The Hentai Protagonist System

Chapter 35 – The Talk (Part I) {Edited}

I was caught by surprise by the sudden knock on my door. I wasn’t expecting to receive the visit from anyone, much less now that I had received such shocking news from the system.




“It’s me Takashi. Can I come in?”


There’s no way that I would ever mistake that melodious voice.


The person on the other side of the door is Yuria.


‘What is she doing here?’


I wanted to sleep so as to better reflect on the implications that my impending encounter with those two siblings, Eros and Anteros, might bring to my day-to-day life, but Yuria's sudden visit changed my priorities. I couldn’t simply just say to her go away, especially considering the way she was acting during Yruika’s visit.


A small part of me was hoping that we would continue our shenanigans from last night, but my rational part knew that she didn’t come here for fooling around.


So I gave her my permission.


“Sure Mom”


In cue with my words, the door opened and Yuria entered the room, causing me to lose almost all of the rational thoughts in my mind.


She was wearing the same nightwear from two nights ago, a one-piece white nightgown, that matched so well with her figure. Just looking at her current appearance was enough to make me feel my bloodstream race to my lower half.


I swear that I could actually feel my blood flowing to my crotch! That shouldn’t be possible, and that woman somehow made it possible.


The only thing that made me retain some form of rationality was the expression on her face. She wasn’t smiling and there wasn’t any trace of the playfulness, kindness, and lewdness I’ve seen this morning. She was actually frowning a little, but I couldn’t detect any sign of her being angry or displeased in any way.


Whatever reason she decided to come here, it was serious.


I had wondered before after she visited me two days ago if she had worn that piece of clothing to get in the mood or something like that, but apparently, it wasn’t the case. It likely is her usual nightwear.




She called my name again, and that’s when I realized that I might have been staring at her for longer than I thought.


She’s undoubtedly beautiful, but I had to stop acting like an idiot every time I saw her like that. Not having a lot of experience wasn’t going to be an excuse for my behavior forever.


“Sorry Mom. Y-you just caught me by surprise” I said.


“That’s fine” Yuria said.


“So, why are you here Mom?” I said, still hoping just a little to continue our activities from this morning.


“I think you already know the answer Takashi” she said in a no-nonsense tone.


The way she was carrying herself was a clear indication that she came here to discuss something of great importance. I knew that in my head, but I couldn’t help but think of giving continuation to our lewd activities from earlier.


A man can dream, can’t he?


I just sighed in resignation and sat on my bed. I patted it a little, inviting Yuria to sit at my side. She accepted my unsaid invitation, leaving just a small gap between us.


At this distance, I could smell her fragrance. It was just a little sweet, giving me an even greater to just jump on her. She likely just came out of the bathroom after taking a shower.


‘Focus man! Right now isn’t the time to lose your mind on her!’


Trying to keep myself sane, I just sat there and waited for Yuria to start talking. I could have begun, but I already said what I had to say in the living room yesterday.


It was her time to talk.


Yuria also seemed to be aware of that, since she didn’t instigate me to say anything or waited for me to talk. Instead, it looked more like she was gathering her resolve, trying to find the right words to say to me.


Finally, it came a point when she had gained enough resolve, so she looked directly at me and began talking.


“...So, how long did you feel that way?” she asked.


"Ever since I first saw you” I said, being completely honest.


I took some time for e to figure out what I had felt the first time I saw her. I could barely talk or look at her directly. Thinking back my behavior at that time was the source of great embarrassment for me. I want to create a harem and be surrounded by many women who love me and whom I can love back, but the fact that back then I stuttered in front of only one woman, regardless of how inexperienced I was or that I didn’t unlock all of the memories at that time, was nothing else but shameful of me.


I had a lot to grow, and I still have.


My answer caused Yuria to sigh, looking like she was suddenly exhausted.


“That’s what I thought. Looking back now there were signs of your feelings, but maybe was just unconsciously overlooking them” Yuria said.


“Wait, really?!” I said, genuinely surprised.


“You’re not as good at hiding your intentions as you think Takashi. Remember, I’m an adult with more experience dealing with people and your mother, so it isn’t that difficult for me to know what you’re thinking” she reminded me.


That statement brought me nothing but a helpless smile on my face. I couldn’t really find fault in her statement.


I might have the memories of two lives, but that actually didn’t help me much. My past life was mostly just about surviving one day at a time, and not of those moments required me to hide my intentions.


I was partially aware of my limitations at one point, but since Yuria had never before shown any sign of being aware of my hidden motives I eventually came to believe that I was successful in hiding them.


"Sorry for lying to you Mom” I apologized, feeling that there was no other way to answer.


“You have nothing to apologize for Takashi” she said in a surprisingly strong tone.


Her declaration was surprising to me. I was about to say something when she caught my head between her hands and pulled me close to her. For a fraction of a second, I thought that she would kiss me, but the direction she was leading me was a little different, just below her head and above her belly.


She enveloped my head in her plentiful breasts.


I wiggled a little, not trying to leave that pleasant spot, trying to see what kind of expression she was making.


To my surprise, she was smiling.


The same comforting and kind smile that I mostly associated with her.


“You never really lied to me Takashi. As I said, looking back there were signs of your feeling but you never really lied to me” she said.


“But Mom, aren’t you upset that I hid something so... important.. from you?” I asked.


The fact that she seemed to be okay with our situation and what I felt should make me relieved, but I had to ask her again for confirmation.


I had to be absolutely certain that she was okay with all of this.


“Hehehe, the fact that you are asking this question is the very reason why I am fine with it. You were hiding what you were feeling because you didn’t want to hurt our family, weren’t you?” she asked, showing a caring and loving smile at me.


...I couldn’t help but feel relieved and unbelievably glad that Yuria had managed to understand my intentions and feelings, even if only partially.


A great part of why I was trying to hide my intentions initially is certainly because I didn’t want to destroy the family that I had right now. Having regained the memories of my previous life, I came to know what it felt like to live a life without anyone that cared for me, which only made me appreciate what I had right now.


I didn’t want to risk living a life like that again.


“But, don’t you think that I feel is... wrong?” I asked.


This subject might look like it had been solved, but I had to be absolutely sure that there was nothing else left for us to solve.


“...haaah... Takashi, I won’t talk about this right now, but there are a few situations from my past that made me learn what something truly wrong looks like. So don’t worry, what you feel is certainly something that can be considered normal” said Yuria in an exasperated tone.


I wanted to ask her about this situation, but I had the feeling it would only sour the current mood between us. I had a certain idea from my memories regarding the original story, so for now I would stay quiet.


I probably should be glad that she was okay with my confession for the moment.


“I’m glad that you’re okay with this Mom” I said, feeling more happy than I could remember.


Surrendering my my urges a little I threw my arms around her, hugging her soft and warm body while burying my head in her bosom a little more. She also tightened her hold on me a little more, likely happy from my attempt to increase our physical connection.


Despite what she was wearing and my current position, I didn’t feel an uncontrollable urge to jump on her at this moment. I felt mostly relieved, but also a sense of comfort much greater than I ever felt before.


I was happy that our relationship wasn’t damaged.


After a few minutes, Yuria changed her position a little, so that we could lock eyes with each other again.


“Since things are going to change between us Takashi, there’s something that you need to promise me first” said Yuria softly.


The phrase was enough to make anyone understand the unsaid implications.


We would continue from where we stopped this morning. If not now, then very soon.


Suddenly that feeling of comfort started to disappear, being replaced with my usual desire for sex.


‘Okay, okay. Not yet. Control yourself just a little longer’


“Anything Mom” I said.


“I need you to promise that you will always be honest with me” said Yuria.


“Honesty?” I asked, just a little surprised.


“Yes, honesty. I know that you never really lied to me, but I still need you to promise me this” said Yuria very seriously.


...I don’t know why but for some reason a felt a strange apprehension, like I was about to fall into some kind of trap, but there was simply only one answer to her request.


“Of course Mom. I promise to always be honest with you” I said.


I never lied to her, and I don’t intend to start any time soon.


“Thank you sweety” said Yuria.


I could see that she was genuinely pleased with my answer, so for a second I felt relieved again.


But her next sentence made me understand why I was apprehensive before.


“What exactly are your intentions with Yurika and your sisters?” asked Yuria

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