The Guardian

Parallel Story New Beginning Chapter 12: For Now

Parallel Story New Beginning Chapter 12: For Now

Aurora silently watched a gigantic bird perched in a tall tree, scanning its surroundings for prey.

It was an A-ranked vulture, three meters long, with an enormous strength that allowed it to lift humans into the sky and sharp talons.

As far as Aurora knew, it liked to hunt its prey and drop it from above... The mercenaries scouting the area had spotted it and could escape before being caught.

It had to be caught on the ground, since in the sky it was fast and there was no need to hesitate to attack... At least those were the instructions Aurora had heard.

That large bird was considered extremely dangerous.

Staring at that magical beast, Aurora readied her sword with her new aura.

A colorless, translucent aura surrounded her sword, while her sword swallowed her emotions.

Then she swung her sword hard, launching a deep slash that cut through all his vision.

The attack took the bird by surprise and the creature could not create a barrier or flee as the cut split the wing immediately.

Aurora rushed over quickly to where it had fallen and executed it, driving her sword into that bird’s chest until it pierced the body.

“Good job. Bearded vultures are intelligent, but also troublesome. They know when to run away and when not to.”

A voice sounded behind Aurora’s back and she turned to observe the woman who had spoken to her.

It was the psionic who had been enslaved by the Great Khan and now that she had been freed, she had decided to stay.

That woman in her thirties had a dark skin color, but her appearance left evidence that she had been in a harsh environment for a while and those cuts on her face showed that she had been tortured.

However, it did not generate pity, as the woman expressed a unique strength.

Cynda Nuirat was a former African who migrated when countries fell for various reasons and lived abroad for a long time until she decided to return to her former home to help with her husband.

Her husband was the fighter who had been by her side when she was captured, and now they were both with her.

Zhan Tian had come from his home country with his wife to help and although they both had a good intention, reality showed them that it was difficult to change the situation.

They had joined with a small group of locals to try to change the situation of some villages in West Africa, but in the end they were captured by the Great Khan and enslaved.

They were here today, although they had the opportunity to leave... They had carried out many atrocities when they were controlled by the Great Khan and both intended to pay for their crimes by helping.

No one could judge individuals who were enslaved, let alone acted against their own will on the orders of others.

That they were still here trying to pay for their crimes, when they could not resist the orders of the Great Khan, let it be seen how remorseful they were.

“There are many magical beasts in and around the magical forest. There are some that are very dangerous, like the Smilodon Fatalis, that can gather a lot of wild beasts, the Bearded Beasts or some beasts in other areas,” Cynda explained clearly and, giving a long sigh, she added. “Then I’ll try to send a proper classification.”

“Thank you,” Aurora replied brightly.

January 2044 had ended with events that shocked the world.

From the arrival of the Terranovians who hit the demons extremely hard and turned the tide of war, to the appearance of a previously unknown Terran SSS Rank.

However, some striking events had also taken place in this out-of-the-way land.

The city wall had been successfully installed and, thanks to that, refugees from Chad were gathering in this former town that was now becoming something else.

She had heard that Cardinal Brousseau was preparing education that would be by holographic means all while the first modern medical center was being installed.

Thanks to the church portals, James could afford to bring in all sorts of necessary items and was undertaking the construction of the city on a large scale.

So far, there were few investors because they were wary of such a project, but Aurora knew that James was fully preparing to change such a perspective.

“I am impressed with the changes you have brought... It makes me think that our effort is futile,” Cynda said suddenly.

Aurora watched her earnestly as they flew back.

“Yes, there are many people who help and strive to bring change,” Aurora replied and looking at Cynda, she expounded. “Still, I’m sure you guys have brought about quite a bit of change. After all, the ‘Orisha Oko’ have some recognition.”

They both belonged to a group of adventurers known as the Orisha Oko, who helped in what used to be Nigeria.

She had read their record and while it was fragmented, as those sides did not have an adventurer’s guild headquarters in charge of organizing and recording everything, it was remarkable.

“It was just an impromptu thing,” Zhan Tian, who was silent, said and giving a long sigh, explained. “From the news we heard once they captured us, they were shot down in a hurry and had to retreat... The warlords wouldn’t allow someone to be in their lands.”

While the Great Khan had approached Chad, in reality, this place was practically abandoned and there were too many dangers and too few benefits for the warlords to take it.

That was why the major conflict was in West Africa and in that whole western area.

Getting rid of aid groups was a common move among warlords who did not want anyone to intervene in their lands.

“Likewise, we’ve already sent messages to contact them. Maybe some of them will come and we can take further action,” Cynda said with a soft smile.

“That would be a great help. Zerzura needs all the help he can get,” Aurora replied and, giving a big sigh, she added. “And more so right now.”

Most of the villages that were on the borders of Chad were moved to Zerzura, where they were welcomed by James and Cardinal Brousseau.

However, the lack of population in the territory meant that many magical beasts began to move out of the magical forest to the south and spread through the area, causing problems.

Aurora, Alice and the militia forces training with Makeba and the mercenaries, led by Abdellah and Nicholas, were traveling around hunting the troublesome magical beasts and performing other tasks.

The idea was to reduce the danger that Zerzura City and its inhabitants could face in the future.

In addition, it also paved the way for mercenaries or adventurers to engage in clearing the temporary and natural dungeons that were all over the place.

They did not have the forces to clean them on a regular basis, nor did they have the means to detect them directly, which made it difficult to maintain adequate security.

Alice was cleaning the most recognized natural dungeons in the area, while they were taking care of the beasts and magical creatures, even so, it was a complicated matter.

In that sense that James had installed the wall as the most important thing, let it be seen that he had an excellent analysis in the big picture... He had prioritized safety, first and foremost.

Flying at high speed, Aurora stopped as she sensed magical energy in great quantity, crashing, and guided the group in that direction.

It didn’t take long for her to encounter a battle between two magical beasts.

It was two magical Addax... B-Rank Antelopes that were clashing and as Aurora reached for her sword; Cynda stopped her.

“What’s wrong?” Aurora asked with a frown.

Cynda watched her husband doubtfully, but when she saw him nod, she took a deep breath.

“There are very dangerous magical beasts in the magical forest, but there are others that are not. The diversity is greater than you might imagine, and their intelligence may be more impressive than you think,” Cynda revealed and, giving a serious look at the Addax, who were still struggling, she pointed out. “This is the case. Magical Addax has superior intelligence and it is possible to interact with them. They are usually very territorial and compete with others for mates and terrain, but they are peaceful.”

Aurora put down her sword and looked at the magical beasts that were facing each other.

Both were clashing their horns and heads as if they were in some kind of major competition.

Cynda’s expression relaxed as she put down her sword and, looking at the magical beasts, she created a telepathic link between them all.

She was a Rank A psionic focused on telepathic links and she was good at it.

—This is my land! —shouted one Addax, hitting the other.

—No, it’s my land! —roared the other Addax.

The telepathic link meant that the thoughts of both could be picked up as if listening in on a conversation.

Aurora, most of her time, was in another area and didn’t know much about magical beasts, so she was surprised at the clarity of both of their thoughts.

She had seen tamers, but she always thought the intelligence of her beasts was about their own education.

—Please remain calm. —Cynda said, descending gently and looking at the alert Addax, she reported. —Calm down, we are not enemies. We are just looking for dangerous and unreasonable enemies.

She was very clear with her words to imply who she was looking for, but she also shared images and thoughts.

Aurora, in her mind, could see herself slaying the bearded vulture from earlier... Cynda had shared that fact and the Addax subtly relaxed their guard.

—A feline has chased me out of my territory by killing everything it can find. —A magical Addax reported.

—I was hunted by some filthy humans, but I have managed to flee to this place. —Said the other Addax, kicking the ground in annoyance and looking at his companion, he announced. —I have obtained this land.

—Shut up. This territory is mine! —said the other Addax.

The two Addax stared at each other with their heads held high, and Aurora couldn’t help but laugh at the seriousness of the conversation.

She couldn’t deny that it was amusing to see them facing each other like children, but what made her laugh was the incongruity of their words with the attitude of both of them.

Now both antelopes were raising their heads high, giving the impression that the world was of and they looked at each other solemnly, managing to give the impression that they were two mighty kings facing off for entire kingdoms.

Her laughter made them both watch her.

Aurora could tell that they had had interactions with humans, as she could tell they were a bit knowledgeable, but they were not as alert.

Perhaps because there were not as many magical beast hunters in these parts, and the most recent force to arrive was them.

Receiving the gaze of those two magical beasts, she descended to the ground.

—How about we divide these lands so that there is no conflict? —Aurora asked in a friendly tone.

Actually, the area they were fighting over was a small plot of land where there were not only some trees but also a small stream of water.

Aurora felt that they were fighting not for the resources, but simply for the beauty of the area.

After all, that was the only thing valuable in this area.

—Who are you to divide the land? —Questioned one of the two magical Addax and the other immediately joined in by kicking the ground.

Aurora froze at those words.

She couldn’t answer... After all, who was she to fix this?

She was just a teenager who was about to turn sixteen and was in the middle of Africa, away from everything.

—She is the Protector of Zerzura, the one who oversees the protection of these lands and the human city to the north. —Zhan Tian explained with a serious and solemn presence.

Aurora’s lips trembled at those words that sounded imposing in her mind and looking at Zhan Tian, she could see that he gave a sense of grandeur by pointing at her.

His performance was perfect, which made the Addax look at each other.

It was as if they didn’t know that this ‘land’ had an ‘owner’.

—If we divide the land, can we stay? —Asked one of the Addax earnestly.

They understood human culture, but they were not so negatively influenced... Aurora could see it clearly in the way they spoke and also in their naivety.

They had believed the words of Zhan Tian, who was trying to fix the situation, but Aurora also saw something else they were trying to show her.

Magical beasts were intelligent and not all were enemies like the Bearded Vulture, there were some that were calmer and could be dialogued with.

Now she understood why they had both come to accompany her when she set out to hunt magical creatures to avoid danger to the city.

Aurora didn’t like the title that was being spread about her and her friend, but now she couldn’t help but agree that it was helpful.

—Yes, we will try to avoid conflict between us. I hope you guys will do it with normal citizens as well. —Aurora commented and with a serious tone, added. —However, be careful. Not all humans are friendly and if you are attacked, do not hesitate to strike back.

She had realized that dealing with magical beasts was a complex thing and while she was now in a strange situation when talking to one, Aurora understood something.

She couldn’t demand that they be totally and completely peaceful and she couldn’t deny that because of their naivety, they might end up dying.

The only thing she could do was to try to avoid conflict by intervening right now, by giving notice to the others.

—We understand. Don’t trust all magical beasts either, Protector of Zerzura. —One Addax replied as the other kicked the ground in agreement.

They both looked at each other and walked away together... Perhaps the situation made them forget their conflict quite easily.

Aurora’s expression was slightly quizzical at that warning from the magical Addax calling her by her title.

Part of it was returning the kindness of her comment, and part of it was that they believed Zhan Tian’s words.

Aurora watched as both beasts walked away and sighed heavily, rubbing her temple.

“Cynda, can you prepare a bestiary on the magical beasts? Define those that are more peaceful and those that are more violent, along with their most notable characteristics. You can ask anyone for help and if you need funding to hire professionals, let me know and I’ll see if I’ll take care of it.” Aurora said, looking at Cynda, who was stunned.

She hadn’t intervened in too many matters since coming to Zerzura, but this was a different matter.

She wasn’t very knowledgeable about magical beasts, but if there was this kind of beast like the Addax... Hunting, it was not something to her liking.

She was not naïve and understood that James was moving following her actions, that was why she needed to intervene now.

“I’ll see what I can do, but I’ll most likely need professionals or connoisseurs. From what I know, magical beasts have some similar behaviors, but being intelligent, they have free will... Although I have heard that there are groupings of magical beasts that share values and form tribal societies,” Cynda explained with a hard expression and, giving a serious look, she added. “Some of them are very different from wild creatures and beasts.”

Her first part showed her little knowledge and lack of confidence in the subject, while her last words were added out of concern.

Zerzura was being formed and their goal was to control temporary dungeons for profit and attract adventurers along with mercenaries.

Cynda was warning her the difference between an intelligent magical beast with a creature that appeared in dungeons and wild and dangerous beasts like the lammergeier.

The magical beasts were walking treasures... The Addax was the same.

From flesh, horns, fur, or magical core and even organs had some use or value.

It had sensed what she was about to do and had warned her in a subtle way that she needed to think about it.


“I know, but I’m not going to murder a magical beast that is not only intelligent but also peaceful, and with whom problems can be fixed by interacting,” Aurora announced and, seeing both of their expressions turn hard, she added. “I’m also not so naïve as to defend every living thing and not understand that the city needs resources to survive... Still, I just want to eliminate enemies.”

Addax himself had warned her about the other magical beasts... Intelligence meant nothing to Aurora, and what mattered was whether they turned out to be her enemies or not.

She understood that avoiding hunting beasts would decrease profits, but she wasn’t about to let such magical beasts be killed, and more so now that she knew they could become quite friendly.

That didn’t take away that she was in favor of using the temporary or natural dungeons where wild creatures frequently appeared.

She had long ago understood that the world was not black and white, but also gray... A gray where one had to go over the heads of others to get the ‘white’ one desired.

“For now, it’s just best to avoid conflict,” Aurora said, sending messages to the other groups.

James had given her great authority to be in charge of the various forces.

The mercenaries led by Abdellah and Nicholas or the militiamen commanded by Makeba, both groups, were in her favor and knew to follow her orders.

The response from both came immediately with great acceptance.

As she had mentioned, for now it was best to avoid conflict with those intelligent magical beasts.

They did not know about them in their entirety and for now, the only thing they could determine was if they attacked first; they were enemies.

As for the rest, Aurora was going to discuss it with James to see his opinion.

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