The Guardian

Parallel Story New Beginning Chapter 8: Call for Help

Parallel Story New Beginning Chapter 8: Call for Help

Aurora walked towards the small town that was growing.

What stood out were the prefabricated houses with lightweight materials that were similar to cabins.

A temporary refugee camp was being built.

While these cabins stood out compared to the previous buildings, these constructions were simply a stepping stone to building something larger.

They filled the temporary warehouses with all kinds of materials and, from the airport, planes kept landing, bringing in all kinds of materials.

The planes were big and if it was before the Great Cataclysm, they would bring quite a lot of things, but now the boxes used by the Apicius Company were enchanted with space magic and were like oversized space rings.

In those boxes, they kept all kinds of materials and supplies, and the boxes were so many that Aurora only knew the contents of some of them.

However, she knew that they were storing materials to build something big.

From the village, Turay and some residents approached with James, who was dressed in a suit as usual.

That old man gave a smile at the sight of her.

“Thank you for your hard work,” Turay said in a respectful tone.

“You don’t need to thank me. I’m the one who is giving you more work,” Aurora replied and looking behind her, she saw the people following her and stated. “There are close to a thousand of them. Many peoples are heading here because of the rumors that are spreading and we have met them along the way.”

The group of refugees was large and surrounding it were several militiamen and mercenaries who decided to accompany her, leaving Alice in the background who was protecting the rear.

“This is not work, we all want to do this,” James replied, with a smile, and looking at the group, he commented. “They must be tired. We can take care of the rest.”

“Yes, the organization and other preparations for your arrival have already been prepared. I can take care of leading them,” Turay said with a serious look.

It was a look of a very tenacious worker who never gave up... The look of all those who wished to help.

Seeing her sister arrive from the back with a bag of chips, Aurora signaled Makeba to lead the group to rest.

Turay and other nearby citizens came over to talk to the people and chat with them to organize them.

“He’s trying hard,” James said, watching Turay organize everything and looking at Alice and Aurora, he expounded. “His efforts make everyone push themselves even further.”

Aurora gave a half-smile.

“Things seem to get complicated in western Chad. It’s amazing how people are trying to flee. This time, we didn’t go that far before we found refugees,” Aurora detailed with a serious tone.

Perhaps because of the look on her face, James’ smile diminished.

“Everyone is drawn to the light when surrounded by darkness,” James said, and seeing that they were getting stares, he stated. “This is Zerzura for them... An oasis in the desert.”

Aurora couldn’t help but nod in agreement.

Most of the current refugees were traveling to this area, risking their lives following only rumors, vestiges of hope.

Trying to go to Zerzura, where they would be welcomed.

It was very dangerous because of the magical beasts, creatures, and monsters that could wipe out an entire village and they still traveled despite all the dangers.

That showed how desperate they were, and the biggest reason was the ‘Great Kan’ who was on the Chad border.

“We’ll soon see if we can bring some vehicles to lighten their load,” James said as they walked through the town, and glancing around, he added. “We also have some mercenaries capable of helping you.”

“A lot of the mercenaries look at us like some girls playing heroes and some think they have more experience to lead,” Alice interjected and, opening a bag of chips, commented. “It ends up being kind of annoying.”

“But it’s helpful,” Aurora reemphasized as she saw that the militiamen were at her back going to the same place and, with a serious tone, she muttered. “Very helpful.”

That was the truth.

The exhaustion from the first time she had done such a mission was too heavy for her and now that she had Makeba and some mercenaries, she wasn’t going to deny that they were helpful.

Of course, Makeba and her militiamen, though less trained and experienced than the mercenaries, were more pleasant, as they happened to be more helpful.

She didn’t mind being criticized for her work, but she could feel the stares on them... Some people didn’t like being led by a teenager who couldn’t even be considered an adult.

“In time they’ll understand,” James indicated, looking at Alice with an apologetic expression and then redirecting his gaze to Aurora, he warned. “Your parents have reported that they may come to visit for the end of the year's holidays.”

2043 was about to come to an end.

Aurora sighed at that fact.

It was a tragic year in many ways and a year still in turmoil as the European-demon war continued to ravage the Middle East.

Large groups of refugees were migrating to other countries, demons were attacking the surrounding areas and demonic attacks that were similar to acts of terrorism were spreading to nearby countries such as Greece.

Africa might be a forgotten place and a no-man’s-land, but the Middle East was becoming a lawless land.

Where countries in the area were completely collapsing.

“I know,” Aurora replied, and pointing to her holographic watch, she muttered. “They have communicated it to me.”

With the use of the satellite network, it was now easy to connect to the world thanks to the holographic clocks, so her parents had also informed them both that they might be coming.

“It is possible that on the first days of the year, the Cardinal of the Church of Time and Space will come. We have already communicated with her to make preparations for the construction of the city and...” James said, pausing in the moment, as he felt Alice’s gaze and with a smile, as he saw her tired expression, he added. “I got too excited talking. You don’t need to worry about anything. You just need to know that no matter how many people you bring, they will be received. No, I would even ask that you bring more. A city is called that way by its inhabitants.”

He gave an animated laugh, and Aurora chuckled subtly at the man’s enthusiasm.

After James took his leave to return to work, Aurora approached the general dining room with her sister and the militiamen who were at her back.

They both didn’t mind eating with the others and sat down while the others also ordered their meals from the cooks.

“You didn’t need to look at him like that. He’s trying to help,” Aurora said, looking at Alice.

When James had been informed of the situation, it was Alice who cut him off immediately.

“He was testing you when you are tired. If you had taken an interest in those issues and asked enough questions to intervene, he would have changed the plans,” Alice replied and with a smile, pointed out. “Perhaps he wants to crown you as a Queen.”

“Of a small town and no subjects?” Aurora asked, seeming amused and giving a sigh, added. “You’re overthinking it.”

Alice shrugged and gestured to those present in the vicinity.

The tables were close, so their conversation was overheard and some were showing serious looks, Makeba being the one who was giving a solemn look crossing his arms.

When both of their gazes crossed, Makeba spoke.

“It wouldn’t be bad to join that kind of kingdom. This place is better than any other, and I want to protect it,” Makeba said, and with a serious tone, he added. “I don’t want to see the place I called home ruined again... Even if I have to give my life to protect it.”

His seriousness spread through the dining room, making the atmosphere heavy.

They were talking about that warlord who seemed to have them in his sights, wanting to bring them down.

The militiamen under Makeba’s command were not strong.

Quite a few villages had joined and what they had in common was that they lacked skill users or high-ranking individuals.

Only Wiyghan Makeba was the only one with a Rank A force among the thousands of refugees.

“‘Queen of Zerzura’ is a good title, don’t you think?” Alice asked jokingly and seeing Aurora get slightly nervous, she added wickedly. “You have to be careful. There are stories where subordinates enthrone their captain.”

Aurora became nervous, which made the looks of the militia group become slightly animated, but what terrified her was that Makeba’s gaze... It gave the feeling that he could declare her as Queen.

However, it was impossible for her to accept... Right now she was having a hard time supporting herself, let alone carrying the responsibilities of running a ‘kingdom’.

Even when James tried to talk to her about so many things at once about his future plans, all she could do was nod.

Maybe if she presented him with attention she would understand, but she wasn’t in the position to want to.

“James would be more inclined to create a kingdom than anything else,” Alice said, letting out an animated laugh and looking at Aurora, she explained. “You know, as a merchant, being friends with a ‘Queen’ is better for business.”

Being Queen, she would have all the authority and if she was put in that position, then she would leave someone else to take over the organization... Basically being James, who was the only one she knew with the experience to handle all possible tasks.

So that meant that in the end, James would have a great power in his hands that would make that old merchant able to give beneficial policies for himself... Aurora’s expression trembled at such thoughts.

She didn’t like the idea, and the worst thing was that when she thought of the old man who was always smiling, it was possible that he would do that sort of thing.

In the first place, he had come here with great ambitions.

“We need reinforcements! I repeat, we need reinforcements! We’re being...We can defend ourselves, but I don’t think we’ll last... I repeat, we need reinforcements! We are being... We can defend ourselves, but I don’t think we’ll last long.”

Aurora and Makeba’s holographic clock let out a voice as the emergency communication was transmitted.

It was a radio transmission, but the town’s antennas stretched across the region, which meant that all signals could be redirected to the holographic clocks.

The message was choppy, and Aurora’s expression relaxed as she heard the coordinates.

“That’s a village we had visited before and they did not wish to join,” Aurora murmured, and glancing at the map Makeba had quickly brought, she commented. “It’s on the western side of Chad’s borders. We can’t take a large team because of the fact that we’ll be traveling fast.”

Makeba nodded as he prepared himself and the group left the mess hall to get back to work.


“We need reinforcements! I repeat, we need reinforcements! We are being...We can defend ourselves, but I don’t think we will last... I repeat, we need reinforcements! We are being... We can defend ourselves, but I don’t think we’ll last long.”

The communication beeped again, and the group flew forward at high speed.

“It seems like a repeated message. Even when we’ve been flying for hours, it still continues,” said a thin, middle-aged man.

Nicholas Cowie was one of the few mercenaries hired by the Apicius Company who didn’t look down on her for her age and was a full-fledged professional at his job.

He was the only one flying alongside her with Makeba.

Aurora’s expression became more serious, making her companions more tense, but she picked up the pace of the flying craft.

For long trips, it was faster to travel with an artifact, but still, the place was quite far away.

“It would be great to have space mages,” Makeba commented earnestly, surely thinking that the efficiency of the work would increase.

Traveling at high speed, Aurora paid attention to her path, knowing that she was already getting closer.

Earlier she had traveled through this region looking for villages that wished to join Zerzura.

Rumors of a village in the middle of Chad, known as Zerzura, were spreading rapidly throughout the area, so it was already known.

However, this village did not agree to join... They had been living a nice life with some B-rank members in their ranks.

They may not have been extremely strong, but they could have a nice life without so many risks.

Looking at the town in the distance, Aurora stopped as she felt a gentle breeze... Which brought the scent of blood.

“Ready your weapons and raise your guards,” Aurora ordered, drawing her sword from its sheath.

Her hand trembled as she took her sword, but still, she just tightened her grip tighter and advanced at high speed.

The scent of blood continued to spread and merged with the nauseating smell of corpses, only to be combined with a grotesque sight.

“We need reinforcements! I repeat, we need reinforcements! We are being...We can defend ourselves, but I don’t think we will last... I repeat, we need reinforcements! We are being... We can defend ourselves, but I don’t think we’ll last long.”

Aurora tightened her grip as she descended to the ground, hearing the emergency voice coming from the central building... From the empty town.

The first thing that awaited them was impaled heads at the entrance of the town, as if welcoming this bloody scene.

Then, walking towards the interior of the village, she could see corpses scattered everywhere and of all ages.

Some were hanging, others had their heads cut off, or their bodies were dismembered... The walls and interiors of the houses were painted with blood.

Aurora tightened her grip on the sword in fury, but walked forward, holding back all her emotions and putting on a look of absolute coldness.

Her S-Rank aura spread out like a sharp sword, wanting to tear through all her enemies, managing to make Makeba and Nicholas turn pale at her fury.

“We need reinforcements! I repeat, we need reinforcements! We are being... Attacked!”

The emergency message sounded again, only this time, the voice changed at the end.

“I am the ‘Great Khan’, the descendant of the greatest in history, the Khan of Khans... I am Temuyin, a reincarnation of my ancestor in life. The one who ruled these lands where you are settled. Your conqueror!” announced the deep and heavy voice.

Everyone’s expressions changed and Aurora immediately cut off the camera of a computer that was still on, giving notice that they had arrived.

Her single cut went clean through the chamber, the wall, and the ground on the other side.

But the other person didn’t care, they already knew they had arrived and above all...

“I am your conqueror, your future lord. If you obey me, you will be well treated, if you resist... You will die. If you disobey me, you will die. Surrender to me, that is the only possibility,” announced the ‘Great Khan’ and, with an even colder tone, he declared. “No one will save you. There is no oasis in these lands. That little town called Zerzura is nothing in my eyes. Surrender and obey or die trying to face me.”

The voice was heavy and sinister.

“To those who run that little town. For the Apicius Enterprise, I recommend you abandon all resistance. I will let you go and you can take what you brought, but if you dare to oppose me... You will end up dying as those who resist.” He announced and with a laugh, he declared. “If you don’t believe me, turn to the coordinates that will be repeated continuously. Look at what I did to them, those who disobeyed me, and remember you have only two choices... Surrender or die.”

With those words, the radio repeated the coordinates and continuous warnings, surely spreading to all the surrounding villages.

Those present clenched their fists and went back outside.

Looking at the corpses, Aurora recognized some of them, and Makeba did too.

Several of them were the members that split up when she took the first group of refugees... Now their corpses were scattered around this area.

Aurora tightened her grip on the sword, wanting to express all her anger, but only sheathed it.

Knowing it wasn’t the time.

“Let’s give the corpses a decent burial,” Aurora ordered earnestly.

The others nodded, still shocked and enraged at the sight, but when Aurora’s gaze met her sister’s, Alice’s expression turned serious as she understood her gaze.

She had already made her decision... Remove all obstacles.

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