The Guardian

Chapter 53: New suits

Chapter 53: New suits

Leslie woke up very early in the morning and got ready for the daily missions with no one giving her notice... And a minute later, while washing her face, she realized that today she had no tasks.

She had already gotten used to getting up early.

Looking out the window, she could see that it was still dark, and it was pretty early in the morning.

When she walked out into the living room, she ran into Érica, and they both looked at each other.

“So... Shall we say it’s excitement about the new suit?” Leslie asked with an amused smile.

“Yeah, that’ll be the best,” Érica replied, laughing softly.

Always in the evenings, they came in tired and exhausted from the daily missions that required their attention.

It was a physical and mental exhaustion, which, after a night’s rest and a good meal, would disappear in the morning.

And today, that they had no daily missions, they still got up unconsciously thinking about the missions.

Leslie just changed and dressed in comfortable clothes and then headed to the second floor, where at the entrance she asked for a cool drink before heading to the weapons room.

If it was when she arrived, she would feel strange walking and entering any room, but after a long week, that discomfort was gone.

No, when Leslie thought about it, since the first day of work after her two missions, her mind stopped thinking about discomfort or acting polite in someone else’s home.

This week she had so much work to do that adjusting and taking this place as if it were her own was the last thing on her mind, and they unconsciously moved where they wanted to.

So when Leslie got to the gun room, she just pulled out her favorite weapons and performed maintenance on them.

Her pistols, her shotgun, and her sniper rifle... In her space ring, she always carried those three weapons stored along with the necessary ammunition.

She also added repair kits that could assemble and fix her weapons in case of emergency.

At the same time, she checked the integrity of her small assembly boxes that she used to power her weapons and which, among them, contained some weapon modules.

These small boxes were magnetically powered and disassembled into parts that could be integrated into other weapons to his specifications.

Her father’s company was looking to research nanotechnology for military application, but development was still lacking, so this assembly technology was of great importance to the mechanics.

While they could carry different types of weapons in her space rings, some assembly modules were one of a kind.

Her preparation and dedication with her weapons were because today, they would not only receive the armor, but they would also have to clean the dungeon.

However, this was only the surface.

The actual goal the group set for themselves in their morning meetings, which started from the fifth day, was the perfection of their roles.

Leslie herself had fixed her armor to fit her new role... A long-range attacker with scouting capabilities.

She may not have been as naturally trained in scouting, but she was trained in the use of technology that would allow her to replicate the scouting of someone capable.

Surely it wouldn’t always be effective, but for her current group that lacked individuals with advanced scouting skills, it was the next best thing.

Leslie was sure the others would be thinking about their roles and how to adjust to them.

That was why she couldn’t help but get excited.


In the training room, all the students were looking at their new armor and combat suits.

“So, what do they think?” Liam asked, looking at the group who were practicing and playing with their new ‘toys.’

The design that was used was modern, that meant no metal armor like the Terra nova blacksmiths created.

That medieval style, while useful because the blacksmiths were good at creating armor, differed with the modern style that had technology added to the mix and other useful means of processing.

Leslie had a suit of armor attached to an advanced science fiction style.

An adjustable and detachable helmet, combining strong magic metal alloys with advanced technology alloys.

As Leslie was a mechanic with a mastery talent, she had different spaces to put her assembly modules, magazines, and her pistols.

She had her old disks on her wristband, but this time they were disks enchanted with lightning magic, which were powered by two magic energy nodes on her back.

Those same energy nodes created magical barriers and could be used to empower her weapons with magic and increase the strength of her attack.

In addition to those nodes, her back was thicker because miniature scout drones were stowed away, ready for surveillance.

If someone said she was a space soldier, Liam would sincerely believe them.

Since the role she had taken was a ranged attacker with scouting capabilities, the stealth setting was high while her sensors were also advanced.

Adding some magical wind and earth enchanted sensors on the armor, capable of sensing fluctuations in the earth and air, she was specialized with sensors related to technology and magic alike.

With her Artificial Intelligence that was given to the armor to support it with scanning and surveillance analysis, Leslie was prepared.

The others, though styled differently, were the same.

Andrés was wearing a black jacket with a white shirt that was slightly thicker.

His long black pants had parts where a slight thickness could be seen, covering areas that were weaker and more susceptible to damage.

However, he still looked like a gallant young man getting ready for a party.

The only difference from regular clothing was that the leather of the jacket came from a formidable magical beast capable of withstanding gunfire and attacks of varying capabilities.

While his cloth shirt was a bit thicker than usual and looked fragile, that cloth was created from thread fibers that came from some sort of magical spider, whose webbing was resistant to fire, cuts and was spongy enough to reduce the impact of blunt blows.

Érica, for her part, although a mage, was not equipped with a tunic but with clothes that looked quite normal.

Boots, long pants, a shirt, and a leather jacket.

The only striking thing was the different magic circles that were engraved as decorations on her clothes, giving her a fantasy style.

But as normal as it looked, every part was designed in such a way as to be useful.

The buttons of the jacket were small cores of magical energy, and the fabric of the shirt was created by threads capable of being reinforced with magical energy, which could activate the magic circles engraved as decorations.

Clémentine, for her part, was wearing tight-fitting clothes with a slightly thick one-piece style, and besides some magic circles in the center of her chest, the lines running through the whole outfit was the only thing eye-catching.

She was equipped with gloves with small purple flat spheres on the torso of her hand.

These flat spheres were capable of holding a large amount of psionic energy and could recharge automatically, allowing the user to recover her psionic energy and some of her mental strength or use it as a backup for an attack.

Once her psionic energy was activated, the lines running through her suit turned purple and increased her ability to control her body using her powers.

Accelerating her movements using her telekinesis abilities was now a possibility.

The self-activating magic barrier in case of emergency and the basic clothing defense was just an added bonus.

In the end, Nicole was the only one who took a more ancient style with leather armor and tight pants, which mixed a medieval feel with a modern one.

On parts of her bodies, she had several protectors that added bulk to her combat attire but only made clear her resistance to physical attacks.

Most appealing to Nicole herself, were her combat gauntlets that were enchanted with lightning magic spells, replicating Aurora’s style.

Of course, the ability to create platforms in the air, fly, activate stealth capabilities, have temperature control, self-regenerating functions, and strong magical barriers interspersed with barriers of technology were included as a base, either in her clothing or accessories.

It was a ‘combat suit’ because it was a complete outfit and every part of the outfit was of use with a useful effect for the wearer.

Nothing was wasted, and everything had some use; the craftsmen were very serious about that matter.

It usually took over a week to prepare, but as a repeat customer, Aurora was able to get it early due to them prioritizing it.

“That’s amazing,” Clémentine replied sincerely as she levitated by controlling her body with her telekinesis ability.

Her mind was fast, but her body usually couldn’t keep up with her reaction time when it came to action.

However, her current equipment allowed her to fight in close combat if necessary.

If Nicole had the role of front-line fighter, Clémentine had taken a role of second-row fighter in charge of protecting the group at long distance while supporting Nicole in battle.

It was for this reason that she made her combat suit not only tough but also useful in fast-paced combat.

The others were the same.

Nicole had focused on defense; it was why, unlike the others who’s clothing looked like it could be worn normally, she had clothing that denoted it was used for combat.

From her armor to her protectors, she was adjusted to reduce damage on the front lines.

The others had adjusted to their roles and their roles, looking for combat attire that would be useful for them.

Érica wore simple clothing that allowed for quick movement but also had stronger barriers than the other members of the group in case of emergency.

Andrés was the same way.

His clothing was tailored to his mobility and defense, as his goal was to be supportive.

His real strength came from the drones, his new artificial intelligence, and his ability to manipulate them.

“Think you guys are ready?” Liam asked with a smile.

The students looked at each other smiled in unison.

“Of course we are.”

They only had a few hours to adjust and adapt to their new suits, but that was enough time to prepare for the dungeon cleanup.

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