The Guardian

Parallel Story New Beginning Chapter 15: Promotion

Parallel Story New Beginning Chapter 15: Promotion

Aurora looked at the screen where Edward Palmer, the young apprentice of a Grand Archmage Aaron Vincent, was fighting against an A rank in the training area.

The city was first prepared to receive mercenaries or adventurers, so the services were more dedicated to them.

Lodging, food and entertainment venues... Training was part of the latter, opening up training areas for the enjoyment of the more warlike.

It was also an excellent way for those who commanded to verify the ability of those coming from abroad.

Those who provided local security were the paladins in charge of the justice and riot side, leaving the militiamen led by Makeba to provide more external security.

This organization helped reduce the idea that the militiamen were the only force present.

Looking at the lightning bolts that young man was throwing, Aurora shook her head.

“It’s troublesome,” she muttered inescapably.

Edward was skilled and capable, but it was his attitude that was problematic.

Right now he was facing an A-Rank and perhaps because of his skill or talent, he was winning... And Edward was showing it with his smirk and arrogant movements, along with a contemptuous look.

It was as if he was saying that he was superior, urging his opponent to get up so that he would continue to take a beating.

“I think it will be. Mother asked for something hard this time,” Alice said, opening a bag of chips.

The favor was to take care of that young man because of the circumstances of the renowned Director Vincent.

That was the bad thing about not guarding their personal information like her parents did, managing to let very few know that they were both related to such powerful ‘heroes’.

However, the problem was the way they sent it and the status they gave it.

Aurora had thought his mother had informed him he would work for them.

Being more like a subordinate than an equal, but when the young man saw her, Aurora realized that the idea didn’t sit well with him.

The young man was clearly taking an attitude of rejection, and that made Aurora unable to carry out her plans.

If Edward had agreed to follow her orders, she would send him on some missions that would surely be entertaining.

Cleaning dungeons or going on some missions around the city and even if he wished, it would allow him to rest, but now if she gave him a task or recommended anything, it would provoke rejection from the young man.

And even if her mother had informed him that she would send him as a guest, things would not go that far... It was clear that this was some ploy of her mother’s.

“At seventeen, he is under the orders of two teenagers whose strength he doesn’t know and who seem weak... Once he realizes our true rank, it will surely affect him,” Alice said, and when Aurora looked at her, she shrugged and explained. “From the way he fights, he seems arrogant.”

Aurora was silent.

Yes, the way he fought gave away the young man’s attitude and personality.

Edward was someone excellent for his age and had great talent, but with his attitude, it made him look like he was stagnant, that’s why he played his opponents as if no one could take him on.

Not having opponents at his age and in his rank made him complacent and more so if he was aimless.

To Aurora, it was likely that her mother was the one who sent Edward to be under her command and care, rather than a normal guest, wanting to stir the young man’s ego and perhaps push him to better himself with some sense of rivalry.

She and her sister had just turned sixteen a few weeks ago, and it was now early March, but they were rank-S long ago.

Alice had overwhelming ability, and she always had goals to follow.

“It doesn’t matter. As long as he entertains himself this way and I don’t have to spend any more time on him, it’s enough,” Aurora muttered, and glancing at the clock, she pointed. “I’ll go to the meeting of the day. We are closer to accomplishing the Ark mission overseas. Remember, if you want some supply, ask for it before the closing date.”

“I’ll start replenishing my supply of chips,” replied Alice, nodding earnestly.

Aurora gave her a look, but agreed as she left the room.

—You should also think about preparing some food to satiate your companion.

Her system gave a hint, reminding her of her great failure in other missions of this type.

Feeding Alice was a priority, so she agreed to bring and prepare enough things to feed her and more on this trip that was going to be long.

—You should also think about visiting your master.

That advice made Aurora tremble, as she felt sorry for not visiting her master.

What could she tell him?

That her student had stopped sword training and that because of her nightmares, she sometimes thought her sword was full of blood?

Or perhaps she should tell him that she had lost her way in sword art and instead of treating it as an art to understand, she treated it as a sharp weapon?

Any explanation would simply be taken negatively.

—You know it won’t be that way.

Aurora regained her composure and headed for the meeting room that was in another building nearby.

Walking through the central area, she ignored everything in her path and before she knew it, she was in the building approaching the entrance.

She knew that her master wouldn’t say anything to her... What’s more, it was even possible that he would just ask her for a few things as ‘compensation’ and then he would be left to meditate.

Still, Aurora had no desire to confront him at this moment, although she knew she had to at least go and visit him.

After calming her spirits, she made her way to the meeting room and entered, noticing other individuals.

“The trucks have already arrived and several are designed to create roads and maintain some security with its barriers. But I don’t know if it will be enough.”

“The Orisha Oko are already in Zinder and we have managed to get support and tacit acceptance from the Great Warlord known as the ‘General’ who controls that area... However, perhaps because of the conflicts, there are more people than we have expected.”

As soon as she entered the meeting room, there were already several people debating even before she arrived.

Cynda and her husband, Zhan Tian, were the ones who were briefing Abdellah.

“Sorry for being late. Can I get an update?” Aurora asked.

Her serious tone and professional expression made the others nod, and they went into detail.

Their target was a small town in Nigeria known as Zinder and that town was in the area dominated by the Great Warlord known as the ‘General’ and was in an area that could be said to lie within the magical forest.

Although it was the most frontier area and was under the jurisdiction of an individual of SS rank, that area was quite hectic.

The worst thing was that the General was in conflict with another Great Warlord known as the Mistress of the Beasts, an individual of SS rank whose rumors said that she controlled magical beasts.

There were bad rumors on both sides. The General was known to be too strict and acted like a military man because of the might of his army, but he had too much trouble maintaining it, which spread to the people under him with different kinds of problems.

On the other hand, the Mistress of the Beasts was known to be further west, near the coast of Nigeria and part of Benin, but rumors of that woman roamed around the magical beasts.

There were too many bad rumors, but both Great Warlords were dangerous individuals.

Cynda’s team members had already traveled to Zinder to prepare to receive them while informing the local authorities of the trip.

The authorities agreed that they would help the refugees, and as rumors of Zerzura spread through the area, many people wanted to join.

The reason was because of the proximity of the magic forest and the tensions between two SS ranks whose armies were well armed.

The journey was going to take quite a long time, and that was because there was no road or the old roads were already destroyed and although the Great Khan had some military equipment with which to make way coming from that area, the journey was going to be difficult.

The good thing was that among the vehicles they purchased were some that could create roads with earth magic and could move debris aside.

Still, with that advantage, the number of refugees was greater than they expected.

While they were chatting, Cardinal Brousseau and Makeba arrived and were immediately informed, and then the meeting room fell silent.

The Orisha Oko were doing a good job in preparing for their arrival without getting into trouble with those great warlords.

“There will also be problems in the health of the refugees. Not all of them are healthy or can withstand such a long journey as the one we plan to make... We may even have to abandon people or handpick them,” Abdellah said with a serious look on his face.

His cold appearance and always solemn look generated a distant feeling, like a sinister mage performing cruel experiments, but now the truth was that he was being realistic.

“Health issues we can temporarily take care of. I will also attend along with several priestesses and paladins. Also, we are preparing something under the church we are building,” Cardinal Brousseau suddenly said and seeing the look on the group’s face, stated. “A portal larger than the one we have that will allow us to open a connection around Zerzura. It is part of the Protection System. If we use it, we can bring in a large group of people immediately.”

They had brought other portals designed by the Cosmos Enterprise, so no one was totally surprised, even though this seemed to be a secret or a hidden card prepared for Zerzura.

“Still, it’s not enough,” Abdellah said earnestly.

He did not need to explain.

The reason they surely had to handpick was because of the limit of prepared trucks.

If they decided to make a trip on foot and not use the trucks, then the problems would rise exponentially.

Aurora had tried the long walking trips, and the difficulties were enormous... Not all people were skilled users and not all were in their best shape to make this type of trip.

Even if they augmented the vehicles and handpicked, they would be faced with a caravan of a larger size than they could secure with their current forces.

The Church of Time and Space could not bring as many paladins because of their participation in the European-demon war and, on the other hand, the militia did not have such large numbers.

Despite Makeba’s hard effort and the support of the Apicius Company, they could not form such a fast army.

Adding that Zerzura also needed local protection to prevent some lunatics from doing their own and to maintain security, in the end, they were quite limited.

Still, Aurora did understand something....

“I never said this was going to be a one-time mission. If we can’t help people on one trip, we’ll do another and then, if necessary, another,” Aurora announced for those present.

This was the first Ark mission abroad, but it was not to be the last and they would move to help.

Those who wanted help would receive it from them and Aurora knew that James understood that and it was for that reason that he gave her a large long-term budget.

It was dangerous, but as long as they had the opportunity and she had the ability, she would try to do it.

James was backing her with wealth and it was a pretty big number, as she had inadvertently become the second largest shareholder in the Apicius Company.

She didn’t know how James managed to convert her inheritance into shares and manage to give her a percentage, but it had ended up this way.

And although she had a hard time asking others for help and preferred to move on her own, she never had priorities when it came to wealth, so she could spend it as long as it helped her goal.

Just as long as it was necessary, she would agree to ask for help.

“As for the general force... I’ll talk to James. He had told me something about accepting medium to large level adventurer guilds. I’ll try to talk to him to see if he can offer a hand,” Aurora said confidently.

Hiding the part that if she couldn’t make it, she could try another way.

She didn’t like asking for support from her parents and more so when they were participating in the European-Demon war, but if it was necessary, she would have to do it.

Between her pride and her sense of independence compared to other people’s lives, she certainly won the latter.

Still, the meeting did not end.

This was one of the first topics to be discussed today and there was still quite a bit of work to be done.


An old man with graying white hair looked out of a building window at the city being built.

“What do you think?” James asked the person next to him.

Jibrin Turay looked out the same window at the city being built.

If one looked from above, one could notice a certain basic shape that was ushering in the construction of a real city.

No matter how many inhabitants came, the city could continue to grow because its wall was able to extend.

Turay was an African whose appearance let it be seen that he had led a difficult and hard life with many complications throughout his life... As a laborer and as a survivor of a devastated land.

“It’s unbelievable... Every time I wake up I’m still stunned at how big it all got,” Turay said sincerely and letting out a long sigh, he muttered. “The boat I was on became bigger than I could ever imagine.”

They were settling the base, but in the future, it would continue to grow until it became a vast city.

James was confident in achieving his goals, but Turay lacked his look and vision, which was perhaps offered because of his circumstances.

Turay looked at himself as a sailor in a boat that now became bigger than he had imagined, and that reality made him believe that a sailor like him couldn’t do much and was no longer needed.

Meanwhile, James looked down on the possibilities without fear of the waves that could knock the boat over or the circumstances of others, knowing that even if he fell, he could always get up.

Was it arrogance or confidence?

Only James knew, but it allowed him to carry out such a project despite the criticism and the economic effect the Apicius Company was having because of his actions.

Now it was time for Turay to get a new perspective... James observed Turay with a smile and patted his shoulder.

“I think it’s time to stop being a sailor,” James said, looking at the man.

Turay had stayed when many had fled and had helped in many ways, always being an honest and hardworking man, but determined enough to carry on even in the worst of times.

Right now, that man sighed wearily.

He believed that he was no longer needed for the progress of Zerzura and that was because of his short-sighted outlook, but James continued.

“We need a captain. Someone to lead people and give confidence, not by force, but by being their equal... Someone to show that it is possible to get out of the worst time in life and in a way guide others to that destination. A better destiny,” James said and seeing that Turay was stunned without understanding, he gave a smile and explained. “Depending on the size and organization, that captain in the analogy may have different titles.”

He paused for a moment to build anticipation and continued.

“Mayor, governor or minister. We need to elect someone who represents the common people, those who have lived in this place for a lifetime and who always struggled to move forward, even though the conditions and the outcome seemed impossible. As if fate seemed unattainable.” James announced earnestly.

There was a need for someone who would come out from the bottom, that ordinary people could relate to and allow them to see beyond what they were currently looking at.

Just as James was now doing with Turay to give him a new perspective and a fresh change of vision, he needed Turay to do the same for the citizens of this city.

“I can’t take it. This is too much for someone like me,” Turay replied earnestly.

He was offering him authority and power, but Turay was looking at his qualities and ability to take the position... He was being objective in turning him down.

That was the person Jibrin Turay was.

An indomitable man that nothing could stop him... A sailor on a wrecked ship that no matter if it sank in the end, he would try to save the passengers until it sank in despair.

He was an individual who lost family, friends and acquaintances, who lost more than he could ever recover, but still he remained in these lands, trying to help in his own way.

Even though he was being offered authority that came with the position, he decided to turn it down, knowing his flaws and shortcomings... Understanding that such a position was something impossible for someone like him.

“I am CEO of the Apicius Company and no matter how hard I try to take the position I am offering you, I cannot do it. Cardinal Brousseau has to maintain her boundaries as a representative of the Church of Time and Space, while neither Aurora nor Alice wish to ‘rule’,” James said and looking at Turay, he pointed out. “Only you and Makeba are left, but the latter is interested in more direct support.”

James had his responsibilities which were higher than anyone could imagine and he could not abandon them, at least not at this time, and certainly not to take charge of a city.

Cardinal Brousseau was the same and while her help could be enormous, she would never take power directly by becoming someone who represented everyone.

Makeba in the end was the only one who met his standards, being a person born in these lands who had suffered hard, but that man wished to be a more direct supporter and wanted to protect Zerzura in another way.

If Alice or Aurora had wished to rule this place, the situation would have been easier, for as long as he selected her as ‘queens’ he could solve quite a few problems.

At the international level, no one would bother and no matter what ordinary people tried to say, if the Apicius Enterprise wished to create a kingdom in the middle of unowned lands, then in the end, it could do so.

The biggest countries had their own problems and conflicts to intervene in a distant continent and their interests were bound by their company in the same way as the military countries were bound by the Cosmos Company.

But in the end another way of moving was chosen and now unfortunately there was only one more classical option left.

“A representative of the common people is needed. We can even do it freely and democratically, but in the end, you will be elected,” James said and seeing that Turay hesitated, he announced. “I will not let the ‘government’ fall into the hands of people I don’t know, with ideas I don’t want or with interests contrary to those we have.”

His ‘we have’ was heavy... He wasn’t just talking about the Apicius Enterprise, this was about the Church of Time and Space, making it clear that they had long ago determined their differences.

James wasn’t looking a few years ahead, he was looking much further ahead... At the time when Zerzura City would be a gigantic city with millions of people and at the time when different interests would start to let themselves be seen.

He was not so naïve not to think that things would always be calm, as there were always individuals lurking from the shadows.

The European Civil War showed how individuals with power could move in the shadows to achieve their goals... They tried to take control of governments while hiding their sense of superiority in favor of ability users.

Now, something was brewing throughout the Americas and James was noticing the signs that something was about to happen in those lands where corruption had managed to ignite social and political outbursts.

Nothing was more frightening than an enemy moving in the shadows.

In the future could that happen here?

For James, anything was possible and now he was looking at Turay, who could prevent individuals with strange objectives from trying to take over part of what he was building.

Giving ‘elections’ was the most basic method of generating ownership in a city and it was necessary to make it clear that this was not something controlled by the Apicius Enterprise or the Church... Even if it was on the surface and the truth was otherwise.

“You are best suited for this.” James said sincerely.

“I don’t have the ability to do it... I lack knowledge,” Turay replied, still stunned.

That was the first excuse that came to him at the moment, and it made James smile.

“I have enough wealth and resources to allow you to take all the political and administrative studies that a ruler and official representative of a city state needs to take.” James said and when his smile turned amused, he added. “What I need is the intention to improve, since the charisma you already have.”

That was the truth.

If Turay didn’t have charisma, he wouldn’t have the reputation he currently had among the people.

Skilled and capable, determined to help by doing what he could in the few places he could.

Even though he had come in taking care of many things himself, James knew that this man was hardworking, no matter the situation.

“It’s time to stop being a simple sailor and become the captain... A captain who is in front of the people and everyone can see. Others will take on the job of getting the ship safely to its destination, just as they will take on the task of rescuing the castaways and even improving the ship, but someone has to be there when all that is completed... To help the people in need and to give confidence to those outside working.” James expressed earnestly.

He had turned his sailor analogy into something bigger so that Turay could understand what his point was.

The Church of Time and Space was taking care of security and much of what justice on a general level.

Aurora and Alice were planning to keep looking for the people who needed their help and would surely be the first ones to be in charge when Zerzura was in a complex situation... Just as would be expected from the ‘Protectors of Zerzura’.

It was James himself who would help ensure that the ship had all the minimal comforts its passengers needed and while he was going to do so until the ship was self-sufficient, he could not take care of other matters.

It was at this time that someone was needed who could organize everyone they carried, give confidence to their people to show that Zerzura could be that ‘oasis’ they needed.

Someone was needed to organize, deal with and in a way control the people so that everything was in order for those outside.

“That will be your job.” James said letting him look off into the distance.

They needed someone to be the political face of Zerzura... A force that was no longer outside, but a local force that prioritized who its inhabitants would be.

But most of all they needed someone to show that they could move forward to achieve something bigger and greater than themselves.

It needed to show that everyone could have opportunities if they put in the effort to support the city.


We are now up to date with Royalroad and the English version. From now on I will reduce the publication, I will try to keep five chapters per week. The days that will not be published will be Mondays and Fridays. However, I'm very busy lately, so there may be an extra day when I don't upload, but I'll try to keep the story updated. It's complicated to edit and then translate everything and read to see that everything is ok, so it takes me a couple of hours. I'll keep posting anyway. In case you want to read everything right away, in my profile, there is the link to webnovel for the story in Spanish. As always thanks for reading.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.