The Guardian

Chapter 45: Reality

Chapter 45: Reality

After greeting the group one by one, Liam gave his most professional smile.

“I don’t like to talk business on an empty stomach; how about we order?” Liam asked casually, but without waiting for an answer, he called the waiter over and took the menu.

“Oh, draco meat... Bring me that steak and also an elven wine from Terra nova. It must be from the moon elves,” Liam ordered, and seeing that everyone was looking at him, he gave a smile and commented. “The grapes the moon elves use are excellent... You know this one near the world tree.”

No one understood what he meant by those words, but the calmness and tranquility with which he placed the order caught the group’s attention.

The waiter turned to look at the still stunned group.

“You can order whatever you want. Today the bosses are paying... I mean the mercenary group,” Liam commented, correcting himself midway through and seeing that the students were stunned; he added. “Plus, today there is the culinary master, so eating his food can also be described as luck.”

“Okay...” Clémentine muttered, and looking at each other among their group they placed their orders.

It was evident at a glance that their orders were the cheapest dishes... Of course, those dishes were worth at least a hundred thousand dollars.

The group was nervous.

Even Clémentine, Érica, and Leslie, who came from wealthy families, felt nervous about this interview.

“Also, bring some of the most delicious fruit juice you have available,” Liam added, seeing that the group had not ordered a drink.

Although they were of age, they were students; it was for that reason that he did not order alcoholic beverages.

The waiter, after taking down the orders, left the room.

The room fell silent, and Liam noticed how the students squirmed as he looked at them.

“I’ve seen their battles, and I’ve also read their profiles. Quite capable and skilled students, with a great future,” Liam commented to break the tension.

“We’re just doing the best we can,” Clémentine replied, looking to calm down.

Liam nodded gently and added. “You don’t have to be so humble. Here are present the most skilled or those who represent the values of the group.”

“Values?” Andrés asked, unable to contain himself.

He understood that some were skilled, since for him there was no doubt that someone like Clémentine would attract attention, but as for values... He didn’t understand what he was referring to.

“The mercenary group has its own values, goals, and principles. This meeting is not only to verify and interview you but to check if you agree with our principles,” Liam explained, and with an amused smile, he added. “Of course, you guys will also see if our principles and objectives are in line with what you are looking for.”

It was not just a matter of interviewing them and checking their skills, ability, or personality, but revealing their principles and, in case they agreed, allowing them to join.

It was quite possible to disagree with some of the group’s values or objectives and refuse to join.

This job was no joke.

“You guys are partners with Aurora and Alice, but...” Liam said, and his expression quivered for a moment, but eventually, he stated. “That doesn’t mean you guys had a good time. Aurora and Alice have a high rank within the group, and they will most likely treat you guys as they should; rookies who must be trained harshly.”

The expressions of some members of the group trembled.

No matter how much they told each other they wanted to experience being mercenaries, a part of them said that since they knew Aurora and Alice, it would surely be easy.

While it was quiet, the waiter knocked on the door, and other waiters came in, bringing the glasses and drinks accompanied by some crunchy and sweet appetizers.

After pouring the drinks, Liam looked at the waiter and said. “Thank you.”

With that, the waiter nodded and went outside, staying on the other side of the door, waiting for orders.

Liam took a single gulp of the drink in his glass and muttered. “I’m feeling the money disappear down my throat.”

The students’ expressions quivered, and even Andrés had to make sure he didn’t choke on his drink.

“First, I would like to reveal to you an important point that will surely decide on your decisions,” Liam said and, ignoring the group’s quizzical looks, announced. “The group rarely accepts official assignments from official agencies. You, once inside will have no official record about your missions, neither in the mercenary guild nor in the academy no matter how many missions you have performed.”

The expressions of the students changed obviously.

Illegal mercenary groups came to their minds, but...

“There are even very few cases that we accept missions from outside forces. To put it another way, we are in charge of creating and carrying out our own missions, so the pay varies too much, but...” Liam added and pulling out five documents from his space ring; he distributed it to the group, then with a pleasant smile, he pointed out. “There is a general payout.”

“Five hundred thousand dollars!” Nicole exclaimed as her hands shook.

“That will be your pay for the entire month of July, independent of the missions the group performs,” Liam stated with a clear tone and then added. “Of course, the pay will increase depending on certain important missions that are successfully completed.”

They would be paid five hundred thousand dollars no matter if there were missions or not.

For a group of rookies who were fresh out of the academy and had never worked before, it was too juicy a payout and a tempting offer.

The pay would be close to clearing the dungeon ‘Spider’s Lair’ five times... Or maybe more since that time they cleared, it wasn’t cleared for a month, which led to them earning more money.

This was an astronomical figure and more so for inexperienced students who were only mere B Ranks... Of which there were hundreds of thousands all over the world.

“The pay is high because usually our assignments are ‘Ad honorem’ and we do not receive financial retribution. You will not earn money no matter how many people you save; the missions will not be on the record of any official body, no matter how difficult your missions were. And if I am honest, you will most likely go unnoticed by most of the media, and at the end of the month, you will most likely realize that the pay is a pittance compared to all your work,” Liam declared, gulping down his wine.

The group fell silent.

They could sense Liam’s heavy tone and the importance of the matter, but there was no lie in it.

In the world television media, most of what was being talked about were international problems and tensions or the Middle East, known as the lawless lands.

New technologies, dungeons and powerful creatures, data on Terra nova... But in the end, very few media talked about what was happening in Africa.

The forgotten continent, the place that became the ‘no-man's-land,’ where governments fell, and countries disappeared together with their people.

What most knew about Africa was its name and the name of some countries, along with the undead calamity that inhabited the already ruined Egypt.

“Our goals and values are simple. First, we help and maintain the safety of villages and people who cannot afford strong individuals. We refuse illegal or assassination missions and delve into hairy matters, what very few people know about and on which many lives depend,” Liam explained, and looking at the students with a solemn expression, he stated."Whether you wish to work or not, following our rules is a personal matter for you. That is the reason you are here, to decide."

This meeting made clear the objectives and interests of the mercenary group... And their work in Africa.

Although it was a light summary, this was enough for the students to make their decisions.

There were no attempts to convince them or to lure them to their side... Not for this work that required self-will.

“If you guys thought our little unknown group was merely a game or a group like any other, then you are very confused.”

Liam stated with a solemn tone and, ignoring the look on the students’ faces, he added. “Good, now let’s make the most of the food.”

Along with his words, the waiters came in, bringing the different dishes.


Aurora sighed as she watched Liam eating like there was no tomorrow.

That whole private room was being recorded and transmitted to Aurora’s room, which was in the same restaurant.

Watching the students eating quietly focused on their thoughts while the host was eating draco’s steak enjoying it as if it was his last meal, Aurora didn’t know how to react.

Liam had explained the rules and their work objectives clearly.

Choosing him to speak for the group was the only choice they had.

That was because from now on, the students were being put to the test.

It didn’t matter if they accepted or declined; the purpose of the test would still follow and serve them.

This test was meant to prepare them for a future situation where they would have to meet with important or high-ranking people, where they would be invited to places of great magnitude and importance, and would have to endure the pressure of that meeting.

This restaurant was an obvious example of an important place.

It was one of the most expensive and famous in the city of Atlantis.

To eat here, one not only needed to make reservations but to have enough prestige and importance to be allowed entry.

Selective and elitist, this was the kind of restaurant they found themselves in, but none of their diners and those watching from the outside complained.

The ingredients used were rare and top quality, the meals prepared by a culinary chef who could make the meals have temporary or permanent benefits, was the reason it was well known.

The meals were basically enhancement elixirs whose prices were astronomical.

Whether they knew that or not, the prices alone would generate enormous pressure, and this experience could serve them well in their future.

That was what Aurora thought, and for this reason, she made this meeting.


“He almost blew it,” Aurora muttered, looking at Liam, who was saying goodbye to the students with a formal smile.

Sometimes he acted like an important person and generated a tense atmosphere, capable of pressuring students, of which three of them came from wealthy and influential families, but other times...

“Is he giving Nicole a drink?” Alice asked as her eyebrows twitched.

The drink was unimportant, but the familiarity with which Liam acted was what broke the role he should have acted with.

“Choosing him was a complete mistake,” Aurora muttered, shaking her head.

Liam should have generated a sense of pressure to the students, and for the moment, he did, but then he acted differently, breaking the atmosphere.

Watching as Nicole accepted the few thousand dollar bottle of juice, Liam watched them leave with a smile.

He seemed more like a friendly colleague than someone important.

That’s what Aurora wanted to avoid and was the reason why Alice or herself didn’t do the interview.

“Do you think they’ll accept?” Aurora asked curiously, diverting her mind from that topic.

Each of the students had their own reasons for joining and their own problems.

Joining the mercenary group wasn’t going to be an easy thing to do, and quite possibly, they wouldn’t have fame or make a lot of money.

Liam wasn’t lying when he said that at the end of the month, they might think the pay was a pittance... Since for the job Aurora had planned, it was.

“I don’t know,” Alice replied with a shrug.

As she finished her words, Liam walked in carrying his bottle of elven wine, and being looked at by the duo, he poured the drink into both of their glasses as if he were a servant.

Alice nodded in satisfaction as she ate.

“How are the preparations for the ‘Assault mission’ going?” Aurora asked, ignoring Liam’s actions to make herself look good to them.

“Good. I’ve already sent scouts and drones to analyze the situation. When the results come in, we can prepare the strategy and start the mission,” Liam replied in a professional tone.

Aurora had prepared two important missions that would have a significant influence on the students... For better or worse, that was already unknown.

“Are we really doing that mission, boss?” Liam asked with a slightly awkward tone, and looking at Aurora, he muttered. “They seem to be...”

“Too innocent?” Alice interjected, finishing Liam’s words; she took a sip of wine and commented. “It’s better they learn it now the reality than later.”

Her comment was blunt, but Aurora nodded.

“It won’t be mandatory anyway, and they can retire when the ‘Ark mission’ is over,” Aurora commented in a simple tone.

Both code names represented two different missions but two related situations that let us see the reality of things... A reality that, for many could be considered cruel.

However, both missions were going to be dangerous.

“I have already invited Akira’s group, and they have participated,” Aurora added to calm things down.

Although they were dangerous missions, she had also sought to prepare for any changes in the situation and have everything under control, so she asked one of her acquaintances for help.

“Safety first,” Liam muttered, and Aurora nodded.

“Liam, just keep on with the investigation and pay attention to any changes and prepare accordingly. As for me, I’ll stay one more week at the academy and then return to Africa early to take care of the other tasks,” Aurora reported in a serious tone.

“I understand boss, leave those tasks to me; I will take care of them,” replied Liam, nodding with a responsible expression.

The students only had one month, and in that month, Aurora would have to put them to the test as she sought to prove to them everything she wanted.

It was physical training, mental training, and for some, it would surely be personal growth.

“Now, let’s have lunch,” urged Alice to Aurora.

Only Alice was eating, and Aurora had been distracted in her thoughts as she watched the students.

Looking at the aromatic food that was already cold, she sighed and commented. “I’ll have it reheated.”


“It was a delicious dinner, and every dish was exquisite,” Alice said, waving her hand to an elderly man in a chef’s uniform.

“Thank you for the meal,” said Aurora with a smile at her side.

“No, no, this was too light. When I get the ingredients, I will prepare a real delicacy,” commented the old man dressed as a chef, with a hearty smile.

“I hope that day comes soon,” Alice added nodding again and again.

With those words, the duo took their leave and both went down to the second floor.

That old man was the culinary master who, with the right ingredients, could create dishes that would serve as a tonic for the body.

Alice, whenever she liked the food dishes thanked the chef, so going to greet him before leaving had become a standard rule.

“That was delicious... Next time I’d like a different style,” Alice murmured, nodding softly to herself.

Aurora didn’t say too much, she wasn’t a food expert like her friend, but she liked to try new things.

Today’s style of cooking was an earthy, western style.

As they both chatted happily, they ordered a cab and headed for the mansion.

As they got out and entered the mansion, ignoring the usual tourists, Aurora’s holographic watch vibrated.

“What’s wrong?” Alice asked, looking at Aurora’s smile as she looked at the holographic clock.

“They agreed to join,” Aurora replied rather cheerfully.

She just got the acceptance from the five students who had decided to join the mercenary group.

So she was quite cheerful, as they seemed to her to be the best students and the ones with the most potential... Of course, out of the students who asked to sign up.

It was unfortunate that he couldn’t welcome other students with great potential, but if she went overboard and accepted other students, there might be a problem when it came to organizing them all.

“That’s great,” Alice said, nodding with a smile.

Although her principal goal was vacation, being able to teach them and take on some students was undoubtedly valuable, even if it was only for a month.

After all, in that month, she could be taught quite a bit... That was what Alice thought, and Aurora couldn’t agree more.

Entering the mansion, Aurora ignored Alice, who had already taken out her chips and reported. “I’m going to go see my masters.”

Alice nodded, and Aurora walked out into her yard.

Although she hadn’t taken the test to become an A-Rank officially, she was already one because she could manifest her combat aura.

However, that didn’t mean she had stopped at this point; she wanted to improve and was willing to put in the effort.

Her surroundings suddenly changed, and everything became a boundless white as she left two seated people in sight.

“I don’t understand how you like to meditate. It’s a waste of time.”

“You wouldn’t understand; meditating is a form of waiting.”

The moment she arrived, Aurora noticed her two masters.

Her elderly master seemed to be being bothered by her new master, who gave the impression of being bored.

“You arrive at a perfect time, Aurora,” Latfigar said with a big smile and, stretching her body, she stated. “We have a tough workout today.”

Watching her with a big smile, she approached.

“Manifesting your combat aura is just the beginning; now you just need to integrate that aura with your body and get it to increase your body’s capabilities. In other words, you need your body to evolve.”

Latfigar explained without moments of waiting.

Aurora was momentarily lost, but she could understand quickly.

She had known fighters who were stronger and had greater physical endurance than swordsmen of the same rank.

While swordsmen usually focused on speed and the use of their sword, fighters were capable of withstanding powerful blows from their enemies... In a sense, they were the ‘tanks.’

That was all because she assimilated magical energy in such a way that she sought to strengthen her body in the process or what scientists called it... ‘Evolve.’

Aurora knew that if she wanted to reach S-Rank in the distant future, she had to prepare herself quite a bit.

“And there is nothing better to achieve assimilating magical energy with greater capacity than to fight hard,” Latfigar stated with a smile.

However, Aurora felt that she was just looking for someone to fight with.



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