same was happening to the water mage and the archer who were trying to quickly run away from the roots.

Their roots could cause powerful blows and they moved fast, but the thorns were what generated fear... And they had to have it.

Once caught by the roots, the thorns would dig deep into the body, causing terrible pain.

However, it was also a move that led their enemies into a trap and the trap succeeded.

“What, help!”

The archer, before he could shoot an arrow, stepped on the ground to jump and it was at that moment that the earth sank and swallowed him.

His cry for help was the last thing that was heard as the Goliathus began to come out of the earth, digging their way out with earth magic.

They were not a small group. Pilirani was extremely angry and had brought several of his members with him.

About seven A-ranked Goliathus with high defense and considerable strength, who were capable of using earth magic. Each one hit the ground throwing dozens of earth spears, causing the sniper to try to dodge.

For his part, Amadayo moved in, throwing a fireball from his wand at the water mage, who was trying to flee into the small lake.


The water mage knew what awaited him if he stopped and, gritting his teeth, he received the fireball which burned part of his body.

“We need to run away now!” the water mage shouted.

The two swordsmen acted immediately, trying to get closer to their companions, but Chayambaso, Captain Sadiya and Okello teamed up with two Goliathus and stopped them.

Amadayo approached, preparing an attack to immobilize the group.

The sniper had already fallen into the trap of the Goliathus who surrounded and immobilized him.

All that was left was the water mage who was free in the lake and upstairs the space mage who was being extremely troublesome even when facing two S ranks.

His space magic, despite being sealed at the long distance, was certainly problematic, but what was holding them back was that none of the three wished to cause too much destruction so as not to affect their colleagues.

As Amadayo sent flying hundreds of tiny thorns that would paralyze the body, the water mage tore a scroll he pulled from his space ring.



The next moment, a piercing sound spread, making everyone who heard it let out groans of pain.

It was a terrible pain... It was an S-rank spell of air magic that tried to cause disorientation in all those who heard it.

They each had personal barriers that were activated to ward off the noise, but Amadayo felt his vision tremble as his ears began to bleed.


All the remaining members of the enemy team advanced, dodging their opponents to gather themselves, and the space mage tried to do the same.

That sonic attack caused even an S-rank like him or Pilirani to be hit, but it wasn’t everyone and that was the group’s mistake.


The five meter tall creature fell, crushing the two swordsmen with its large legs, which then extended tentacles.

Aurora launched a powerful slash that split the earth and cut down all the trees in its path, preventing them from gathering.

“If you do not surrender, you will die,” Aurora revealed with her powerful red aura, circling her sword again.

She had an expression of slight pain, but the body released a strong vitality that helped her overcome the pain and injuries.

On the other hand, the creature, or rather Alice, who was inside that creature, was not affected by the attack.

Their group had not attacked with all their might because they needed them alive for interrogation, but if the situation went too far, they would all leave their limits.

The Goliathus that were watching with Pilirani showed that they were very interested in killing them all.

The space mage needed only a glance before he waved his hand and broke the space around him, escaping.

He knew that High Priestess Xaali was affected by the sonic attack and that was why he struggled to flee without helping his companions.

“Take care of the swordsmen,” Alice said suddenly as the black creature deformed into liquid and disappeared into Aurora’s back.

Aurora, for her part, activated her armor and disappeared with space magic following her target.

All while High Priestess Xaali did the same, with her own teleportation.

“We surrender...” said the water mage.

He was surrounded by several A-ranks and two S-ranks... Trying to escape was simply suicide.

Amadayo took it upon himself to immobilize the swordsmen and the water mage to then invite Vanessa and Joslyn to heal the wounded.

The archer and the sniper had serious injuries, but could survive, while the water mage had to endure the burns.

As for the wounds of their group, they were mostly superficial or light compared to those of their opponents and such an outcome showed that the ambush went as successfully as they had hoped.

After waiting several minutes, Alice, Aurora and High Priestess Xaali returned.

When they thought their enemy had fled, Alice’s shadow rose and, turning solid, spat at the space mage.

“His wounds are contained by magic and treated with a scroll, but he needs immediate attention,” Aurora said with a serious expression.

The three looked not only calm, but their condition was much better than the space mage who had cuts all over his body and whose condition was deplorable.


“The space mage’s condition is stable and we will soon be able to conduct the interrogation.” Vanessa revealed with a serious tone, and giving her a look, she asked. “Will they talk?”

Aurora, who heard that question, hesitated for a moment.

The team of magical beast hunters turned out to be more professional than she had expected and cooler.

If it wasn’t for the fact that they had set up the ambush and had all the advantage, it was possible that the group of hunters would have escaped or the outcome would have been different.

That space mage as soon as he had the chance, he fled immediately and then when they followed he fought fiercely, always wanting to escape.

It was thanks to High Priestess Xaali that they prevented him from escaping and only then were they able to capture him.

Still, it was hard for Aurora to know if such an individual would talk.

“We don’t know. Liam will take over their holographic clocks and check to see if we can get any information,” Aurora replied and looking at the building they were locked in, she commented. “If we don’t manage to get information, we’ll leave it to the magical beasts.”

Pilirani had informed her that she could handle getting the information because she was going to ask for support from their ‘higher ups’.

Which meant that from the center of the magical forest, they would send a magical beast to take charge of finding the information.

It would most likely be a magical beast of the mental type or one with an enchantment ability.

While ‘tribes’ of magical beast species such as the Goliathus or the Thundering Gorillas were the majority, one would always find other types of magical beasts evolving in different ways.

An example of such rarities was the ‘Rejuvenating Butterflies’.

Perhaps those means would be considered illegal in a country with rights and laws, but in the magical forest, the ends justified the means.

In her case, she was no saint to protect the rights of criminals.

“Sure, we also sent photos of them to look for their histories and see if they could be found in international criminal networks. Once Zerzura City does the checks, we’ll know their identities,” Aurora added with a half smile.

Some of those captured individuals were Latin American, and some even had American accents.

It was noticeable that they were not from this continent and finding their backgrounds would help to know their identities and their organizations.

Once they confessed or got as much information out of her as possible, she could prepare her next move.

“I understand. I’ll take care of checking their status continuously,” Vanessa said and, giving him a smile, she added. “By the way, happy birthday.”

Aurora was a little surprised, and then smiled.

“Thank you,” she replied in a calm manner.

Today was February 12... Her birthday and her gluttonous sister’s birthday.

“We’ll see about eating something delicious later. It would be nice if you came with Joslyn,” Aurora invited with a smile.

Vanessa gave her a strange look, but then sighing, she accepted and she left the room, understanding Vanessa’s emotions.

It was her birthday, and she was still working... The truth was that she felt that such a routine was commonplace in her life.

Aurora walked away from the medical area of the barracks and headed to the building where she resided.

While it was nice to celebrate her birthday, her group had decided to postpone the celebration because not only did her former academy classmates have training and were busy, but she herself had work to do.

Cithrel was very focused on her quest, and Akira was training with her group, looking to improve.

All while they themselves had work to do.

The magical beast hunters had to be stopped and caught before they incited others to do the same acts or angered the magical beasts, and they moved in with all their might.

As if that wasn’t enough, the missing persons Liam was investigating were still a problem that required quick solutions.

Checking her holographic watch that she had set to silent, she was grateful for the messages sending her 'happy birthday' and when she saw a special message, a smile appeared on her lips.

When she entered the building she could see Alice talking on the phone.

“Here just came Aurora,” Revealed Alice, putting the phone on speaker.

“Happy birthday, daughter. Sorry I wasn’t with you.”

The voice coming from the other end was her father, as calm and collected as ever.

“You better not work so hard. You need to take some time to enjoy your life,” her mother said with a serious tone.

If her father lamented about leaving them alone, her mother advised her to prioritize her personal life before her goals and work.

“You don’t have to worry. I’m fine and no, I’m not working too hard. I try to take everything somewhat calmly,” Aurora replied, and giving a mysterious smile, she added. “Besides, I’m enjoying my life... Trying to experience things I never experienced.”

Alice gave her a curious look, but she chuckled to herself.

Aurora wasn’t lying. She was taking the situation in stride, knowing the moment to worry and to act.

It was why she was only keeping herself informed about the abyssal portals and focusing on something she could intervene in like the magical beast hunters.

“I’ll go take a bath. Then get dinner ready for today,” Aurora stated before fleeing to her room, avoiding her parents’ questions at her words.

She was experiencing things she hadn’t before... She wasn’t lying on that subject.

Locking the door to her room and raising a barrier, Aurora checked her holographic clock.

“I’m already unoccupied.” -TheSimplicityOfLife

Sending that message to Kairos, who had messaged her in case she was busy to chat, she waited for the reply.

Then, her holographic watch vibrated and a video call appeared on the screen, waiting to be answered.

Aurora tried to hold back her smile, but couldn’t as she settled her clothes and checked that everything around her was in order and then accepted the call.


“Happy birthday!”

Before Aurora could joke, Kairos was projected in full body, greeting her with a smile.

He was on top of a building dressed in a suit, giving her a big, animated, happy smile.

It was as if he was about to attend an important event... No, at this moment, he was attending that event.

Aurora smiled happily.

“Thank you. It’s actually a nice treat to see you,” she commented flirtatiously and giving a playful smile, she added. “I’ll leave aside the issue of you knowing my birthday when I never mentioned it and congratulate you on encouraging you to make a video call.”

Kairos’ expression trembled for a moment, feeling embarrassed and shy... Her way of indirectly telling him ‘stalker’ made him cringe.

Aurora enjoyed seeing such a reaction, and it was to the point where she felt herself regaining some of her energy.

“I think the one who is being rewarded is me. I’m glad I get to celebrate your birthday with you,” Kairos replied with a smile and then, waving his hand, he ordered the drone to follow him.

He was on top of a large building and the drone recording him projected the entire view of the city and far away.

“I was going to save it until I saw you again, but I couldn’t resist,” Kairos confessed, giving a command on his holographic watch.

Hundreds and thousands of drones rose from all parts of Atlantis City high in the sky.

They glowed in the distance and when they combined, they formed a large ‘happy birthday’ that glowed different colors and hues, leading it to stand out from a distance.

Aurora was surprised, but when she saw Kairos’ smile looking at what he was doing, she was mesmerized in it.

The young man was not someone shy. She had seen some interviews where he was always serious and indifferent, but now with his smile so nice he gave a unique sense of happiness.

It was an honest and deep happiness, as if it was him who was having a birthday.

“I thought about asking you out on a date and just did it, but in the end, I couldn’t hold back. Do you like it?” Kairos asked and, as if realizing something, he added. “It’s not expensive at all.”

Aurora’s lips quivered.

His final clarification made her smile, amused and instead of looking at the drones, she kept her gaze on his sapphire colored eyes.

“Yes, I like you,” Aurora replied and realizing that one letter had come out too many, she asked. “Why are you so happy?”

Her expression trembled slightly as she realized something had come out that shouldn’t have, but her question was quick enough to distract that young man.

Kairos stood in thought, letting on that it was an important question in his eyes.

“Aside from being able to be a part of your life, my happiness is not because of your birthday. It’s that this day you were born,” Kairos said, and with the same serious expression, he stated. “The day it all began.”

It was quite profound, but his solemn expression led Aurora to give him a look with full attention.

The ‘celebration’ wasn’t about having a birthday, it was about the fact that on a day like this she had been born... And in a way it had all started for her.

“It sounded nicer in my mind...” Kairos muttered, covering his face with some embarrassment.

Aurora laughed.

It sounded strange and gave the feeling that he would probably thank his parents for having her.

And if the idea spread, he would thank the midwife, the doctor and so on... That was the feeling he was giving off.

“I’m just happy to be able to celebrate your birthday with you,” Kairos added, trying to regain his seriousness.

Such honesty led to Aurora giving a pleasant smile, and they both looked at each other carefully.

She lost herself in his eyes, slowly feeling her cheeks heat up.

“I think the best gift, instead of drones, would be for you to put a bow on your head and present yourself to me.” Aurora pointed out as she sensed she was feeling shy.

Her tone was flirtatious and ambiguous, leading to Kairos turning slightly red... Even though her jokes were repeated, they were still very effective.

Enjoying his embarrassment and feeling better at her pounding heart, she gave a smile.

“I’m not kidding about the bow tie. I’m working now, but when I finish everything I have to do, I’ll be unoccupied,” Aurora pointed out, thinking about her schedule.

While she had arranged something with her group, Cithrel and Akira, it didn’t mean she couldn’t arrange a date.

When she met with her group, it would be when Clementine would be unoccupied and for all she knew, that could be delayed and more so when that psionic had advised that she was busy meditating.

She had received some advice at some sort of meeting, and now she was engaged in meditation.

“A date... I’d love to,” Kairos replied with a bright smile and with the same excitement, she commented. “Just let me know when you’re free and I’ll take care of everything.”

He looked quite excited, which made Aurora giggle softly.

Enjoying the look on the other party’s face.


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