The Guardian

Chapter 37: Inside the dungeon

Chapter 37: Inside the dungeon

As soon as they entered, the first thing all the group members did was to look around.

They could tell at a glance that this place differed from a natural dungeon.

It was a large, wide, and quite high cavern.

There were a few other glowing rocks that served as illumination along the way, but the size made it clear that many things could appear.

“Is everyone ready?” Érica asked, taking command of all the groups as planned.

The members of the groups checked their equipment.

Eva and the other mechanics and weapons masters checked their weapons carefully.

Wendy and other archers counted their arrows in the quiver with serious expressions.

Alexey and some other mages checked their wands and their space rings in which they had potions.

Cristian, Marc, and the other fighters or swordsmen only checked if their equipment didn’t bother them to move or interrupt their movements.

Aurora just stretched as if she was getting ready for a fight, with her combat suit already equipped.

When everyone was ready, they moved forward carefully.

The space was an open cavern where there was no hidden area, but that didn’t mean it would be any easier.

In such an open place, the monsters could easily take them down if they attacked them in large groups.

To everyone’s surprise, it didn’t take long for the creatures to appear.

With a slight tremor on the ground, a group of wild boars appeared from the front.

Aurora identified them as Rank C stone boars, whose single most notable trait was their charging strength and defense.

It was the creature Cristian and some of the students had faced, but these creatures were different.

Their eyes were wild and full of intense madness.

“Watch out, we’ve run into a ‘monster’,” Aurora revealed quickly.

It had not mutated, but Chaos had consumed this creature,’ and the savagery had increased.

That was quickly proven when the boars snarled and attacked the group, even though their numbers were low compared to theirs.

Those who took up the task were those with long-range roles, specifically the archers and weapons masters.

Wendy drew her bow and shot her arrow.

This arrow had considerable power behind it, and Wendy’s accuracy was unique.


The boar rolled as an arrow hit its head, and the others didn’t take too long to do the same.

Eva used her silenced pistol to fire calmly.



Arrows and shots hit the boars, wounding them everywhere.

There were one or two extra shots that hit a wild boar, but most of them had knocked down their target, managing to finish them all off.

Cristian and other swordsmen quickly moved in and pierced the heads of the boars that were still alive.

“So these are monsters?” Alexey asked, approaching to investigate the corpses.

Érica followed close behind.

“It looks like a common stone boar, but... Its armor is starting to have a black, slimy hue,” Érica muttered, checking it carefully.

It was of utmost importance to check which enemy they would face and find out if it was a monster born from ‘Chaos’ or a creature born from magical energy.

Monsters were violent and savage. They had no regard for their own body and were ready to attack regardless of their state and situation.

The creatures still kept their animal instincts and, although wild, they were still creatures with slight intelligence.

“Apparently this one here was mutating,” Alexey muttered, looking at the slimy abdomen of one of the boars.

That black goo seemed to change the boar’s rocky skin, making it stronger.

That was another danger of monsters... They mutated into all sorts of existences, which in the end could be completely unrecognizable to the creatures they were at the beginning and with a strength superior to magical creatures or beasts.

In this type of temporary dungeons could be found both types of enemies.

“Good, then everyone increases your caution towards the enemies. Front rank fighters, don’t let the enemies get close. Those at a distance don’t hit the people protecting you,” Érica stated, and though it sounded like a joke, her tone was serious.

Marc grunted in annoyance when he heard the last part.

Aurora accepted the order and followed the group.

With twenty-five students, it was obvious that their group would attract attention and after walking several meters, other enemies presented themselves.

First were three wolves who as soon as they saw them fled.

Those were just creatures and not monsters, which made the students feel relieved, but a few minutes later they regretted it.

“Grrrr!” With an angry growl for trespassing on their territory, two dozen wolves approached, wanting to surround the group.

A B-rank black wolf led C-rank wolves.

Most of them were C-Rank wolves, but a pack as a whole was an enemy to be feared and even more so when they were wolves.

The group of students quickly attacked.

Alexey and Érica fired some minor magic spells while the archers and weapons masters launched their attacks.

Some were dodged because of the wolves’ agility and others were hit, but more than half had been knocked down.

Marc, Cristian, and Aurora controlled every corner along with the other melee students.

Cristian with his sword slashed the wolves while dodging with agility, and Marc fought with the wolves, taking the attacks with his body and catching them, and then slamming them to the ground, using all his brute strength.

For her part, Aurora just spun and kicked a wolf that was jumping and without seeing how an archer gave her the final blow, she helped her companions finishing the fight with ease.

“Tch... I feel sorry for them,” Eva muttered, and a few more animal-friendly students nodded.

“Pity? These wolves aren’t ‘magical beasts’, they’re just creatures that, when they go outside will devour humans until they’re satiated and then maybe turn into magical beasts,” Marc said with a tone full of contempt.

Although he was blunt, that was the truth.

Unlike the ‘magical beasts’ that were naturally born from the world itself, these creatures were generated because of the high density of magical energy.

While they had intelligence, they were only creatures that were guided by their desires.

In a sense, they were very similar to monsters, and that was the reason why many called them the same without differentiating them.

Savage and violent capable of murdering many humans or any other creature even if left in a natural environment.

“Even magical beasts murder their more violent counterparts,” Aurora added in a calmer tone.

Just as humans stopped assassins and individuals that could bring down their society, magical beasts with high intelligence killed wild creatures that could murder their fellows.

The group nodded, forgetting about that topic and focusing on the dungeon.

They moved forward and faced small groups of wolves and boars, taking them down as soon as they saw them.

The cavern shrank in size, and some corridors opened up to different locations.


As they stood at attention, the group heard a buzzing sound and when they looked down a corridor, about thirty bees flew out in their direction.

Unlike normal bees, these bees were the size of a ‘Golden Eagle’, which caused the group members to quickly retreat when they saw that their stingers looked like small daggers.

“[Ice Shock]” Érica, who was closer, exclaimed.

She had prepared her spell with a high speed, and without hesitation she cast it.

A shockwave spread out as it froze the ground and sending the first bees backwards, knocking them into each other.

“[Water Blades]”

A little later, but just as fast, Alexey cast his spell.

About five blades formed of water were thrown at the bees, cutting their wings and hitting their body, leaving a cut mark on the wall.

The bees had taken off in surprise at a hallway, but thanks to Érica’s spell that stopped them and Alexey’s next attack, it made the group brace themselves.

Cristian and the other swordsmen went ahead, as the fighters might get hurt by the stinger that looked like a weapon that could break the magical barriers and the strong defenses of the fighters.

Aurora stayed close to them, paying attention to the surroundings and protecting the mages or psionics that were in the center, but her help was not needed.

Dalia Abboud, a mage from Wendy’s group who had remained quiet, prepared her spell and created a small blizzard at the entrance of the corridor that caused the bees to have trouble flying and almost always hit the floor, the walls, or each other.

That made it a little difficult for the archers to shoot, but Wendy just kept firing her bow at those bees that wanted to get out of the area.

The others followed her example and as the swordsmen approached undisturbed by the blizzard, they cautiously shot down and cut the bees.

The thirty bees were quickly and efficiently defeated.

“This looks more complicated than expected,” Cristian muttered, cleaning his sword.

Some nodded and others just ignoring him, believing this was nothing.

“Let’s move on,” Érica ordered, controlling the entire group.

The rest obeyed and along the way; they encountered the occasional scattered enemy and savages attacking them.

A pack of wolves, lone boars, or in groups.

The occasional group of bees and a few solitary wasps.

Most were Rank C creatures, with the occasional Rank B monster or creature.

The wasp was one of the latter but was easily taken down because of teamwork.

By disrupting its flight and interrupting it with wind, reducing its mobility in the process, the swordsmen had a perfect target to cut down.

But there was still one big problem.

“I think we need to split up,” Marc said, looking down the corridors.

It wasn’t that the path had ended, and they had split into several corridors, but that the main path, which was large in size had shrunk down to look like a normal corridor.

“It seems so. It’s impossible to fight all together,” Cristian commented in a hard tone.

Before they were in an open space which allowed each student to make their attacks, but now?

Small corridors where there was hardly any mobility for small groups were in front of them.

“Then we’ll go with Plan B. Divide and conquer,” Érica stated without seeming perturbed by the suggestions.

The entire group had prepared by following tips and searching for information.

There were huge temporal dungeons, but there were ones that they had to split the groups up.

“Activate your holographic clocks and your microphones. You need to be in communication and, in case you need reinforcements, let us know. The locations on your holographic clocks will tell you where the others are,” Érica said, activating her holographic watch, letting them see the location to where they had scanned.

All the captains had scanners that allowed her to search the dungeon, but also to locate the others.

A 3D map of the dungeon showed the points of the other captains all gathered in the same place.

“Act with caution and if you find yourselves in great danger, remember to activate your protection badges and don’t hesitate to call the teachers,” Érica advised with a strict tone.

The other students nodded, and the captains began to split up through the different corridors, activating different artifacts to serve as support for her in locating the enemies.

Plan B, ‘divide and conquer was simple enough.

Since the dungeons had histories of being divided into many corridors that did not allow for large-scale combat, splitting down those corridors and getting to where the boss was the goal.

A common general mop-up tactic that had its flaws, but in the end, it was the only option left.

That or go all squeezed into a single corridor be surrounded by enemies from both sides and as the group would have no space to attack, surely be crushed by their enemies.

Of course, the same could also happen with small groups, but if it came to it, the mages could make strong attacks with area effect and take down most enemies, without having to fear hurting their companions.

Aurora followed Érica and her group.

Since she was the vanguard, she went ahead, leaving the rear to Mihaela her companion whose profession was to be a ‘Knight’.

Many people were called that as they used shields and most of their sword skills and techniques were focused on defense while learning to use their shield as a weapon to protect themselves.

As she walked attentive to her surroundings, Aurora spoke to her system.

—Keep an eye on the students and let me know if any unexpected situation occurs. —Aurora said in her mind as she looked calm.

Before she had been by the students’ side, so she had not ordered her system to keep an eye on them, but now it was different.

Aurora didn’t know where her system came from, what its limits were, or why she had one for as long as she could remember, but in the end, it was the same.

—I’ve already done it. I’ve taken control of their holographic clocks and taken over surveillance by following the information from their locating and scanning devices.

Their system gave a perfect response, as it always did.

That was the reason Aurora had stopped asking questions about her system.

Aside from Alice, the system was her most loyal and effective companion.

Its versatility in some areas was unique even though Aurora didn’t know the method by which it worked.

She had grown accustomed to her company as much as her constant help.

—Thank you. —Aurora murmured in her mind and moved on, observing the surroundings.

At that moment, heavy footsteps sounded and from the front of the hallway, a figure revealed itself.

A black gorilla with dark cracks in its skin, its muscular arms, and large build made the group sense that this creature was difficult to defeat.


With a roar and thumping its chest, the gorilla assaulted the stunned group, but Aurora moved.

Reinforcing her body with magical energy, she slammed her fist into the gorilla, and they both recoiled in tandem because of her blow.


Aurora’s expression trembled because of her hand being slightly numb.

“Watch out!”

Aurora heard the shout behind her back, and she jumped to the side not only dodging the gorilla’s fist but also the ice spears coming from behind her back.

The ice spears were dispatched with surprising speed and without the need for chanting, letting Érica’s potential as a mage show, but that was all.


The gorilla swung his mighty arm at the spears and though he suffered some injuries; he broke them all with his incredible strength.

“Mihaela, take care of the rear. I’ll take care of this one,” Aurora said, and punching her fists.

Her gloves released electric waves.

Aurora was already equipped with her combat suit, so she had no fear before the gorilla.

Without thinking too much, she dodged the gorilla’s punches, and using her agility and fast body to her advantage, she hit the gorilla, releasing electric waves with each punch.

Unlike the gorilla that fought with brute force, she made use of different techniques that allowed her to overcome the brute force and hit vital areas.

Aurora withstood the blows she had to endure and used the magical barrier of her armor to protect herself from those blows that could cause heavier wounds.

For every hit from the gorilla, she would deliver three hits.


The gorilla’s blows slowed as the electrical energy affected his body.

There were no longer only external burns on the gorilla’s skin, but he also had paralysis and involuntary muscle contractions.


Aurora used the moment of the gorilla’s paralysis to concentrate electricity into her fist and deliver her final blow to the gorilla’s chest.

Aurora’s fist didn’t go through the gorilla or anything like that.

The gorilla’s skin was strong and had significant resistance, so it only burned part of its chest, and the gorilla backed away with slow steps, but after some strange movements, it fell to the ground with a thud.

It was true that Rank B creatures already generated some resistance to these types of attacks, but like any human with enough electrical intensity, his body would begin to feel the effects.

Aurora’s constant attacks were not made to hurt the gorilla’s body on the outside, but were directed at its insides.

The last attack triggered a cardiac arrest that eventually killed the gorilla.

These electricity attacks took two forms.

One electricity generated through her combat suit and another a lightning charm in her gloves used as magic damage... Both being lethal in high quantities on enemies like this.

“Are they okay?” Aurora asked, after checking that the gorilla was truly dead.

This was the reason she had managed to be a B-Rank fighter for so long, being able to take on more difficult enemies.

Érica and the others who were quite surprised were about to open their mouths when a magical ripple spread throughout the area.

“What happened?” Érica asked with a surprised expression.

That ripple was so obvious that she could feel it herself, not to mention the others.

—The outside surveillance and all methods of communication have been disconnected. Now the teachers can’t see them and can’t detect what’s going on.

Reading the words from her system, grunts echoed and about five wild boars charged from the front hallway with greater madness than before.

“[Ice Spikes]”

Spikes rose from the ground, causing the wild boars to be impaled immediately, but some wolves coming up behind them jumped over them.

Aurora, sensing that the situation had already become extremely strange, reinforced her body with magical energy and with great speed charged towards the wolves.

She kicked them, punched them, and even used them against others by hitting them, without a moment’s hesitation.

“Report,” Aurora ordered loudly, as she ripped out a spike and threw it at a wolf, impaling it against the wall.

Unbeknownst to her, she was slowly not holding back because of the situation.

—Something had happened and caused the creatures to go berserk, creating an overflow-like effect.

Aurora’s expression changed.

It was known that during and before the overflow the creatures became more savage and stopped attacking each other and sought to annihilate everything around them that did not belong to the dungeon.

—Two groups have been being cornered and are retreating... They are heading towards the boss; they are in grave danger.

Along with those words, an image of Marc’s group entering the boss’s room being cornered by wolves appeared in her mind.

Aurora could see what was hidden in the background and no longer hesitated.

“What are you doing?” Érica asked incredulously as she watched Aurora throw her protection badge at the group’s feet.

The badge activated under the gaze of the group.

“Use the protection badge and wait for reinforcements,” Aurora ordered with a serious expression, a far cry from the lazy young woman she was.

Without much thought, she pulled out a scroll and tore it before the group’s eyes, spreading a glow that covered the group like a barrier.

“But... Aurora! Aurora!”

Aurora heard the shouts behind her, but seeing the image in her mind of the two groups in the boss’ room, she increased her speed.

Her body was being reinforced with a large amount of magical energy, surpassing the speed of a mere B-Rank fighter.

“Alice, I need your help,” Aurora said through her holographic watch as she dodged and swiped at the wolves and bees that were appearing in her path.

The creatures inside the dungeon had gone berserk.

Even though her system said all methods of communication were shut down, Aurora was confident her message would get through.

“Take care of the rest,” Aurora ordered her system.

Through her connection, she asked it to send the messages and warning for the other students inside the dungeon.

That’s all she could do as she increased her speed.


Alice was looking at the projection of the inside of the dungeon.

Now the team of students had split into five, and the screens did the same.

The gaze was fixed on Aurora’s group because a creature had appeared.

“A B-Rank gorilla. He’s got it rough.”

Professor Villacrés muttered.

Alice just ate another of her chips and watched as Aurora took care of the gorilla.

Even though they both seemed to have the same strength, Aurora’s sharp movements showed the difference between the creature and her friend.

Technique, agility, and overwhelming experience could pick up the gorilla’s movements.

“Oh, she did quite well,” Professor Santulli commented as the gorilla fell after being hit by a large amount of electrical energy.

“Do you think that...”

Before Professor Miller could hesitate, the projection flickered for a moment and when it reappeared, everything was still the same as ever.

Aurora just kept walking with her group as lazily as ever, and the others were the same.

“Did something happen?” Professor Miller asked.

“Everything is still the same...” Professor Villacrés replied with a simple expression.

Alice seeing ‘that’ Aurora, her eyes narrowed and scanned the surroundings with a serious look.

Her gaze at some point met Professor Santulli’s who seemed to be sensing her surroundings just as she was.

“I sensed something in the north in the middle of the woods, but also on the coast,” Professor Santulli reported in a professional tone.

“I’m going to the woods,” Alice replied without hesitation.

The quick response did not surprise professor Santulli, who just waved her hand, and a portal swallowed Alice.

She appeared in the middle of the empty forest but thought no more about Professor Santulli.

For Alice, Director Vincent had his hands tied because there was a ‘mole’ in his academy who was aiding outside forces, but he still had to trust someone.

Professor Santulli was that person.

Without taking her time, the black arms appeared on her back and she started to head after smelling a familiar scent.

Over six arms were used to walk at a great speed through the trees, without stopping, and in just thirty seconds, she arrived at the place where she had sensed that smell.

Five demons were using a magical device to breach the temporary dungeon.

Around them were more than a dozen concealment barriers, spatial disruption, and other barriers designed to hide them.

She quickly understood that was the reason Professor Santulli sent her so far away and couldn’t pinpoint the location, but Alice moved.



Without any change of expression on her face, she dropped down like an eagle and, using her black arms caught the heads of those demons by hitting them with the ground or trees.

Those that were stronger, she just caught them by their legs and slammed them into the ground.

After a few blows, they were all left groaning in pain with their limbs in strange positions.

“Tch. What this was with,” Alice muttered, ignoring the moans of pain from the demons.

Aside from the magical artifact that disrupted the barrier, there was another object that Alice identified as an advanced disruption artifact.

That device not only disrupted the communication signal but also fooled the projection device used by the academy.

In the same way that the academy created new tools that facilitated their security, the demons created their counterpart... It was always that way and Alice knew it, for that reason she had warned Aurora.

Unfortunately, that artifact would not fool her who had been together with Aurora for years.

“Alice, I need your help.”

Aurora’s message arrived on her holographic watch and when Alice saw that it had been sent a few minutes ago, her expression turned solemn.

Without any hesitation, she stepped into the portal after sending a warning to Professor Santulli to report what was going on inside.

As she entered the dungeon, Alice did not look at the enormous cavern she was in, nor did she look at the monsters in her path.

The shadow on her back trembled, and the six black arms became ten arms.

Using six to increase her speed, four arms became spears that were used to slay all the monsters she passed by.

Her strike was swift and accurate, without her having to look where she was attacking.

The dungeon was in chaos and crazed creatures roamed all the tunnels, snarling and roaring in desperation.

But to Alice it was only a nuisance that slowed her down, so she just raised her arms and her attack speed multiplied.




Her arms, like sharp black spears pierced through the creatures and the ground where they stood, leaving small craters because of the high force of her blows.

On her way, she noticed the group of Cristian and Eva, who were enclosed in a barrier and she just cleared her surroundings before continuing.

She had seen by her holographic watch that Aurora’s combat suit had been taking damage and that the beats in her heart were increasing as if she was in a high-intensity fight.

As she entered the tunnel where Érica and the other members of the group were, she noticed the two barriers covering it.

One barrier was from the protection plate and the other was the barrier from Aurora’s scroll.

Sensing that she was closer, Alice just massacred her way through, leaving Érica and the others with stunned expressions.

Her principal goal was to help Aurora.

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