The Guide to Capturing a Black Lotus

Chapter 102: Past Hatred New Resentments (2)

There was an exaggeratedly large bowl in the shape of a funnel in front of him. The bowl was filled with fresh soup noodles, still hot and steaming from the pot. The dense steam struck the man’s face as he ate.

Changan’s wine shops brought a great brouhaha to the atmosphere of the capitol. From the inside, one could see several streams of warm light streaming through the carved windows, falling upon the uneven surface of the table and getting into the little cracks and crevices.

Mu Huaijiang had his head stuffed into the bowl of noodles he was swallowing. Behind the cloud of steam, he silently finished an entire bowl. He raised his sharp and stern looking eyes: “Ah Jin, do you want to eat anymore?”

Bai Jin had only eaten a few bites before stopping, not having any appetite. She softly replied: “I’m full.”

There were two bronze bells hanging on her waist. They had been constantly stirred from the moment she sat down, relentlessly filling the air with its soft tinkling all the way till now. However, the sound was easily engulfed by the noisy dining hall. It wasn’t very obvious to the ear, but the woman reached out to hold the bells still, forehead knotting and wrinkling.


Mu Huaijiang raised one eye: “Is it the west side again?”

“Marquis Qingyi’s residence.”

The two of them turned quiet for a moment. Mu Huaijiang lightly slapped his chopsticks on the edge of the bowl, muttering to himself in a low tone: “Her?”

Mbl vos sq vblx bye nbyple bla yzz vbl oyu blal qasx Ewqldt Msod.

Mbl pxyzz vsod’p Ckd pvuzl eudypvu casvblz bye cwadle esod vs y nakpr. Mbl dwxlaswp nsarplp cwadv kdvs nsyz lqqwple vbl vsod’p yka okvb yd wdkiwl pvldnb qsa xydu eyup. Xvbla vbyd vbl kddwxlayczl nypwyzvu nswdv, vbl elxsdkn yway zlqv okvbkd vbl awkdp pllxle vs alynb vbl blyhldp. Mbl ldvkal vsod oyp ldhlzsrle cu y vbkd zyula sq rwarzl nzswe kd vbl pju ycshl. Rd qynv, kv oyp pkxrzu fwpv zkjl vblu bye zkv y csdqkal clynsd okvbkd vbl vsod, pwxxsdkdt yzz elxsd bwdvlap okvb ydu qyxl vs vblka dyxl vs vbl vsod.

Mbl kdvladyz pvawttzlp sq talyvla elxsdp oyp vblka sod xyvvla. Tsolhla, kq vblu eayttle kd nswdvzlpp kddsnldvp, vbld vblal oyp ds svbla nbsknl cwv qsa vbl elxsd bwdvlap vs nsxl yde kdqzknv aktbvlswp alvakcwvksd ytykdpv vblx.

Mbl Yw ryvakyanb yde okql nswrzl oyp y rsolaqwz sdl. Mblu olal yczl vs lypkzu qkde nzwlp clnywpl sq vbl kdeknyvsap qasx vblka ebyaxy vssz, vbl Fswz Fwrralppksd Jlzz. Ju qszzsokdt vbl lmvalxlzu vbkd pvayde sq elxsdkn yway vblu nbyple vbl pswanl yzz vbl oyu vs Ubydtyd.

“Vsppkczu.” Jyk Kkd zsolale bla lulp. Fbl ekrrle bla pzldela qkdtlap kdvs bla vly yde cltyd vs oakvl sd vbl vyczl, “Twygbl. Myskpv kdpkel vbl ryzynl. Yyaiwkp Ckdtuk.

Fbl pvyale yv vbl oyvla pvykdp sd vbl vyczl clqsal zlvvkdt swv y pktb.

Gv qkapv, cu csvb sq vblka lpvkxyvksdp, vblu vbswtbv vbyv vbkp talyvla elxsd bye jkzzle vkzz kv oldv xye ps vblu olal yqayke vbyv kv’e nywpl y pkxkzya xyppynal yde wrblyhyz. Tsolhla, zssjkdt yv vbl nwaaldv pkvwyvksd, vbkp elxsd eked’v alyzzu byhl y tsyz. Mbl sdzu sdlp vbyv wdelaoldv wrblyhyz olal vbl Ulzlpvkyz Jwalyw yde vbl Yyaiwkp Ckdtuk alpkeldnl.

Yyaiwkp Ckdtuk bye yzalyeu alxshle bkxplzq qasx rszkvknp qsa vos ulyap. Tkp okql oyp sdl sq vbl dsczl zyeklp okvbkd vbl nyrkvsz, y hkavwswp, nyryczl yde oyax osxyd. Fbl ckavble bkx y psd yde y eywtbvla yde bykzle qasx y alrwvyczl yde kdqzwldvkyz qyxkzu. Tsolhla, lhla pkdnl prakdt yaakhle, y plaklp sq lmvalxlzu wdqsavwdyvl lhldvp byrrldle. Wkapv oyp vbl Yyaiwkp’ okql pwqqlakdt y blyhu blye kdfwau yqvla qyzzkdt qasx y pvyavzle bsapl. Fbl oyp wdnsdpnkswp yde nswzed’v cl osjld wr. Llmv, vbl eywtbvla pweeldzu ekpyrrlyale yde ds xyvvla bso byae sa nyalqwzzu vblu zssjle, pbl nswzed’v cl qswde kd vbl nyrkvsz. Wkdyzzu, vbl psd pweeldzu pvyavle czllekdt qasx yzz plhld yrlavwalp yde vbl kxrlakyz rbupknkydp pyke vbyv bl bye clld rskpsdle.

Once was an accident, twice was an unfortunate situation but more than that was no longer a coincidence.


All of the sharp Daoists sensed the demonic energy but found undecipherable scribbles and a peachwood sword left behind.

Marquis Qingyi was the currently beloved and favored Consort Zhao’s own blood related brother. Her position was far from ordinary. The Taoists of the Celestial Bureau knew that he had run afoul of demons and rushed over like a flood to use their skills, using every imaginable piece of demon suppressing treasure and nearly completely burying Marquis Qingyi’s residence.

Naturally, Marquis Qingyi wasn’t happy with this.

Not only had his posterity been cut off completely, he couldn’t do anything but stay on guard. However, the situation with his wife and children made him feel extremely hard-pressed. Every day he was busy feeding his son medicine, who still neared death despite everything he did. He looked for every doctor and famed physician to try to heal his son and as such, couldn’t bother about too much for a while.

This demon that came and went without leaving a trace was just like a resentful banshee. At the same time, it felt like a fierce epidemic as it was transmitted to the Taoists within the palace. Every other day, another Taoist would have to be put into quarantine as they became infected. For a while, the Celestial Bureau was aflame with anxiety.

“The Celestial Bureau doesn’t really know the cause or start of all of this but we know.” Bai Jin slowly wiped off the water stains on the table, “This demon started at Wufeng Town and directly arrived at the capitol to target influential nobles and officials here.”

“I heard that Wufeng Town originally had an extremely beautiful woman, a woman so beautiful that she could cause people to go into shock. However, soon after she gave birth to a son, her husband abandoned her and immediately disappeared. The day we went there, we also heard that there was a woman in Huazhe named Lady Rong, one that possessed beauty unlike any other.” Bai Jin’s forehead creased slightly.

“Mhm.” Mu Huaijiang raised his head, speaking concisely, “I’m thinking the same thing as you are.”

“Marquis Qingyi stayed in Wufeng Town for 6-7 years and Consort Zhao tried hard to hide the situation, but she didn’t have any way to guarantee that he wouldn’t take a wife there.” Mu Huaijiang’s tone was very flat, nearly completely devoid of all emotion. He pulled out some silver from his clothes and placed them on the table, “Betrayal, anguish and then revenge…”

He smiled at her then said firmly: “Lady Rong.”

The melancholy within Bai Jin’s eyes was thick: “I think it must’ve been Consort Zhao that sent Taoists to Wufeng Town to forcefully tear Marquis Qingyi and Lady Rong apart.”

“She thought herself clever.” Mu Huaijiang barely managed to keep his brows straight as a hint of contempt appeared on his face: “Imbecile.”


Humans and demons both only had one life. However, one could say that humans were merely a short stop over for the demon. A demon’s love was something a human could bear. However, a demon’s fury and hatred was a different story as it was hard to say just how many more lives they might drag into the situation.

This Dowager Consort Zhao simply thought of herself too highly.

The two of them were quiet for a moment. Mu Huaijiang suddenly raised up his eyes as he tapped his fingers against the table, pondering: “Arson, poison, fearmongering… why do you think this demon won’t make a move at all?”

“According to the reactions from the Soul Suppressing Bells, her demonic energy truly is quite thin…. I’m afraid that it’s not that she doesn’t want to do anything but rather… she can’t.” Bai Jin caressed the two bells trembling on her waist: “If she really is weak to such an extreme degree…”

Then, she could only learn sinister and devious methods, hiding within the shadow of imperial power and borrowing their influence to play hide and seek with them.

“I feel like this whole matter isn’t as simple as it seems.” Mu Huaijiang muttered, “Ah Jin, who do you think feels the most hatred, the abandoned wife or the unfaithful husband who took a new wife?”

“I think it shouldn’t be the heartless person.” Bai Jin wasn’t really sure as she replied, “After all, he took a new wife and should’ve been an innocent person, right?”

Mu Huaijiang smiled wanly: “Then tell me, why hasn’t she made a move on Marquis Qingyi yet?”

“Could it be… for the sake of old feelings?”

“Impossible.” He interrupted her, “If it was truly for the sake of old feelings, she wouldn’t poison his son to death and make his daughter disappear.” He tapped his finger against the table for a momen, “She’s still waiting.”


“Waiting for an opportunity, for a sure kill move.”


Bai Jin shivered. She felt the hairs standing all over her body: “That’s right. Marquis Qingyi has looked for medicine and doctors from all over the place. They should be entering the city at noon. If she’s inside Marquis Qingyi’s residence….”

Mu Huaijiang nodded and stood up, “Let’s go. Let’s go and meet with her and see what she’s planning.”

Marquis Qingyi rode on his Seven Fragrance Carriage through Anding Gate as eunuchs loudly called for a path to be opened with their high-pitch voices.

It would’ve been better if they hadn’t shouted the words ‘Marquis Qingyi’ as all they managed to do was cause the common folk within the city walls to rush towards their position like a surging flood. Soon, they completely congested the streets to the point that nobody could get through.

The back of the cavalcade moved forward at a sluggish pace. A slender hand reached out from a window and pulled aside the curtain, revealing Bai Jin’s worried face: “How are there so many people?”

When she looked forward, all she could see was the raised roof 1 [1] There’s a picture at the bottom for what this is probably referring to. of the Seven Fragrance Carriage. Tassels hung from the edge, tossing back and forth with the carriage’s motion. Each time, the carriage could only take half a step forward, almost as if the carriage was merely shaking back and forth in place.

Bai Jin found it hard to sit still. She clenched the hems of her clothes within the absolutely chaotic and messy surroundings. Even if Marquis Qingyi were to die within the covered carriage, no one would find out for a while. If they stopped for a little too long, they’d just give that demon the perfect opportunity to make their move.

Mu Huaijiang sunk into thought, pressing his hands against dharma tools on his waist: “We wait no longer, let’s go now.”

Sunlight slipped by the corners of his gown. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed a group of skin disease-ridden child beggars huddled into a group. They wore clothes that were so dirty, you couldn’t see their original colors anymore. Their saliva dripped to the ground as they fought over scraps of food on the ground with their dirty fingers. They couldn’t even be bothered with paying attention to the rich and noble, much less sparing a single glance.

Mu Huaijiang’s expression became one of rumination. His eyes slid over them with a hint of disdain: This truly wasn’t a glorious or splendorous scene.

Bai Jin stopped below the carriage’s roof, the edge of her clothes swaying as she did so. She was somewhat entranced as she looked at the beggars fighting over food, her forehead scrunched up slightly: “Didn’t Lady Rong bear a child? If one were to count his age, he would be about 7 years old today…”

“Hmph.” The man beside her harrumphed. He was unconcerned: “That child…”


‘Thud’ A soft sound came from the carriage, the wheel had struck something. ‘Thump thud thump’ Something tumbled out from behind the magnificent and beautiful curtain, landing on the ground. The sunlight shining off of it was especially eye-piercing.

It was a pixiu tortoise. 2 [2] In case you guys are lost just like me lol, this is a carved piece of jade or stone used to ward off evil. It came up back in chapter 25… so long ago.

The two looked each other in the eye and both abruptly rushed forward, pulling aside the curtain—-

The strange fragrance within the carriage rushed out like a wave. However, it wasn’t the figure of a woman inside but rather, a seven-year-old child. He was barefoot and he sat on the table, letting his legs swing freely in the air. His black hair was draped over his shoulder and his eyes were a dark and turbid blackness. However, there seemed to be a red light reflected in his eyes that radiated cold killing intent and destruction.

The red light seemingly filled the entire carriage like it was a submerged within a bath of flames. The Soul Suppressing Bells suddenly started making a loud ruckus, directly pulling Bai Jin’s clothes up and down as it shook as hard as it could. ‘ding ling ling ling ling ling…..’

She widened her eyes: “This is….”

Mu Huaijiang dashed into the carriage, rapidly tossing out his dharmic tools and striking the boy in the chest. The boy was still young and unprepared, being knocked flying away by being struck. His face grew pale white as he started coughing violently with half of his body lying on the table, his long black hair covering nearly the entire table.

Mu Huaijiang raised his arms and pressed the boy’s arms behind him then pressed him against the ground. He reacted like a fish tossed onto a scale, struggling for its life. However, the red light already dissipated and his strength was only that of a weak and skinny kitty. All he had to do was use a little strength and he could break his spine.

Bai Jin felt cold sweat coating her back. She and Mu Huaijiang looked each other in the eye, noticing the astonishment in each other’s eyes.

For the Soul Suppressing Bell to be this agitated, it usually meant that there was a naturally born greater demon but this little thing was clearly not one.

“A half-demon.” Bai Jin’s dry lips cracked open.

Mu Huaijiang’s face darkened.

What kind of half-demon could possibly have such terrifying strength?

“Succubus.” He muttered to himself before a cold grimace was carved onto his face, “A succubus.”

So that was what was going on.

So, it was never some sort of rat hiding in a corner. It was all because of this young child.

If the original Taoist that made the report didn’t die, he would’ve wanted to drag him out and give him a taste of a blade.

Succubi and Resentful Banshees were both born within the same body and neither were existences that demon hunters would want to get on the wrong side of easily.

That would be the arrival of eternal night with no place to hide nor run. There would be no escaping the bleak and dark nightmare.

He lowered his head to look at the child pressed against the floor and his long, thick hair. His hair seemed to be glossy enough to reflect light, as sharp as any gem. His expression eased a little: “I had been wondering what kind of killing move she prepared but as it turns out, this was her trump card.”

This little one was the kite that allowed her to fly. She could send out this chess piece and control him completely at the tips of her fingers. He was her sharpest knife. He would become the puppet acting at the front whenever push came to shove.

—- Couldn’t he help her avoid a difficult situation right now?

Fortunately for them, this little monster lost in terms of age.

The young boy’s thin fingers spasmed and curled on the ground, his nails round and smooth. Bai Jin turned around to look at Marquis Qingyi who seemed to have just recovered from his shock. She paused for a moment before her expression turned complicated: “We’ve been chasing a demon’s energy and we arrived here, we apologize for startling your highness.”

“It is fine. Many thanks to you two for saving my life.” Marquis Qingyi loosened his collar and leaned against the carriage body. He looked at the little child on the ground with loathing in his eyes as he spoke in an apathetic tone: “Since that’s the case, what are you waiting for? Aren’t you going to kill this demon spawn?”

Bai Jin opened her eyes, trying to explain: “Your highness, this is different…”

“How is it different?” His long and narrow eyes seemed to be filled with great waves as he half closed his eyes: “If we kill it then we’re just saving ourselves from it coming out and causing trouble again.”

“Your highness, do you really not recognize him?” Bai Jin crinkled her brows, “He is of your flesh and blood…”

The little kid on the ground suddenly started to shake. He struggled to raise his head. Suddenly, his eyes caught a glimpse of the child’s eyes that were as clear and bright as the river of rushing water in spring.

The corners of his eyes curled up, light reflecting off of his beautiful limpid pupils.

The Marquis felt a spike of pain drill into his temples and he abruptly held his head, his eyes suddenly seeing stars: “Nonsense! This Marquis has always hated demonic creatures the most in my life, how could I have any such relation to him!”

Bai Jin and Mu Huaijiang looked each other in the eye once again. They felt a chill in the depths of their hearts: Amnesia Spell.

To a normal person, after they are inflicted with the Amnesia Spell, they would have their memories forcibly changed. It is a truly dangerous and vicious spell… for the moment they regain their memories, there is a rather large chance of dying.

She still wanted to continue discussing the matter when Mu Huaijiang pulled the corner of her clothes: “Your highness, please forgive us but we cannot kill this child.”

If they were to kill him Lady Rong would regain her powers and that would be the true arrival of their nightmares.

“Then hand him over to the Celestial Bureau.” He waved his hand as he called out, “Men, come—-”

“That won’t work either.” Bai Jing blurted out.

“Why?” Marquis Qingyi became annoyed. Especially since she had just poured a bucket of dirty water on him by trying to claim that the child on the ground was his son… His tone became even more forceful, “You are demon hunters, aren’t you all working to defend righteousness and the people? He nearly took off this Marquis’ life. Could it be that you’re making an exception for him due to personal feelings?”

Bai Jin’s expression changed as she pulled out a jade tablet, ignoring Mu Huaijiang’s face that clearly wanted her to stop. She handed the tablet to him, “Your highness, I’m willing to exchange the Mu family’s jade tablet for your highness to allow us to take him back to the Mu residence.”

Marquis Qingyi’s expression was indifferent. It wasn’t really clear as to why his opinion was so critical to the situation but it was clear that his residence had been caught in the claws of a demon. So, he truly needed this jade tablet.

He tidied up his clothes a little before closing his eyes in exhaustion.

“Then take him away.”


“Master!” Bai Jin caught up to him. She was hugging the thin boy, panting and out of breath as she arrived next to him. The young boy’s ragged clothes were completely covered with talismans. He looked like a hedgehog that had just been caught with his eyes staring at them unblinkingly. Somehow, there was hatred yet alarm coloring his eyes at the same time.

Mu Huaijiang walked speedily with an indifferent expression: “Throw him in jail and lock him up. If she still wants this trump card of hers, she will absolutely drop by eventually. When the time comes, both you and I will set up a Seven Killing Formation and wipe her out.”

“I just took a look, Master…” Bai Jin interrupted him. Her forehead was covered with a thick layer of sweat. Her eyes blinked weakly with a rare streak of light: “Extreme Yang Constitution.”

Mu Huaijiang stopped in place.

He understood her meaning immediately. He turned his head to look askance at her, “This is for Yao’er?”

This girl that bore the weight of the entirety of the family also possessed a body that demons coveted greatly. She had a fate that was almost certain to end up in disaster and it wasn’t something that could be prevented or defended against. Just like a thin and weak bean sprout being eaten and ripped apart by bugs before it even gets the chance to sprout.

No wonder she didn’t even hesitate in the slightest to use one of their family’s jade tablets, trying to bring him away.

“Both you and I cannot protect Yao’er forever…”

He hesitated for a moment then looked into the pair of dark eyes that radiated killing intent. Yet, he still felt some instinctual conflict: “But that won’t work either.”

No one would treat a tiger like a little kitty, feeding a tiger without worrying that it’d cause trouble? However, he kept thinking of Mu Yao…

“We have to make the best of the opportunities we are offered and act accordingly to the situation before us. Master, isn’t this what you taught me yourself?” Bai Jin’s eyes were exceedingly bright.“ As long as he doesn’t die, that resentful banshee will have no way to get out. As long as we can keep our hands around this trump card tightly, using it for our own purposes, wouldn’t that be more than good enough?”

Mu Huaijiang grabbed the child’s chin, a cold glint flashing through his eyes, “Once the Amnesia Spell is cast, he will become someone willing to sacrifice themselves for Yao’er for the rest of his life.”

Bai Jin finally smiled a little.

“What is your name?” She softly placed her cold hands on his snow-white forehead. His head rested against her chest, allowing him to smell the light scent of medicine wafting off her body.

Being hugged so warmly by this woman, the killing intent within his eyes seemed to slowly dissipate like the waves. Soon, he started to reveal a bit of blank naivety akin to that of a little animal.

“My name is Mu Sheng.” 3 [3] The Mu Sheng 暮笙 here is written differently from his current name 慕聲 but with the exact same pronunciation.

When he spoke, it sounded like music from a guqin.

Mu like the curtain of eternal night, Sheng like the flute used to play sad farewell songs. Taking his mother’s last name at birth but his birth merely symbolized all of the farewells and resentment of another.

“What a coincidence.” Bai Jin smiled bitterly yet she spoke warmly: “Our family’s last name is Mu and from today onwards, you’ll be called Mu Sheng.”

[1] Raised roof

[2] In case you guys are lost just like me lol, this is a carved piece of jade or stone used to ward off evil. It came up back in chapter 25… so long ago.

[3] The Mu Sheng 暮笙 here is written differently from his current name 慕聲 but with the exact same pronunciation.

TLN: Lolololol well well well. I wasn’t expecting to post this chapter until tomorrow but I guess Z had other plans huh lolol. It’s fine though. She’s been working hard on translating ahead while I’m lagging behind… by a lot. Aiya.

But yea, we’ve upped the chapter posts to two again o/ ……. which we should’ve done almost 2 months ago. Phew, so much has happened since.

Also dang, that second to last elegant paragraph was a truly far-fetched interpretation. Hopefully I managed to translate it into something similarly as smoothly elegant~

Make sure to thank Zzzzzzzzzzz for the hard work again! Wouldn’t be here without her.

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