The Guardian

Chapter 51: Keep Up The Good Work

Chapter 51: Keep Up The Good Work

Riding in an SUV through the desert, Liam drove along, grateful for the small air conditioner that made the interior pleasant compared to the overflowing heat outside.

“Do you think we got the worst mission?” Liam asked his partner curiously.

Andrés hesitated for a moment, but seeing the vast desert surrounding him, he spoke.

“I don’t think so. The mission is about clearing out a nest of monsters, so I don’t think so,” Andrés replied hesitantly.

Liam gave a smile at such an answer.

“There are quite a few types of quests in Zerzura City. You can hunt monsters, clean dungeons, subdue magical beasts. But cleaning is nice, you know the reason?” Liam asked intently, and when Andrés shook his head, he explained. “Because if we let the nests continue, they can cause a serious problem for other people.”

Magical creatures reproduced, and while the offspring might be weak, some of them could be deadly to normal humans.

“For example. Sandworm, these creatures are the most common in the desert and are usually left alone as long as they don’t interfere in our area. However, these nests are a problem as the little worms can head south and cause inconvenience to farming villages or towns to feed,” Liam commented looking out over the desert, and with a smile, he added. “Although newly hatched, it’s not nice to see a worm come out of the ground.”

While they were called sandworms, the reality was that they had traveled beneath the earth quite easily.

Zerzura City also had farming towns and villages; Andrés, who had read the information on the worms, understood the importance of the mission.

These worms, although newly hatched, could cause devastation to crops or create a serious danger to some innocent farmers.

“It’s nice because we helped before it all happened,” Liam said, nodding like an expert; still, he added. “Besides, usually sandworms leave their eggs unprotected and that’s for the best.”

Andrés’ expression turned doubtful.

He could sense that the second option of a safe and easy mission was what motivated Liam.

“We’re close now,” Liam commented, looking at the map on his holographic watch.

With those words, after driving a few dozen meters, he stopped at a small rise, and Liam got out of the van as Andrés followed.

As soon as they got out, the duo felt the overflowing heat of the Sahara desert where they were.

The blazing sun made them sweat immediately.

Liam noticed how Andrés was overheated, without the proper protections as he was, so from his ring, he released some drones.

Small and medium-sized, about ten different drones came out.

One created a large barrier that kept the heat away from their surroundings and while the others floated in a circle, protecting them.

“Am I awesome?” Liam asked with a grin as he saw Andrés looking at him in awe.

Andrés could use up to three drones, but Liam used ten and didn’t seem to have reached his limits.

“I’ll tell you a secret. I actually only support my AI, which is in charge of controlling the drones,” Liam revealed and, seeing Andrés’ eyes widen, he commented. “Just as you think. People like us with [Computer Control] talents, the best way to use it is to support us with an AI, speeding up its processing and command commands.”

Why should they control one drone at a time when they could control an AI that could manage dozens of them at the same time?

Liam added the notes from this analysis to his mind to support Andrés, and then, using a binocular, he looked at his target.

A hundred meters away was a dry tree in the middle of the sand.

It was a strange sight, but a very common one for Liam.

Before he could celebrate the ease of his mission, his drone analysis ended, and a report came in.

“There’s a damn worm inside,” Liam cursed in an exasperated tone, and looking at the big tree, he added. “Damn mama’s boys.”

Andrés used his binocular and looked at the old, dry tree.

A crooked old tree, with dry bark, although it could not be seen on the outside, actually inside that tree were the eggs of the sandworms.

Andrés remembered the information about the worms from the summary.

There were times when the sandworms would take a tree with magical energy and then lay their eggs inside so that the baby worms could be nourished with the magical energy of the tree, allowing them to hatch faster.

When Andrés read the information from the drone’s scanner, he could see that a blue figure was under that tree, waiting.

“A Rank B sandworm... What do we do?” asked Andrés, looking at his superior.

“Do you think we can beat him?” Liam asked, looking at the young student.

They were both ‘mechanics’ but among the weakest of them because of their talents being focused more on support and computer areas.

When it came to physical fights, they were a big problem for them because they were weaker than even the mages, who were said to be naturally weak.

Did they have confidence in defeating a worm that traveled beneath the sand and could attack whenever it wished?

“No, if I fight alone, I lose,” Andrés denied after thinking about his three drones.

He was a B-Rank, and while he had dedicated himself to battle training and his drones were useful, with this kind of troublesome enemy... He had no confidence.

“Knowing your limits is all well and good, but for my part, I’m confident,” Liam said proudly, and looking at the tree a hundred meters away, he released other larger spherical drones from his space ring.

Andrés couldn’t help but shudder at the sight of twenty combat-ready drones as they flew overhead.

He knew the exorbitant cost of each drone and couldn’t help but be envious at the sight of the drones, but his envy was short-lived as he recognized the drone guy Liam had brought out.

“Those are...”

“Yes, Gunner Drones. But these little guys specialize in lasers,” Liam interjected with a grin, and looking at Andrés’ disbelief, he asked. “What, you expected me to go hand-to-hand combat with a worm that can eat my body in a few bites?”

Andrés hesitated, but seeing Liam’s smile, he couldn’t help but nod.

If he was told that he was supposed to fight, what he was thinking was to go to the front and fight up close with his enemy... One couldn’t blame his way of thinking because in the academy, he had been doing that.

Whether it was in the test, he used his pistol, or the subsequent fights where he started using drones.

But he was very wrong...

“Only if necessary do you have to fight up front,” Liam pointed out with a serious tone, and then, letting out an amused laugh, he added. “Well, that and if you like losing money.”

How much money does he spend on drones?

He used the best materials, the latest technologies, and the most expensive metals to create his little friends... He wasn’t crazy enough to send his drones to their deaths unless it was vital.

Liam, ignoring Andrés through his connection with his AI, made the drones move and begin to join together, creating a circle overhead.

Ten drones connected with each other, creating a stable circle in the sky.

Then all the drones extended a small metal arm forward, connecting them all at a central point.

It looked like a satellite dish, only it was created with drones and had no metal center on its back.

“Do you want to help me?” Liam asked as he transferred access to his artificial intelligence.

Andrés got a notification on his holographic watch, and when he accepted it, he felt a connection to the drones through an AI welcoming the guest.

It was the same as when he controlled his drones, only this time with AI support, he didn’t feel as mentally drained.

The talents were still under constant research and deep debate.

How could mastery talents have skills with their weapons?

Why could technology-related talents control electronic devices?

As with magic, it was difficult to give a scientific explanation, and although there were theories, they were still not accepted by most.

However, Andrés could feel his connection with the AI and with the drones, a metal connection that allowed him to connect with each of the drones, being able to understand what their weaknesses and strengths were.

Right now, he could see that these drones connected together; they were ready to unleash a devastating laser beam.

“Can you use overload on them?” Liam asked curiously.

Andrés analyzed the ten high-spec drones, and after checking their statuses, he could sense that it was possible to overload them, so without hesitation, he nodded.

“Fine, anytime you want,” Liam muttered in an amused tone.

Using ‘Overload’ on the drones, Andrés could feel the drones’ specs improve as if their factory limiters were momentarily removed, but he also felt tired.

He looked up at the drones high in the sky that we’re releasing a large amount of energy to the central point where their metal arms connected.

It was a bright red light, and even though it was a small dot, he could feel the power.

“FIRE!” Liam commanded loudly to add excitement to the matter.

A reddish-colored beam of light was fired from the drones and...


He wiped out the tree and several meters around it, getting the drones to move with the last remaining force as the laser disintegrated the sand and eggs, along with a large portion of the sandworm.

Then the drones moved away and returned to their spherical figures as Andrés lost connection with Liam’s AI.

“Ten laser-class gunner drones with the overload of a B-Rank mechanic made possible an attack with the power of an A-Rank spell. I have to admit, this is fantastic,” Liam commented with a pleasant smile.

How many barriers would a mage need to protect himself from such an attack?

How strong would a fighter have to be to make it out alive?

Andrés was amazed.

“Don’t marvel so much. A fighter with just his fists can create that destruction and a mage is the same way and as for psionics. These guys can deflect the laser sideways,” Liam revealed, shaking his head.

Technology lately had been developing, and while war weapons were still effective against skill users, they lost their effectiveness against higher-ranked ones.

Liam had seen a fighter withstand a shot from an old tank... And a swordsman mowing the tank down completely.

“Okay, let’s return the SUV and go back through a portal,” Liam ordered with an indifferent tone.

Andrés nodded, looking one last time at the destruction he created... It felt good to know he could be so strong.

If only he had the right drones and the money.


In the training room, Aurora watched the students gather after their missions.

“So, you guys liked your first day of missions?” Aurora asked curiously, looking at the group.

The quintet looked at each other thoughtfully, noting mixed emotions and, at the same time, some seriousness.

“It was new... But extraordinary,” Érica replied next to Clémentine.

“It made me realize my shortcomings,” Leslie commented, and Nicole nodded.

“It made me see my potential,” Andrés announced in a solemn tone.

The sincerity of the answers pleasantly surprised Aurora.

It was always challenging to be honest when conversing with ‘bosses,’ and for Aurora, students before had found it hard to speak honestly about their emotions, guarding their weaknesses.

It was pretty normal, but it was quite pleasing to hear such honest answers.

“Good. I like it. Keep it up this way, because you’ll have to do missions for an entire week,” Aurora revealed and, pointing to her companions, she announced. “On some missions, you will be accompanied, but on others, you will be alone, the same way we do.”

There was a bit of surprise at the idea of being alone, but they continued to pay attention.

“We are not specialists here, but we will be looking to support you in your weaknesses and reinforce your strengths. By the end of this week, you will have to become ‘seasoned’ veterans,” Aurora announced, and with a smile at the sincerity she specified. “Approval will come when you clear a Rank B dungeon on your own.”

These missions had danger in them, but to Aurora, they were basic.

With these missions, they could learn from their mistakes in constant practice, all to prepare them for the more difficult tasks she had in mind that were already being officially organized.

The group looked at each other with surprise and excitement.

It was likely that they could not have imagined that they could accomplish so many missions when they joined a nameless mercenary group.

“You are free to go. I will send you some tasks that can be performed here later,” Aurora said, and to her surprise, the quintet nodded without looking tired.

The students withdrew with smiles without hiding their excitement and slight anticipation, leaving Aurora and her companions alone.

“I like their smiles. I hope they continue this way until the end of the month.” Liam commented as soon as they were alone.

“They’ll have work all week. Well, I guess they can take it,” Alice added with a calm tone, and when they looked at her, she shrugged and added. “It’s only two missions a day. Aurora does more than that.”

Aurora averted her gaze when she saw that Alice had named her.

There were important missions that required immediate attention, so she sometimes went off on her own to finish them quickly.

There were many mercenary groups, adventurer’s guilds, or heroes working with this same protection system, but very few were like Aurora, who took all the jobs.

And Zerzura’s area of influence was very vast, so there were always quests.

“Well, let’s put that aside,” Aurora interrupted and creating a portal with her holographic clock; she made her way to her office, sitting comfortably in the main seat.

Liam and Alice, who had opened her bag of chips, sat in the other chairs.

“Your assessment?” Aurora asked curiously.

They had accompanied her to evaluate them thoroughly in this type of environment.

With a mission, it would be difficult to see all of the students’ shortcomings, but the major flaws would be evident.

“Lack of knowledge about the local creatures and they lack support artifacts,” Alice said, and after eating some chips, she explained. “Clémentine and Érica tried to talk a thundering gorilla child out of a tree.”

“Pff...” Liam tried to contain his laughter.

He could imagine two young women trying to talk to a magical beast child who understood nothing and was in a state of absolute fear because of being lost.

It was a mistake made by not knowing the characteristics of the local magical beasts.

“As for the support artifact. I think they need a flying artifact. Some of them have that ability, but better to make sure of a flight independent of their strength,” Alice added, giving Liam a silent look to shut him up.

The latter just gave a smile and, avoiding the look, spoke.

“Yes. Also, a temperature control device. I was in the desert and if Andrés had been alone, there was a good chance he would have passed out from heatstroke before the mission was over,” Liam added after thinking about it.

His words were not excessive, it was usually hot to be in the desert, but sometimes the heat was even more overpowering because the fire element was denser.

In extreme cases, a B rank fighter and even an A rank fighter with a tough body could fall because of the temperature.

“A stealth system as well. We’ll add that to their combat suit,” Aurora added with a gentle nod.

She had asked them for their measurements to prepare a combat suit similar to hers, using technology and magic.

However, she needed to see their weaknesses and deficiencies to customize the combat suit to the different styles of each of the students.

“Will you go through with it? Do you think they will accept it?” Alice asked curiously.

The combat suit was to be a gift from the mercenary group; however, while the cost was not high for them because of their own personal resources, for the others, it could be an extravagant expense.

They might feel uncomfortable in the same way they did when Alice guided them to the expensive restaurant in Greece.

Aurora could understand that.

Érica, Clémentine and Leslie came from wealthy families.

While their combat suits would have the latest technologies and would be equal to what the three young ladies could get, Andrés and Nicole could not afford it.

They both came from fairly normal families, and a suit of the level Aurora was looking for was going to be of great value.

“What would be the best method to deliver it to them?” Aurora asked curiously.

She was willing to give it away, and the main reason was that the missions they were going to go on, they would need to have advanced equipment, which could protect them from all the dangers that would come their way.

A moment of carelessness or the lack of an element such as stealth could ruin an entire mission and not only endanger the students themselves, but the entire mission and, in some cases, innocent lives.

“Do it as a ‘reward’ for their week’s work. It will reduce the awkwardness,” Liam advised earnestly.

“Yeah, like that’s their pay,” Alice added in agreement with Liam.

Aurora nodded at that idea.

Cloaking it behind a ‘reward’ by saying it was pay for their effort would reduce the awkwardness of accepting something with a hefty price tag.

“You have to be careful with Leslie’s suit since her father owns the Taranis Company,” Alice cautioned after thinking about it.

They didn’t mind spending money if it would help their goal; however, they wouldn’t spend unnecessarily, either.

Leslie was the daughter of the owner of one of the most important and highly developed weapons companies in the world, it would not be at all pleasant to gift her a combat suit with lower specifications for her current combat armor.

“From what I’ve seen, her combat armor is focused solely on technology with a multi-faceted style long-range assault design,” Liam muttered, and looking at his female bosses, he explained. “The designs you like always mix magic with technology. We can order a new custom armor, using a new style, and mix magic into the design.”

The Taranis Company only focused on technology designs, but Aurora always sought to marry it with magic.

That was because if technology systems didn’t work for external reasons, magical protections would still be in place and vice versa.

Magical barriers, runes, magic circles... Magical craftsmen were highly developed and applied their specialties over technology without conflict between the two.

If they were looking for a more specific design with extra functions, perhaps it would have the exact specifications as their current combat armor, only more performance in particular areas like Aurora needed.

“Right. Liam takes care of the suits. In these days we will look at their styles and how we could best develop it. We will make the orders in the Cosmos Company,” Aurora announced softly.

The Cosmos Enterprise was one of the few companies that developed both technology and magic at the same time, innovating in both at the same time.

It was there that Aurora ordered her combat suit, and her design was still very useful.

“Let’s just keep up the good work,” Aurora commented with a smile.

Helping improving students was her priority goal, and she was sure her classmates would be dedicated to completing it.

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