The Hentai Protagonist System

Chapter 33 – Offline?! {Edited}

I left the bathroom feeling completely refreshed. There was nothing like taking a good long bath after a day as agitated as today.


‘That was just so good’


It was currently already late at night, a little past 22:30. For a lot of people that certainly wouldn’t be late, possibly even be just the beginning of the night, but for three pre-teens it was already at the very limit of what their mother would allow them to stay awake.


But considering how things went today, it was surprising that I still had energy enough to even think properly.


Yurika ended up spending the entire day with our family. Her parents apparently had their entire day busy with work, so Yuria invited her to stay with us. Yurika obviously called her parents and asked if it was okay, being the honest girl she was, and they had agreed.


We spent the entire day together, talking frivolities, playing games, watching shows, and doing basically anything that came to our heads. Personally, I would prefer just to choose something for the day and stick with it, but they seemed to be having so much fun that felt like being the bummer.


Naturally, she also ate with us, both lunch and dinner.


Yuria still seemed to be in a good mood, preparing more food than I and my sisters could eat, so having an extra mouth to eat didn’t hurt.


I also made sure to flirt with Yurika from time to time. Since she didn’t have much experience dealing with boys her age I thought that expressing my interest right now was important to establish the idea that I had an interest in her.


And it looked like I was right.


Every time that I mentioned how cute she was, Yurika would show an intense shade of red on her face from pure embarrassment, but also a lightly suppressed smile as well. She clearly was enjoying being complimented like that.


But it wasn’t completely smooth. Rina was looking at me with a very jealous look, clearly bothered by what I was doing. Anna-nee didn’t seem to mind much, but I could see sometimes that she was bothered as well.


Obviously, I held back a little of my compliments once I noticed that since it would be counterproductive to gain the affection of someone at the cost of pissing off and possibly alienating others.


It might not happen but still was better to be safe than sorry.


The most worrying reaction to my flirting with Yurika came actually from Yuria. At first, she didn’t react much, probably thinking that I was just trying to get on her good side, but as time passed she started to look at me with a more serious expression. It wasn’t like she was displeased with my action, but more like she was trying to figure out the why of my actions.


My situation with Yuria was still a little shaken, especially since we still had to discuss how our relationship was going to work from now on. So the moment I noticed her expression I stopped what I was doing.


Despite all of that, all of us had a relatively good time together.


By the time Yuria’s parents came back from work, we all were already comfortable with each other. She went back home after dining with us and promised to talk with us as soon as possible.


Not much happened after that.


We were all already a little tired, so the only thing left to do was to take a shower and go to bed. Our house had enough bathrooms that it wasn’t a problem if every member wanted to take a bath, so I didn’t have to wait for my time. Naturally that also diminished greatly the chances of me being forgiven for ‘accidentally’ waking in when they are changing. I learned that the hard way.


As I entered my room, wearing nothing but a towel around my waist, something that slipped my mind the entire day finally dawned on me.


‘Wait, how many hentai points do I have right now?’


Things had been a real roller coaster of emotions and actions since yesterday, with Yuria turning from conflicted to eager, the visit from Yurika, and talking with my cousins, not to mention of how trying to figure out Yuria’s behavior occupied my head.


I could be forgiven for forgetting about the system for a day or two.


‘But I still should think more about this thing’


The system was the best tool that I could possibly imagine to help me in getting the harem that I wanted and achieve a certain level of success in the future to sustain the women I cared for. Even if it wasn’t exactly a surprise that the events of the last couple of days distracted my mind, I still should try to make a bigger effort to pay more attention to the system.


Now was especially a good time for me to check the system.


Taking into account what Yuria had done with me earlier I was expecting to have gained a lot of points. Considering that I had gained 200 points before for just fondling Rina’s chest, I was expecting to have earned thousands of points by now.


Who knows? Maybe I can even buy all of the available skills already.


‘Time to know how is my situation. System, show me my status’


As soon as I issued that command that familiar screen appeared in front of me, what was in front of me caught me completely by surprise.


[Hentai Protagonist System]




‘...what the hell is this?!’

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