The Guardian

Chapter 7: Instinct

Chapter 7: Instinct

Thanks to the forms of communications, the’ resistance’ became more systematic and effective.

Allowing the leaders to attack the enemy groups with greater organization while helping their classmates when they found themselves in a difficult situation.

The situation was progressing faster than Aurora had expected, and perhaps because the teachers were nice to the students, the resistance focused on taking over the auditorium.

According to the hacker who had taken control of the cameras, there were some important leaders and a large group of enemies in the assembly hall, but there were also many detained students.

Organized through the telepathy network, several leaders gathered in one of the training rooms together with their groups.

Aurora was there with Clementine, though she knew she hadn’t done much during much of this test.

“The auditorium will be hard to take. We need to take the best of us and attack as fast as possible without trying to hide,” said the student who had taken control of the security cameras.

His name was Andrés Silva, and Aurora knew him because all the leaders had introduced themselves before.

“Is there anyone who can detect us?” Clémentine asked, understanding part of Andres’ intent.

“Yes. From what I have been able to see, there is a psionic that detects students when they approach the auditorium and have their subordinates capture them.” Andrés explained carefully.

“In the cabinets in this training room are some practice weapons. If we equip our strongest members and arrange for them to take the lead, we will reduce the danger to the other members,” said Leslie Haillet, cleaning a practice firearm without looking at the group.

Her speed and quickness in disassembling and assembling the weapon made clear her expertise in that area.

Firearms would be ineffective against C-Rank individuals who naturally had strong defenses, no matter if they were mages or psionics who were usually considered the ‘weakest’ in physical defense.

All that was because users of skills in that rank generated a natural barrier around their body, be it magical energy or psionic energy.

Let alone fighters and swordsmen; both had a strong body.

However, these weapons were state-of-the art, and even greater Leslie belonged to the rare profession called ‘Mechanic,’ which allowed her to give ‘enhancement’ to weapons with some of her skills.

A profession like mages, but whose members, instead of having talents or affinities related to magic or magical energy, focused on firearms and everything related to the ‘mechanical’.

After enhancing and verifying the firearm, Leslie handed it to Eva, Aurora’s fellow firearm user.

Eva was not the only one who had gotten her gun, but also the archer Wendy who, along with many others, was looking for their weapons of choice among the practice guns found here.

Most of the students entering the Academy had skills, but they also had some knowledge about weapons and their powers. That was because most parents taught their children how to defend themselves and the schools how to use their powers correctly.

“Besides, this is a test,” Cristian stated, tapping his sword in its sheath.

When the other leaders looked at him, Cristian shrugged and commented. “I have already informed all the members of my group. This is not about confirming it, when we already have confirmation, but telling them that they have to do their best, knowing that they won’t get seriously hurt.”

Aurora could understand that logic.

Many of the students were nervous and afraid of dying or getting seriously injured.

No matter that they had entered the Hero Academy and knew they were supposed to act like heroes when the possibility of dying or getting hurt was present, very few could take that final step to save a stranger.

Aurora could understand that through the telepathy network, the leaders had shared information and had confirmed that this was a test.

Understanding that it would be difficult to lead the other students to the ‘final battle,’ the leaders looked at each other and nodded.

“We have concluded that this ‘event’ is a test conducted by the Academy. The reasons are...”

Clémentine began to list the reasons.

From the disappearance of the bodies of the enemies, from the sign that none of them were hurt, from the low security of the Academy, of the Academy’s director, to the lack of weapons of the assailants and their robotic ‘patrols.’

“Also... Leslie Haillet recognized one of the thugs,” Clémentine said and looked at Leslie.

That young woman stood up and, without a trace of hesitation, explained. “Our group caught one of those guys, and when we took off his mask, I noticed that he was one of the upper-level students I had met at a party of my parents.”

“Are you sure?” a random student asked.

“Same jerk look, stupid attitude, and winking at me, telling me he’d see me later. If I know that stupid guy when I see him,” Leslie stated bluntly.

—That description is too specific.

Aurora agreed with her system.

Clémentine coughed to quiet some giggling young women and watched Andrés.

Aurora could feel him using the telepathy network intertwined between them to talk.

When they had arranged everything, Clementine looked at the students, who were present, and explained. “I would understand if you don’t want to participate knowing the truth, as it is normal for you to have doubts about our analysis, but I warn you that this is our only chance...”

A slightly strange look appeared on Clémentine’s face, but then she stated. “A female student has caught the attention of most of the crooks as she heads for the entrance of the academy to break through the barrier.”

“We don’t know if she’ll make it or not...” Andrés said, pausing for a moment as if remembering something rather startling and announced. “But she has attracted the attention of a large group of enemies...”

Aurora blinked, having a bad premonition about the person he was referring to.

—It can’t be her, can it? —Aurora hesitated in her mind, but...


Her system just went silent.

Aurora prayed that her dear, gluttonous friend wouldn’t do something too excessive, but when she remembered the angry voice asking for her chips, she knew it might be too late.

It didn’t take long for the other students to agree.

That this was a ‘test’ gave them the confidence to attack with everything, to prove their worth, and at the same time, their skill without fear of dying.

The students felt more animated, losing their fear of dying and feeling the pressure of this first test of the Academy.

The nervousness of facing an enemy was transformed into the nervousness of whether or not they had passed so far... Which led them to want to prove their ability once again.

Clémentine and Leslie’s team were selected to attack the back door, while Andrés and Cristian’s team would attack the front door with the other small teams.

There were about thirty students on their team, each skilled in different professions while having students dedicated to healing and support.

Aurora wasn’t the only one who hadn’t done much since the beginning, and not all of them were confident in their abilities, but they were all ready to show what they could... Of course, except Aurora, who was grading the students.

—I think you should demonstrate some of your skills.

As she walked cautiously through the corridors approaching the back door of the assembly hall, her system gave that comment.

Aurora nodded.

She wasn’t worried about being expelled or anything like that, but she didn’t want to continue being a ‘useless’ in the group and more so when Clémentine had treated it quite well since the Academy started.

As she thought that, the large group came around the corner but immediately froze at the sight of a middle-aged man.

“Who are you?” asked Clementine, instantly pointing her hand at the man, ready to send a wave of psionic energy that would push him back.

Leslie immediately grabbed her gun as a glow enveloped her. Her finger was near the trigger, ready to fire.

“Girl, that’s how you treat a teacher?” Said the middle-aged man with a serious expression.

“It’s Professor Miller,” a boy intervened from the background, approached, and commented. “He’s the Professor in charge of training the Swordsmen and professor of combat, and he was in charge of registering my group.”

Hearing the information, Clementine dissolved her attack, and Leslie lowered her weapon, but both were half surprised and, at the same time, attentive.

Aurora was also surprised, as were many other students.

Professor Miller noticed that and, with a serious expression, said. “You guys seem to be heading for the auditorium... I recommend that you don’t.”

The group’s wariness went up a notch, but Professor Miller continued. “At least until I get the attention of those criminals.”

With those words, he quickly smiled and explained. “I’m heading to the director’s room to take care of the leader who is in there. I am the only teacher left inside the barrier and needed to open it for the others to enter.”

“My actions will draw the attention of the other criminals, and they will surely send their leaders to come after me. It is at that time that you will attack the function room,” Professor Miller said, and looking at the student group whose eyes were beginning to change, he stated. “I will do my best to attract attention and break through the barrier, but if I don’t succeed, I will be content for you to save some students.”

“There is no more time to wait. I trust you.” Professor Miller added and quickly left the group with a serious expression.

“...” The entire group saw the figure disappear around a corner.

It was so quick and unexpected that no one could say anything in response.

“Is this a test?” Erica asked helplessly.

Clémentine didn’t answer right away but concentrated as if she was using the telepathy network.

—What do you think? —Aurora asked the system through her mind.

—This can’t be a test. So far, the test has let the students think, act, and lead independently without any teacher’s intervention. For a teacher to appear at this time and give a plan would cause the students to follow that plan and destroy the leadership the students have achieved.

Clémentine opened her eyes, and they looked at each other with Leslie.

“This teacher appeared in front of us, and no one appeared in front of the other group. I don’t know what the professors’ intention is. They may have sent him to make us distrust our leadership. Anyway, I prefer to stick to our plan,” Clémentine said, and seeing that the young man and another group of students seemed doubtful of her words, she stated. “Whether this was a test or not, taking the initiative will score us many points in the eyes of the teachers.”

The eyes of all the students sparkled, except Aurora.

The group continued, but Aurora looked behind her back and sighed after a moment’s hesitation.

That teacher was too strange!

Without waiting for an answer, he came and left too quickly, leaving an excuse as if he wanted not to draw the students’ attention.

Worse, this was the only teacher who had appeared so far, and he seemed very into his performance, as if he really believed this was a ‘raid’ by ‘criminals.’

Without needing to question her system, Aurora followed her instincts and indicated. “I have to go.”

The group came to an immediate halt at those words and turned to look at Aurora at the same time, as Clementine frowned slightly.

She didn’t look angry or upset, just doubtful of her intent.

“This is about to be over, and in there, we’ll need all the help we can get,” Clémentine said in a calm tone.

Aurora could sense that she was telling her to stay and finish all this so that her note wouldn’t look bad.

After all, she hadn’t ‘helped’ since she joined the group....

“Sorry, I have to go,” Aurora said with an apologetic smile.

“If you’re worried about Alice... After we finish this, I’ll help you look for her,” comforted Clementine, instantly stopping her, but her look became strange as she noticed the resolve in Aurora’s eyes.

“It’s just a test. You don’t need to be nervous.” Nicole said with a shy smile.

“Even if it wasn’t a test, we are heroes, and we should act like heroes.” Erica declared proudly.

While the former was trying to ‘comfort’ her to continue, the latter seemed a bit arrogant and full of belittling.

Aurora was not bothered by Erica’s words, as she had literally done nothing since joining the group and deserved those words.

Even Nicole, who was missing her attacks due to nervousness, fought before she knew it was all a test.

What she was doing could be considered an act of cowardice.


“Sorry, I have things to do,” Aurora stated with an apologetic smile, even though she could sense contempt in some of the students.

Without looking back, Aurora made her way to where the professor had gone.

She liked to follow her instincts, and right now, her instincts were telling her that there was something wrong with that teacher.

It was those same instincts that were screaming at her to stay away from Alice when she had eaten the pudding that had her name on the fridge.

That instinct had saved her life and had gained her trust both for life in general and for stealing puddings.

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